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Learning to Swallow | Season 3 | America ReFramed | World Channel
Learning to Swallow
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About This Episode
Learning to Swallow is an intimate portrait of a resilient young woman, Patsy Desmond. A charismatic, emerging artist, the “it girl” seemingly had it all: admiring friends and lovers, a prestigious work assignment with an internationally renowned artist in New York City and the potential to successfully realize her dreams. And in spite of this, Patsy struggled with bipolar disorder too. A failed suicide attempt leaves Patsy unable to swallow and for the remainder of her life must receive sustenance through a food tube.
Over four rocky years, Patsy struggles to accept her physical condition and learns to deal with the life she now faces: recovery and healing. Her inability to eat and her emotional state transform her artistic voice in the process. Filmmaker Danielle Beverly captures Patsy’s raw honesty and wit even as she becomes increasingly frail. However, by the end of the film, hope and an undying spirit prevail. Patsy renews her pact with art and life.
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vt. 忍受;吞没 | vi. 吞下;咽下 | n. ...
adj. 浅的;肤浅的 | n. 浅滩 | vt. 使变浅...
vt. 忍受;吞没
vi. 吞下;咽下
n. 燕子;一次吞咽的量
n. (Swallow)人名;(英)斯沃洛
英语单词拼读规则 http://www.sprew... ... pi ll ow 枕头 swa llow 燕子 tro lley 有轨电车 ...
燕(子)[燕科(hirundinidae)鸟,参较band swallow, barn swallow, martin]
[ 'sw?l?u ]
a small amount of liquid food
the act of swallowing
small long-winged songbird noted for swift graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations
pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking
engulf and destroy
enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing
utter indistinctly
take back what one has said
keep from expressing
tolerate or accommodate oneself to
believe or accept without questioning or challenge
If you swallow something, you cause it to go from your mouth down into your stomach. 吞咽
You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B.
Polly took a bite of the apple, chewed, and swallowed.
Swallow is also a noun. 吞咽
Jan lifted her glass and took a quick swallow.
If you swallow, you make a movement in your throat as if you are swallowing something, often because you are nervous or frightened. (常因紧张或害怕而) 做吞咽动作
Nancy swallowed hard and shook her head.
If someone swallows a story or a statement, they believe it completely. 完全相信
They cast doubt on his words when it suited their case, but swallowed them whole when it did not.
to engulf or destroy as if by ingestion 吞并; 侵吞
Nazi Germany swallowed up several small countries
A swallow is a kind of small bird with pointed wings and a forked tail. 燕子
a bitter pill to swallow
- 来自原声例句
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中文翻译n.【鸟类】燕子。 One swallow does not make a summer. 一只燕子不成夏天,不可光凭偶然现象就下断语。 swallow dive 燕式跳水。 swallow coat 燕尾服。 swallow's nest 燕子的窝;燕窝;高处的东西;高地炮兵阵地,高地射击队[便衣队]。vt.1.吞,咽 (down up in)。2.轻信,囫囵吞枣地不加考虑。3.淹没 (up)。4.忍耐,忍受(侮辱)。5.收回(前言)。6.耗尽,用尽,消尽。vi.吞,咽。 Such stories are rather hard to swallow. 这种故事很难相信。 swallow hook, line, and sinker 〔美俚〕轻信。 The expenses swallow up most of the profits. 花费大而利润少。 swallow a camel 吞下骆驼〔隐忍无法无天的事情等〕。 swallow one's teeth 〔美国〕,swallow one's words 收回前言,认错道歉。 swallow the anchor 永远脱离航海生活;〔美俚〕离开美国海军。 swallow the bait 上钩,上当。 swallow up 吞下去;卷进去;耗尽。n.1.吞咽;一咽,一吞。2.胃管,食道;咽喉,喉咙。3.吸孔。4.【航海】(滑车等的)通索孔。短语和例子at one swallow 一口就。 have a small swallow食道狭窄。 take a swallow of 吞一口。adj.-able 可吞食的。&&&&斯沃洛群岛&&&&安石燕&&&&安哥拉燕&&&&一口就..&&&&swallow]吞钡; 吞钡&&&&巴哈马丽燕&&&&崖沙燕&&&&吞钡,钡餐&&&&家燕。 &&&&蓝燕&&&&黄石燕&&&&白臀树燕&&&&〔英国〕(在烟囱上作巢的)燕子。 &&&&崖燕。 &&&&刚果燕&&&&飘零燕&&&&干咽&&&&双飞燕&&&&容易吞服&&&&红额燕&&&&金燕子&&&&难以接受&&&&吞咽无力&&&&小燕子&&&&忍受难于忍受的事&&&&斯瓦尔纳
例句与用法Chew your food well before you swallow it .食物在吞咽前要仔细咀嚼。Swallows fly about , carefree and at liberty .燕子自由自在地飞翔。An angry billow almost swallowed that ship .怒涛几乎吞没了那条船。She swallowed her anger and carried on .她忍气吞声地继续进行下去。Lennie stopped chewing and swallowed .伦尼停止咀嚼,囫囵咽了下去。Everybody was swallowed up in the distance .每个人都消逝到远方。The dog disgorged the bone it had swallowed .狗吐出吞下的骨头。The jungle swallowed up the explorers .探险人员消失在密林里了。This deeper anxiety swallowed them up .更大的烦恼把它们淹没了。This deeper anxiety swallowed them up .更大的烦恼把他们淹没了。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释t "one swallow of the liquid was enough"; "he took a drink of his beer and smacked his lips"同义词:, , small long-winged songbird noted for swift graceful flight and the regularity of its migrationsa small a "a sup of ale"同义词:, believe or accept without ques "Am I supposed to swallow that story?"tolerate or ac "I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions"; "I swallowed the insult"; "She has learned to live with her husband''s little idiosyncrasies"同义词:, ,
"I swallowed my anger and kept quiet"take ba "He swallowed his words"同义词:, , ,
"She swallowed the last words of her speech" "The Nazis swallowed the Baltic countries"pass through the esophagus as part o "Swallow the raw fish--it won''t kill you!"同义词:, enclose or envelop completely, "The huge waves swallowed the small boat and it sank shortly thereafter"同义词:, , , ,
百科解释The swallows and martins are a group of passerine birds in the family Hirundinidae which are characterised by their adaptation to aerial feeding. Swallow is used colloquially in Europe as a synonym for the Barn Swallow.详细百科解释
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