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1997). The approach used here is based on the pioneering work of Proops et al, and producer substitutions between fuels, the model is necessarily partial equilibriumin nature, in that it makes no allowance for factor price changes that may arise from demand and out put changes. In equality may increase if the price changes are higher for those goods which form a larger share of the budgets of relatively low-income households. If the welfare of low-income households is more severely affected than the welfare of high-income households, then information about those distributional effects can be used to design compensating changes to the direct tax and transfer system.The aim of this paper is to investigate the likely orders of magnitude of the welfare and distributional effects of the price changes arising from a carbon tax in New Zealand. In order to allow for substantial population heterogeneity. It also concentrates on consumer demands. Such a tax is obviously designed to correct a market failure—the absence of a market for carbon dioxide—but it can also have unintended consequences. These intensities in turn depend on the fossil fuels used in the production of each good and the nature of inter-industry transactions, designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, operates by providing an incentive for consumers and firms to substitute away from those goods which have the highest carbon intensities. The prices of the more carbon intensive goods increase proportionately more than those with lower intensitiesA carbon tax. The Government is committed to such a tax as part of the policy package on climate change, which is designed to meet New Zealand’s greenhouse gas reduction target under the Kyoto Protocol. The proposed charge will approximate international emissions prices, are ignored here(allowance for such effects in the context of Australia are model led by Creedy and Martin, but will be capped at NZ$25 per tonne of carbon dioxide. The majority of carbon tax studies have concentrated one missions reductions using general equilibrium or macroeconomic models which allow very little disaggregation of the household sector. Hence possible changes to inter industry transactions, reflected in changes in coefficients of the input–output matrix. (1993) and Symons et al. (1994), but uses the type of demand system and welfare measurement developed by Creedy and Cornwell (1996, making extensive use of cross-sectional household expenditure data. These include the fact that the price changes induced by the tax may give rise to excess burdens. In addition, there may be adverse impacts on the distribution of welfare
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越南语(Ti?ng Vi?t),越南的官方语言。属南亚语系孟-高棉语族。主要分布于越南沿海平原越族(也称京族)聚居地区。使用人口有5000多万。中国广西防城县沿海京族聚居地区约有1万人使用越南语。
in ch&o. 您好。
Xin l?i. 对不起。
C&m ?n. 谢谢。
T?m bi?t. 再见。
H?n g?p l?i. 下次见。
Anh c& kh?e kh&ng? 你好吗?
T&i kh?e. 我很好。
T&i m?t. 我很累。
R?t vui ???c g?p anh. 很高兴见到你。
Anh t&n l& g&? 你叫什么名字?
?&y l& anh Peter. 这是彼特先生。
Kia l& ch? Linda. 那是琳达小姐。
Anh ?y l& b?n t&i. 他是我朋友。
T&i c&n ??c th&n. 我还是单身。
T&i ?& c& gia ?&nh. 我结婚了。
T&i c& 2 con: m?t trai, m?t g&i. 我有两个孩子,一个男孩,一个女孩。
D&y l& con trai t&i. 这是我的儿子。
?&y l& ch?ng t&i. 这是我先生。
C& ?y l& v? t&i. 她是我夫人。
T&i l& kh&ch du l?ch. 我是游客。
T&i l& ng??i Anh. 我是英国人。
T&i s?ng ? Lu&n ?&n. 我住在伦敦。
T&i t? Chicago ??n. 我来自芝加哥。
T&i l& ng??i Paris. 我是巴黎人。
Qu& c?a t&i ? Seoul. 我的家乡在首尔。
T&i kh&ng hi?u. 我不明白。
T&i hi?u r?i. 我知道了。
T&i kh&ng bi?t ti?ng Vi?t. 我不懂越南语。
T&i kh&ng n&i ???c ti?ng Vi?t. 我不会说越南语。
Xin n&i ch?m ch?m. 请慢点说。
Vui l&ng l?p l?i. 请重复一遍。
Vui l&ng n&i b?ng ti?ng Anh. 请说英语。
&Table& ti?ng Vi?t n&i th? n&o? &Table&用越南语怎么说?
&D? nhi&n& ng?a g&? &D? nhi&n&是什么意思?
Anh ??i m?t ch&t nh&. 你等一下好吗?
Xin ??i 5 ph&t. 请等五分钟。
??i m?t ch&t. 稍等。
Ng&y mai g?p l?i nh&. 明天见。
Ch&ng ta s? g?p nhau ? ?&u? 我们要在哪里见面呢?
Ch&ng ta g?p nhau ? ?&y nh&? 我们在这里见面好吗?
Xin l?i, ng&y mai t&i b?n. 对不起,明天我没空。
Xin l?i, c&i n&y bao nhi&u ti?n? 不好意思,这个多少钱?
L&m ?n t&nh ti?n. 劳驾,买单。
Cho t&i xem c&i kia. 给我看一下那个。
Ch? c& c&i n&o l?n h?n kh&ng? 你有哪个大点的吗?
T&i th&ch c&i m&u xanh d??ng. 我喜欢蓝色的那个。
H?i ??t. 有点贵。
??t qu&. 太贵了。
Xin ??ng n&i th&ch. 不要给太高的价钱。
T&i ch? xem th&i. 我只是看看。
???c, t&i mua. 好的我买。
?? t&i suy ngh?. 让我考虑一下。
Cho t&i ??n kh&ch s?n Rex. 带我去雷克斯宾馆。
Vui l&ng d?ng l?i ? kia. 请停在那边。
Vui l&ng r? ph?i. 请右转。
??n c?nh s&t ? ?&u ?? 警察局在哪里?
??i s? qu&n Nh?t ? ?&u? 日本大使馆在哪里?
T?ng l&nh s? Th&i Lan ? ?&u? 泰国领事馆在哪里?
???ng n&o ??n s&n bay? 哪条路到机场。
Xin cho xem th?c ??n. 请给我看一下菜单。
Cho t&i m?t t& ph? b&. 给我一碗牛肉粉。
Cho t&i m?t t& ?t. 给我一点红辣椒。
T&i kh&ng th&ch ng?t. 我不喜欢甜的。
Cho t&i m?t ly c& ph&. 给我一咖啡。
Vui l&ng cho th&m m?t chai bia 333 n?a. 再来一瓶333啤酒。
B&y gi? l& m?y gi? ?? 现在几点了?
B?y gi? 30 ph&t. 七点半。
H&m nay l& th? m?y? 今天星期几?
H&m nay l& th? ba. 今天星期二。
Cho t&i m?t v& ?i H& n?i. 给我一张去河内的票。
T&i mu?n mua v& n?m. 我要买一张卧铺票。
T&i mu?n mua v& kh? h?i. 我要买一张往返票。
Ph&ng v& m&y bay ? ?&u ?? 航空售票处在那里?
Bao nhi&u ti?n m?t v&? 一张票多少钱?
M?y gi? xe l?a ch?y? 火车几点启程?
M?y gi? m&y bay ??n? 飞机几点到?
H?i quan ? ?&u ?? 海关在哪里?
N?i g?i h&nh l& ? ?&u? 行李寄存处在哪里?
T&i mu?n xin m?t visa. 我要申请一份签证。
Xin l?i, tr?m xe bu&t ? ?&u? 不好意思,公交站在哪里?
G?n ?&y c& b?u ?i?n kh&ng? 附近有邮局吗?
G?n ?&y c& ch? ??i ti?n kh&ng? 这附近有换钱的地方吗?
T&i mu?n ??i 100 ?& la sang ti?n Vi?t. 我要把100美元换成越南盾。
?&y l& d?ch v? internet ph?i kh&ng? 这里可以上网吗?
T&i c& th? ??c email ? d&u? 我在哪里可以收邮件?
M?t gi? internet bao nhi&u ti?n? 上网一个小时多少钱?
? ?&u c& ph&ng tr?? 哪里能租房?
T&i mu?n thu& m?t xe ??p. 我想租一辆自行车。
M?t ng&y bao nhi&u ti?n? 多少钱一天?
T&i mu?n thu& m?t ph&ng ?&i. 我想租一个双人间。
?&y l& h? chi?u c?a t&i. 这是我的护照。
H&m nay tr?i n&ng qu&. 今天热死了。
Ng&y mai tr?i m?a kh&ng? 明天下雨吗?


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