what are thethe power of habitss of a horse?

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A Study on Cultural Differences in the Habits of Diets between the Eastern and Western Countries
文化差异在中西方饮食习惯中的体现.doc 12页
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  2017年考试的脚步越来越近了,抓紧每一分每一秒,好好复习。东奥小编每天为大家整理考试练习题,希望对大家高会复习有所帮助。   &The First Bicycle  1.The history ofthe bicycle goes back more than 200 years. In 1791, Count
de Sivrac (1) onlookers in a park in Paris as he showed offhis two-wheeled
invention,a machine called the celeriferé. It was basically an (2) version of
achildren's toy which had been in (3)for many years. Sivrac's “celeriferé” had a
wooden fram, made in the (4) of a horse, which was mounted on a wheel at either
end.  To ride it, you saton a small seat, just like a modem bicycle, and pushed
(5) against the (6) withyour legs — there were no pedals. It was impossible to
steer a celeriferé and it had no brakes, but despite these problems the
invention verymuch (7) to the fashionable young men of Paris. Soon they were (8)
races up and down the streets.  2.Minor (9) werecommon as riders attempted a final burst of(10).
Controlling the machine wasdifficult, as the only way to change (11) was to pull
up the front of the “celeriferé” and (12) it round while the front wheel was
(13)in the air. “Celeriferés” werenot popular for long, however, as the ( 14 )
of no springs(弹簧), no steering(方向舵) and rough roads maderiding them very
uncomfortable. Even so, the wooden celeriferé was the (15)of the modern
bicycle.The First Bicycle  第一辆自行车  The history of thebicycle goes back more than 200 years. In 1791, Count de
Sivrac (1) onlookers in a park in Paris as he showed off his two-wheeled
invention,a machine called the celeriferé.  (1) A. delighted B.cheered  C. appreciated D. overjoyed  【答案】A  【解析】空格要求填一个动词,根据句意,西夫拉克伯爵在公园向观众炫耀他的发明时,令观众非常高兴。而第1题的四个选项中,表达高兴的意思是词只有A选项,D选项也是高兴,但程度有点过,所以本题答案是A选项。  这句话的意思是:1791年,西夫拉克伯爵在巴黎的一个公园里向众人展示并炫耀了自己的发明,一架被称作“celeriferé”的双轮车。It was
basically an(2) version of a children's toy which hadbeen in (3)for many
years.  (2) A. increased B.enormous  C.extended D. enlarged  (3) A. use B. play  C.operation D. service  【答案2】D  【解析】第2题的四个选项都能填入空格中,但根据上下文的语义,这个双轮车应该是一个儿童玩具的放大版,所以,A、B、C三个选项都不适合,increased是纵向的增加,extended是横向的增加,enormous
单指巨大,而enlarged是整体扩大,所以本题答案选D选项。  【答案3】A  【解析】第3题能和介词in搭配的词有in use:在用,inoperation:运行中,in
service:服务中。根据上下文,符合语义的是A选项。  这句话的意思是:它主要就是一个使用了很多年的儿童玩具的扩大版。  Sivrac's “celeriferé” had a wooden fram, made in the (4) of a horse, which
was mounted on a wheel at either end.  (4) A. resemblance(相似物)  B. shape  C.body  D. appearance  【答案】B  【解析】根据语义,这个句子的意思是这个双轮车有个马形状的木框,那么第4题的四个选项中,只有B选项可以构成“inthe shape of”
,意思是“以……的形式”,所以本题答案选B选项。  这句话的意思是:西夫拉克的“celeriferé”有一个马形状的木框,两端分别装有一个轮子。To ride it, you saton a small
seat, just like a modern bicycle, and pushed (5) against the (6)with your legs —
there were no pedals.  (5) A. fast B. deeply C.heavily D. hard  (6) A. surface B. ground  C. earth D. floor  【答案5】D  【解析】第5题空格处要填一个副词,对push推、蹬这个动作加以补充说明,根据上下文的语义,这里要使劲蹬地才行,四个选项中,只有D选项“辛苦地”才符合语义,所以答案选D选项。  【答案6】B  【解析】第6题的空格处要填一个名词,根据上下文的语义,这个名词应该是地面的意思,四个选项中,B选项的意思是最接近的,所以本题的答案是B选项。  这句话的意思是:坐上一个小座位便可以骑了,就像骑现在的自行车一样,但双脚要使劲蹬地——因为没有脚踏板。  It was impossibleto steer a celeriferé and it had no brakes, but despite
these problems theinvention very much (7) to the fashionable young men of
Paris.  (7) A. attracted B.appealed  C.took D. called  【答案】B  【解析】第7题的空格要求填入一个动词,根据上下文,这个发明还是吸引了众多的年轻人。选项中的四个词中,语义含有吸引的词有两个,A选项attracted和B选项appealed,不过attract是及物动词,直接可以接宾语,而appeal是个不及物动词,必须和to搭配使用,所以本题答案是B选项。  这个句子的意思是:操纵方向和刹车也是不太可能的,尽管有这些问题,这个发明在当时还是吸引了许多巴黎时尚的年轻人。Soon they were
(8)races up and down the streets.  (8) A. going B.getting  C.holding D. making  【答案】C  【解析】第8题的空格要填一个动词,根据句子意思,不久他们就举行了各种比赛,选项中的四个词中,只有C选项符合语义,所以本题答案是C选项。  这句话的意思是:很快他们便举行了比赛,在街上到处骑。  Minor (9) werecommon as riders attempted a final burst of(10).  (9) A. wounds B. trips  C.injuries D. breaks  (10) A. velocity B. energy  C. pace D. speed  【答案9】C  【解析】第9题的空格要填一个名词,根据句子意思,受些小伤是常事。四个选项中,只有C选项的injuries符合语义,所以本题答案是C选项。  【答案10】D  【解析】第10题的空格要填一个名词,根据句子意思,当骑手尝试最后的冲刺加速时,四个选项中,只有A选项和D选项符合要求,但velocity是科学用词,所以本题答案选D选项。  这句话的意思是:当骑手尝试最后冲刺时,受到一些小伤是很普遍的事情。Controlling themachine was difficult, as
the only way to change (11) was to pull up the front of the “celeriferé” and
(12) it round while the front wheel was (13)in the air.  (11) A. direction B. route  C.heading D. way  (12) A. roll B. drive  C.turn D. revolve  (13) A. cycling B.circling  C. winding D. spinning  【答案11】A  【解析】第11题的空格要求填一个名词,根据句子意思,改变方向的唯一方法是拉起车子的前身,四个选项中,只有A选项符合语义,所以本题答案选A选项。  【答案12】C  【解析】第12题的空格要求填一个动词,根据句子意思,调转车头,四个选项中,只有turn可以跟round搭配,表示调转。所以本题答案是C选项。  【答案13】D  【解析】第13题的空格处要求填一个动词,根据句子意思,当前轮还在空中打转时,四个选项中,只有D选项符合语义,所以本题答案选D选项。  这句话的意思是:控制那台机器是很难的,改变行驶方向的唯一方法是拉起车前身,当前轮还在空中打转时掉转车头。 “Celeriferés” were not
popular for long, however, as the ( 14 ) of no springs(弹簧), no steering(方向舵) and
rough roads maderiding them very uncomfortable.  (14) A. mixture B.link  C. combination D. union  【答案】C  【解析】第14题的空格要求填一个名词,根据句子意思,结合了没有弹簧、没有方向舵等问题,四个选项中,mixture可以和of搭配,但后面都是具体的物质,link一般与with和to搭配,而union也可以和of搭配,但语义是合二为一的意思,只有C选项最符合语义,所以本题答案是C选项。  这句话的意思是:然而这种木制双轮车并没有流行很长时间,结合了没有弹簧、没有方向舵,以及遭遇不平整路段等问题,木制的双轮车骑起来十分不舒服。  Even so, the woodenceleriferé was the (15)of the modern bicycle.  (15) A. origin B. design  C. model D. introduction  【答案】A  【解析】第15题的空格要求填一个名词,根据句子意思,这个木制的双轮车是现代自行车的始祖。四个选项中,只有A选项符合语义。所以本题答案选择A选项。  这句话的意思是:尽管如此,这种木制的“celeriferé”还是现在自行车的始祖。  不积跬步无以至千里,不积小流无以成江海。预祝大家2017年轻松过关!  (本文是东奥会计在线原创文章,转载请注明来自东奥会计在线)
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What is necessary for a horse trainer?A.He can make the wild horse under control.B.He woul
What is necessary for a horse trainer?A.He can make the wild horse under control.B.He would not be disturbed by other disturbances.C.He can understand the horse's special habits.D.He needs to be patient and understanding.请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!
1All of the following ale true according to the passage EXCEPT ______A.in the wartime trained message pigeons can fly 500 to 600 milesB.hardships and dangers cannot block pigeon's instinct to return homeC.racing horses are able to learn much faster than other horsesD.the message paper is carried usually under the wings of the pigeons2What is the passage mainly about?A.Animals can serve people in many ways.B.The difference between trained dogs and normal ones.C.Man made use of animals long ago.D.Animals can bring pleasure to human beings.
确认密码:The Linguistic Habits of a New Generation In the year of 1914 a young girl named Monica Baldwin entered a convent(女修道院),remaining there until 1941 when she returned to the outer world. During these twenty-eight years wars and revolutions had come and gone in Europe. Her uncle, Stanley Baldwin, had led his country for some time. Technical developments had changed the conditions of everyday life almost beyond recognitions, but all these events had left as a matter of fact untouched the small religious community to which she had belonged. In 1949 Miss Baldwin published her impressions of those bewildering(令人困惑的)years of her return to a world in which the motorcar had replaced the horse and carriage and where respectable women showed their legs and painted their faces. Yet it was not only these odd sights that surprised her, for she was more puzzled by what she heard. During a railway journey the term “luggage in advance” meant nothing to her, so in desperation she asked the porter to do as he thought best. Reading the newspapers made her feel very stupid, because the writers of reviews and leading articles used words and phrases such as Jazz, Hollywood, Cocktail and Isolationism. These and many others were quite incomprehensible to Miss Baldwin, who was really bewildered when friends said: “It’s your funeral or Believe it or not.” This is a rare and valuable reminder to the rest of us that the English language does not stand still. All language changes over a period of time for reasons which are imperfectly understood. Or rather since speech is really a form of human activity, it is more exact to say that each successive generation behaves linguistically in a slightly different manner from its predecessors(前辈,祖先). In his teens the young man likes to show how up-to-date he is by the use of the latest slang(俚语), but as the years go by some of his slang becomes standard usage and in any case he slowly grows less receptive(乐于接受的)to linguistic novelties(新颖,新奇),so that by the time he reaches his forties he will probably be unware that some of the expressions and pronunciations now being used were frowned upon by his own parents. In this respect language is a little like fashions in people’s dress. The informal clothes of one generation become the everyday wear of the next, and just as young doctors and bank clerks nowadays go about their business in sports jackets, they are allowed into their normal vocabulary expressions which were once limited to slang and familiar conversation.71.Miss Baldwin found the world totally changed because. A.she had worked for a religious community for a long time B.she had been cut off from the rest of the world for many years C.the community where she lived had been in war for many years D.there had been too many technical developments72.During a railway journey Miss Baldwin. A.found the porter’s words hard to understand B.found her luggage too heavy to carry
C.did not know how to talk with the porter D.had to ask the porter to look after her luggage73.Young people like to use the latest slang because. A.they feel it is easier to use B.they believe it will soon become standard usage C.they want to show they have caught up with the time D.they find it more powerful in expressing feelings74.Miss Baldwin’s experience shows us that. A.the English language has not changed much B.the English language has entirely changed C.language doesn’t change at all in the religious world
D.language changes with the passage of time75.By the time a man is forty, he will. A.be speaking the same language as his parents do B.have changed his way of speaking C.not use the slang he liked to use when young D.be using less new slang in speech and writing相关试题


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