雷鸟浏览器商学院Thunderbird School of Global Management是什么学校

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Thunderbird School of Global Management-Business School
Thunderbird School of Global Management-Business School
雷鸟大学商学院,又称 雷鸟商学院。雷鸟商学院是一家全球知名的商学院,成立于1946年,是世界上第一家完全专注于国际管理教育的商学院,并逐渐发展成为全球公认的培养国际化商业领袖最成功,也最有经验的教育机构。雷鸟商学院从年连续 12年在《美国新闻与世界报道》的商学院排名中位居国际管理教育第一名,并在过去的7年中被《华尔街日报》评为国际管理教育第一名。《商业周刊》也将雷鸟商学院的EMBA项目评为国际管理培训领域的领导者。
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雷鸟学院非常看重中国市场。目前,雷鸟学院平均每年招收30名左右的中国学员,并将继续扩大招生规模。为更好服务中国地区,雷鸟学院分别于 1998年在上海和2004年5月在北京建立了常设办事机构,成为第一个在这些城市设立本地机构的美国商学院。
免费留学评估From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University (or simply Thunderbird) is a management school located in the United States and a part of . The school offers bachelor's and master's degrees and
programs in global management. The main campus is located in , at , a former military airfield from which it derives its name.
Thunderbird was founded independently in 1946 by
, and was acquired by Arizona State University in 2015. The school is known for its international network of alumni, of whom there are currently some 40,000.
Thunderbird School of Global Management seal
Thunderbird School of Global Management was founded in 1946 as The American Institute for Foreign Trade. The school was founded by
in Glendale, Arizona on the former World War II military airfield, , which was purchased by Yount from the War Assets Administration for one dollar, subject to the condition that the property be used for educational purposes for a minimum of 10 years. Yount became the school's first president when the school was chartered on April 8, 1946. Classes officially began on October 1, 1946 with 98% of enrolled students attending on the . The first degrees were awarded on June 14, 1947.
The institute focused on international management and was the first graduate school to train students in global business to work for the U.S. government or overseas for American businesses. Early in its history, Thunderbird implemented a language program focused on Spanish and Portuguese, using the same instructional methods the Army had used during World War II. The school also created an international studies program early on, focused initially on Latin America, but later expanding to include other parts of the world, such as Asia.
In the school's early years, Thunderbird awarded two degrees, a Bachelor of Foreign Trade and a Master of Foreign Trade, although after 1975 the school no longer offered the . The American Institute for Foreign Trade later changed its name to theThunderbird Graduate School of International Management before again changing its name to the American Graduate School of International Management in the 1970s.
Beginning in the 1990s, the school went by the name Thunderbird, the American Graduate School of International Management. After reaching a peak enrollment of around 1,600 in the 1990s, Thunderbird saw declining enrollment numbers in the 2000s. The school also saw a decline in the number of foreign students enrolled as a result of stricter visa rules.
In 2001, the school began to offer a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in International Management, replacing the previously offered Master of International Management. Three years later, the school changed its name to Thunderbird, the Garvin School of International Management, following a $13 million donation (part of a pledge that was originally planned to be $60 million) from alumnus Samuel Garvin. The same year, the school hired
to serve as president. Cabrera oversaw the school's 2006 adoption of their Professional Oath of Honor. The oath was developed with input from students and faculty and was considered by the school to be the first of its kind for business schools. Students sign the pledge upon graduation promising to act ethically and honestly in the business world (similar to the
taken by doctors).
Garvin's name was removed from the school's name in 2007. The school began to use the name Thunderbird School of Global Management, to focus on the Thunderbird brand and highlight the school's focus on global business. At this time, Garvin's name was given to the newly created position, the Garvin Distinguished Professor of Global Management Research, and was still used for the Garvin Center of Cultures and Languages of International Management and the Garvin Professorship of Entrepreneurship. As part of the transition to the new name, the school adopted its current logo of a
with a globe-shaped body.
In 2011, after efforts by a Thunderbird alumnus, Arizona began selling Thunderbird license plates. The following year, Larry Penley became the president of Thunderbird.
In March 2013, the school announced a planned partnership with
As part of the planned partnership, Thunderbird would remain a nonprofit organization, exempt from income tax as , but would establish a joint educational service company with Laureate, a for-profit company. This joint company would launch an undergraduate program and expand online programs. Undergraduate students would attend Thunderbird for the final year of their undergraduate degree program. The planned partnership would allow Thunderbird to host events at Laureate campuses worldwide and establish Thunderbird campuses abroad. The school announced Paris, Madrid, Brazil and Chile as potential sites. According to the school, Laureate would have no influence over academic decisions for the school. Thunderbird would also retain degree-awarding powers. However, Laureate would be given three seats on the school's board.
Under the agreement, Thunderbird would sell their campus to Laureate in a
agreement. The school would continue to operate from their Glendale campus, but would use the money from the sale to pay off its debts. Thunderbird alumni would have the option to purchase the campus from Laureate within two years or the school may repurchase their campus at the end of the twenty-year lease agreement. As well, Laureate and Thunderbird had planned to invest $20 million and $10 million respectively to provide for campus improvements.
The proposed agreement was protested by some Thunderbird alumni and board members who have expressed concern about the impact that the partnership will have on the school's reputation. In response, alumni in opposition of the proposed agreement signed an online petition in protest. Additionally, some alumni formed the Thunderbird Independent Alumni Association, which expressed concerns over the agreement. Following the announcement of the planned agreement, five Thunderbird board members and seven members of the Thunderbird Alumni Network board resigned. The proposed agreement was also supported by alumni and faculty whose statements have been presented on the school's website.
The planned structure change was approved by the school's board in June 2013, although The Higher Learning Commission of the , the school's regional accreditor, did not approve the proposal. Thunderbird had stated that they anticipated that the agreement would be approved, as other Laureate schools are accredited through the Commission.
As of January 2014, the school's president was Larry Penley and the school employed 48 faculty members.
In 2015, the school finalized an agreement with
to be integrated as a college within the university.
Thunderbird is described as a "unit" of the "Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise." A unit, in contrast to a school or college (but like an "institute"), is said to be focused broadly, developing and disseminating knowledge throughout ASU. Accordingly, Thunderbird retains its own logo and other distinctive marketing dress.
Thunderbird's flagship degrees have included the Bachelor of Foreign Trade (until 1975), the Master of International Management (until 2001), and an MBA in Global Management (through 2016). In the wake of its acquisition by ASU, Thunderbird will phase out the MBA (in order to avoid duplicating the program of ASU's ) and offer a three-semester Master of Global Management (modeled after the earlier MIM degree), and a two-year Master of Arts in Global Affairs and Management. The school also plans to offer graduate certificates in global management, global affairs, and global development.
The school's
programs date from the 1980s, and according to ASU president Michael Crow, will continue to be emphasized in the future.
Forbes ranked Thunderbird as the 54th best business school in the U.S. in 2011, and a 2012 report released by
ranked Thunderbird as the top international business program. Thunderbird was also ranked as the 5th most diverse school out of 82 schools surveyed, based on student responses about students' country of origin, gender and ethnicity. In 2013,
ranked Thunderbird's executive education program ninth overall based on corporate client feedback to The Financial Times. Also in 2013,
released ratings for online programs and gave Thunderbird a rating of "good", which was one step down from the publication's top rating of "excellent". In its 2014 rankings, published in 2013,
ranked Thunderbird as the best international business school in their annual rankings, marking the eighteenth consecutive year the school was named top international business program. In 's 2015 rankings, published in 2014, Thunderbird was ranked 85th for best business school, and second in the overall rankings for international business school.
The Thunderbird campus is located on the former World War II airfield . Located in Glendale, Arizona, a suburb of , the airfield was built in 1941 and was used to train pilots. The school has utilized the existing buildings on the airfield and many of the school's classrooms are located in the airfield's former barracks.
The airfield's
is still present on campus. Beginning in 2007, the tower underwent a restoration project at the urging of three Thunderbird students who raised $2.5 million for the project. The school was awarded the Ruth Bryne Historic Preservation Award by the city of Glendale for the renovation. The tower is currently occupied by the campus store, student lounges and a pub.
In 2011, one of the then-70-year-old airplane
on campus was removed. The building, named the Thunderbird Activity Center by the school, had been used for special events and exams, but was determined to no longer meet safety standards following an inspection of the campus.
Thunderbird also has campuses in Moscow, Russia, as well as Dubai, UAE and Geneva, Switzerland.
Other buildings on campus include the International Business Information Centre (IBIC), which is Thunderbird's library, and a dining hall for students. The school's campus also features a Welcome Wall, which was built in 1992, and displays greetings in different languages.
Students, alumni and faculty are often referred to as Thunderbirds or T-birds. As of Fall 2013, the school has 1,015 students enrolled, 530 of whom are enrolled in full-time programs. Of full-time students, 27 percent are women and 68.5 percent have come from locations outside the United States. Students run a school newspaper named Das Tor. Other student activities include Thunderbird's several sports clubs. One of the longest lasting is the Thunderbird Rugby Football Club, founded in 1976. The club regularly hosts a tournament, the Thunderbird Rugby Invitational, with other business schools from around the U.S.
Every year, one student of the graduating class is awarded the Barton Kyle Yount Award in honor of the school's founder and first president. The award is determined on the basis of scholarship, accomplishment and character.
Thunderbird has a number of notable graduates, including , , the current CEO and , former
and the current president of the . , the youngest American to visit all 193 United Nations member states, graduated in 2010.
Thunderbird has 40,000 alumni who work for more than 12,000 different organizations across 140 countries. The alumni association, the Thunderbird Global Network, was founded in 1984. The various chapters of the network hold monthly events for alumni.
Taylor Ellis (11 July 2013). .
. . 31 May .
. . 9 November .
Mike McCloy (11 June 1978). .
Kristena Hansen (27 August 2011). .
. thunderbird.edu. Thunderbird School of Global Management 2014.
Mandy Oaklander. .
Angela Gonzales (5 February 2007). .
Abe Jacob (2006). Thunderbird: Taking Flight in Global Leadership. Compass Group. pp. 79–81.  .
. . 26 May .
Eun-Kyung Kim (25 October 1992). .
. . 16 December .
Ellis, Taylor (July 11, 2013). .
2015. Garvin did give $13 million in cash toward the $60 million pledge, [...]
. . 28 April .
Francesca Di Meglio (23 September 2006). .
. . 25 September .
Della Bradshaw (6 February 2007). .
Angela Gonzales (5 August 2011). .
Mike Sunnucks (12 April 2013). .
Melissa Korn (9 July 2013). .
Elizabeth R Paul Fain (10 October 2013). .
Matt Symonds (15 July 2013). .
Louis Lavelle (30 July 2013). .
B.R. (8 July 2013). .
Della Bradshaw (10 July 2013). .
Louis Lavelle (30 September 2013). .
Francesca Di Meglio (12 March 2013). .
. <. The Princeton Review 2014.
. Arizona State University. December 19, .
Kurt Badenhausen (3 August 2011). .
Mike Sunnucks (14 March 2013). .
Geoff Gloeckler (28 January 2013). .
Angela Gonzales (13 May 2013). .
John A. Byrne (28 May 2013). .
. grad-schools.. U.S. News & World Report. .
. grad-schools.. U.S. News & World Report. .
. thunderbird.asu.edu.
. thunderbird.asu.edu.
. thunderbird.asu.edu.
. thunderbird.edu. Thunderbird School of Global Management. .
. <. Das Tor 2014.
. . 15 December .
Buzgar, Alina (February 12, 2015). . Thunderbird School of Global Management. Das Tor 2015.
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