浪费精力 英语英语怎么说

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浪费精力 双语例句1. 大部分人是浪费时间,精力和金钱去追逐一些并不是他们自己的需求。&&&&Most of us are wasting time, effort and money to chase after something, which is not our needs.2. 耗力分心的事会浪费掉你75%的精力。&&&&Up to 75% of your mental energy can be tied up in things that are draining distracting you.3. 耗力分心的事会浪费掉你75%的精力。&&&&Things that are draining and distracting you.4. 所有这一切,我都一无所有,但我还是做成了面包。这些事我将在下面再告诉读者。但在当时,我总算有了自己的粮食,这对我是极大的安慰,为我的生活带来了更多有利的条件。前面提到,没有适当的工具,一切事情做起来特别吃力,特别费时间,可是也没有办法。同时,我也没有浪费时间。我把时间分配得很好,每天安排出一定的时间来做这些事。我已决定等我收获了更多的粮食后再做面包,所以我还有六个月的时间;在这半年中,我可以运用我全部的精力和心血,设法制造出加工粮食各项工序所需要的各种工具。到时,有了足够的粮食,就可以用来制造面包了。&&&&When the Fire-wood was burnt pretty much into Embers, or live Coals, I drew them forward upon this Hearth, so as to cover it all over, and there I let them lye, till the Hearth was very hot, then sweeping away all the Embers, I set down my Loaf, or Loaves, and whelming down the Earthen Pot upon them, drew the Embers all round the Out-side of the Pot, to keep in, and add to the H and thus, as well as in the best Oven in the World, I bak'd my Barley Loaves, and became in little Time a meer Pastry-Cook into the B for I made my self several Cakes of the Rice, and P indeed I made no Pies, neither had I any Thing to put into them, supposing I had, except the Flesh either of Fowls or Goats.5. 但对于你来说最珍贵的,是为第一次白白浪费掉的时间和精力。&&&&But for you, the most valuable, for the first time wasted out of time and energy.6. 6. 老师在讲台上逐个地念名字,学生在讲台下认真地等念到自己的名字,这浪费了课堂时间和课堂精力。&&&&Teacher on the podium one by one to read the names of students at the podium, such as under the carefully read his name, this waste of classroom time and energy to the classroom.7. 7. 他们持有的观点是,减肥是在浪费时间、精力和金钱。&&&&They hold view that it is a waste of time, energe and money.8. 不想太无的放矢,浪费我的时间精力。&&&&I'm not strong enough to show an assuring Cherry to you all the time.9. 看起来是件愚蠢的浪费时间、精力的事。。。&&&&Seems to one such a stupid waste of energy and time...10. 55%同学;身体是本钱,每天锻炼增加体质,精力充沛,45%认为,浪费时间,让人疲劳,可能致伤,运动后过度兴奋影响学习,我的观点是;在生理上:1体育锻炼是增强体质的最积极、有效的手段之一。2体育锻炼能改善神经系统的调节功能,提高神经系统对人体活动时错综复杂变化的判断能力,并及时做出协调、准确、迅速的反应;使人体适应内外环境的变化、保持肌体生命活动的正常进行。&&&&S Physical capital is a daily increase in physical exercise, energetic, 45% believe that a waste of time, people fatigue, possible injuries, over-excited after exercise affect learning, physiologically: a sports training to strengthen their physique of the most active and effective means. Two physical exercise can improve the regulation of the nervous system function, improve the nervous system of human activities complex changes in the judgment, and make timely coordination, accuracy, keep the body adapt to the changes in the internal and external environment, to maintain the body's normal life activities conducted.11. 我早就跟你说网络游戏会浪费你的时间和精力。&&&&&&I have told you the Internet games would take you too much time and energy.12. 12. 我以为做这样的事是浪费时间和精力。&&&&&&I think such kind of thing is a waste of time and energy.13. 但我跟他们不一样,我以为做这样的事是浪费时间和精力。&&&&&&But I am not one of them. I think such kind of thing is a waste of time and energy.14. 如果您拨错了这里,您所有的时间和精力可能会被浪费。&&&&&&If you make a mistake here, all of your time and effort might be wasted.15. 15. 我在这个项目浪费了时间和精力。&&&&&&I wasted my time and my effort on this project.16. 我在这个项目浪费了时间和精力。&&&&&&A: I wasted my time and my effort on this project.17. 17. 另外一个先觉条件是学会辨认谈判的机会,如果没有这一点,可能会浪费很多时间和精力。&&&&&&Trying to negotiate is only worthwhile if there is the prospect of success.18. 浪费精力在线翻译18. 他是诚实的,他不会无谓的浪费他的时间和精力。&&&&&&H he does not like to waste his time and energy.19. 浪费精力的近义词19. 她是诚实的,她不会无谓的浪费他的时间和精力。&&&&&&S she does not like to waste his time and energy.20. 20. 他是诚实的,他不会无谓的浪费他的时间和精力。&&&&&&H he does not like to werete his time and energy.浪费精力是什么意思,浪费精力在线翻译,浪费精力什么意思,浪费精力的意思,浪费精力的翻译,浪费精力的解释,浪费精力的发音,浪费精力的同义词,浪费精力的反义词,浪费精力的例句,浪费精力的相关词组,浪费精力意思是什么,浪费精力怎么翻译,单词浪费精力是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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