
  为表诚意,马甲都不穿直接大号上阵了。  帮朋友求助的,有关毕业论文的那点事。她导师布置了一篇英语论文要她译成中文交上去,而她家里出了点急事在处理未来一个星期内都无法上网翻查资料亲译,之前拜托帮忙的朋友也放了鸽子,反正最后就是各种找不到人帮忙。。。  而我又是个四级都没过的英语学渣渣,有心而无力。但作为一个常年厮混天涯的天涯er,果断求助我大涯叔啊~~  Soso,如题,求英语学霸的天涯er们帮忙翻下这篇文章,嫌工程量大的话可以每个同学翻译一段(重点!!!!!!!),然后我自己整合。   苍茫的天涯是我的爱~让我看到你们的涯友爱呀~T.T
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  文章在这里!!!! 看过来筒子们!  How to motivate problem employees  ·   Author(s):  Desmond Daly (Department of Management, School of Business Administration and Economics, California State University, California, USA)  Brian H. Kleiner (Department of Management, School of Business Administration and Economics, California State University, California, USA)  Citation:  Desmond Daly, Brian H. Kleiner, (1995) "How to motivate problem employees", Work Study, Vol. 44 Iss: 2, pp.5 - 7  Abstract:  The first step in dealing with a problem employee for a supervisor is to ask the question “Is there really a problem employee or does the problem lie with me?” Examples of this can include a supervisor who is intimidated by an employee because that person is more capable. Also a person may seem untouchable since they may be from a minority or have long seniority with the company. Additional reasons can include a supervisor who feels sorry for the employee or has a friendship with that person resulting in that employeebeing treated differently and encouraging problem behaviour. Other employees′ behaviour will also be impacted on since they see this different treatment and may grow to resent it – thus affecting their workperformance.  Keywords:  Employees, Management techniques, Motivation, Troubled?employees  Article  Problem managers  The first step in dealing with a problem employee for a supervisor is to ask the question “Is there really a problem employee or does the problem lie with me?” Examples of this can include a supervisor who is intimidated by an employee because that person is more capable. Also a person may seem untouchable since they may be from a minority or have long seniority with the company. Additional reasons can include a supervisor who feels sorry for the employee or has a friendship with that person resulting in that employee being treated differently and encouraging problem behaviour. Other employees′ behaviour will also be impacted on since they see this different treatment and may grow to resent it – thus affecting their work performance.  Managers must always remember that they are responsible for a subordinate′s performance. Before pinning blame on the employee they must ask themselves what they may be doing that may contribute to the employee′s poor performance.  A final issue for managers to understand is that all people do not see the world in the same way and that they should attempt to look at it from their employees′ point of view.  Recognizing the problem employee  A problem employee needs to be identified as soon as possible, so that the corrective action can be taken immediately when problems are still minor. “The problem employee is irritating, frustrating, and embarrassing to his manager”[1, p.3 ]. A manager who ignores the problem employee will possibly overreact when he finally takes action, because the situation is no longer avoidable.  Some common types of problem employees to look for are:  People who do not show up for work and cheat on their time – the time wasters, the bathroom hiders, the lunch lizards. People with bad attitudes – the backstabbers, wedge drivers and busybodies who undermine the boss[2].  These people can also be listed as “the sniper, the complainer, the exploder, the know‐it‐all, and the passive”[ 3]. Regardless of which list you use, or what you call these people, their behaviour must be addressed as soon as possible in order to minimize their negative effect on others and the organization.
  Expectancy theory  One of the best theories to motivate all employees is expectancy theory. The theory basically states that “an individual has the highest motivation to put forth the greatest effort if he or she believes the effort will lead to good performance, and the good performance will lead to preferred outcomes”[4]. In the case of problem employees they have a negative expectancy or doubt that effort will lead to performance or that performance will lead to outcomes. Also, problem employees may not like or want the outcomes associated with performance.  The nine Cs as proposed by Walter Newsom, a professor at Mississippi State University, are a useful way of using the expectancy theory in a practical manner. These nine Cs are questions that a supervisor should ask when a problem employee is detected:  ·? Capability: “Does the employee have the capability to perform the job well?”[4]. Too often managers assume that people have the capability to do the job assigned to them and leave them alone. New employees, especially, need to be watched carefully, to ensure that they are not floundering, because they are new to the task. An active role by the supervisor will build the capability of the new hire until the supervisor can take a more passive role. If this active role is not taken, a new employee may quickly become a problem employee and take up much more of the supervisor′s time later in corrective action.  ·Confidence: “Does the employee believe he or she can perform the job well?”[4] Confidence is the perception one has of their ability and directly affects capability. Managers sometimes assume that ,because a subordinate knows how to perform a job, they can do it when they may not have the confidence to do it. Managers can avoid this problem by expressing confidence in the subordinate, which will eliminate the passive employee.  ·Challenge: “Does the employee have to work hard to perform the job well?”[4] Jobs that are so easy for the employee that they can do them in their sleep usually result in employees working as if they are asleep. Problem employees must be made to take responsibility for their work and expand the meaning of their work with job enrichment. In production lines, which have traditionally little challenge) quality circles make employees responsible for the quality of their work, which in turn lets them be treated as responsible adults. Managers should be aware that individuals perform best when they have the capability as well as the confidence to do the job, and they′re challenged”[ 4]. In other words a manager should make sure that any problem employee has the right balance between capability and confidence with challenge in their job, and correct the mix where necessary.  ·Criteria: “Does the employee know the difference between good and bad performance?”[4 ]. A common misconception by managers is that they assume that the difference is obvious. In numerous cases people are fired for bad performance when they feel they have been performing satisfactorily. A simple method to solve this problem “is for the manager and employee each to list four or five major responsibilities of the employee′s job according to importance. Compare the two lists. This can reveal major discrepancies in their understanding of job responsibilities, as well as daily reality in the office of which a manager might be unaware”[5]. When an employee is new or is a problem, it is critical that positive performance be commended and negative performance be specifically addressed in a constructive manner. “Some managers dislike saying anything critical. They hope subordinates figure it out for themselves and change. Effective managers don′t hope – they act”[4].  ·Credibility:“Does an employee believe the manager will deliver on promises?”[4]. The most effective managers are those who deliver on their promises, no matter how small a promise and to whom they gave it. However, many managers forget what they said, or were lying for convenience.  Problem employees often arise because they were promised rises, bonuses or
promotion for good performance and the manager does not come through. A manager must first obtain approval for any promise he may give outside his authority, so that the promise can be acted on.  Conversely, threats which a manager may make need to be followed through to preserve credibility. Any threats that a manager makes need to f otherwise they lack force and authority. Problem employees need to believe in the promises (threats) made to t otherwise they will not take that manager seriously. New managers who take over problem employees need to take scrupulous care that all promises and threats are fulfilled to the letter, since even a minor deviation will be seen as a weakness.  Consistency:“Do subordinates believe that all individuals receive similar preferred outcomes for good performance and similar less preferred outcomes for poor performance?”[ 4]. Many managers treat all employees the same (usually badly) and think that this is consistency. Rather, it means that the good performers are treated equally better and bad performers treated equally negatively at the same level.
  ·   A problem employee can result from mixed signals being sent by a manager. For example, one employee who is constantly late may never be reprimanded while another might be disciplined for being one minute late.  ? Compensation:“Do the outcomes associated with good performance reward the individual?”[4 ]. Many managers make the mistake of thinking that money is the only compensation and forget that employees also look to nonmonetary rewards for their good performance. “Recognition and praise on the job are so important that one in four workers surveyed by Motivational Systems of West Orange, New Jersey, said they would leave their current jobs to work – at the same salary and benefits – for another company with a reputation for giving special notice and appreciation”[6].  The most overlooked source of compensation for an employee is a simple “Thank you”. Many bosses believe that their pay is enough compensation to keep employees happy and that same – uniform per cent across the board rises will continue to keep employees happy. Many managers have no control over the monetary rewards and so wash their hands of any responsibility to be involved in the compensation of employees without examining alternatives such as recognition programmes.  ·? Cost: “What does it cost an individual, in effort and outcomes forgone, to perform well?”[4 ]. Some managers assign projects to employees without taking into account that employee′s life outside the company. For example, giving a task that takes many evenings and weekends or an employee going to MBA school. That employee will become a problem employee simply because he cannot devote the time necessary to school and work.  ·Communication: “Does the manager communicate with the subordinate?”[4]. This is the most critical element in the nine Cs since none would work without it. Many supervisors believe that communication means talking at an employee, when in reality it also means listening to the employee. Most problem employees have very little communication. Thus, communication, using the nine Cs, is the main way for a supervisor to turn a problem employee around. The nine Cs can be used by a manager as a diagnostic tool in understanding employee motivation.
  Performance appraisals are an excellent way for a manager and a problem employee to communicate as long as the following guidelines are observed:  ·? Develop clear, understandable, measurable objectives for each position.  ·Make performance appraisal a year‐
ound way of life.  ·Link the process to positive development planning.  ·Educate appraisers about performance purposes and practices[ 7].  Effective performance appraisals can bridge the communication breakdown that often leads to problem employees. A well designed appraisal system can communicate the organization′s objectives and motivate employees.  Conclusion  The nine Cs are an easy to understand tool for using expectancy theory in dealing with a problem employee who needs to be motivated. Like any tool it needs to be modified to meet the needs and circumstances of the manager and the problem employee. Expectancy theory is only one of many theories that a manager should be familiar with when supervising employees. It should, however, be stressed that the theory should be used in a proactive and not a reactive manner and before an employee becomes a problem employee.
13:42:42  翻译专业路过→_→最讨厌的事就是翻译,没有之一→_→  -----------------------------  QAQ
13:43:42  淘宝花钱可以找到吧  -----------------------------  是吗。好的,我去瞅瞅。。
13:41:27  淘宝花钱吧,在这里估计找不到吧,这也太长啦  -----------------------------  脑袋duang了,发帖的时候没想到,谢谢筒子的建议。。正在淘宝寻找店铺。
13:47:21.0  脑袋duang了,发帖的时候没想到,谢谢筒子的建议。。正在淘宝寻找店铺。  —————————————  作为英语专业的我们根本不爱做翻译啊…所以还是找淘宝省事  
13:55:50  两千多字,可能得花三百块左右啊,你要找不到人给你翻,联系我,我知道一家翻译公司,翻得速度很快,因为我从上面翻译过。  -----------------------------  求私信~
13:55:50  两千多字,可能得花三百块左右啊,你要找不到人给你翻,联系我,我知道一家翻译公司,翻得速度很快,因为我从上面翻译过。  -----------------------------  @刺猬小姐q秦颜安
13:57:42  求私信~  -----------------------------  你不要是闹着玩的哦,你要是没有翻译需求,我这边很难做的,人家公司会说我提供虚假信息。
13:51:39  @刺猬小姐q秦颜安
13:47:21.0  脑袋duang了,发帖的时候没想到,谢谢筒子的建议。。正在淘宝寻找店铺。  —————————————  作为英语专业的我们根本不爱做翻译啊…所以还是找淘宝省事  -----------------------------  T.T 淘宝找了下。算了下价钱。这篇译完大概两三百。钱包君在哭泣啊。。。我还是找翻译器自己试着拼拼。到时可不可以请你帮我调整下语序之类的。。
13:55:50  两千多字,可能得花三百块左右啊,你要找不到人给你翻,联系我,我知道一家翻译公司,翻得速度很快,因为我从上面翻译过。  -----------------------------  @刺猬小姐q秦颜安
13:57:42  求私信~  -----------------------------  @总有小民想害朕
14:03:44  你不要是闹着玩的哦,你要是没有翻译需求,我这边很难做的,人家公司会说我提供虚假信息。  -----------------------------  噢噢。好吧。我以为你是说靠谱的淘宝店铺。所以说求个私信我去看看。。。那不用联系了。我决定自己试试翻译器拼凑。三百块钱对于我们来说还是略心疼,毕竟也不是大论文只是导师布置的作业而已。。谢谢你啦~
13:55:50  两千多字,可能得花三百块左右啊,你要找不到人给你翻,联系我,我知道一家翻译公司,翻得速度很快,因为我从上面翻译过。  -----------------------------  @刺猬小姐q秦颜安
13:57:42  求私信~  -----------------------------  @总有小民想害朕
14:03:44  你不要是闹着玩的哦,你要是没有翻译需求,我这边很难做的,人家公司会说我提供虚假信息。  -----------------------------  @刺猬小姐q秦颜安
14:06:10  噢噢。好吧。我以为你是说靠谱的淘宝店铺。所以说求个私信我去看看。。。那不用联系了。我决定自己试试翻译器拼凑。三百块钱对于我们来说还是略心疼,毕竟也不是大论文只是导师布置的作业而已。。谢谢你啦~  -----------------------------  额,淘宝店铺会比翻译公司正规?翻译公司会给你报价的,不过你要是不需要就算了。
14:09:11  都没有空格的啊!!!??  -----------------------------  有啊。我空格了啊。QAQ 筒子你要试试手吗。。不求多。帮我翻译一两段就好了。
14:23:03  闲的无聊要不帮忙翻翻?  -----------------------------  QAQ 太好了。等的就是筒子你这样的小天使了。翻完以后你胸前的红领巾会更鲜艳哟~  整篇工程量太大,只求你帮我翻译几段就好。(゜▽^*))
14:26:36.0  QAQ 太好了。等的就是筒子你这样的小天使了。翻完以后你胸前的红领巾会更鲜艳哟~   整篇工程量太大,只求你帮我翻译几段就好。(゜▽^*))  —————————————  没事啦,就是我不会私信,你把微信或者扣扣私我?  
    这。。。翻译器翻的是个什么鬼啦!!。。。虽然我英语战五渣,但也还没有屈辱到觉得这种翻译也能用的地步啊。。。  T.T 继续求学霸们的涯友爱,每人翻译一小段,合起来就是我的一整篇。  为什么不用淘宝花钱翻,因为苦逼学生党看看卡里的余额已哭晕在厕所了。。。
14:31:27  @刺猬小姐q秦颜安
14:26:36.0  QAQ 太好了。等的就是筒子你这样的小天使了。翻完以后你胸前的红领巾会更鲜艳哟~  整篇工程量太大,只求你帮我翻译几段就好。(゜▽^*))  —————————————  没事啦,就是我不会私信,你把微信或者扣扣私我?  -----------------------------  已私。
  T.T 小天使们你们在哪里
14:13:00  @等待天晴守护希望4:09:11  都没有空格的啊!!!??  -----------------------------  有啊。我空格了啊。QAQ筒子你要试试手吗。。不求多。帮我翻译一两段就好了。  —————————————————  我手机上看的所有字母都挤一堆,没有空格,看了头晕  
14:13:00  @等待天晴守护希望2015-05-
  都没有空格的啊!!!??  -----------------------------  @等待天晴守护希望
15:03:24  有啊。我空格了啊。QAQ筒子你要试试手吗。。不求多。帮我翻译一两段就好了。  —————————————————  我手机上看的所有字母都挤一堆,没有空格,看了头晕  -----------------------------  我私信你?真心实意求帮助。QAQ
<span class="count" title="
<span class="count" title="
请遵守言论规则,不得违反国家法律法规回复(Ctrl+Enter)英语题目,拜托拜托啦!实在是~~~~不会做啊~~~~~~~~~~~SOS··~教教我!~新手,刚注册,只能5分啦 见
英语题目,拜托拜托啦!实在是~~~~不会做啊~~~~~~~~~~~SOS··~教教我!~新手,刚注册,只能5分啦 见很急!马上要用!快~用介词填空He runs faster than all ____ us in our class.Go ____ yhis street,then turn right.The middle school is ____ your left.Can you blow ____ the candle on the cake?判断句子是否正确,错的要改正Who's at duty today?______________________
1.of2.along on3.out将at改成on.
与《英语题目,拜托拜托啦!实在是~~~~不会做啊~~~~~~~~~~~SOS··~教教我!~新手,刚注册,只能5分啦 见》相关的作业问题
On Business Etiquette in the Cross-cultural Communication
did well in
go have sing read get ride tellHi,Rose.I (came ) back from a visit in Hyde Park yesterday evening.It ( was ) beautiful.We ( went) there yesterday morning.On the
1 have been waiting 现在完成进行时表示正在进行的状态,你的选项表明动作已经结束,实际上依然在等待2 不定式表将来,你的选项是正在进行中3 be afraid to do sth 固定搭配,对做某事感到害怕,be afraid of doing 表示不情愿做某事4 完成时被动语态,你的选项being
英语作文有几个要注意的分别是 词汇的准确使用(25%),逻辑的合理性(20%),句子的正确性(25%),以及文章内容(30%)是否符合要求.大概看了一下你的文章,首先这是一篇作文不是一个问题的答案,您这种分点式的回答虽然一定程度上思路比较清楚,但是不符合大家常见的写作习惯(比如你写中学作文这么写肯定不合适),所以这一点
第一题will改成would(过去将来时),第二题b,第三题b 再问: (⊙o⊙)…为什么这样做,解释一下吧,还有您的答案好像和4楼的不一样耶(按时间先后)求解释 再答: 嗯哪,第二题后半句说“她去年去了那里”,可得她还没有回来,所以用“has gone to”,第三题must情态动词表推测,后面要加动词原型,所以排除
你说的对,因为有the only只能用that.如果是去掉only,只能用in which.
你是要教材的课文还是其他练习听力?推荐你两个网站 普特英语听力和VOA英语,很不错呦,你会喜欢的!
1,to say,不定式做定语2,it taks time.凡事都需要时间.3,Why not write3,to talk with.talk with sb...同样是不定式做后置定语
下面只是参考!有些地方有错误! 看我这么辛苦还不给分就伤心拉!美国社会保障制度由社会保险、社会福利、社会救济三部分组成.美国自30年代建立保障制度以来,已形成庞大的社会保障体系,其主要特点是: (1)适时建立和逐步完善社会保障体系.本世纪初,随着工业化的发展、生活水平的提高,在美国引起了人们对老年生活的普遍关注.30年
错与对,改正错误 再问: 答案再问: 我做好了,拜托对一下答案,只要说t或f 再答: 都是f
Fwaswith a very colorful history(出处:Unit 6 Reading第一段)cut;down 或 have;cut加油!
1、B、offered 过去式表示被动,是被帮助时说"Thank you"or"It's kind of you2、C、Passing注意疑问词为What,而不是how.可翻译为"是什么使他高兴",用passing动名词3、D、Seldom Seldom 使句子倒装,从而出现了do4、C、in honour of 意思
1.my favourite star:介绍一位你喜欢的明星2.my partner:介绍你的搭档(一般是好朋友)3.our school:描述你的学校(用写信方式)4.my family:谈谈你的家庭5my weekend :周末做些什么6.my school day :在学校的一天7.my favorite ani
发题呀 再问: 真快 再答: 谢谢你,题呢?再问: 再问: 这个恩 再答: 3,to go 再答: Yes,I'd love to 再答: 4,1) would like再问: 恩?然后。 再答: 2)Yes,pleaseNo,thanks3)She would like to help me with maths 再


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