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策略游戏共计869 款软件
史诗战争模拟器2(Epic Battle Simulator 2)是由Rappid Studios推出的策略游戏,可以完全部署你的军队,看布娃娃效果和多人游戏模式!
COMPAS : 战斗神意解析系统(コンパス:戦闘摂理解析システム)是由NHN PlayArt Corp推出的日系动作卡牌MOBA游戏,基本都是3V3对战玩法为主!
《二维征服(Planar Conquest)》是Wastelands Interactive制作发行的一款策略战棋游戏!超过40个科技点,给你的主的具体优点或缺点,并将允许你调整你的性格!
玩具冲突(Toy Clash)是三星Gear VR设备专用游戏之一,玩家需要通过布置防御塔来防守自己的基地,而是派遣玩具士兵进行对抗,进行反击敌人!
我的冒险狗(My Diggy Dog)是由King Bird Games推出的策略冒险类游戏,玩家操控马蒂进行追逐主人的梦想!
石头推车(Corocco Truck)是由Itach lab是由推出的策略游戏,整体是一款脑洞清奇的游戏作品,希望你有一个愉快的周末。
坦克杀手专业版(Frag the tanks)是由Hoodwinked Studio推出的战争策略游戏,游戏模式非常新颖,感兴趣的玩家千万不要错过了!
《深城(Deep Town)》是由Rockbite推出的免费独立游戏,玩家作为一个AI机器人,你的唯一目的是收集,建造和复制。
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0.6.0-Added animation for when sleeping til night/day-Added weapons dealer, soon to be quest surrounded with him-Made Map, Game Stats, and Journal sprites, soon to be implemented.-Made menu texts vector (improved graphics)-Added separate song for when time is night-Stop boss hand portal from dissapearing halfway through the cutscene-Stopped alchemy shop screen from staying on screen when you exit the building.-Fixed glitch where if you died in the boss hand fight they would freeze and be immortal when you returned
Notes and Credits (added by jamiewinter)
CHANGE-LOG0.5.9-Fixed bug where speed potion effects would stay after flag clicked-Fixed bug where disembodied hands would dissapear-Changed speed potion sprite, credit to firesorcerer.-Changed the way the mute function is scripted to prevent glitching-Removed achievement- good night.-Made it so fire in burned village clones instead of having multiple sprites.-You now cant escape the cave whilst fighting the dragon-Fixed glitch where dragons fireball wouldnt appear.-Made it so the text telling you to allocate stats only lasts 10 seconds.+Added traits- the first being multidirectional swordsmanship. These
cost 5 stat points to unlock.0.5.8-Slightly improved goblin AI so that when in water they come straight back out.-Settings menu now available ingame-Added ability to mute sound-Changed skin screen texture-Changed achievement screen texture-Changed stat screen texture and minor stat screen fixes-Changed health up and strength up textures-Changed 'fishing spot' sprite, creD-Changed color of old rod text to make easier to read.0.5.7-Stopped clipping through walls whilst red tint (from being hit) is apparent.-Added WASD Support and Settings Menu.-Stopped boss hand spawning in lake area and any other areas where it obstructs the scenery.- Fixed all boss hand spawning issues.-Changed the way cutscenes are scripted.-Fixed glitch where you could exit the walls of the childs house and be stuck.0.5.6-FIXED GLITCH WHERE SPEED POTION WOULD DUPLICATE(THE WHOLE INVENTORY IS NOW GLITCH FREE =)-Changing graphics of sunbeam town-Portal no longer remains after boss hand, however the particles remain as the sealed remnants of the battle...+Fixed inventory glitch where items would randomly move around the screen.-SPEED POTION NOW WORKS! Just click on it whilst in inventory.(stackable up to 5)(50 gold each)DOUBLESPEED!!!+You can now fish! (WIP)- Changed locations of the berry bushes in the first town- Bug tested and fixed!+ Added campfire which will be used to cook meat including fish- Made menu and title screen look better
0.5.5-Minor bug fixes-made boss hand fight a bit better (WIP)-stop berries from going to inventory -will work on inventory soon-berries now aren't picked if at max health-Now text saying drago health instead of variable
(0.5.4)Im going to be working on this for 2 hours finishing off things and making stuff better starting at half 1 on thursday the 10th april. 3,2,1 GO!
Stuff done so far-Changed colour of the sword instructions writing-fixed bug where you could walk during the dragon ending cutscene+A bit more non-mandatory dialogue (alchemy guy)-changed title screen+added a tiny bit more grass in sunbeam town (it takes ages to get lots done with all the side changes)FINISHED
(STILL 5.4)+ tunnel to stonebrook town+ inventory + 1 potion+ Improved graphics in pix's house
V0.4.4+ added menu+ added skin menu with new skins (unlockable via achievement)- tweaked drago- tweaked GUI- bug fixes-reduced lag+ dialogue WIP
v0.4.3+ added another house+ added a pack of goblins (wip ai)+ added more land- script clearup- berries now heal you when picked ( when the inventory system is created you will have to &eat& the berries to gain health- bug fixes- exposed sea- movearound- script clearup/ removal+ added further things the kid says after accepted the disembodied hands quest- bug fixes+ added a HARD to beat black slime along with another berry bush- improved cutscene icon- pix now tries to escape water when in contact
V0.3.3+ added achievements+ added an achievement for beating the dragon+ added achievement: hero- bug fixes+ added achievement: Big Ten+ added achievement: berry picker- exposes some of the sea+ added more land+ added achievement: Good night+ added a new achievement: Black gelV0.3.2+ added some land and enemies under the burnt village+ added more land+ added another quest with an & avenge the fallen& style.+ added the disembodied hand and monster dens - fixed stat screen positioning- fixed infinite lvl glitch+ added more land- enhanced leveling up.+ added another disembodied hand.- bug fixes- cleaned up scripts- started working on goblins with a clever ai
V0.2.2+ added another sentence to the help screen- changed level cap to 10- altered the stat button- Little kid only speaks after the quest when you press e and are touching him- minor tweaks- bug fixes
V0.2.1+ added a house+ added a help button to the menu screen+ added a fully functioning quest with slimes+ added a chameleon creature who in a future update could fight for you+ added lvling up with stat changes (note, the max is lvl 2, I will increase this though).+ added non quest blue slime spawning- bug fixes0.1.1-Minor bug fixes0.1+ added title screen+ added a graphical updat
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by jamiewinterbackup
by Poplurmoss
by Mcwicky
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creating a new sprite《Kc the Good Little Diggy Dog Who Does Naughty Things...Is Going Home》 Dale Hayes【摘要 书评 试读】图书
没有Kindle设备?,或者下载免费 。
出版社: FriesenPress (日)
平装: 32页
语种: 英语
21.6 x 0.2 x 21.6 cm
This is the story of KC, the good little Diggy Dog who does naughty things. KC lived in a shelter and, like all the other Diggy Dogs, he dreamed about being adopted by Mommy and Daddy. Then one day, Mommy and Daddy came to the shelter and picked him out of all the other Diggy Dogs. He was so happy to be going home to begin his new adventures. His loveable, curious and adventurous nature often gets him into naughty situations.
此商品在美国亚马逊上最有用的商品评论 (beta) (可能包括""的评论)
My son's favorite book!
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表版本: 平装
My 3.5 year old son will not go to bed at night without first hearing about KC, the good little diggy dog!
- 已在美国亚马逊上发表版本: 平装
This is such a heart warming book. My Lil one loves to hear the story about KC. We have recued our dogs and they are amazing and forever greatful!
Kc the Good Little Diggy Dog Who Does Naughty Things...Is Going Home [平装]
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