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Advertisment ad adsense googles4被浏览113分享邀请回答2添加评论分享收藏感谢收起World Community Grid enables anyone with a computer, smartphone or tablet to donate their unused computing power to advance cutting-edge
on topics related to health, poverty and sustainability. Through the contributions of over 650,000 individuals and 460 organizations, World Community Grid has supported 29 research projects to date, including searches for more effective treatments for cancer, HIV/AIDS and neglected tropical diseases. Other projects are looking for low-cost water filtration systems and new materials for capturing solar energy efficiently. &
Advancing scientific discovery
World Community Grid has enabled important scientific advances in cancer treatment and clean energy. Our research partners have published over 35
in scientific journals and have completed the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of years of research in less than a decade. World Community Grid is the biggest volunteer computing initiative devoted to humanitarian science, and is as powerful as some of the world's fastest supercomputers.&
On the cusp of current trends
World Community Grid brings together volunteers and researchers at the intersection of computational chemistry, open science and citizen science - three trends that are transforming the way scientific research is conducted. In 2013, World Community Grid also became one of the first major volunteer computing initiatives to enable mobile computing on Android smartphones and tablets.
An award-winning program
The pioneering work done on World Community Grid has been recognized internationally with awards including the Computerworld Data+ Editors Choice Award, Business in the Community Coffey International Award, and the Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility's Asian CSR Award.
Who are we?
Started in 2004, World Community Grid is a philanthropic initiative of , the corporate social responsibility and philanthropy division of IBM. Through Corporate Citizenship, IBM donates its technology and talent to address some of the world's most pressing social and environmental issues.


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