
上传用户:qjhnvxvtdt资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)本文从我国中小型制作企业运营表里部情况及成长近况、定单式中小型制作体系的实际运作须要和MTO/MOS组织与优化掌握建模实际研讨近况等方面动手,沿着“归结定单式中小型制作企业临盆体系建模拟真要素一树立相符实际临盆纪律的临盆构造仿真模子一获得年夜样本量试验数据一再归结影响临盆输入的重要身分一再建模并验证一依据建模与仿真提出治理战略”的思绪,从随机不肯定前提下临盆体系运作特点和临盆构造建模拟真、落成期猜测和交货期决议计划、筹划投产决议计划和定单排产三个方面临人任务业体系的临盆筹划和优化停止了研讨。研讨重要内容有:(1)随机不肯定前提下临盆体系运作特点和临盆构造建模拟真研讨中,总结以后研讨近况和调研珠三角中小型制作企业的治理形式,在跟踪典范临盆线运转进程,搜集相干定单和临盆数据的基本上,研讨人任务业体系的临盆组织治理和流程,总结随机不肯定前提下这类体系的运作特点和形式,进而采取列队论和随机实际等联合赋时着色Petri网建模对象,仿真人任务业体系临盆构造和定单临盆流程,针对人员所控制的技巧数目分歧、技巧熟习水平分歧等情形评价仿真体系人员的应用率和落成期更改情形,经评价仿真数据与现实临盆数据可以得出,应用临盆现实与树立仿真模子相联合的办法,既可以设置多种输出前提,疾速灵巧地获得样本数据,又可以免实际采样数据的工资搅扰,应用仿真模子为后续研讨供给模子和数据支撑是有用的办法之一。(2)落成期猜测和交货期决议计划研讨中,起首对影响落成期的身分停止了定量和定性剖析,重点针对功课形式身分的影响,以产物批加工周期为目的函数,在传统公式中立异性地引退学习率要素,树立了三种形式加工周期公式,并停止进修率、工序时光差和产物批年夜小的敏理性剖析,依据落成期影响身分剖析,终究选择产物定单数目、产物品种、工艺难度、功课形式、废品率、原资料供给状态、临盆线以后负荷率、装备毛病率、装备负荷、产物能否须要制造模具十个身分作为落成期猜测的重要影响身分;最初,立异性地提出应用BP神经收集模子树立落成期猜测模子,经由过程年夜量落成期数据练习并停止实例验证,应用Matlab分离对影响落成期的最重要身分,如临盆线负荷、定单批量,停止了敏理性剖析,最初综合斟酌正常临盆下的定单价钱、交货期,和临盆企业或客户可接收的定单价钱和客户请求的交货期等8种前提下,应用该落成期模子提出了定单式中小型企业肯定定单交货期的战略和办法,能较有用地指点我国中小型制作企业停止现实临盆理论。(3)筹划投产和定单排产决议计划研讨中,起首在比拟能否斟酌工人进修率的两种情形下,以临盆本钱最小化作为决议计划目的提出筹划投产量模子,从交货期由临盆企业肯定和由客户肯定或客户与临盆企业配合肯定两种情形,剖析和树立定单排产的利润模子,采取灰色联系关系度剖析引入混杂定单排序模子,综合剖析定单完成时光、库存本钱、过期处分本钱,优化临盆流程的差别产物定单组合,最年夜水平下降差别定单批量临盆本钱。对定单式中小型制作企业的临盆运作具有极年夜的理论指点意义。最初,对全文所做的任务停止了总结,并对将来的研讨偏向停止了瞻望。本课题的研讨获得国度天然迷信基金赞助项目:定单式临盆人任务业体系(MTO/MOS)组织与优化研讨(项目编号:)的赞助。Abstract:This paper from the actual operation of the small production system of small and medium-sized enterprises to make operation of the internal and external environment and development status, in order to master the MTO/MOS organization and optimization modeling of the actual research status and other aspects of work, in order to &down along the small production enterprise production system modeling and simulation of a production simulation model to establish structural elements in conformity with actual production one important discipline identity Nianye sample test data input after repeatedly repeatedly attributed to influence modeling and verification based on Modeling and Simulation of proposed control strategy& from random thoughts, refused to set under the premise of production operation and production characteristics of system structure modeling simulation, completion and delivery period of speculation decision, planning production decision order scheduling and the three aspects of the production task industry system planning and optimization of the study. The important content of research are: (1) the random uncertainty simulation research production system and production operation characteristics of building structure under the premise, summarizes the governance form of research and investigation in the Pearl River Delta small production enterprise, in the tracking model of production line operation process, collect production data and coherent order basically, research task the system of organization governance and industry production process, summarize the characteristics and forms of random uncertain operation under the premise of this kind of system, and then take the queue theory and random practice combined with timed colored Petri net modeling object, simulation of human task industry system structure and production process of production orders, according to the number of skills differences, control personnel familiar with skills the level of different situations such as personnel evaluation system simulation application rate and completion period of change, the evaluation of simulation data and actual production data can be obtained, should be With actual production and establish the simulation model of combined approach can not only set a variety of output premise, rapid dexterity to obtain sample data, and can free actual sampling data of wage interference and application simulation model for the follow-up studies provide a model and data support is useful way of. (2) the completion period of speculation and delivery decisions, first of completion period identity stopped quantitative and qualitative analysis, focusing on the influence of homework form identity, the product batch processing cycle as the objective function, the rate of learning in the traditional formula of neutral elements specifically set to retire, three kinds of processing cycle formula and stop, learning rate, process time difference and product batch size sensitivity analysis, based on the completion period of the impact analysis, status influence ultimately product number, product variety, order form, homework process difficulty, scrap rate, raw material supply, production line after the equipment failure rate, load rate, load equipment if you need the product, mold manufacturing ten identities as complete at first, innovation of the application of BP neural network model to establish the completion period of speculation Mold, through a large number of completed data practice and stop the instance validation and application of MATLAB separation affect the completion of the most important identity, such as production line load, order batch, stop the sensitivity analysis, first consider the normal birth order price, delivery, and production enterprises or customers can receive the order price and customer request the delivery time of 8 kinds of premise, application the completion period model proposed orders of small and medium enterprises must order delivery period, the strategy and measures, can be more useful to guide small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises in China and the realization of theoretical give birth to stop. (3) planning and operation of the order scheduling decision research chapeau in comparison can consider workers learning rate to two kinds of situations, to minimize the cost of production as the purpose of the resolution plan put forward planning investment yield model, from the delivery by the business to give birth and by certain customers or customers and production enterprise with two kinds of situations must, analysis and establish order row of profit model, by of grey relation degree analysis into mixed order sequencing model, comprehensive analysis of order completion time, inventory costs, overdue punishment cost, production process of different products order combination optimization, the level of the eve of the decreased difference order batch production cost. Has great theoretical guidance significance to order in small and medium sized manufacturing enterprise production operation. First, do the task were summed up and the future research interests are prospected. This topic research for National Natural Science Fund sponsored project: orders of parturient mission system (manual operating system making to order) organization and Optimization Study (project number:
of sponsorship.目录:摘要4-6Abstract6-7目录8-11Contents11-14第一章 绪论14-22&&&&1.1 研究背景14-15&&&&1.2 研究问题15-16&&&&1.3 研究的目的和意义16-17&&&&&&&&1.3.1 研究目的16-17&&&&&&&&1.3.2 理论和实践意义17&&&&1.4 研究内容17-18&&&&1.5 技术路线和结构安排18-22第二章 文献综述22-31&&&&2.1 关于随机不确定条件下人工系统建模仿真与优化控制研究22-25&&&&2.2 关于完工期预测和交货期决策方面的研究25-26&&&&2.3 关于计划投产决策和订单排产方面的研究26-28&&&&2.4 关于工人学习曲线方面的研究28-29&&&&2.5 现状总结和问题分析29-30&&&&2.6 本章小结30-31第三章 人工作业系统生产结构与仿真31-48&&&&3.1 人工作业系统生产结构特点和模式31-37&&&&&&&&3.1.1 人工作业系统生产结构特点31-34&&&&&&&&3.1.2 人工作业系统生产结构模式34-37&&&&3.2 人工作业系统生产结构仿真37-47&&&&&&&&3.2.1 赋时着色Petri网(TCPN)37-38&&&&&&&&3.2.2 人工作业系统TCPN模型38-43&&&&&&&&3.2.3 仿真与评估43-47&&&&3.3 本章小结47-48第四章 人工作业系统的完工期影响因素分析48-59&&&&4.1 完工期的内涵及影响因素分类48-49&&&&4.2 客户订单特征对完工期的影响49-50&&&&4.3 作业模式对完工期的影响50-57&&&&&&&&4.3.1 不同作业组织模式特点及其加工周期分析50-54&&&&&&&&4.3.2 影响因素和敏感性分析54-57&&&&4.4 生产线其他因素对完工期的影响57-58&&&&4.5 本章小结58-59第五章 人工作业系统完工期预测与交货期决策59-76&&&&5.1 BP神经网络预测方法简介60-63&&&&5.2 基于BP神经网络的完工期预测63-67&&&&&&&&5.2.1 BP神经网络用于完工期预测建模的基本步骤63-64&&&&&&&&5.2.2 BP神经网络完工期预测的实现64-65&&&&&&&&5.2.3 BP神经网络预测完工期的结果分析65-67&&&&5.3 不同条件下完工期预测模型的敏感性分析67-70&&&&&&&&5.3.1 生产线负荷变化情况下的完工期预测敏感性分析67-69&&&&&&&&5.3.2 订单批量变化情况下的完工期预测敏感性分析69-70&&&&5.4 交货期决策70-74&&&&&&&&5.4.1 决策的理论与方法70-71&&&&&&&&5.4.2 订单交货期决策问题描述71-72&&&&&&&&5.4.3 订单交货期决策策略72-74&&&&5.5 本章小结74-76第六章 人工作业系统计划投产决策与订单排产76-92&&&&6.1 订单计划投产决策76-83&&&&&&&&6.1.1 问题描述76-77&&&&&&&&6.1.2 不考虑工人学习率的计划投产量决策模型77-79&&&&&&&&6.1.3 考虑工人学习率的计划投产量决策模型79-81&&&&&&&&6.1.4 应用实例81-83&&&&6.2 基于交货期决策的订单排产研究83-91&&&&&&&&6.2.1 订单排产模型的建立83-85&&&&&&&&6.2.2 交货期决策主体不同的订单排产问题85-87&&&&&&&&6.2.3 混合订单排序的灰色关联度分析87-91&&&&6.3 本章小结91-92总结和展望92-95参考文献95-104攻读学位期间发表的论文104-107致谢107-108附录108-135分享到:相关文献|费用:&&45元(真人CS) 45元(骑马)
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