
A flute A printing acid accumulator accumulator acid antitarnish paper asbestos base paper acetone alabaster paper air-proof paper autochion printing paper accumulator tank accumulator accumulator relief acacia false (Robinia psendon cacia L.) antique-eggshell paper acetic acid anhydride acetic acid acetate rayon acetate fiber acetyl cellulose acetate acetate film accelerating agent accelerant access time anopisthographic block book ammunition paper albumin paper albumenized paper archival paper antique-glazed paper antique paper aligning paper atlas paper address label paper animal tub-sized paper asphalt saturated paper asphalt moisture proof paper asphalting paper asphalt paper asthma paper anti-fungicide paper anti-corrosion paper antifalsification paper anti-rust base paper anti-tarnish paper anti-tarnish paperA级瓦楞纸波形数 A级印刷纸(含漂白磨木浆) (酸液)回收锅(或槽) (亚硫酸盐制浆)回收酸 保光泽纸 钡地原纸,照相原纸 丙酮 薄纸 不透气纸 彩色印刷纸 储存槽,回收槽,污热水槽 储存槽,回收槽;蓄电池;污热水槽 储存槽排气,回收槽排气 刺槐;洋槐 粗糙表面仿白纸粗糙表面仿白纸 醋(酸水)解 醋酸 醋酸人造丝 醋酸纤维 醋酸纤维素 醋酸盐;醋酸酯;醋酸根(或基) 醋酸盐胶片 催速剂,促进剂 催速剂,促进剂,加速剂 存取时间,选取时间,信息发送时间 单面印刷的木版纸 弹药筒纸 蛋白胶纸 蛋白胶纸,蛋白纸 档案纸 低光泽纸 低光泽纸,仿古纸 地图纸 地图纸,绘图纸,印图纸 地址标签纸 动物胶表面施胶纸 防潮纸,沥青纸 防潮纸,沥青纸 防潮纸,沥青纸 防潮纸,沥青纸,柏油纸 防喘纸 防霉纸 防蚀纸 防伪造纸 防锈原纸 防锈纸 防锈纸 anti-rust paper antitarnish paper absorbing capacity pad agate paper allogator imitation paper antique book paper antique-printing paper antique-cover paper antique-bristol paper artificial parchment agate marble paper anti-falsification paper artificial parchment paper art vellum analytical filter paper apricot paper air-dried paper acer anti-fusion paper accessory autographic transfer paper autotype paper acoustic paper advertising paper arsenical paper air paper air-mail paper accepted chips product accepted chips stock acceptability acceptance sampling system acceptance sampling system test accepted chips accepts acceptable fiber amber laid paper ash content artist's illustration board accounting machine paper adding machine paper autograph paper accident prevention accelerated ageing accelerator accelerated oxidation adhesive paper acacia (Acacia)防锈纸 防锈纸 防震垫 仿大理石纸 仿鳄皮纸 仿古书籍纸 仿古印刷纸,低光泽印刷纸 仿古整饰封面纸 仿古整饰光泽厚纸 仿硫酸纸 仿玛瑙大理五石纹纸 仿伪造纸 仿羊皮纸 仿羊皮纸 分析化学用滤纸 粉红色水果包装纸 风干纸 枫树,槭树&BR&acetal 乙缩醛,乙醛缩二乙醇 服装剪裁用纸 附件;零件 复印纸 复制纸,影印纸 隔音纸 广告纸,招贴纸 含砷纸 航空信纸 航空信纸 合格产品 合格浆料 合格率 合格率抽样系统 合格率检查 合格木片 合格品;良浆 合格纤维 琥柏条纹纸 灰分纸张 绘图用厚纸 计算机用纸 计算机用纸 纪念册纸 技术保安措施 加速老化 加速器,促进剂 加速氧化 胶粘纸 金合欢(属) acacia gum absolute unit absolute humidity absolute alcohol humidity absolute temperature absolute alcohol temperature absolute alcohol dry armature paper abrasion resistance abrasive resistance accessibility air-filtration paper azure laid(writing) paper accumulation abieteae(Abietoideae) abies asphalt laminated paper asphalt coated paper asphalt base paper acid accumulator filter aluminum-foil backing paper aluminum laminated paper aluminum-castling paper aluminum-dusted paper aluminum-coated paper aluminum paper automobile tire roll paper abaca(Musa texilis) art-poster paper art paper art-cover paper alabaster paper abrasive grain abrasiveness abrasive acrion abrasion abrasive alkali-proof paper age resistant paper abrasion test abrasion tester abrasive tester acid accumulator fastness anti-acid manila paper acid-proof paper acid resistant paper anti-acid paper金合欢胶 绝对单位 绝对湿度 绝对湿度 绝对温度 绝对温度 绝干 绝缘纸 抗磨性能 抗磨性能 可及度 空气滤纸 蓝条纹书写纸 累积,蓄积,储积,堆积 冷杉(亚科),松亚科 冷杉属 沥青层合纸 沥青涂布纸 沥青原纸 滤酸器 铝箔衬纸 铝箔夹层纸 铝衬纸 铝粉纸 铝涂布纸 铝纸 轮胎包装纸 马尼拉麻,蕉麻 美术广告纸;美工宣传纸 美术纸,铜版纸,涂料纸 美术装饰纸 名片纸 磨(料)粒(度) 磨蚀 磨蚀作用 磨损,磨蚀 磨损的,磨蚀的 耐碱纸 耐老化纸 耐磨试验 耐磨试验机 耐磨试验机 耐酸度 耐酸马尼拉纸 耐酸纸 耐酸纸 耐酸纸,抗酸纸 accidental error amplitude response recording paper air-knife coated paper air-tight paper automobile-bag paper acid accumulator alizarin dye all rag paper all-wood paper accelerated weathering artificial leather paper antiseptic paper abrasive paper abrasive base paper abrasive fiber aluminum (electrical)insulating paper aluminum wall paper aluminum diaphragm paper asbestos paper avenue paper accordion fold articulating paper art-drawing paper aquare(le) paper abienol abietic acid abietate abietene accelerated cement acid accumulator insoluble lignin acid accumulator extract acid accumulator group acid accumulator lignin acid accumulator bath acid accumulator halide acid accumulator chloride acid accumulator alum acid accumulator bleaching acid accumulator dye(stuff) acid accumulator liquor acid accumulator line acid accumulator fortitying system acid accumulator circulation acid accumulator composition autotype pigment paper autographic stencil paper addition agent additional agent偶(然误)差 频率感应记录纸 气刀涂布纸 气密纸 汽车袋用纸 茜素染料,1,2-二羟基蒽醌染料 全棉纤维纸 全木浆纸 人工加速风干 人造革纸 杀菌纸 砂纸 砂纸原纸 砂纸原纸用纤维 石棉(电)绝缘纸 石棉壁纸 石棉隔膜纸 石棉纸 食品包装纸 手风琴式折纸法 双面复写纸 水彩例纸 水彩图画纸,水彩画纸 松香醇 松香酸 松香酸酯 松香烯 速凝水泥 酸不溶木素 酸抽提 酸根(或基) 酸木素 酸溶;脱酸槽 酸性卤化物 酸性氯化物 酸性明矾 酸性漂白 酸性染料 酸液 酸液管道 酸液强化系统 酸液循环 酸液组成 碳素纸 誊写版蜡纸 添加剂 添加剂 asphalt sheathing paper art board ash filter paper ashless filter paper ash less paper absolute alcohol acid accumulator free acid-free paper alpha-writing paper alpha printing paper active paper absorb absorption measurement absorption band absorption spwctrum absorbent absorption rate absorbing capacity absorbing capacity power absorption ability absorptive capacity absorptivity absorbency absorber absorption tester absorbed water absorbing capacity column absorbing capacity tower absorption tower absorption coefficient absorbent absorbability absorbing capacity quality absorption absorbent felt absorbent paper absorbing paper aromatic paper aseptic paper achromatic angular paper angle-cut yarer angle paper actinometer paper auto copy paper articulating paper abrader涂布防潮纸,沥青涂布纸 涂料板纸 无灰滤纸 无灰滤纸 无灰纸 无水酒精 无酸的,脱酸的,不含酸的 无酸纸 西班牙草浆书写纸 西班牙草浆印刷纸 吸湿纸 吸收 吸收测定 吸收光带 吸收光谱 吸收剂 吸收率 吸收能力 吸收能力 吸收能力 吸收能力 吸收能力,吸收率 吸收能力;吸收本领 吸收器,吸收剂,减震器 吸收试验仪 吸收水 吸收塔 吸收塔 吸收塔 吸收系数 吸收性的,吸收剂 吸收性能 吸收性能;吸收能力 吸收作用 吸水毛毯 吸水纸,易吸墨的印刷纸 吸水纸;吸收性纸 香料纸 消毒纸,防腐纸 消色的,消色差的 斜角纸 斜截面纸 斜面纸 溴化银印相纸 压感复写纸 牙科用纸 研磨机 abrading machine abrasive machine animal parchment acetonitrile acetaldehyde acetyl acetylation acetylate acetyl vanilloyl aceto-veratrone abele(Populus alba) account book paper a.c. commutator motor antiquarian Ashcroft tester absorbency of paper autogtaphic printing paper accuracy autographic register paper acid accumulator maker 制酸工 acid accumulator making 制酸 acid accumulator number 酸值 acid accumulator penetration 酸液渗透,酸液浸透 acid accumulator plant 制酸车间 acid accumulator preheater 酸液预热器 acid accumulator press (羊皮纸机用)压酸辊 acid accumulator proof enamel 防酸搪瓷 acid accumulator prmp 酸泵 acid accumulator recovery plant 酸液回收车间 acid accumulator reduction 酸性还原 acid accumulator resistance 耐酸性能,耐酸强度 acid accumulator resistant 耐酸合金 acid accumulator tesistant brick 耐酸砖 acid accumulator tesisting bronze 耐酸铜 acid accumulator resisting felt 耐酸毛毯 acid accumulator resisting mortar 耐酸灰泥 acid accumulator resisting paint 耐酸油漆 acid accumulator resisting steel 耐酸铜 acid accumulator resisting tile 耐酸砖 acid accumulator rosin size 酸性松香胶 acid accumulator settling basin 酸液澄清槽 acid accumulator salt 酸式盐 acid accumulator size 酸性施胶剂 acid accumulator soluble 酸溶(性) acid accumulator soluble lignin 酸溶性木素 acid accumulator souring 酸处理 acid accumulator stable size 酸稳性施胶剂研磨机 研磨机 羊皮纸 乙腈 乙醛 乙酰(基) 乙酰化(作用) 乙酰化,乙酰化产物 乙酰基香草酰 乙酰藜芦酮 银白杨 帐簿纸 整流式交流电动机 纸张尺寸 纸张耐破裂度测试仪 纸张吸收性能 转写纸 准确(度,性);精密(度,性) 自动(划线)记录纸 acid accumulator storage 贮酸槽 acid accumulator strength 酸液浓度 acid accumulator sulfite 酸性亚硫酸盐 acid accumulator tank 酸槽 acid accumulator tower 制酸塔,酸塔 acid accumulator trap 分酸器 acid accumulator treatment 酸处理 acid accumulator treatment tower 酸处理塔 acid accumulator tub 酸槽 acid accumulator wash 酸洗 acid accumulator water 酸水 acidic 酸的,酸性的 acidification 酸化(作用) acidifier 酸化器;酸化剂 acidified water 酸化水 acidify 酸化 acidity 酸度 acidity control 酸度控制 acidolysis 酸解 acidometer 酸度计,PH计,酸(液)比重计 acidproof 耐酸的 acidproof brick 耐酸砖 acidproof cement 耐酸水泥 acidproof lining 耐酸衬里 acifulate 酸化 acoustic insulation 隔音 acoustic insulation properties 声学性质 Aeroart 高密度聚乙烯合成纸(美国Aeroline产品,商业名称) across grain 横纹理 acrylamide 丙烯酰胺 acrylate 丙烯酸盐 acrylic acid 丙烯酸 acrylic acid bound coating 丙烯酸盐涂布 acrylic acid compound 丙烯酯化合物 acrylic acid emulsion 丙烯乳液 acrylic acid fiber 丙烯纤维 acrylonitrile 丙烯腈 acrylonitrile butadiene rubber latex 丙烯腈,丁二烯其聚体乳胶 activared carbon 活性碳 activared carbon clay 活性白上 activared carbon silica 活性硅 activared carbon sludge 活性污泥 activared carbon sulfur 活性硫酸 activation 活性(作用) active alkali 活性碱 active alkali alkali to wood ration 碱比,活性碱对木材量的比率 active alkali carbon 活性碳 active alkali chemical to wood ratio 碱比,用碱量 active alkali chlorine 有效氯 active alkali lime 有效石灰 active alkali sulfur 有效硫酸 active alkali surface 活性表面 activity 活性度 actual volume 有效容积,实际容积 actual volume weight 实际重量,有效重量 actuating signal 驱动信号,作用信号 actuation time 动作时间 actuator 驱动器;执行机构;激励器 acylate 酰化;酰化产物 acylation 酰化(作用) adapter 接合器;连接器;接头 addition compound 加成化合物 addition compound polymer 加成聚合物 addition compound product 加成产物 addition compound reaction 加成反应 additional acid tank 辅助贮酸槽,辅助酸液槽 additional dryer 附加烘缸 additive 添加剂 additive reaction 加成反应 adherence 粘附 adherent 粘附的 adhesion 粘附(现象);粘附力 adhesion of wet web 湿纸胎粘附现象 adhesion strength 粘附强度 adhesion tester 粘附力测定仪 adhesive 粘附剂,粘合剂,胶粘剂,粘着剂;胶粘的 adhesive capacity 粘附能力;胶粘度 adhesive dissolving tank 溶胶桶 adhesive felt 衬底用纸板 adhesive force 胶粘力,粘着力,粘附力 adhesive glassine tank 粘胶槽 adhesive (glassine)tape 胶(带)纸 adhesive migration 胶粘剂的迁移 adiabatic condition 绝热状态,绝热情况 adiabatic condition eficiency 绝热效率 adiabatic cindition expansion 绝热膨胀 adiabatic cindition throtling 绝热调节 adipo-cellulose 含脂纤维素 adjective color 间接染料 adjust 调节,调整;修正 adjustable bow curved roll (可调节)弧形辊,(可调)弓形辊 adjustable bow curved roll orifice 可调锐板 adjustable bow curved roll speed motor 调速电动机 adjusting color 调色 adjusting color device 调节装置 adjusting color screw 调节螺旋 adjusting color controls 调节控制器 admission valve 进气阀;进浆阀 admixture 掺和剂;掺和,混合 adsorb 吸附 adsorbability 吸附性(能) adsorbate (被)吸附物;吸附质 adsorbed water 吸附水 adsorbent 吸附剂,吸附的 adsorption 吸附(作用) adsorptive capncity 吸附能力 adsorptivity 吸附性(能) adulf wood 成年材 advanced water treatment AWT 污水处理法,(污水)三级处理&BR&aerate 曝气,充气 aerated lagoon 曝气塘 aeration 曝气,充气 aeration basin 曝气塘 aeration tank 充气槽,充气罐 aerator 曝气机 aerobic 需氧的 aerobic bacteria 好氧细菌,需氧细菌 aerobic treatment 充氧处理 aerogel 气凝胶 aeromix wet scrubber 文丘里型洗涤塔 affinity 亲力,亲合势;亲合能,亲合性 afforestation 造体 after dryer 后部烘缸组 after dryer sizing 后施胶,表面施胶 afrer dryer treatment 后处理 agalite 滑石 agar 琼脂 agave 龙舌兰 aged wood 老化材 ag(e)ing 老化 agglomerate 附聚(作用);烧结(作用) agglutinant 烧结剂;凝集剂 agglomeration 聚集体 agitating valve 搅拌浆 agitation 搅拌(作用) agitator 搅拌器 aging quality 耐久性;老化性能 aging quality resistance 抗老化性能 aging quality test 老化试验 Ahlfors screen Ahlfors 木片筛 aid 促进剂,辅助剂 air bells (水印辊构成的)气泡(纸病) air bells blade 气刀 air bells blast duster 风选机 aidr bells blast system 鼓风系统;风选系统 air bells bleed press 抽气压榨,吸风压榨 air bells blower 鼓风机 air bells blowing roll 热风辊 air bells borne drying 气垫干燥,气托干燥 air bells brake 空气制动器,风闸 air bells brush 气刷 air bells bubble (空)气泡 air bells cap(drying) 热风罩(干燥) air bells chamber 通风室 air bells channel 通风道 air bells chip distributor 风送木片分布器 air bells compressor 压缩空气机,空压机 air bells condenser 空气冷凝器 air bells conditioner 空气调节装置,空调设施 air bells conditioning equipment 空气调节装置,空调设施 air bells content 空气含量 air bells controlled 气控 air bells centrolled dilution valve 气控稀释阀 air bells cooled 空气冷却 air bells cooling 空气冷却 air bells curtain 气帘,气幕 air bells cushion 气挚 air bells damper 风挡 air bells deekle 气控定边器 air bells doctor 气刀,空气刮刀 air bells drainer 空气助滤压榨 air bells dried 风干 air bells dried wood 风干材 air bells dry 风干 air bells dry basis 风干基础 air bells dry weight 风干重量 air bells dryer 空气干燥器,热风干燥器 air bells drying 风干的;热风干燥 air bells drying machine 用热风干燥的造纸机 air bells ejector 空气喷射器 air bells entrainment 空气含量 air bells escape valve 排气阀,放空阀 air bells exhauster 排风机 air bells filter 空气过滤器 air bells float dryer 气垫干燥装置,气托干燥装置 air bells float(drying) 气垫(干燥),气托(干燥) air bells float table 气托堆纸台 air bells flow 气流 air bells foil 热风气翼 air bells foil dryer 气翼箱式热风干燥装置 air bells heater 空气加热器 air bells intake 进风口,空气入口 air bells jet 空气喷嘴 air bells knife 气刀 air bells knife coating 气刀涂布 air bells knife mark 气刀痕(纸病) air bells laid 空气沉降 air bells -lay drying 热风干燥 air bells line 空气管道 air bells loaded headbox 气垫网前箱,气垫式压力流浆箱 air bells loaded tension device 气动张力装置 air bells nozzle 喷气嘴 air bells operated automatic control 气动调湿控制器 air bells operated thermostat 气动恒温器 air bells outlet flue 排气管 air bells permeability 透气性,透气度 air bells permeability tester 透气度测定仪 air bells piping 风管 air bells pollution 大气污染 air bells preheater 空气预热器 air bells proof 不透气的;密封的 air bells press 空气压力 air bells quality 空气质量 air bells regulator 空气调节器 air bells removing roll 排气辊,(伏辊上方)小压辊 air bells reservoir 贮气箱;气库 air bells resisTANCE 空气阻力 air bells roll 压纸辊 air bells scrubber 空气洗涤器,净气器 air bells seal 气封 air bells separator 吹(气分)离器 air bells space 空域,大气层;空隙 air bells spring 气垫 air bells stripping 空气脱吸,空气抽提 air bells sword (卸纸垛装置的)气刀 air bells tight 不透气的 air bells trap 空气阱 air bells valve (空)气阀 air bells velocity pressure 气流速度压力 air bells vent 排气口 air bells wash 浮气器 Aladdin former (纸板机用)Aladdin夹网成形器(日本三菱制作所) albumen 蛋白(胶) albumin 白蛋白 albuminous substances 白蛋白物质 alburnum 边材 alcohol 乙醇,酒精 alcohol acid 醇酸 alcohol benzene extractive 笨醇抽提物 alcohol extractive 乙醇抽提物 alcohol lignin 乙醇木素 alcoholic extract 乙醇抽提物 alcoholic extract fermentation 乙醇发酵 alcoholic extract hydroxyl group 醇羟基 alcoholysis 醇解 alcoholytic splitting 醇分裂 aldehyde 醛 aldehyde resin 聚醛树腊 alder(Alnus) 桤木(属) aldo- 醛 aldonic acid 糖醛酸,醛糖首酸 aldose 醛糖 alfa (Stipa tenacissima) 非洲蒲草 alga(e) 藻类 algicide 灭藻剂 alginate 藻朊酸盐;藻朊酸纤维 alginic acid 藻朊酸 algorithm 算法 alignment 顺序;划线;对准;调直 aliphatic 脂(肪)族的 aliphatic acid 脂族酸 aliphatic compound 脂族化合物 alizarine dyestuff 茜素染料 alkali 碱 alkali cellulose 碱纤维素 alkali charge 用碱量 alkali consumption 碱耗,耗碱量 alkali extract 碱抽提物 alkali extraction 碱抽提 alkali extractive (substance) 碱抽提物 alkali fastness 抗碱牢度,抗碱性 alkali filler 碱性填料 alkali free 无碱的,不含碱的 alkali fusion 碱熔 alkali hydrolysis 碱性水解 alkali lignin 碱木素 alkali loquor 碱液 alkali proof 抗碱的 alkali ratio 碱比 alkali reeovery 碱回收 alkali reslstance 抗碱性(能) alkali resisting 抗碱的 alkali resisting cellulose 抗碱纤维素 alkali sensitive 对碱活泼的 alkali solubility 碱溶性 alkali soluble 碱溶性的 alkali stable 对碱稳定的 alkali staining resistance 抗碱染性(能) alkali treatment 碱处理 alkaline bleach liquor 碱性漂液 alkaline bleach liquor cleavage 碱性分裂,碱性裂解 alkaline bleach liquor degradation 碱性降解 alkaline bleach liquor extraction 碱抽提 alkaline bleach liquor extraction tower 碱抽提塔 alkaline bleach liquor filler 碱性填料 alkaline bleach liquor purification 碱处理;碱净化 alkaline bleach liquor reducing agent 碱性还原剂 alkaline bleach liquor sizing 碱性施胶 alkaline bleach liquor solubility 碱溶性 alkaline bleach liquor soluble 可溶于碱的 alkaline bleach liquor solutioln 碱性溶液 alkaline bleach liquor steeping test (溶解浆)碱浸试验 alkaline bleach liquor treatment 碱处理 alkaline bleach liquor wash 碱洗(涤) alkalinity 碱度,碱性 alkaloid 生物碱 alkyl 烷基 alkyl hydrosulfide 烷基硫醇 alkyl ketene 烷基烯酮 alkyl ketene dimer 烷基烯酮二聚体 alkyl sulfhydrate 烷基硫醇,烷基硫氢 alkyl sulfide 硫醚,烷基硫 alkylaryl sulfonate 烷基芳基磺酸盐 alkylation 烷(基)化 all purpose computer 通用电子计算机 allowable current 容许电流 allowable current deviation 容许误差 allowable current error 容许误差 allowable current load 容许负荷 alloy 合金 alloy steel 合金钢 alpha cellulose a 纤维素 alpha cellulose a gage a 射线仪 alpha cellulose a protein a 蛋白质 alpha cellulose a pinene a 蒎烯 alum 明矾 alum cake (明)矾块 alum earth 铝矾土 alum liquor 明矾液,矾土液 alum speck (明)矾斑(点)纸病 alum spot (明)矾斑(点)纸病 alumina 氧化铝 alumina baryta white 铝钡门 alumina oxide 氧化铝 aluminate 铝酸盐 alumine 钡土,氧化铝 aluminum foil 铝箱 aluminum foil resinate 树脂酸铝 aluminum foil stearate 硬酯酸铝 aluminum foil sulfate 硫酸铝 alumite 耐酸铝 alunite 明矾石 ambient conditions 环境条件,外界条件 ambient comditions temperature 环境温度 American arbor-vitae (Thujaoccidentalis L.) 香柏,美国侧柏,金钟柏 American arbor-vitae (Thujaoccidentalis L.) aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) 颤杨,美国白杨 amide 酰胺 amine 胺 amino acid 氨基酸 amino acid ethyl cellulose 氨基乙基纤维素 amion acid group 氨基 amion acid polumer 氨基聚合物 amion acid propyl cellulose 氨基丙基纤维素 amion acid sugar 氨基糖 ammeter 安培计,电流表 ammonia 氮 ammoniabase liquor 铵基蒸煮液 ammonia liquor (粗)氨水 ammonia test 氨试验 ammonia water 氨水 ammoniacal copper solution 铜氨(溶)液 ammonium base 铵基 ammonium base base liquor 铵基蒸煮液 ammonium base bisulfate 硫酸氢铵 ammonium base bisulfite 亚硫酸铵 ammonium base compounds 铵基化合物 ammonium base salts 铵盐 ammonium base stearate 硬脂酸铵 ammonium base sulfate 硫酸铵 ammonium base sulfite 亚硫酸铵 amorphous 无定形的 amorphous cellulose 无定形纤维素,非结品纤维素 amorphous region 无定形区,非结品区 amorphous resin 无定形松香 amphiphatic 偶极性 amphoteric 两性的 amphoteric reaction 两性反应 amphoteric surface reactive agent 两性表面活性剂 amplifier 放大器 amplitude(of shake) 振幅 amur corktree (Phellodendron amurense Rup.) 黄檗 amylaceous 淀粉的 amyulase 淀粉酶 amylopectin 支链淀粉 amylose 支链淀粉 anaerobic 厌氧的 anaerobic treatment 厌氧处理 analog 类似,模似 analog computer 模拟计算机 analog speed/draw system 车速和牵引力模拟控制系统 analog sensor 模拟传感器 analog signal 模拟信号 analogy 模拟,类似 analysis of variance 方差分析 analytical balance 分析天平 anatase 锐钛矿 anchot bolt 地脚螺丝 Anderson moisture expeller Anderson 螺旋挤水机 Anderson moisture expeller Anderson barker Andersson 刀式剥皮机 anenometer 风速机 angiosper 被子植物 angiospermous wood 被子树木 angle cutting machine 斜切机 angle cutting machine steel 角钢 angle cutting machine valve 角阀 anhydride (酸)酐 anhydroglucose 葡萄糖酐 anhydrous 无水的 anhydrous alcohol 无水酒精 anhydro-xylan unit 无水多缩木糖 aniline 苯胺 aniline color 苯胺染料 aniline dye 苯胺染料 aniline printing 苯胺染色 animal glue 动物胶 animal glue size 动物胶 anion 阴离子 anion exchange 阴离子交换 anion exchange resin 阴离了交换树脂 anion exchanger 阴离子交换剂 anionic 阴离子的 anionic compound 阴离子化合物 anionic starch 阴离子淀粉 annealing temperature 退火温度 annual growth 一年生 annual growth layer 年轮(层) annual growth plant 一年生植物 annual growth ring 年轮 annual growth zone 年轮区 annular 环形的;轮壮的;有环纹的 annular vessel 环纹导管 annuli 环壮体 anode 阳极 anode protection 阳极保护 anode ray 阳极射线 anthraquinone 蒽醌 anti-acid 耐酸的 anti-acidblocking agent 防粘附剂;防阻塞剂 antichlor 脱氯剂 anticorrosion 耐腐蚀 anticorrosion paint 耐蚀漆 anti-crawl agent 防滑动剂 anti-crawl agentdefiection 抗挠 anti-crawl agentdeflection press roll 中固(抗挠)压榨辊 anti-crawl agentdefiection roll 抗挠辊 anti-crawl agentdetonator 抗爆剂 anti-crawl agentflocculant 防絮凝剂 anti-crawl agentflocculation 防絮凝作用 anti-crawl agentfoam 消泡 anti-crawl agentfoam oil 消泡油 anti-crawl agentfoaming agent 消泡剂 anti-crawl agentfoggant 防翳的;防翳剂 anti-crawl agentfogging compound 防腐剂;防污剂 anti-crawl agentfriction bearing 抗磨轴承 anti-crawl agentfroth oil 消沫油 anti-crawl agentknock agent 抗爆剂 anti-crawl agentoxidant 抗氧剂;防老化剂 anti-crawl agentpollution sequence (漂白车间)污染防治流程 antique bristol 仿光泽纸 antique bristol finish 仿古整饰 antique bristol laid bond 仿证券纸 antique bristol woven 仿光泽布纹纸 anti-rust 防锈 anti-rustrusting paint 防锈漆 anti-rustskid 防滑动 anti-rustskid coating 防滑涂布 anti-rustskid treatment 防滑动处理 antiseptic 防腐 antiseptic agent 防腐剂 antiseptics 防腐剂 anti-static agent 抗静电剂 anti-static agenttarnish agent 防锈剂 aperture 孔;筛孔;网孔 apex 顶端 apical zone 顶生区 Apmew(centrifugal)screen (阿牟)离心式圆筛,A型圆筛 apparatus 仪器;装置 apparent density 表观密度 apparent density specific gravity 表观比重 apparent density specific volume 表观体积 apparent density viscosity 表观粘度 apparent density weight 表观重量 appearance 外观 appendage 附属部分;附件 appendix 附录 application valve 控制阀 applicator 上涂装置;施胶装置 applicator roll 涂料辊;施胶辊 applying felt 专用毛毯 approach flow(of stock) 浆料上网 approach flow(of stock) folw system (纸机上)流浆系统 approach flow(of stock) (onto wire) 放料上网 apron board 下唇板,裙板 apron board (cloth) 唇布,裙布 apron board conveyor 带式干燥机 aquapel(size) 聚烷基烯酮胶料(商业名称);乙烯酮二聚物胶料 aquapulper 水力碎浆机 aqueous 含水的,液态的;水成的 aqueous emulsion 水乳液 aqueous lignin 水木素 aqueous phase 液相 aqueous solution 水溶液 araban 聚阿拉伯糖,多阿拉伯糖 arabic gum 阿拉伯胶 arabinose 阿拉伯糖,阿戊糖 Arathene 高密度聚乙稀合成纸(商业名称,比利时UCB产品) arbor-vitae(Thuja occidentalissL.) 香柏,美国侧柏,金钟柏 are foil 弧形案板,弧形脱水板 arch dryer 拱状热风干燥室,拱式烘房 arching 搭桥 Arcu formq Arcu 夹网成形装置 area of bars 打浆面积 areal(dried)wejight 定量 argilla 泥土,铝氧土 arithmetic and logic unit 算数与逻辑装置 arithmetic mean 算术平均 arithmetic mean mean temperature 算术平均平均温度 arithmetic mean unit 运算器 armature winding 电枢绕线 aromatic 芳香族的,芳烃的 aromatic acid 芳酸 aromatic alcohol 芳醇 aromatic compound 芳香族化合物 aromatic group 芳烃基 arrester 制动片,制动机构 arresting device 制动机构 Arrhenius equation Arrhenius 方程式,阿雷尼厄斯方程式 arrow root starch 木薯淀粉 art cover 装饰面板 art cover (regetable)parchment 美术(植物)羊皮纸 artificial aging 人工老化 artificial aging cotton 人造棉 artificial aging dyestuff 合成染料 artificial aging fiber 人造纤维 artificial aging grindstone 人造磨石 artificial aging leather 人造革 artificial aging parchment 仿羊皮纸 artificial aging pulpstone 人造磨石 artificial aging regeneration 人工再生 artificial aging resin 合成树脂 artificial aging silk 人造成丝 artificial aging stone 人造磨石 artificial aging stone roll 人造石辊 asbestine 滑石棉 asbestos 石棉 asbestos felt 石棉毛毯 asbestos fiber 石棉纤维 asbestos packing 石棉垫 asbestos roll 石棉辊 asbestos roofing felt 屋顶石棉毡 asbestos rope 石棉绳 asbestos sheet 石棉板 asbestos wall 石棉壁板(纸) asbestos washer 石棉垫圈 asbestos waterproof(ing)felt 防水石棉毡 ascending chromatography 上行色谱(分离)法 ash(Fraxinus) 灰分;炉灰 ash content 灰分含量 ash content dissolving tank 黑灰溶解槽 ash content free 无灰的 ash content hopper (锅炉)灰斗 ash content tester 灰分试验器 Ashcroft tester Ashcroft 耐破度试验仪 Ashcroft tester Ashcroft thickness gage Ashcroft 厚度计 ashless 含灰分较少的;无灰的 aspect ratio 纵横比(值) aspen(Populus) 杨属 aspen(Populus tremula L.) 欧洲山杨 asphalt 沥青 asphalt coating 沥青涂布 asphalt emulsion 沥青乳胶 asphalt felt 沥青油毛毡 asphalt laminator 沥青层压机 asphalt roofing 油毡线 asphalt saturated felt 沥青纸,油毡纸 asphalt size 沥青胶料 asphaltum 沥青 aspirated pit (pair) 闭塞纹孔(对) aspitation 抽气 aspirator 抽气机 Asplund defibrator Asplund 单动纤维分离机 Asplund defibrator Asplund digester Asplund 卧式连续蒸煮器 assay 鉴定;分析 assay procedure 分析程序 assembly 机组;成套设备;联动装置;基团,组 assimulation 同化(作用) assistant superintendent 车间副主任 Astrom barker Astrom 链式剥皮机 Astrom barker Astrom barking machine Astrom 链式剥皮机 asynchronous motor 异步电机 asymmetry 不对称(现象) at maximum temperature 保温 atmospheric conditions 大气状态 atmospheric conditions humidity 大气湿度 atmospheric conditions pressure 大气压力 atomic bond 原子键 atomization 雾化 atomized suspension technique AST法,(亚硫酸盐废液)雾化回收法 atomizer 喷雾器;雾化器 attachment 附件 attapulgate 无水硅酸铝矿石 attenuant 稀释剂;衰减器 attenuation 衰减作用 attrition mill 磨碎机;磨浆机 auger method (for sampling pulp) (纸浆取样)钴取法 Austrian pine(Pinus nigra Ahr.) 南欧黑松 autoclave 高压釜,高压锅 auto cut-out 自动断路(器) automatic control 自动控制 automatic control electric feed 电控自动装料 automatic control feed 自动进料,自动喂料 automatic control felt guide 毛毯自动校正器 automatic control felt stretcher 毛毯自动张紧器 automatic control flashing apparatus 自动闪蒸设备 automatic control fraction collector 自动分选机 automatic control guide(roll) 自动导辊 automatic control knife grinde 自动磨刀机 automatic control line 自动线 automatic control logging 自动记录 automatic control operation 自动操作 automatic control pick-up 自动递纸装置,自动引纸装置 automatic control plant 自动化工厂;自动化车间 automatic control pressure controller 压力自动控制器 automatic control pressure vent 自动排气阀 automatic control production 自动化生产 automatic control proportioning and metering device 自动配浆箱 automatic control regulating box 自动调节箱 automatic control tegulatingdevice 自动调节装置 automatic control regulator 自动调节器 automatic control set-up box machine 自动制盒机 automatic control sheet counting device 自动数纸装置 automatic control sheet feeder 自动续纸器 automatic control sheet handling machine 自动码纸机 automatic control sorter 自动选纸机 automatic control stoker 自动加煤器 automatic control stuff box 自动调节箱 automatic control temperature controller 温度自动控制器 automatic control tip time service 自动定时转换 automatic control valve 自动阀 automatic control wire guide (roll) 自动校网器,自动校网辊 automatically feed 自动进料的,自动喂料的 automation 自动化 automobile storage bag 汽车轮胎包装用纸袋 auto-oxidation 自动氧化 auto-panel 自动控制批示板 autc-slice 真空刮刀 auto tire wrap 汽车轮胎包装用纸 autumn wood 晚材,秋材 auxiljaries 辅助装置 auxiliary air 补给空气,二次风 auxiliary air caustization 辅助苛化 auxiliary air causticizer 辅助苛化器 auxiliary air equipment 辅助装置 auxiliary air screen 辅助筛 auxiliary air separator 辅助分离器 auxiliary air sizing agent 辅助施胶剂 auxiliary air strainer 辅助滤带;辅助筛浆机 available alkali 有效碱 available alkali capacity 有效容量 available alkali chlorine 有效氯 available alkali crosssection 有效截面 average fiber length 纤维平均长度 average fiber lengthincrement 平均增量 average fiber length moisture(of pulp bales) 成捆浆板平均水分含量 average fiber length pressure 平均压力 average fiber length temperature 平均温度 average fiber length velocity 平均速度 avometer 安伏欧计,万能(电)表,三用电表 axial 轴向 axial bond 主键;轴键 axial flow pump 轴流泵 axis 轴 Aylesford refiner (实验室用)Aylesford盘磨机(英国制) azo compounds 偶氮化合物 azo compounds dye(stuff) 偶氮染料 absorbing board 吸收纸板 accordion board 手风琴纸板 acoustic(al) board 隔音纸板 advertisement board 广告招贴用纸板 air-dried board 风干纸板 album board 相册纸板 alkaline-proof soap box board 肥皂包装用抗碱纸板 ammunition board 弹筒纸板 antique board 仿古纸板 anti-tarnish board 防锈纸板 art board 铜版纸板 artist board 绘画纸板 artist's illustration board 绘画纸板 asbestos board 石棉纸板 asbestos asbestos board 石棉洋灰板 asphalt board 沥青纸板,防潮纸板 automobile board 汽车用纸板 auto(mobiole) panel board 汽车仪表盘纸板 abrasive coater 砂纸涂布机 air brush coater 气刷涂布机 air blade coater 气刀涂布机 air doctor coater 气刀涂布机 air knife coater 气刀涂布机 arch bed brush coater 刷式拱形涂布机 asphalt coater 沥青涂布机 acid cooking 酸法蒸煮 alkaline cooking 碱法蒸煮 actic acid 乳酸 actic acid method (纸板施胶度) abrasive paper 砂纸 abrasive base paper 砂纸原纸 absorbent paper 吸水纸 absorbing paper 吸水纸;吸收纸 account book paper 帐簿纸 accunting machine paper 计算机用纸 acid free paper 无酸纸 acid proof paper 耐酸纸 acid resistant paper 耐酸纸 acoustic paper 隔音纸 actinometer paper 溴化银印相纸 active paper 吸湿纸 adding machine paper 计算机纸 address label paper 地址标签纸 adhesive paper 胶粘纸 advertising paper 广告纸,招贴纸 agate paper 仿大理石纸 agate marble paper 仿大理石纸 age resistant paper 耐老化纸 air paper 航空信纸 air dried paper 风干纸 air filtration paper 空气滤纸 air knife coated paper 气刀涂布纸 air mail paper 航空信纸 air proof paper 不透气纸 air tight paper 气密纸 alabaster paper 名片纸 album paper 相纸 albumenized paper 蛋白胶纸 albumin paper 蛋白胶纸 aligning paper 地图纸 alkali-proof paper 耐碱纸 all rag paper 全棉纤维纸 all wood paper 全木浆纸 allogator imitation paper 仿鳄皮纸 alpha paper 西班牙草浆制成的纸张 aluminum paper 铝纸 aluminum casting paper 铝衬纸 aluminum coated paper 铝涂布纸 aluminum foil backing paper 铝箔衬纸 aluminum laminated paper 铝箔夹层纸 amber laid paper 琥珀条纹纸 ammunition paper 弹药筒纸 amplitude response recording paper 频率感应记录纸 analytical filter paper 分析化学用滤纸 angle paper 斜面纸 angle-cut paper 斜截面纸 angular paper 斜角纸 animal trb-sixed paper 动物胶表面施胶纸 anti-acid paper 耐酸纸 anti-acid manila paper 耐酸马尼拉纸 anti-corrosion paper 防蚀纸 anti-falsification paper 防伪造纸 anti-fungicide paper 防霉纸 anti-fusion paper 服装剪裁用纸 anti-rust paper 防锈纸 antique paper 低光泽纸,仿古纸 antique book paper 仿古书籍纸 antique eggshell paper 粗糙表面仿古纸 antique glazed paper 低光泽纸 antique printing paper 仿古印刷纸,低光泽印刷纸 antiseptic paper 杀菌纸 apricot paper 粉红色水果包装纸 aquare(le) paper 水彩图画纸 archival paper 档案纸 armature paper 绝缘纸 aromatic paper 香料纸 arsenical paper 含砷纸 art paper 美术纸 art cover paper 美术装饰纸 atr drawing paper 水彩画纸 atr poster paper 美术广告纸;美工宣传纸 articulating paper 牙科用纸 artificial leather paper 人造革纸 asbestos paper 石棉纸 asbestos diaphragm paper 石棉隔膜纸 asbestos (electrical) insulating paper 石棉(电)绝缘纸 asbestos wall paper 石棉壁纸 aseptic paper 消毒纸,防腐纸 ashless paper 无灰纸 ashless filter paper 无灰滤纸 asphalt paper 防潮纸 asphalt base paper 沥青纸 asphalt coated paper 沥青涂布纸 asphalt laminated paper 层压防潮纸,沥青纸 asphalt moisture proof paper 防潮纸,沥青纸 asphalt saturated paper 防潮纸,沥青纸 asphalt sheathing paper 涂布防潮纸,沥青涂布纸 asphalting 防潮纸,沥青纸 asthma paper 防喘纸 altas paper 地图纸 autochion printing paper 彩色印刷纸 autocopy paper 压感复写纸 autograph paper 纪念册纸 autographic register paper 自动(划线)记录纸 autographic transfer paper 复印纸 automobile-bag paper 汽车袋用纸 autotype paper 复制纸,影印纸 avenized paper 食品包装纸 azure laid (writing) paper 蓝条纹书写纸 acid process 酸法(制浆) acid sulfite process 酸性亚硫酸盐法制浆 activated carbon oxidation process (废水处理)活性炭氧化法 activated sludge process (废水处理)活性污泥法 aerobic process 需氧废水处理法 alkafide (pulping) process 含硫化物气相快速蒸煮 alkali-oxygen process 氧碱法制浆 alkali-oxygen sulfite process 碱性亚硫酸盐法制浆 alkaline process 碱法(制浆) ammonium bisulfite process 亚硫酸氢铵法制浆 anaerobic process 厌氧废水处理法 Arbiso process 亚硫酸钠法(制浆) atomized suspension process (废液)喷雾燃烧回收 automatically controlled continuous process 边续自控过程 abaca pulp 马尼拉麻浆,焦麻浆 acid semichemical pulp 酸法半化学浆 acid sulfite pulp (酸性)亚硫酸盐纸浆 acid sulfite semichemical pulp (酸性)亚硫酸盐半化学浆 air dried pulp 风干浆 alkaline pulp 碱法浆 alkaline semichemical pulp 碱法半化学浆 alpha pulp a纤维素纸浆 acid sulfite pulping 酸性亚硫酸盐法制浆 alkaline pulping 碱法制浆 alkqaline pulping with amine 加胺碱法制浆 ammonia pulping 氨法制浆 ammonia base sulfite pulping 亚硫酸铵法制浆 ammonia explosion pulping 氨爆破法制浆 ammonium hydroxide pulping 氢氧化铵制浆 Adka saveall Adka飘浮白水回收机 Arledter saveall Arledter飘浮、沉淀联合作用白水回收机 absorbent tissue 吸水薄纸 absorption tissue 吸水薄纸 acid-free tissue 防蚀纸 anti-tarnish tissue 防锈纸 AACC American Association for Contamination Control美国污染控制协会的缩写 AAM acrylamide丙烯酰胺的缩写 AAN amino acetonitrile氨基乙腈的缩写 AAT accelerated aging test加速老化试验的缩写 A.& T. acceptance and transfer验收与移交的缩写 A.& T. assemble and test装配与测试的缩写 ab. absolute绝对的缩写 abb. abbreviation缩写,略语的缩写 abb. 德abbidung图例的缩写 ABC automatic boiler control (system)锅炉自控系统的缩写 ABCM Association of British Chemical Manufacturers英国化学制造商协会的缩写 aber. aberration偏差;象差的缩写 ABIPC Abstract Bulletin of the Institute of Paper Chemistry《IPC文摘(通报)》 ABR acryl butadiene rubber丙烯醛基丁二烯橡胶的缩写 abr. abridgement删节的缩写 abs. absolute绝对的缩写 abs.alc. absolute alcohol无水酒精的缩写 abstr. abstract摘要,文摘的缩写 abt. about约的缩写 A.C.,a.c. alternating current交流电的缩写 A.C. 拉Ante Christum纪元前的缩写 Ac.acetone alicyelic醋酸基;醋酸酯;丙酮脂环(族)的缩写 ac. acre英亩的缩写 Acad. Academy学院的缩写 ACC automatic combustion control燃烧自控系统 AA atomic absorption原子吸收的缩写 ABS acrylonitrile-buladrene styrene丙烯腈一丁;烯一苯乙烯的缩写 ACAR angular correlation of annihilation radiation消除辐射的角相关性的缩写 AM acrylamide丙烯酰胺 AOX adsorbable organic halides可吸附的有机卤化物的缩写 AP plkali pulp碱法纸浆的缩写 APAM anionic polyacrylamide阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺的缩写 ASB aerotion stabilization basin稳定曝气池的缩写 AST activated sludge treatment活性污泥处理 APP 金光集团的缩写 APRIL FINE PAPER 苏州工业园区亚太纸品有限公司的司标 AKZO NOBEL 依卡化学品公司的司标 ANDRITZ 安德里兹公司的缩写 (造纸机械生产商) ARACRUZ 智利“鹦鹉”牌漂白硫酸盐阔叶木浆 battery paper 蓄电池用纸 battery separator paper 电池隔膜纸 battery pasting paper 蓄电池电极吸水纸 battik paper 涂蜡装饰纸 beaming paper 曲折纸板 bedsted-wrapping paper 床包装纸 beer-filter paper 啤酒过滤纸 between-lay paper 夹层纸 bible paper 字典纸 bibulous paper 吸水性纸张 bill paper 帐目纸 bill poster blanking paper 广告牌空白纸 billboard paper 光泽广告纸 billing machine paper 自动记录纸 binder's paper 装订用纸 biochargeable paper 生物纸 biscuit paper 饼干包装纸 biscuit cap paper 饼干包装纸 bistered paper 蜡笔图纸 bituminized paper 防潮纸,沥青纸 black album paper 相册黑色衬纸 black-bordered paper 黑边纸 black line paper 黑线晒图纸 black needle paper 黑色包针纸 black pattern paper 黑色模型纸 black photo paper 黑色相片纸 black positive paper 黑色相片纸 black print paper 黑线晒图纸 black waterproof paper 防潮纸 black wrapping paper 黑色包装纸 blackout paper 防空纸 blade coated paper 刮刀涂布纸 blank book paper 空白书籍纸 blanket bag paper 毛毯袋用纸 blanking paper 空白书籍纸 blasting paper 弹药用纸.矿工用纸 blach resistant paper 耐漂纸 blood proof paper 鲜肉包装纸 blotting paper 吸墨纸 blue candle wrapping peper 兰色洋蜡包装纸 blue laid paper 兰色书写纸 blue tracing paper 兰色描图纸 bluing paper 蓝印纸 blueprint paper 晒图纸 bluetracing paper 兰色描图纸 board paper 扉页纸 board glazed paper 单面光扉页纸 bobbin paper 纱管纸,盘纸 body paper 原纸 body stock paper 涂布原纸 bogus paper 仿制纸 bogus bristol paper 仿卡片纸 bogus drawing paper 仿国画纸 bogus kraft paper 仿牛皮纸 bogus lining paper 仿衬里纸 bogus pasting paper 仿裱糊纸 bogus saturating paper 仿侵清加工纸 bogus wrapping paper 仿包装纸 bond paper 证卷纸;高虹书写纸 bond circular paper 高级宣传品用纸 book paper 书籍纸 book backing paper 书籍衬里统 book binder's paper 扉页用纸 book cover paper 书皮纸 book end paper 书籍扉页用纸 book-keeping machine paper 记帐机用纸 book lining paper 书籍村里用纸 book-match paper 火柴盒用纸 book printing paper 书籍纸 book wrapping paper 包书纸 booking paper 帐簿纸 bottle labeling paper 瓶金纸 bottle packing paper 瓶包装纸 bottle wrapping paper 包版纸 bowl paper 压光辊用纸 box cover paper 纸盒糊面纸 box enamel paper 纸盒糊面瓷釉纸 boxed writings paper 箱装书写纸 braille(printing) paper 盲文印刷纸 bread bag paper 面包袋纸 bread label paper 面包标签级 bristel paper 光泽纸 brocade paper 锦纹纸,押印花纸 brochure paper 册子用印刷纸 broken paper 破损纸张 bromide paper 照相放大纸 bronze crepe paper 金色皱纹纸 bronze paper 金色纸 brown print paper 棕色晒图纸 brown wood paper 褐色座木家制的纸张 brown wrapping paper 褐色包装纸 brush(coated)paper 刷轻涂布纸 brush enamel(led) paper 刷辑涂布纸 brush polish coated paper 刷辊涂布纸 brushing kraft paper 植物幼苗防风纸 bubble coated paper 泡沫涂布纸 buff copying paper 浅黄的复写纸 buff(ing) paper (制革用)磨光纸 buff drawing paper 暗色绘图纸 building paper 建筑用纸 bulking(book) paper 松厚书籍纸 bulky paper 松厚纸 bunt paper 染色加Al纸 burlap paper 布纹纸 burnished paper 高光泽纸 burnished tin-coated paper 高光泽锡粉涂布纸 burnt paper 染色加工纸 butcher's paper 包肉纸 butter paper 黄油包装纸 butter parchment paper 黄油包装纸 back-lining paper 书籍衬里纸 backing paper 裱糊纸 bacon paper 腊肉包装纸 bag paper (纸) 袋纸 bag liner paper 衬里袋纸 bagasse pulp paper 蔗渣浆纸 bakelite paper 渍绝缘纸 bakelite paper 浸渍绝缘纸 bakers paper 面包纸 balance sheet paper 层合平衡纸 haling paper 单面沥青包装纸 balloon paper 气球用纸 balston's paper 鲍尔斯唐纸 bamboo paper 竹浆纸 bandage paper 绷带纸 bank paper 高级书写纸 bank florpost paper 透明薄信纸 banknote paper 钞票纸 banquet table cover paper 餐桌纸 barber's headrest paper 理发头枕纸 barrier paper 抗渗透纸 baryta paper 钡地纸 base paper 原纸 base teacing paper 描图原纸 basewad paper (弹筒)装药用纸 bast paper 韧皮纸 bath paper 高级信纸 batlk paper 涂蜡装饰纸 B flute B瓦楞纸波形数(每30厘米51~3个) B printing B级印刷纸(含本色磨木浆) babbit(metal) 巴氏合金 Babcock & Wilcox-Tomlinson (recovery)furnace BWT回收炉 back dryer 小烘缸 back dryer press(roll) 预压榨(辊) back flow 回流 back flow liner 纸板芯层,纸板衬层 back flow mark (手工纸的)裂痕 back flow pressure 背压 back flow roll 小挤水辊;背辊 back flow side 传动侧,传动面 back flow stand 退纸架 back flow tender 干燥工 back flow tender help 压光工 back flow-wall 后墙 back flow wash 逆冼,反洗,回洗 back flow water 回水 back flow water pump 白水槽,回水槽 backfall 山形(部) backfall crest 山顶 backfall crown 山顶(座) backfall pocket 山形部前坡 backfall slope 山形部后坡 backing 纸坯 backing roll 小挤水辊;背辊 backing roll mark 背辊痕(纸病) backing roll spot 背辊痕(纸病) backup roll 小支书撑辊;背辊 bacteria 细菌 bacteria count 细菌计数 bacteria oxidation 微生物氧化(作用) bactericide 杀菌剂 bacteriological 细菌的 baffle 挡板;挡水板;挡浆板 baffle board 挡板;挡水板;挡浆板 baffle plate 挡板;挡水板;挡浆板 baffle slice 折流堰板 baffled perforated roll 折流匀浆辊 baffler 消音器 bag barker 袋式剥皮机 bag barker filter 过滤袋 bag barker liner 纸袋衬里(用纸) bag barker (making)machine 制纸袋机 bagasse 蔗渣 bagasse bale 蔗渣捆 bagasse bale loosening machine 蔗渣松散机 bagasse cutter 蔗渣切断机 bagasse depithing machine 蔗渣除髓机 bagasse fiber 蔗渣纤维 bagginess 膨胀状 bagging 装填 bagging machine 装填机 baggy 膨胀 Bailey continuous freeness tester Bailey 游离度连续测定仪 bakelite (酚醛树脂)电木,胶木 bakers'wrap 面包纸 balance 平衡;天平;秤;差额 balance pount 平衡点 balance weight 平衡铊 balance bridge 平衡电桥 bald cypress (Taxodium distichum Rich.) 落羽杉;落羽松 bald cypress (Taxodium distichum Rich.) cypress (Taxodium ascen ens Brongn.) 池柏 bald cypress (Taxodium distichum Rich.) pine (Callitris quadrivalvis Richard) 澳洲柏 bale 捆,包 bale breaker 拆捆机,拆包机 bale opener 拆捆机,拆包机 bale press 打包机 bale pulper 浆板离解机 bale room 打包工段 bale strapping 打捆,打包 baled news 成捆废报纸 baler 捆扎机,打包机 baling 打捆,打包 baling line 打包线,包装线 baling press 包装压紧机,打包压紧机 baling wire 打捆用铁丝 ball bearing 滚珠轴承,球轴承 ball bearing mill(refiner) 球磨机 ball bearing valve 球(心)阀 balloon logging 气球运送原木 balloon logging swelloing 球形润胀 baisam 香脂 baisam fir (Abies balsames Mill.) 香脂冷杉 baisam poplqr (Populus balsamifera Muenchh.et Anth.) 香脂白杨 bamboo 竹(竹亚科) bamboo chipper 削竹机 bamboo chips 竹片 band 带;(光)谱带,光带 band conveyer 带式运输机 band saw 带锯 band stock 封签纸用纸浆 banding 包扎 banding machine 包扎机 bandiess beater roll (打浆机)无轮辐飞刀辊 banger (飞刀辊侧面)挡浆板 bank stock 钞票纸浆料 Banning-Seybald beater 实验室用B.S打浆机(西德) bar 棒;刀 barber dryer 热风干燥器 barber duyer drying 热风干燥 barge 平底驳船 barium carbouate 碳酸钡 barium carbouate chioride 氯化钡 barium carbouate sulfate 硫酸钡 bark 树皮 bark boiler 树皮锅炉 bark crusher 树皮压碎机 bark dryer 树皮干燥机 bark fiber 树皮纤维 bark peeler 剥皮机,去皮机 bark peeling machine 剥皮机,去皮机 bark press 树皮压榨机 bark shaver 刮(皮)刀 bark shredder 树皮破碎机 bark specks 树皮尘埃,树皮斑点(纸病) barkstripped wood 去皮木材 bark stripping machine 剥皮机,去皮机 barked logs 去皮原木 barked logs wood 去皮木材 barker 剥皮机 barking 剥皮,去皮 barking depth 剥皮深度 barking drum 圆筒剥皮机,圆筒去皮机 barking losses 剥皮损失,去皮损失 barking waste 剥皮废料 barometer 气压表,气压计 barometric condenser 大气压冷凝器 barometric condenser jet condenser 大气压喷射冷凝器 barometric condenser leg 大气腿 barometric condenser pressure 大气压(力) barrier 防护;屏障 barrier coating 防护涂层,涂布底层 barrier material 防护涂层材料 barrier sheet 防护涂层,涂布底层 barring 起楞,起横纹(纸病) baryta(barytes) 氧化钡;重品石 baryt(a) coating 钡地涂布 baryt(a) coating machine 钡地涂布机 barytage 钡地涂布的 basalt(lava) 玄武岩 basalt(lava) bar 玄武岩刀 basalt tackie 玄武岩刀 base 碱;底座;基准;基 base plate 底座;底板 base stock 原纸 base stone 基石 base weight 定量 base white 底色 baseless needled felt 无底布针刺毛毯 basic alum 碱性明矾,盐基性明矾 basic dye(stuff) 碱性染料 basic magnesia limestone 碱性镁氧石灰,碱性碳酸白 basic salt 碱性胶(料) basic size 碱性胶(料) basic starch 碱性淀粉 basic weight (纸张)定量 basicity 碱度,碱性 basis weight (纸张)定量 basis weight controller (纸张)定量自动控制器 basis weight scale (纸张)定量秤 basket type vertical tube evaporator 悬筐式蒸发器 Basopiat 阳离子丙烯乳胶(西德BASF产品,商业名称) basswood(Tilia) 椴属 basswood(Tilia americana L.) 美洲椴木 bast 韧皮,内皮 bast fiber 韧皮纤维 bast parenchyma 韧皮薄壁组织 bast peeling 剥去韧皮 bast ray 韧皮射线 bast wood 木材韧皮 bast zone 韧皮层 bastard face 弦切面 bastard grain 直纹 bastose 麻纤维 batch 成批;间歇式 batch beating 间歇打浆 batch causticization 间歇苛化 batch causticizer 间歇苛化器 batch charging 间歇装料 batch digester 间歇(式)蒸煮锅 batch operation 间歇操作 batch procesing 间歇式加工 batch production 成批生产 batch pulper 间歇式水力碎浆机 batch roll 纸卷 batch system 间歇(式)系统 batch type hydrapulper 间歇式水力碎浆机 bath 浴 bathing 汽蒸 batt-on-base(felt) B.O.B毛毯,底布植绒(针刺)毛毯 batt-on-mesh(filt) B.O.M毛毯,底网植线(针刺)毛毯 Bauer centri-cleaner 鲍尔锥形除渣器 Bauer (continuous)digester 鲍尔连续蒸煮器 Bauer-McNett classifier Barer MeNett 纤维筛分器 Bauer refiner 鲍尔双动盘磨机 Baume 波美(度) Bausch and Lamb opacimeter Bausch-Lamb 不透明度测定仪 Beach puncture tester Beach 耐冲击强度试验仪 beading (细)粒化 beaker 烧杯 beam 横梁;杆;射线 bearing 轴承 bearing mousing 轴承座 beat 打浆 beatability 打浆性能 beater 打浆机 beater additive 打浆添加剂 beater adhesive (在打浆机加用的)粘胶剂 beater bar 打浆刀 beater bar crossing number 打浆机刀片互相接触次数 beater capacity 打浆机容量 beater charge 打浆机装料 beater chest 打浆机浆池 beater colored 打浆机内染色 beater coloring 打浆机内染色 beater cover 打浆机罩 beater drag 打浆机制动器 beater dy(e)ing 打浆机内染色 beater filling 打浆机装料 beater floor 打浆工段 beater furmish 打浆机内浆料组成 beater help 打浆工助手 beater knife 打浆机飞刀片 beater loading 打浆机装料;打浆机里加填料 beater plate 打浆机底刀 beater pressure regulating balance 打浆平衡压力的调整 beater roll 打浆辊,飞刀辊 beater roll pressure 打浆辊压力 beater room 打浆车间,打浆工段 beater sized 打浆机内施胶 beater sizing 打浆机内施胶 beater strff test 打浆浆料检测 beater stuff tester 打浆浆料检测仪 beater tackle 打浆机刀间接触 beater test 打浆浆料检测 beater trough 打浆机浆池,打浆机浆槽 beater tub 打浆机浆池,打浆机浆槽 beater tube (打浆机)浆槽 beater vat 打浆机浆槽 beaterman 打浆工 beating 打浆 beating coefficient 打浆系数 beating degree 打浆度 beating effect 打浆效应 beating engine 打浆机 beating pressure 打浆压力 beating rate 打浆速度 beating schedule 打浆程序 beating test 打浆检测 beating time 打浆时间 bed frame 底座机架;底刀盒座 bed knife 底刀刀片 bedplate 底刀床,底刀座;(削片机的)大三角保护板 bedplate bar 底刀 bedplate box 底刀盒 bedplate knife 底刀刀片 bed roll (下)支撑辊;底辊 bed washer (打浆机内)沉沙盘 bee wax 蜂蜡 beech(Fagus) 山毛榉(属) beer plaques 啤酒瓶用纸板 bee's sting 蜂针孔;抽吸孔眼(纸病) Bekk smoothness tester Bekk 平滑度测定仪 Bel Baie former Bel-Baie 夹网成形器 bel pond former Bel-Pond 叠式曲网成形器 bell 气泡形成的针眼,孔洞(纸病) bell hole 气孔(纸病) bell (type) traP 倒钟式汽水分离器 Bellmer(bleacher) (贝尔麦式)漂白池 belt 带,皮带 belt comveyer 皮带运输机 belt drive 皮带传动 belt feeder 带式给料器 belt filter 带式过滤机 belt saw 带锯 belt shifter 皮带移动装置;皮带拨叉 belt tension 皮带张力 belt tightener 皮带张紧器 belt type vacuum filter 带式真空过滤机 Bel-Vac former Bel-Vac 夹网成形器 Ben Day screen Ben Day 筛选机 bench system of sorting 选纸台系统 benchbcard 操纵台 bend 弯,弯曲 bend strength 弯曲强度 bend test 弯曲试验 bender 弯管器 bending break 弯曲断裂 bending break chip 耐折叠纸板 bending break fatigue tester 弯曲疲劳性能测定仪 bending break flexure 挠曲 bending break machine 弯管机;纸板折叠机 bending break number (纸板)弯曲值 bending break stiffness 弯曲挺度 bending break strength 弯曲强度 bending break test 弯曲试验 Bendtsen surface roughness Bendtsen 表面粗糙度 Bennett size Bennett 石蜡松香胶(商业名称) bcntonite 皂上 bentaldehyde 苯甲醛 benzene 苯 benzine 挥发油,汽油 benzoate 苯(甲)酸,安息香酸 benzol 苯 benzyl alcohol 苯甲醇 benzyl alcohol cellulose 苯甲基纤维素 benzyl alcohol ether 苯甲醚 benzyl alcohol group 苯基 Bersize Bersize合成施胶剂(商业名称) beta cellulose β纤维素 beta cellulose gage β射线测定仪 beta cellulose meter β射线测定仪 beta cellulose ray β射线 beta cellulose ray basis weight controller β射线(纸张)定量测定器 beta cellulose ray gas β射线气体 bevel gear 斜齿轮,伞齿轮 Bewoid size Bewoid高游离松香胶(商业名称) bias 偏斜;偏压 bibliomerer 吸水性能测定仪 bicarbonate 碳酸氢盐,重碳酸盐 bicomponent fiber 双组分纤维 Bidim 聚脂合成纸(法国Rhodiareta产品,商业名称) Biffar combination refiner screen 比法尔磨选机 Biffar combination refiner screen mill 比法尔磨选机 Biffar combination refiner screen screen 比法尔圆筛,B型圆筛 big-bud hickory(Carya alba K. Koch) 大芽山核桃 bin 仓;料仓 binary system 二进制;二元物系 binder 胶粘剂,粘合剂;夹子 binders waste 练习本装订的切边 binding 结合,粘合 binding power 结合本领,粘合本领 binding tape 粘胶带 bioassay 生物鉴定 biochemical 生物化学的,生化的 biochemistry 生物化学 biocide 杀菌剂 biodegradable 生物降解(作用) bio-disc (处理废水用)生物圆盘 bio-filter (处理废水用)生物滤池 biological control 生物控制 biological control (effluent) treatment (废水)生物处理 biological control oxygen demand 生物耗氧量 biological control test 生物试验 biomass 生化悬浮物 biose 二糖 biosynthesis 生物合成 bioxide 二氧化物 biphenyl 联(二)苯,联苯基 birch(Betula) 桦木(属) Bird screen Bird内流式筛浆机 bisulfate 硫酸氢盐,酸式亚硫酸盐 bisulfate waste liquor (酸性)亚硫酸盐废液 bite 纵切圆刀咬合量 bitumen 沥青 bitumenous emulsion 沥青乳液 biuret teaction 缩脲反应 bi-winder 垂直式双卷复卷机 Bjorkman's lignin 磨木木素,贝克曼木素 Bjorkman's lignin number 贝克曼价 black ash 黑灰 black ash ash waste 黑灰余烬 black ash birch (Betula occidentalis HooK.) 黑桦,西方桦 black ash cook 黑煮 black ash hickory(Carya texana) 黑山核桃 black ash lead 石墨 black ash liquor 黑液 black ash liquor injector 黑液喷射装置 black ash liquor measuring tank 黑液计量槽 black ash liquor recovery unit 黑液回收装置 black ash liquor solids 黑液固体物 black ash liquor storage 黑液贮槽 black ash lye 黑液 black ash maple (Acer nigrum Michx.) 黑槭,黑糖槭 black ash pine(Pinus nigra Arn.) 南欧黑松 black ash poplar (Picea nigra Link.) 黑杨 black ash spot 黑点(纸病) black ash spruce(Picea nigra Link.) 黑云杉 black ash rupelo (Nyasa sylnatica) 黑色山 blackening 黑道 blade 刀口;桨叶 blade agitator 桨叶搅拌器 blade clamp 刀夹 blade coating 刮刀伤痕(纸病) blade (type)sensor 刀式传感器 blade width 刀宽 blanc fixe 硫酸钡粉,重晶石粉 blank assay 空白试验 blank assay news 空白废新闻纸 blank assay test 空白试验 blanket 毛毡;掩盖 blanket cylinder 毛毯烘缸 blanket marks 毛毯痕(纸病) blanks 空白废纸 blast furnace 鼓风炉,高炉 blasting roll 卷筒炸药纸 bleach 漂白 bleach consumption 漂液消耗(量) bleach demand 漂剂需用量 bleach liquor 漂液 bleach liquor setting tank 漂液澄清槽 bleach mixing 漂液混合 bleach plant 漂白车间 bleach requirement 漂液需用量;漂率 bleach scale 漂渣斑点(纸病) bleach sludge 漂液残渣 bleach tank 漂白槽 bleach tub 漂白槽 bleachability 漂白性能,可漂性;漂率 bleachability test 漂率试验 bleachable 可漂的 bleached stlck chest 漂白浆池 bleached stlck chest yield 漂白得率 bleacher 漂白池 bleachery 漂白工段 bleaching 漂白 bleaching action 漂白反应 bleaching agent 漂白剂 bleaching apparatus 漂白设备 bleaching department 漂白工段,漂白车间 bleaching effluent 漂白废水 bleaching in stages 分段漂白 bleaching liquor 漂液 bleaching loss 漂损 bleaching powder 漂白粉 bleaching powder dissolving tank 漂白粉溶解槽 bleaching properties 漂白性能 bleaching room 漂白车间,漂白工段 bleaching schedule 漂白程序 bleaching tower 漂白塔 bleaching tub 漂白槽,漂白池 bleed 排放,析抽;纸边裁切 bleed trim 书本切边 bleeder 排气阀;排放支管 bleeder hole 抽气孔 bleeder rurbine 抽气透平机 bleeding 放气,放空;脱色,褪色;表面处理成效 bleeding of waste liquor 黑液排除 bleeding resistance (沥青纸的)抗流性 bleeding test (沥青纸的)流胶性试验 blemish 沾污 blend 混合;配浆,配料 blender 混合器 blending chest 混合浆池 blending chest tank 混合槽 blind 盲板 blind press 盲孔压榨辊 blip 尖峰显示 blister 泡;起泡;气泡;水泡 blister cut 椭圆形裂口(纸病) blister pick 鼓包(纸病) blistering 起泡 block 木段;阻塞;粘合 block compression test 耐湿粘压试验 block diagram 方块(流程)图 block resistance 抗阻塞性能;粘合阻力 block up 堵住 blocking 粘合 blocking resistance 粘合阻力 blood resistance 抗血性能 blood rdsistancity paper test 吸墨纸试验 blood rdsistancity test 吸墨试验 blow 吹;放浆,放料,放锅 blow bin 喷放槽 blow box 毛毯真空箱 blow down 放浆,放料,放锅 blow down heat recovery system (放浆的)热回收系统 blow down steam 喷放过程中的蒸汽 blow line 喷放管道 blow line refining 喷放系统磨浆 blow liquir 黑液,废液 blow mark (气)泡痕(纸病) blow moulding 吹气成形 blow off valve 喷放阀 blow pipe 喷放管 blow pit 喷放池 blow pit gases 喷放池排气 blow roll 引纸辊,领纸辊 blow stack 排气管 blow tank 喷放锅 blow test (瓦楞纸的)戮穿试验 blow-through steam 蒸汽吹净 blow valve 喷放阀 blower 鼓风机 blowing 放浆,放料,放锅;纸板分层;气泡的构成 blowing down pressure 喷放压力 blowing floor 放浆操作楼面 blowing of chips 风送木片 blowing out 喷放 blown film 气吹薄膜 blown film sap 多汁木材 blown film up 爆破;吹满,吹胀 blue glass method 蓝玻璃试验法 blue glass method glass test 蓝玻璃试验 blue glass method line 标准线,蓝线 blue glass method lumber 蓝变材,青变材 blue glass method oak (Quercus Pinus L.) 岩栎,矮栎 blue glass method print 蓝图 blue glass method reflectance factor 蓝光反射系数(即亮度) blue glass method rot 青斑;蓝色腐朽(树病) blue glass method stripe 标准线,蓝线 blue glass method vitriol 胆矾,蓝矾 blu(e)ing 上蓝 blush coating 红染涂布 board 纸板 backing board 裱糊纸板 barrier board 防护纸板 battery board 干电池用纸板 beaver board 硬建筑纸板 beer mat 啤酒瓶盖垫纸板 binder's board 书皮纸板 bitumen food board 沥青纸板 bituminous board 沥青纸板 bleached food board 食品包装漂白纸板 blook board 台纸板 boltting board 吸墨纸板 body board 汽车车身用纸板 bogus board 仿制纸板 book(binder) board 书皮纸板 boot board 靴用纸板 bottlle cap board 瓶盖纸板 board packing board 瓶用包装纸板 box board 纸盒用纸板 bristol board 光泽纸板 British board (英国)草纸板 brown wood (pulp) board 褐色木浆纸板 buckskin board 鹿皮纸板 building board 建筑纸板 bulking board 松厚纸板 button board 钮扣用纸板 board finishing board 无光泽纸板 board and box lining 纸板和纸箱衬里 board and box lining cutter 纸板裁切机 board and box lining felt 纸板机用毛毯 board and box lining filler 纸板芯层 board and box lining formation 纸板的成形 board and box lining forming machine 圆网纸板机 board and box lining glazing 纸板磨光 board and box lining liner 纸板衬里 board and box lining lining machine 裱糊纸板机 board and box lining machine 纸板机 board and box lining mill 纸板厂 board and box lining mould 纸板机的圆网 board and box lining press 制纸板用压榨机 board and box lining stock 纸板用浆料 bobbin 盘纸 bobbin cutter 盘纸分切机 body stock 原纸 bogus 仿造纸;伪造纸 bogus back lining 仿封面衬 bogus bristol 仿光泽纸 bogus corrugating medium 仿瓦楞原纸 bogus duplex 仿双层纸 bogus kraft 仿牛皮纸 bogus manila 仿马尼拉纸板 bogus mill wrap 仿书皮包装纸 bogus sereenings 用浆渣制成的纸板 bogus tag 仿标签纸 bogus wrapper 仿包装纸 bogus wrapping 仿包装纸 boiler 锅炉;蒸煮 boiler feed water 锅炉用水 boiler house 锅炉房 boiler room 锅炉房 boiler scale 锅炉结垢,锅炉水垢 boiling curve 蒸煮曲线 boiling curve point 沸点 bole 茎,主干 bolter 筛,栓 bolting 筛选;栓接 bolting machine 筛选机 bombax wool (Bombax heptaphyllum) 木棉树 bond 结合键;证券;粘合 bonded area 结合面积 bonding 粘合;结合 bonding agent 粘合剂 bonding strength 粘合强度;结合强度 bone dry 绝干 bone dry dry weight 绝干重量 bone dry glue 骨胶 bonnet valve 帽状阀 book back liner (书本)封面衬里 bood back liner basis 书本标准规格 bood back liner bulk 书本松厚度 bood back liner jacket 书本封面套 bood back liner lining (书本)封面衬里 bood back liner shavings 书籍纸切边 bood back liner stock 书籍纸用浆 bood back liner wrapper 包书纸 bookkeeping machine 簿记计算机 boom 吊杆;梁 boom crane 吊杆起重机 boom stick 悬挂杆 boony fiber 木质纤维 boot 防护罩 borate 硼酸盐 borax 硼砂 bordered pit (pair) 具缘纹孔(对) bore 内径;孔,膛;穿孔,钻孔 boric acid 硼酸 boring 钻孔;钻取 boring method (of pulp sampling) (纸浆取样)钻孔法 borohydride 硼氢化物 Borol system 液态亚硫酸氢钠制备系统 boron 硼 boss 轮毂;凸起部位 boss machine tender 抄纸工长 bottle cap 纸瓶盖 bottle cap wrapper 包瓶用纸 bottle cap wraps 包瓶用纸 bottom couch (roll) 下伏辊 bootom couch (roll) cutter shaft (切纸机)底刀轴 bootom couch (roll) felt press 下毛毯,下毛布 bootom couch (roll) felt press (包毯)下压榨辊 bootom couch (roll)liner (纸板的)底面 bootom couch (roll) lip (of slice) 下唇板 bootom couch (roll) press (roll) 下压榨(辊) bootom couch (roll) product (分馏)残馏产物 bootom couch (roll) roll 底辊 bootom couch (roll) slitter (碗状)下刀 bootom couch (roll)squeeze roll 下挤水辊 bootom couch (roll) wire 下网,底网 bound moisture 结合水分 bound moisture surface 结合表面 bound moisture water 结合水 bow 弧形杆;舒展杆 bow wave 涡流 bowed roll 弓形辊,弧形辊 bowl (超级压光机)纸粕辊 bowl glazing 旋光泽 box 盒 box board container 纸箱 box clippings 箱纸板下脚料 box compression 纸箱耐压性能 box covering machine 纸盒糊面机 box enamel 纸盒糊面瓷釉纸 box liner 纸盒衬里用纸 box machine 制盒机 box partition 纸箱间层用纸板 box unit 集装箱 bracket 托架;座架 bracket trimmer 闸刀切纸机 brake 制动器,刹车 brake drum 制动圆鼓 brakd shoe 闸瓦,刹车摩擦片 braking 制动;刹车 branch knot 枝节 branch knot wood 枝桠材 branched structure 支链结构 brand mark 商标 brander 烫烙机 brashness 脆性 brass 黄铜 Braun's lignin 溶解天然木素,Braun木素 Brazil wood (Caesalpinia brasiliensis) 胡核木 BRDA former BRDA圆网成形器(流浆箱带有扩散室) bread wrapper 面包包装纸 break 断纸;断头 break even point 均等极限点 break point 极限点;转效点 break resistance 抗断裂性能 breakage 裂断 breakage voltage 击穿电压 breaker 破碎机;碎纸机 breaker bar 破碎机刀片;碎纸机刀片 breaker beater 半浆机 breaker drum 鼓式碎纸机 breaker engine 碎纸机 breaker roll (纸板用)切割辊 breaker stack 半干压光机 breaker trap 碎纸机捕砂槽 breaker vat 碎纸机槽 breaking factor 断裂因子 breaking factor length 裂断长 breaking factor length tester 裂断长测定仪 breaking factor load 裂断负荷 breaking factor roll (纸板用)切割辊 breaking factor strain 裂断应变 breaking factor strength 裂断强度 breaking factor test 裂断试验 breaking factor weight 裂断重量 breast board 胸板 breast board box 网前箱 breast board roll 胸辊 breathe 换气 brick lining 砖衬 bridge crane 桥式吊车 bridge crane tree (磨木机的)紧木箍;楦头 bridging (of chips) 搭桥 brightener 增白剂 brightening 显白,显亮 brightening agent 增白剂 brightness 亮度 brightness reversion 回色,返色 brightness tester 亮度测定仪 brilliance 光泽;明度 brilliant red 亮红 brimstone 硫磺(石) Brinnell's hardness 布氏硬度 Brinnell's hardness tester 布氏硬度计 briquetting 压块;压制成块 bristle mark 毛刷痕(纸病) fbristol 光泽纸 British gum 糊精 British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位 brittle 发脆 brittle heart 心材 brittleness 脆性 broad-leaf wood 阔叶木 broad-leaved wood 阔叶木 broke 损纸 broke beater 损纸打浆机 broke bundle 损纸捆 broke disposal 损纸处理 broke pulper 损纸碎浆机 broke reclamation 损纸回收 broke storage chest 损纸浆池 broke storage tank 损纸浆槽 broken edge 破硕纸边 broken fiber 破碎纤维 broken room 破损纸 broken twlll weave 破斜纹 broken-up stock 分散的浆料 brominated lignin 溴化木素 bromine number 溴值 bromine test 溴试验 bronze crepe 金色皱纹纸 bronze speck 铜斑(点),铜尘埃(纸病) bronze spot 铜斑(点),铜尘埃(纸病) Brookfield viscometer Brookfield粘度计 broom corn 高梁 broomed end 帚化 brown groundwood 褐色磨木浆 brown rot 褐斑,褐色腐朽(树病) brown size 褐色胶,褐色松香胶 brown slivers 褐色木条 brown stock 粗浆,未漂浆 brown stock chest 漂前浆池,粗浆池 brown stock washers 漂前洗浆机 browns 褐色包装纸 bruise 压溃;分裂;捣碎 bruising 挫击;压溃;分裂 brush 毛刷 brush coating 刷涂布 brush dampener 刷式润湿器 brush damper 毛刷湿润辊 brush doctor 毛刷刮刀 brush finish 刷装饰 brush glazing 刷磨光 brush mark 刷痕(纸病) brush molstening machine 毛刷润湿机 brush out (纤维的)分离 brush polish(ing) 刷磨光 brush polishing machine 毛刷磨光机 brush roll 刷辊 brush smoothing 刷平辊 brush wood 枝桠材;灌木条 brushing machine 刷涂机 brushless coating 无刷涂布 brbble 泡沫;气泡 brbble cap absorption tower 泡钟式吸收塔 brbble coating 泡沫涂布 brbble marks 气泡痕(纸病) brbble scrubber 泡沫洗涤塔 brbble test 泡沫测定 bubbling 冒泡,沸腾 bucket conveycr 斗式提出升机 bucket elevator 斗式提出升机 buckeye(Aesculus) 七叶树属 bucking 弯曲,弯折 bucking strength 浸渍强度;弯曲强度 bud 发芽;接枝 buffer 缓冲;缓冲剂;缓冲器 buffer action 缓冲作用 buffer solution 缓冲溶液 buffring agent 缓冲剂 buffing machine 磨光机 building stone 结构基团,结构基石 built-in strain 内部应变 built-in stress 内部应力 bulge resistance (纸板)抗破裂度 bulging 膨胀;渗水 bulk 松厚(度) bulk density 松厚密度;体积比重 bulk factor 松厚率,松厚因子 bulk bandling 散装处理 bulk index 松厚指数 bulk modulus 体积模数 bulk storage 散装贮存 bulkiness 松厚(性) bulking pressure 测松厚的压力 ulking thickness 体积厚度;堆积厚度 bulking value 松度值,松厚值 bulky 松厚,庞大 bull knotter 圆筒除节机 bull screen 粗筛 bunch tube flowbox 束管式流浆箱 bundle 捆,扎,束 bundling press 打包机 buoyancy 浮力 buret(te) 滴定管;量管,玻璃量杯 burlap finish 布面装饰 burner 燃烧炉 burner gas 炉气 burner liner 炉衬 burning 燃烧,煅烧;黑煮 burning of lime sludge 白泥煅烧 burning point 着火点 burning shrinkage 煅烧收缩 burning zone 燃烧层 burnisher 磨光机 burnishing 磨光 burnt 过干燥;煅烧的 burnt chips 黑煮木片 burnt cook 黑煮 burnt lumber 灼烧木材,火烧木 burr 刻石刀,刻石锉轮 burr holder 刻石刀架 burr lathe 刻石刀床 burr number 刻石刀号码 burring 刻石 burring cycle 刻石周期 burring device 刻石装置 burring facilities 刻石装置 burring schedule 刻石程序 burst 破裂(度);耐破度 burst factor 耐破因子 burst index 耐破指数 burst ratio 耐破比值 burst tester 耐破度测定仪 bursling pressure 耐破压力 bursting strain 耐破应变 bursting strength 耐破应力 bursting test 耐破度测定 bursting tester 耐破度测定仪 bus 汇流条;导(电)条;总线 bus converter 汇流变换器 bush roll 刻刀石,锉轮 business form 商业表格用纸 butadiene 丁二烯 butane 丁烷 butcher's manila 肉食包装纸 butcher's wrap 肉食包纸 butt (树木)粗端 butt end 平端头 butt joint 对接 butt swelling 环状润胀 butted splice 对缝粘接 butter carton 牛油包装纸盒 butter wrap(per) 牛油包装纸 butterfly nut 蝶形螺母 butterfly valve 蝶形阀 button 按钮 button card 钮扣用卡纸 button catycher 钮扣捕集器 button specks 钮斑(纸病) button switch 按钮开关 button trap 钮扣捕集沟 buttonwood(platanus occidentalis L. 美国梧桐 buttwood 环形材 Butvar resin Butvar 施胶剂 butyl acetate 醋酸(异)丁酯 butyl alcohol 丁醇 butyl group 丁基 butyl rubber 异丁(烯)橡胶 butyric acid 丁酸 butyrite 丁酸脂 butyryl group 丁酰基团 by-pass (旁通)旁路;绕行 by-pass valve 旁通阀 by-product 副产品 by-path 旁路,旁通 bar coater 刮棒涂布机 bead coater 液滴涂布机 Belflex coaterd Belflex 辊式涂布机 belt type cast coater 带式涂铸机 bent blade coater 韧性(或软)刮刀涂布机 blade coater 刮刀涂布机 Bracewell coater Bracewell 喷雾涂布机 brush coater 毛刷涂布机 brus type double coater 刷式双面涂布机 batch cooking 间歇蒸煮 bisulfite cooking (酸性)亚硫酸盐法蒸煮 bursting strength tester Mullen 耐破度测定仪 back-lining paper 书籍衬里纸 backing paper 裱糊纸 bacon paper 腊肉包装纸 bag paper (纸)袋纸 bag liner paper 衬里袋纸 bagasse paper 蔗渣浆纸 bakelite paper 浸渍绝缘纸 bakelized paper 浸渍绝缘纸 baling paper 单面沥青纸 balloon paper 气球用纸 bamboo paper 竹浆纸 bandage paper 绷带纸 bank paper 高级书写纸 bank florpost paper 透明薄信纸 banknote paper 钞票纸 banquet table cover paper 餐桌纸 barrier paper 抗渗透纸 baryta paper 钡地纸 baryta base paper 钡地原纸,照相原纸 base paper 原纸 bade tracing paper 描图原纸 basewad paper (弹筒)装药用纸 bast paper 韧皮纸 bath paper 高级信纸 batlk paper 涂蜡装饰纸 battery paper 干电池用纸 battery separator paper 电池隔膜纸 battery pasting paper 蓄电池电极吸水纸 battik paper 涂蜡装饰纸 beaming paper 曲折纸板 beer-filter paper 啤酒过滤纸 between-lay paper 夹层纸 bible paper 字典纸 bibulous paper 吸水性纸张 bill paper 帐目纸 billboard paper 光泽广告纸 billing machine paper 自动记录纸 binder's paper 装订用纸 biochargeable paper 生物纸 biscuit paper 饼干包装纸 biscuit cap paper 饼干包装纸 bistered paper 蜡笔画纸 bituminized paper 防潮纸,沥青纸 black album paper 相册黑色衬纸 black-bordered paper 黑边纸 black line paper 黑线晒图纸 black needle paper 黑色包针纸 black photo paper 黑色相片纸 black positive paper 黑色相片纸 black print paper 黑线晒图纸 black waterproof paper 防潮纸 blackout paper 防空纸 blade coated paper 刮刀涂布纸 blank book paper 空白书籍纸 blanket bag paper 毛毯袋用纸 blanking pap


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