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There are on our Porn Tube no adult videos we host, produce or own on our resource. We are against of illegal porn and if you’ve found something illegal, then please contact us and this content would be deleted from our site. Enjoy watching high quality and legal porn only!I know this has been on a lot of people’s minds when they hear that I am a Black woman and I am married to a Chinese man.
One of my good friends over at
answered a questions about the topic on her blog that I have posted below.
However, before you read her very insightful and true opinion on the subject I wanted to tell you my experiences.
I have am not sorry or embarrassed to say that I have dated several types of Asian men.
I am admitting that in my past I have been on a quest to find my Asian prince charming and kissed .. and um .. other things .. a lot of frogs along the way.
I have experienced some of the stereotypical Asian men and I am sorry to say I had to count a few tiles on the ceiling to wait for it to be over.
But I have also experienced some amazing lovers.
I can recall a young Japanese man
that left me pleasantly satisfied and had me following him around for months.
I also have had a Vietnamese man who was quite apt in making sure I was completely satisfied before he himself was. I kept him around for over a year.
My husband has good days and bad days like most people.
But usually tries to make sure I am satisfied and even asks me afterwards just in case he needs to prepare for another round.
For the most part it depends on the man.
Some Asian men really want to prove that they are not the stereotypical small penis Asian man who all the westerns talk about and they will go the extra mile to make sure the woman is happy.
But as my friend states in her blog most Asian Cultures are not open about sex they see it as just what they need to do the reproduce or what they do in secret.
Nowadays, the younger Chinese men are finding out that there is more to it.
Yellow movies, or porn movies are sneaking into China and sex stores are being open in dark corners under secret, so more and more men and women are finding out the joys they can have.
Although, pink houses or prostitution has been around China for decades it was something that bad women did and men paid for not something you would do with a “good girl” or your wife.
Times are changing, trust me I know.
When I first came to China (before my husband), I did not have any trouble with Chinese men wanting to do their best to please me.
I even had to tell a few that my legs do not do what you saw in that movie… slow it down mister.
The age old question: Are Chinese men ?
I would say some Yes and some No.
But like any man of any nationality…there are good ones and bad ones.
However, I have found that the more you love someone the better the sex really can be, because when you have sex you include your heart.
Please enjoy the article below and visit her website.
Although, she is not a black woman but she is American and married to a Chinese man and has a lot of information for those of you interested in dating Asian.
Enjoy the eye candy while your here!!
sex in singapore asks:
Any idea why my Singaporean
(Chinese) lover is so terrible in
bed? He is 35, has had long term
relationships, has been exposed to the
west as he is a successful
producer and has been all over the world,
he is exposed to the concept
through films and media… so
why is he so clueless? He
doesn’t even try. In the past his gfs have
been Chinese and
Singaporean.. When I asked Chinese friends they say in
men are less romantic and more passive and don’t want
to give pleasure
to women. Others say
are just not as passionate
as in european
countries for example. Again I find this hard to
believe, I am sure
there are many Asians who know what they are doing..
but I do hear
western men talking of their Chinese girlfriends and how
they have never
had orgasm etc. I am interested to know what you think
of Chinese/Asian
sexual relationships and whether it is in fact normal
for the sex to be
so … bad? I think this is unlikely and I think it is
simply that my
guy for whatever reason is just totally clueless. But
generalisations be made on this subject? thanks!
best sex I’ve ever had has been with Chinese men (including my
husband). And that tells me that there are plenty of wonderful lovers to
be found among the sons of Han.
Still, while I’ve experienced
the best of times in bed with Chinese
men, I’m willing to admit I’ve had
my worst of times too. And a recent
sex survey did say that
But does that mean bad in bed is the norm? Or that Chinese men are
passionate or romantic as lovers? Those are questions that I bet
“Asian men have small penises” camp would love to jump on.
Personally, I think , and truly great lovers. So what’s the difference then?
Well, Chinese men live in a culture where sex is much more of a taboo.
Take my husband, for example. He grew up in a home where ,
where no one ever hugged or kissed in public — or even hugged or
kissed him. His parents never talked to him about sex or dating, and
(he had to learn about it from late-night radio shows, his friends, and later the Internet).
what about my first Chinese boyfriend? The first time he had sex
girl (not me), he had no idea what to do, and she had to show
him how. (I will say he turned out to be a fantastic lover, despite this
story he told me).
I’m also reminded of the , and :
Because of the generational gap between Asian fathers and
their American-born sons, Asian men often miss out on the dating tips
most American men get from their dads.
While he wrote that with Asian American men in mind, chances are,
Chinese men in China aren’t getting any dating tips from their dads
it comes to sex, I think Chinese men are probably not as
by their families, schools and the culture as a whole.
And they’re
generally not socialized to talk about sex or express their
So, for some men, that can lead to problems — one, that he’s too
sexually repres or two, that he’s less likely to
communicate about sex in
bed. Believe me, movies don’t enter into the
equation. He could watch
the most accomplished sex scenes in all of
cinema — but if he doesn’t
allow himself to be sexual, or to talk about
it, it’s going to be that
much more difficult to be good in bed.
Remember, these are simply potential problems for some, but not all, Chinese men. After all, if all Chinese men were so terrible, how is it they’ve still given me the best sex I’ve ever had?
until next time…
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A swell of netizen support greeted the couple in a country of rapidly changing mores.
By Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian is an assistant editor at Foreign Policy. She spent four years in China before joining Foreign Policy and holds a master's degree in East Asian studies from Yale University.
Over the past 30 years, Chinese society has undergone an evolution in traditional morality perhaps as rapid and unsettling as its economic boom. Yet sexual orientation and gender identity have retained a strong aura of cultural taboo. Same-sex marriage remains illegal, and many LGBT individuals
into traditional marriages in order to assuage social and family expectations. But even that is changing, as LGBT communities have
in China’s sprawling metropolitan centers such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Beijing. Now a
and well-known proponent of same-sex marriage has revealed her own relationship with a transgender man, a revelation that has taken Chinese social media by storm.
Li Yinhe, a public intellectual with a Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh who
frequently on sexuality, revealed Dec. 18 on the Sina blogging platform that she is in a relationship with a transgender man whom she does not name, and that they have lived together for the past 17 years, starting in mid-1997.* The revelation was all the more unexpected given Li’s prior marriage to the renowned male novelist Wang X many in China had continued to view Wang’s untimely death of a heart attack in April 1997 as a romantic tragedy that left Li an ever-grieving widow. Li’s Dec. 18
has already been viewed over 600,000 times, garnered over 7,000 comments, and has been widely
in mainstream news outlets including Tencent and QQ. Li also
the blog to her one million followers on Weibo, China’s massive mi within 24 hours, it had been shared more than 33,000 times with more than 10,000 comments.
Li wrote lyrically of her relationship with her partner. They had met three months after Li’s husband died. “My feeling at the time,” Li wrote, “was that he was an angel sent by God to save me from the bitter sea of my grief for Xiaobo.” He soon moved in with Li, who lived with her mother after Wang’s death.
“But I am not attracted to female bodies,” Li wrote. “How could this then be?” The answer lay in the man’s “overwhelming” love for Li, which she compared to “ten thousand thunderbolts.” At the time the two met, he was a taxi driver, a far cry from Li, with her U.S. doctorate. His family members were blue-collar factory workers who spoke a coarse, unsophisticated Mandarin. But, Li wrote, they were also kind. “Love is key,” penned Li in her post. “Love pays no heed to social class, nor to wealth or poverty, nor age nor beauty. Love even renders gender weightless and unimportant in its wake.” With the passage of time, the two had “become as one…like a small boat that has braved dangerous rapids, but is now floating on wide, calm waters.”
The online response has been overwhelmingly positive. Despite China’s often-conservative gender mores, that’s not terribly surprising — Li’s followers, and Weibo users in general, tend to be younger and more urban than the Chinese population at large, many of whom have had exposure to LGBT culture through Japanese anime, Western TV shows like Sherlock, which is
in China, and a hugely
Taiwanese talk show called Here Comes Kangxi whose host, Cai Kangyong, is openly gay. Of the more than 10,000 comments on Li’s Weibo post, the most up-voted were almost all supportive. “All these years I thought that Professor Li was all alone,” went one popular comment. “What great luck, to have found such long-lasting love after losing Wang Xiaobo. Best wishes!”
Given the sensitivity of the topic, it’s notable that Chinese Internet giant Sina even compiled a list of representative comments from Li’s blog entry and
them to the 37 million followers of its own Weibo microblogging account. The comme one user wrote that Li’s story “will educate the public about the difference between sexual orientation and sexual identity.”
Educating the public did seem to play an important role in the blog post. Li carefully explained the difference between lesbian and transgender individuals, starting with her partner. “She actually isn’t a she, she’s a he, born as a biological female but psychologically a male,” Li explained. “From both his outward appearance and inward landscape, he is a very stereotypical male.” In fact, his manly appearance causes him a great deal of awkwardness when he visits female public toilets, “giving all the women a scare.” He was indeed a man — thus making Li herself a heterosexual, not a lesbian, she emphasized. “I acknowledge here that I am a heterosexual simply because it is the truth,” Li clarified, “not to say that I am more normal than homosexual people, or to say that I am morally superior.” In a Dec. 18
with the liberal Beijing Times, Li said that her revelation cannot be characterized as “coming out of the closet” because she is not lesbian – she is a “heterosexual female who is in a love relationship with a transgender person.”
Her careful yet accessible explanations seemed to resonate with netizens who
on her Weibo post. “This is the first time I have understood the difference between transgender and lesbian,” commented one user. “I should pick up Professor Li’s books and read them all over again!” Another user deemed Li’s courage “a precious force that will build China’s cultural diversity,” while another encouraged her to “write more books.”
The encouragement that many netizens have showered upon Li and her partner is part of a demonstrably growing social acceptance for LGBT relationships in China. In a Sept. 6 post on Weibo, Shanghai Consul General Brian Davidson
that he had married his boyfriend, U.S. citizen Scott Chang, at the Beijing residence of the British ambassador – sovereign British territory, making the marriage legal. An outpouring of online support followed. And on Dec. 16, the popular Taiwanese singer Jolin Tsai posted a screenshot from the music video for her newly released pro-gay marriage song “We’re All Different, Yet the Same,” in which she and an actress, both wearing white wedding dresses, share a . While it remains traditional in many ways, Chinese society continues to open up to a diversity of relationships. “Tolerating and understanding others’ sexual orientations is a kind of accomplishment,”
one supporter. “I was a bit late in learning this. Thank you, Professor Li.”
Yiqin Fu contributed research.
*Correction Dec.18, 2014: Li Yinhe attended the University of Pittsburgh for her doctoral degree, not the University of Pennsylvania. Her lover’s name was not give the name given was misattributed and has been deleted. ()
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