
某中学生英文报近期开辟专栏,讨论中学生健康问题。请按以下提示,用Have a healthy lifestyle 为题为专栏写一篇稿:
2.许多年青少年不注重健康问题,尤其是假期。长时间看电视,通宵上网、玩游戏。导致的危害如:影响视力,身体虚弱,缺乏人际交往。 这是我写的一篇英语作文,不知道哪里有错误,麻烦帮忙纠正一下谢谢。
As far as i'm concerned , it's extraordinary important for us to have a healthy life .
Everyone know that a healthy lifestyle is essential . In spire of paying no attention it for a number of students.
On vacation, someone have watched TV for a long time at home. What's more, playing computer games day and night.
Therefore the eyes are worse and worse, the body more and more worse. They lack of communicating with other people。
In my view ,as we are flowers in our country. We are supposed to have a mental health. We are able to play sports and have a wonderful diet. All and all, we have a happy a life ,we should protect
our body .
1.extraordinary important 怪我才疏学浅我从来没见过这么用的...如果你想表达"very important" 却又觉得"very important"很土的话,试试"crucial"这个词2.Everyone knows3."In spire" or "inspite of"?4. paying no attention to it5. On vacation, someone have watched TV for a long time at home.个人意见改为: They just sit there and watch TV all day long in their vacation6. Therefore the eyes are worse and worse,个人建议改为:eye sight is becoming worse, 而且...书面语里最好不要出现worse and worse一个就好7."In my view ,as we are flowers in our country. " 笑死...祖国的花朵的意思吗? too Chinglish8.the body more and more worse,不知道你要表达什么,body不可能 worse and worse9.They lack of communicating with other people, 有个单词叫"communication"或者你可以说"talk less'10."We are supposed to have a mental health. We are able to play sports and have a wonderful diet. All and all, we have a happy a life ,we should protect our body ."个人建议改为: We need to be healthy both mentally and physcially, to have a happy life, we should take care of our body不光语法错误,逻辑错误也很多,基本语法还需加强(看到告诉别人要加强语法我自己都笑了)
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Illegal is used to describe something that is prohibited or not authorized by law.Some people think that impolite acts are the problems of moral,and they are not serious enough to require legislation.As a matter of fact,because these acts are moral problems ,so they need to be eliminated pressingly.Morality is the core of a country,if the problems emerge in the morality,then the country will become extremely dangerous.That is why we need means of legislation to solve these problems.Means of legislation is a powerful means,not only can it play a role in the surface of people’s behaviors,but also it can restrain the depths of the people’s morality.
Impolite acts have a bad influence on the next generation ,they are not conductive to the sustainable development of the country.This kind of development is about the future of the country,it can promote the prosperity of the nation.The next generation will be the backbone of the country,provided that the next generation has not been well-educated,then the country could not develop for the long haul.If the government could make the law to restrict these impolite acts,then the kids will merely get in touch with those acts,and they will not follow these acts.When they get older,their next generation will also be told that those impolite acts are illegal.Eventually,the impolite acts will disappear in the society!However,there are still some people do not support this idea.They think that these impolite acts are too common to make the law,it is useless to make the law in that these uncivilized behaviors can not be eradicated.In fact,the purpose of making the law is not to eradicate the uncivilized behavior but in order to effectively reduce these behaviors. 老师要求写一片作文 题目就是 Impolite acts should be made illegal我写了三个多小时 敲了900多个字出来 然后现在还差600字 昨天改了1 2段多了一百多单词 求大神帮帮忙啊 帮我修改一下添加很多东西啊 帮我换一下表达方式啊 让我的作文高达上一点啊 新人求指点啊
求大神帮帮忙啊 我自己修改后面的几段 我底子不好时间不够啊
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