spin out of control什么意思及同义词

spin sth out的中文释义
沪江词库精选spin sth out是什么意思、英语短语。
中文释义: 消磨, 度过, 拉长, 拖延
2017spin sth out是什么意思由沪江网提供。SPIN OUT 全1话
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音标:[ spin ]&&发音:&&过去式: spun&&&过去分词: spun&&&名词复数: spins&&&现在分词: spinning&&&
中文翻译vt.(spun , 〔古语〕spinning)1.纺。2.使(陀螺等)旋转;使(车轮)打空转〔在冰上,沙中〕。3.(蜘蛛、蚕等)吐(丝),结(网),(蚕)结(茧)。4.转镟床(等)旋制;钻孔。5.编造;讲(故事等)。6.〔俚语〕〔常用 p. p.〕使过度疲劳。7.〔美俚〕欺骗。8.〔英国〕使考不及格。9.(通过离心力作用)抛出,丢开 (off)。 Cotton is spun into thread. 把棉花纺成线。 Silkworms spin cocoons. 蚕作茧。 Old sailors like to spin yarns. 老海员们喜欢讲故事。vi.1.纺,纺绩。2.(陀螺等)旋转;眼花,眩晕;(车轮)因打滑而空转。3.吐丝,作茧,像丝一般地流出。4.〔口语〕(车、船等)飞驶,飞跑。5.〔俚语〕考不取。6.【航空】(飞机)螺旋下降,旋冲。7.〔美俚〕跳舞。8.【天文】(星体)自转减缓。短语和例子My head spins. 我头晕。 spin in 〔美俚〕上圆,睡午觉。 spin out 1. 拉长,拖长,延长,拖延;使(钱等)勉强再维持一段时间。 2. 磨度过。 3. 使汽车作回形滑行。 spin the bottle 〔美国〕转瓶游戏〔瓶口所向的人须被人亲吻〕。 spin your wheels 〔美空军俚〕劳而无功。n.1.兜一圈;自旋,自转。2.飞跑,飞过,疾驶;划一划。3.【航空】旋冲;螺旋,旋转;【物理学】自转。4.眩晕,心里乱。5.〔澳大利亚〕运气。6. 〔美口〕定调子,起导向作用的意见。 isotopic spin 同位旋。 nuclear spin 核自旋。 go for a spin in a car 坐汽车去兜圈子。 get into a flat spin 穷下来。&&&&辊口; 螺旋坠地&&&&π-meson π介子的自旋&&&&把…纺成…&&&&顺螺旋方向&&&&自旋――自旋的; 自旋间的&&&&自旋-自旋的,自旋间的&&&&自旋交互作用&&&&自旋间相互作用; 自旋自旋相互酌&&&&旋间偶合; 自旋-自旋偶合; 自旋自旋耦合&&&&自旋-自旋偶合常数&&&&自旋去偶&&&&自旋自旋能&&&&旋间互应作用; 自旋-自旋偶合; 自旋间相互作用&&&&旋间松弛作用; 自旋自旋弛豫&&&&旋间松弛时间; 自旋-自旋弛豫时间&&&&自旋-自旋裂分; 自旋裂分&&&&异常螺旋&&&&意外螺旋&&&&顶旋摔&&&&反螺旋方向&&&&美过转步; 美式疾转; 美式旋转步&&&&转动量&&&&反气旋式的旋度&&&&反平行自旋; 反向平行自旋&&&&空转&&&&斯平波洛
例句与用法The earth seemed to spin beneath his feet .地好象在他的脚下旋转起来。I have been in a real spin all morning .我整个上午都晕头转向的。Again i spun the lighter with my thumb .我用拇指重又开燃打火机。The lorry went into a spin on a patch of ice .卡车在一片冰地上打滑了。The turbine is spun by the high-pressure gases .涡轮由高压燃气驱动旋转。The silkworms have gone into the bushes to spin their cocoons .蚕结茧了。See the honeymoon spinning .你就看看那令人眼花缭乱的蜜月吧!After a while, we are once more spun around .过了一会儿,我们又会蒙头转向了。Couldn't we just spin the wheel ?我们能不能就冒一下险?There goes the last of our spinning reserve .现在动用了我们最后的旋压的储备了。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释a distinctive interpretation (especially as used by politicians to sway public opinion); "the campaign put a favorable spin on the story"rapid descent of an aircraft in a steep spiral同义词:, a
"he took the new car for a spin"the act "he gave the crank a spin"; "it broke off after much twisting"同义词:, , , , a swift whirling motion (usually of a missile) "spin out a visit"同义词:, twist and turn so as to give an int "The President''s spokesmen had to spin the story to make it less embarrassing"work natural
"spin silk"form a we "spiders spin a fine web" "spin a yarn"revolve quickly and repeatedly around one'' "The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy"同义词:, , , ,
"spin a coin"同义词:, , , stream in jets, "The creek spun its course through the woods"
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