Inexplicableon irritability 译文求翻译

With the fast pace of life, young people have become busier and have less time to stay at home to accompany their parents.
Technology and the fast pace of life is killing off romance in Britain, according to a survey of how we tell each other how we feel.
When people step foot in Hong Kong, they cant help but adjust to the fast pace of life. Meanwhile they can really enjoy the conveniences that exist from the business culture.
These cities stand up against the fast pace of life seen in many parts of the world.
I'm used to the fast pace of life.
Now, in order to adapt to fast pace of life, it is necessary to create the simpler and more comfortable cities.
In modern life, people's living standard has greatly improved, but the fast pace of life can create physical and mental harm.
Population density is so large, so fast pace of life in Japan, the Japanese are suffering from the life of each and competitive pressures.
These women as a result of pressure, fast pace of life impact of endocrine, some early symptoms of menopause, such as the inexplicable irritability, insomnia, menstrual disorders.
The fast pace of life forces people on the road to move fast, most of which merely rush forward without ever wondering around.
In recently years, As the fast pace of life of people, the stress also increased. Every one of us need to try some way to reduce stress and enjoy the fun in life.
You can see people working at a fast pace of urban life and others living a relaxed life in Shikumen lanes.
If one is caught up with keeping the fast pace of modern life, one will have created a gap between Nature and oneself.
Visitors to the United States are often surprised at how hard most Americans work, at their long work hours and short vacations, and at the fast pace of American life in general.
BITT'S made the best exquisite craft to build the new life quality of contemporary urbanite, add the new atmosphere, and urban tide for the fast pace of urban life add lively and beautiful colour.
With the fast are pace of modern life, more and more people are living under great pressure.
Suzhou is known for the gardens. New YorkStill, the fast, exciting pace of life in New York City is fascinating and this may be a reason why the city continues to fascinate more and more people.
Still, the fast, exciting pace of life in New York City is fascinating and this may be a reason why the city continues to fascinate more and more people.
To escape from the huzzle and buzzle of the city life and the fast pace of it, photographer Kevin Chiu creates his own utopia by adding forms and colors to smoke.
Wish me like you, like you with a youthful heart, a quick mind. May you run fast on the way of life and keep pace with the times.
Why?To some extent it's because our pace of life is often too fast to find the time, or energy, to shop, while buying things online seems so much more convenient.
The pace of nowadays life is extremely fast, we don't have too much time to be sad for too long, to live with the shadow of failure.
As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation.
I love the city life in Shanghai and the fast pace of living in a business capital of the world, but ever so often it is so refreshing to go back to nature.
It reflects the fast-pace modern life which is simple practical and of vivid life breath.
Pace of life speeds up, eating fast food is the rapid increase in population.
Stress and Relaxation As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation.
As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation.
As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation.
As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!Technology and the fast pace of life is killing off romance in Britain, according to a survey of how we tell each other how we feel.
Fast pace of life is the second broken vase.
With the fast pace of life, young people have become busier and have less time to stay at home to accompany their parents.
I'm used to the fast pace of life.
With the progress and development of society, people have an increasingly fast pace of life and stronger sense of competition, and more attention has been drawn on psychosomatic phenomena.
In modern life, people's living standard has greatly improved, but the fast pace of life can create physical and mental harm.
When people step foot in Hong Kong, they cant help but adjust to the fast pace of life. Meanwhile they can really enjoy the conveniences that exist from the business culture.
These cities stand up against the fast pace of life seen in many parts of the world.
Now, in order to adapt to fast pace of life, it is necessary to create the simpler and more comfortable cities.
Because of Fast pace of life in modern society, people need more convenient and efficient way for studying.
Population density is so large, so fast pace of life in Japan, the Japanese are suffering from the life of each and competitive pressures.
These women as a result of pressure, fast pace of life impact of endocrine, some early symptoms of menopause, such as the inexplicable irritability, insomnia, menstrual disorders.
The fast pace of life forces people on the road to move fast, most of which merely rush forward without ever wondering around.
In recently years, As the fast pace of life of people, the stress also increased. Every one of us need to try some way to reduce stress and enjoy the fun in life.
The fast pace of modem life do bring us great pressure.
If one is caught up with keeping the fast pace of modern life, one will have created a gap between Nature and oneself.
You can see people working at a fast pace of urban life and others living a relaxed life in Shikumen lanes.
The fast pace of modem life do bring us great pressure.
Many people were complaining about the fast pace of modern life.
Visitors to the United States are often surprised at how hard most Americans work, at their long work hours and short vacations, and at the fast pace of American life in general.
BITT'S made the best exquisite craft to build the new life quality of contemporary urbanite, add the new atmosphere, and urban tide for the fast pace of urban life add lively and beautiful colour.
Prose is closely related with the fast pace of modern life.
Still, the fast, exciting pace of life in New York City is fascinating.
How fast of your pace of life now?
With the fast are pace of modern life, more and more people are living under great pressure.
Suzhou is known for the gardens. New YorkStill, the fast, exciting pace of life in New York City is fascinating and this may be a reason why the city continues to fascinate more and more people.
Still, the fast, exciting pace of life in New York City is fascinating and this may be a reason why the city continues to fascinate more and more people.
To escape from the huzzle and buzzle of the city life and the fast pace of it, photographer Kevin Chiu creates his own utopia by adding forms and colors to smoke.
To escape from the huzzle and buzzle of the city life and the fast pace of it, photographer Kevin Chiu creates his own utopia by adding forms and colors to smoke.
- 来自原声例句
I like Shenzhen for its fast paced life.
It's good for one's health to find time to relax in a society of fast-paced and stressful work.
They work in the town, income stability, fast rhythm of life, the demands for high quality of life, possess strong phased solvency .
According to the organizers, this will help people with busy lives fit exercise into their day and avoid health problems such as heart disease and obesity.(See photo)
Rather than falling victim to the busy tempo of modern life as in other developed countries, they have stood their ground retaining all that is old and natural.
李说。 “住在城市不仅生活节奏快而且生活成本很贵,事实上许多年轻人开始回到他们的小乡村去寻找一个更好、更平静的生活。”
“A lot of young people who come to the cities looking for work become disappointed,” said Lee.
Relaxation is beneficial to health in a fast-paced and high-pressured society.
"Convenient", "quick" fast food format can say is people living fast rhythm the product of accelerating, McDonald's, KFC is in such a society under the background of the birth.
Modern people are living at a very fast pace and fast food may just meet their requirement.
These women as a result of pressure, fast pace of life impact of endocrine, some early symptoms of menopause, such as the inexplicable irritability, insomnia, menstrual disorders.
The future society is a information society in which the life rhyme is fast and the renew cycle of knowledge and technology is shorter and shorter.
Saved has asked the measuring time, has conformed to the modern people rhythm of life quick characteristic, therefore received everybody's affection very much.
It reflects the fast-pace modern life which is simple practical and of vivid life breath.
Chengdu is one of the most pleasant cities in China, but Cao thought it was boring. "That town is too lazy, " he says.
After their time abroad, "sea turtles" are shocked at the high cost of living, expensive housing and the rapid pace of urban life.
Sometimes you are forced to live a faster life.
The notion has even been adopted by the Internet culture to explain its faster-than-life pace.
Is this pace of in our life that causes an epidemic of stress!
报告还指出了过去和现在年轻人显著的文化差异.现在的孩子生活在快节奏的有机的生活中他们在上中学之前就开始做计划了.他们和他们"活跃 混乱 直升机似的父母"沟通不多.
The report also notes important cultural distinctions between theyouth of today and the youth of yesteryear. Kids live such busy, structured life, that they often use "planner[s] before middleschool."
The ramped-up tempo of Army life, with faster deployments and too little time at home, underlies the problem but is not its sole cause, Chiarelli said.
Fortunately, this lovely country is not without its urban havens, and in its dizzying cities you'll find folk who indulge in saner delights.
这是你的选择: 倾听你的内心或等待石头!你是否因生活的快节奏,忙碌的生活疏远了你所爱的人,?不要让他们失望。
Do you sometimes ignore loved ones because your life is too fast and busy leaving them to wonder whether you really love them?
We live in a very fast-paced society wherein our time is valued only for how much we can do or produce during it.
If you want to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.
Life in the United States is fast-paced. There are fast food restaurants, overnight delivery services, shuttle services, instant cash machines, fast weight loss plans, and even instant minute rice.
With the rapid pace of modern life, more and more people feel the stress on them, especially young people in big cities.
more our life speeds up,the more we feel tired,overwhelmed and lost.
The busy tempo of city life has resulted in increased attention to the quality of life and work efficiency.
If we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.
If we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.
- 来自原声例句


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