
Write audio file
Syntaxaudiowrite(filename,y,Fs) audiowrite(filename,y,Fs,Name,Value) Descriptionaudiowrite(,,) writes
a matrix of audio data, y, with sample rate Fs to
a file called filename. The filename input
also specifies the output file format. The
depends on the output
file format and the data type of the audio data, y.audiowrite(,,,) uses
additional options specified by one or more Name,Value pair
Create a WAVE file from the example file handel.mat,
and read the file back into MATLAB®.
Write a WAVE (.wav) file in the current
folder.load handel.mat
filename = 'handel.wav';
clear y FsRead the data back into MATLAB using audioread.[y,Fs] = audioread(filename);Listen to the audio.sound(y,Fs);
Create a FLAC file from the example file handel.mat and
specify the number of output bits per sample and a comment.load handel.mat
filename = 'handel.flac';
audiowrite(filename,y,Fs,'BitsPerSample',24,'Comment','This is my new audio file.');
clear y FsView information about the new FLAC file.info = audioinfo(filename)info =
Filename: 'S:\handel.flac'
CompressionMethod: 'FLAC'
NumChannels: 1
SampleRate: 8192
TotalSamples: 73113
Duration: 8.9249
Comment: 'This is my new audio file.'
Artist: []
BitsPerSample: 24
Input Argumentsstring
Name of file to write, or the full path to the file, specified
as a string that includes the file extension.
If a path is specified,
it can be absolute or relative. If you do not specify the path, then
the destination directory is the current working directory.
audiowrite supports the following file formats.
Platform SupportFile Format
All platformsWAVE (.wav)
OGG (.ogg)
FLAC (.flac)
Windows® and MacMPEG-4 AAC (.m4a, .mp4)
Example: 'myFile.m4a'
Example: '../myFile.m4a'
Example: 'C:\temp\myFile.m4a'
When writing AAC files on Windows, audiowrite pads
the front and back of the output signal with extra samples of silence.
The Windows AAC encoder also places a very sharp fade-in and
fade-out on the audio.
This results in audio with an increased number
of samples after being written to disk.
Audio data to write, specified as an m-by-n matrix,
where m is the number of audio samples to write
and n is the number of audio channels to write.
If either m or n is 1,
then audiowrite assumes that this dimension specifies
the number of audio channels, and the other dimension specifies the
number of audio samples.
The maximum number of channels depends on the file format.
File FormatMaximum
Number of Channels
WAVE (.wav)256
OGG (.ogg)255
FLAC (.flac)8
MPEG-4 AAC (.m4a, .mp4)2
The valid range for the data in y depends
on the data type of y.
Data Type of yValid
Range for y
uint80 ≤ y &#
int16-32768 ≤ y ≤ +32767
int32-2^32 ≤ y &#–1
single-1.0 ≤ y ≤ +1.0
double-1.0 ≤ y ≤ +1.0
Data beyond the valid range is clipped.
If y is single or double,
then audio data in y should be normalized to values
in the range &# and 1.0, inclusive.
Data Types: single | double | int16 | int32 | uint8positive scalar
Sample rate, in hertz, of audio data y, specified
as a positive scalar greater than 0. Values of Fs are
truncated to integer boundaries. When writing to .m4a or .mp4 files
on Windows platforms, audiowrite supports
only samples rates of 44100 and 48000.
Example: 44100Data Types: doubleName-Value Pair ArgumentsSpecify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments.
Name is the argument
name and Value is the corresponding
value. Name must appear
inside single quotes (' ').
You can specify several name and value pair
arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN.Example: 'Title','Symphony No. 9','Artist','My Orchestra' instructs audiowrite to
write an audio file with the title "Symphony No. 9"
and the artist information "My Orchestra."16 (default) | 8 | 24 | 32 | 64
Number of output bits per sample, specified as the comma-separated
pair consisting of 'BitsPerSample' and a number.
Only available for WAVE (.wav) and FLAC (.flac)
files. For FLAC files, only 8, 16, or 24 bits per sample are supported.
Example: 'BitsPerSample',32
128 (default) | 64 | 96 | 160 | 192 | 256 | 320
Number of kilobits per second (kbit/s) used for compressed audio
files, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'BitRate' and
an integer. Noninteger values are truncated. On Windows 7 platforms,
the only valid values are 96, 128, 160, and 192.
In general, a larger BitRate value results
in higher compression quality.
Only available for MPEG-4 (.m4a, .mp4)
Example: 'BitRate',96
(default) | value in the range [0 100]
Quality setting for the Ogg Vorbis Compressor, specified as
the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Quality' and
a number in the range [0 100], where 0 is lower quality and higher
compression, and 100 is higher quality and lower compression.
Only available for OGG (.ogg) files.
Example: 'Quality',25
[] (default) | string
Title information, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting
of 'Title' and a string.
[] (default) | string
Artist information, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting
of 'Artist' and a string.
Additional information, specified as the comma-separated pair
consisting of 'Comment' and a string.
On Mac platforms, audiowrite writes
metadata to WAVE, OGG, and FLAC files only, and will not write the 'Title', 'Author',
or 'Comment' fields to MPEG-4 AAC files.More AboutThe output data type is determined by the file
format, the data type of y, and the specified output BitsPerSample.File FormatsData
Type of yOutput BitsPerSampleOutput Data Type
WAVE (.wav), uint8, int16, int32, single, double8uint8
uint8, int16, int3232int32
single, double32single
single, double64double
FLAC (.flac)uint8, int16, int32, single, double8int8
MPEG-4 (.m4a, .mp4), OGG (.ogg)uint8, int16, int32, single, doubleN/Asingle
See Also |
与matlab audiowrite用法相关的文章
友链等可联系 |matlab中format函数使用方法_百度文库
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[y,Fs,bits] = wavread('filename')Fs&存的是采样率,单位,是数据的位数。
[...] = wavread('filename',N)只读取前&N&个数据点。
[...] = wavread('filename',[N1 N2])只读取N1&到&之间的数据。
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