
范文一:篇一:应用文翻译及实例thisproduct is an external battery charger for special for psp. provide 3600mah lithiumbattery power supply. it can provide power supply for any usb products by connectedto the usb plug which is enclosed.user guide:1, please fullycharge the battery by using the original psp adapter before use. turn the switch onbefore charge.2, during charge,green light glitter denotes charging, while green light on denotes fully charged.please continue charging 2 hours more for sure the battery is been full.3, connect thebattery to psp console, turn the switchon and play. please turn off the battery ifnot use it, this can prevent the battery run off.4, connect theusb plug to dc plug, for power supply to any other usb products. (usb power, dc 5.0v).5, the cradle ofthe battery pack can be disassembled. place the cradle on the base part of the batterywith the l shape holes, press and push to right side, this can be fixed. (pay attentionto the up and down position) press and push to left side, this can be released.最佳答案本产品是一种专门用于psp的外部充电器。其提供3600毫安粒电池作为电源。它可以通过所提供的usb插头为任意usb产品提供电源。用户指导1. 请在使用前使用psp原配变压器对电池完全充电。并在充电前将开关打开。2. 在充电过程中,绿灯闪烁表示正在充电,当绿灯停止闪烁表示已经完成充电。请继续进行2个小时充电,以确保电池被完全充满。3.将电池与psp主机相连,打开开关并进行游戏。在不使用的时候请关闭开关,从而避免电量流失。4.将usb插头与直流插口相连,以为其他任意usb产品提供电力。(usb电源,直流5v)5. 电池包的支撑架可以被卸下。降电池包安装在电池的基部呈l形的孔中,推压向右侧,电池便固定住了。(请留意上下位置)按压至左侧,便可卸下。注释:电池前3次使用时,请确保电池中的电量被彻底耗空,并且充电12小时以上。这样可以使电池的容量保持一种良好状态。本产品专为psp设计,可以连接于psp主机,并附usb插头,所述usb插头用于为其他usb产品提供电源。应用文翻译(非常实用)二、招聘广告翻译35句(汉译英)二、招聘广告翻译35句(汉译英) 1、须思想成熟,精明能干,为人诚实 mature, dynamic and honest 2、须极强的系统管理能力 excellent ability for/excellent insystematicmanagement 3、能独立工作、思想成熟,应变能力强 able to workindependently,mature and resourceful 4、须个性稳重,具有高度责任感 a stablepersonality andhigh sense of responsibility 5、能够在不同文化背景下和工作人员出色工作 work wellwith a multi-cultural and diverse work force 6须反应快,有进取心的应聘者 bright andaggressive applicants 7、须精力旺盛、思想新潮者 energenic, fashion-minded person 8、具有工作热情和有条不紊的办事习惯,经验不拘enthusiasm,organized working gabits more important than experience 9、上进心强又可*者,并且身体健康,性格开朗 highly mot6ivated and reliable person with excellent health andpleasant personality 10、有积极灵活的头脑 positive, active mind essentialgood englishskills an advantage 15、英语流利更佳,但不是必备条件 fluency in 7
english desirablebut not a must 16、须有良好的英语打字技能 good translation and typing skills 17、须掌握两种语言,并熟悉(电话)录音抄写 bilingual and dictaphoneauditing, costaccounting and taxation 25、至少3年的人员招募、选拔和面试方面的经验 at least 3 yearsof experience in personnel recruiting, screening and interviewing26、具有美国规格标准方面知识者为佳 knowledge about us specifications andstandards a plus27、须有国际会计和合资企业的工作经验 international accounting and joint-ventureexperience essential 28、须有出口贸易的经验,尤以轻工业品方面为佳 experience inexport business, preferably in the field of light industrial products29、须有至少年将英语作为第二语言的教学经验,尤以商业环境为佳 minimum 3universitydegree with major in chemistry 32、须土木工程学的大学毕业生或有同等知识水平者university graduate in civil engineering or equivalent 33、须经常在华南地区出差,偶尔需到国外出差 a lot of travel in south china and occasionally abroad34、能立即上班者优先 immediate availability preferred 35、须有大学本科学历或食品科学的专业证书university degree or professional certificate in food sciencerequired第九章 应用文的翻译【译论专题】应用文翻译的民族特色和美学特色实用文本的基本功能是荷载人类社会的各种信息:说明事物的情况和道理,传达告示或规约.实用文本提供的信息一般可以验证,或可以追根溯源.实用文本几乎包括文学以及纯理论文本以外的人们日常接触和实际应用的各类文字,涉及对外宣传,社会生活,生产领域等各个方面.下面从经贸,法律,广告等简述实用文本的翻译.一.商标商标是刻在或印在一种商品的表面或包装上的标志,记号(图画,图案形文字等),使这种商品和同类的其他商品有所区别.(《现代汉语词典》)语言根植于特定的民族文化,每一种语言都深深地打上了民族的烙印.商标也不例外.寥寥数字的商标,不仅是产品形象的代表,质量的象征,知识产权的保证,而且负载着特定的民族文化.对外宣传时,商标的翻译应兼顾源语文化,译入语文化以及译语读者的接受性.读者是否接受对产品商标外宣的成功起着举足轻重的作用.因此,商标的翻译要运用语言,营销以及美学方面的综合知识,充分考虑不同民族间的文化差异,摆脱死板的形式对等,大胆创新,追求意义或功能对等,体现商品的民族特色和个性内涵,符合销售市场消费群体文化传统心理和消费观念,使译语读者易于接受,从而达到良好的市场效应.(一),尊重民族心理,把握联想意义中国的许多商标是以飞禽,动物来命名的,但是同一种动物在不同的文化有着截然不同的象征意义,要成功地对外宣传商品,商标译名必须尊重民族心理,同时也要把握好词的习惯联想意义.例如广州一家气派豪华的饭店—燕子楼,在店门外用霓虹灯装饰成耀眼的swallow restaurant字样.一位美籍教师站在门前皱着眉头看了一会儿,幽默地问:can i eat slowly in this restaurant 殊不知swallow一词的名词含义为燕子,但动词意义则是吞咽.难免使人联想起狼吞虎咽之意,使顾客产生这里似乎不能慢慢吃的错觉.又如出口商品芳芳唇膏的疑问采用汉语拼音fangfang与英文中fang(蛇的毒牙)一词巧合,谁还敢买这种毒牙唇膏呢(二),熟悉品牌国情,兼顾民族色彩(三)语言朴实,文字简洁,易于上口,便于记忆商标简练,醒目,才能使人过目不忘.多数情况下,一则完整的商标是由文字和图案两部分组成的,商标翻译过程中可以参照其图案来凝练译名,如飞鸽牌自行车被直译为flying dove, 但flying一词与一幅展翅高飞的鸽子图案组合在一起,不免有画蛇添足之感,完全可用dove一词来译.目前,中文商标英译往往逐词直译,如蜂花牌檀香皂译为bee and flower brand .其实在英语国家的商标中brand一词并不大出现,翻译时完全可以略去不译.一个商标,寥寥数字,从小处看,关系到商品的形象和销售;从大处看,则反映着民族的素质和风貌.因而做好商标的翻译,帮助我国商品树立良好的国际形象,作为译者,责无旁贷.二.英文摘要的翻译论文英文摘要是根据论文各部分要点,按照摘要体裁规范而拟定的短文,是论文内容的浓缩.它是进行文摘和文件检索以及国际信息交流的重要手段,其质量的好坏直接影响到作者科研成果的传播与交流.英文摘要应该是中文摘要的翻译,应准确无误地反映中文原文,不宜疏漏,然而,或许是由于某些作者的翻译能力问题,许多摘要都存在着中文详细而英文过于简单和部分省略不详的现象,造成英文摘要不能充分表达论文大意,影响了交流和准确性.在用英语翻译文摘时,可采用被动语态,也可采用主动语态使结构更简练,表达更为直接有力.采用被动语态结构则使表达更客观.翻译时,应视文摘的具体内容来决定所采用的语态.除被动语态外,在英文摘要的写作中还常常采用名词化结构,如通常不说:you can rectifythis fault if you insert a wedge ,,而说:rectification ofthis fault is achieved by insertion of a wedge, 从而使叙述显得更加客观.文摘叙述尽量使用第三人称,避免出现iwe等主观色彩浓厚的词,用过去时态描述作者的工作,用现在时态描述所得出的结论.三,广告的翻译科技的发展使广告表现形式日趋多样化,除了文字,多数广告都配以图画,色彩,动画以及音乐等.但在广告所采取的诸多形式中,语言始终是最重要和最根本的.广告的终极目的是向消费者推介产品并诱导其产生购买行为.因此,广告语言绝不是简单的商业语言,而是一种运用各种语言技巧,并富有艺术魅力的鼓动性语言.它应雅俗共赏,生动有趣,能在受众心中产生瞬时效果.它要求用词新颖独特而言简意赅,句式洗练而内涵丰富,它也要引人注目而读后回味无穷,从而激起消费者的购买欲望.下面从词汇,句型结构以及修辞方面简述广告的语言特点词汇特点:汉语广告用词十分讲究,广告用词的一个显著特点是使用四字格,如瑰丽多彩,手感舒适,穿着大方等.他们有的是固定的成语,有的则是随意组合的词组,通过并列,重叠,排比的方式连接在一起,以加强语义,增强语势,强化广告的艺术感染力.英语广告中有不少名词加形容词的词,已形成固定的广告套语,带有浓厚的感情色彩,恰和中文的四字格对应,在内容和形式上都符合,不仅有相同的意义和修辞色彩,而且有相同的形象比喻.因此翻译中文四字格可采用直接套译的方法.下面从词汇,句型结构以及修辞方面简述广告的语言特点词汇特点:汉语广告用词十分讲究,广告用词的一个显著特点是使用四字格,如瑰丽多彩,手感舒适,穿着大方等.他们有的是固定的成语,有的则是随意组合的词组,通过并列,重叠,排比的方式连接在一起,以加强语义,增强语势,强化广告的艺术感染力.英语广告中有不少名词加形容词的词,已形成固定的广告套语,带有浓厚的感情色彩,恰和中文的四字格对应,在内容和形式上都符合,不仅有相同的意义和修辞色彩,而且有相同的形象比喻.因此翻译中文四字格可采用直接套译的方法.(1)词汇特点:汉语广告用词十分讲究,广告用词的一个显著特点是使用四字格,如瑰丽多彩,手感舒适,穿着大方等.他们有的是固定的成语,有的则是随意组合的词组,通过并列,重叠,排比的方式连接在一起,以加强语义,增强语势,强化广告的艺术感染力.英语广告中有不少名词加形容词的词,已形成固定的广告套语,带有浓厚的感情色彩,恰和中文的四字格对应,在内容和形式上都符合,不仅有相同的意义和修辞色彩,而且有相同的形象比喻.因此翻译中文四字格可采用直接套译的方法.如: 选料考究choice material质地优良superior quality设计新颖 noveldesign式样美观attractive fashion款式多样 greatvariety做工精细 fineworkmanship(2) 句型特点广告要求能吸引读者,有高度的可读性,尽量做到使读者能一目了然,对所推销的商品或劳务有深刻的印象,这就决定了广告英语的一个重要特点:言简意赅.为了达到促销的目的,广告应尽量使用鼓动性语言,以增强其说服功能或诱劝功能,而祈使句本身含有请求,号召,劝告人们做某事的意义,为此常被用于广告之中.例如:要想味道鲜,请君用花仙(花仙牌高级烹调油广告)疑问句在广告中颇受青睐,这是因为无论是一般疑问句,反意疑问句还是特殊疑问句等都极易唤起读者对产品的兴趣和好奇心,从而给他们造成较深刻的印象,促使他们采取行动.大量采用省略句,每一条广告一般都力争在有限的时间,空间,费用内达到最佳的宣传效果,省略句可以最经济的语言文字向受众传达尽量多的信息,有利于加强广告的传播效果.(3)修辞特点修辞手法能够丰富语言的表达能力和表达效果,既获得语言描述的生动性又引起人们的丰富联想.它不但增添了广告的生动性和趣味性,而且使某种商品得到了很好的宣传,给消费者以深刻的印象,提高了商品的知名度,从而最终达到宣传,推销商品的目的,汉语广告常用的修辞手法有以下几种:1)比喻恍如躺在洁白的云朵里(鸭绒被)as if lying insnow-white clouds2)拟人我们是您不作声的仆人,却有着一百双手(厨房用具)faithful andtacitum servants of yours we are, innumerable working hands we have3)夸张一夫当关,万夫莫开(保险门)one warriordeployed in the pass makes thousands of burglars lose hearts4)排比为您提供美,为您提供乐为您提供爱,为您提供趣(故事会杂志广告)it gives you joy,it gives you fun.篇二:应用文翻译校长办公室通
知将于2月28日(星期五)下午2时在大礼堂召开会议,由校长作2004年工作报告。请全校师生准时出席principal’sofficenoticea meeting to deliver a work report for 2004 by the principal is to be held at 2 p.m.friday, february 28, in the auditorium. all students and faculty are requested tobe present on time.february 25, 2005系主任办公室通知外语研究所将于日(星期一)上午九点在演讲楼212室举行语言学研讨会。外语系全体师生务必参加。dean’s officenoticea seminar onlinguistics will be held by the language research institute on monday, march 15, 2005,at 9 a.m. in room 212 lecture hallall foreignlanguage teachers and students are expected to be present.march 11, 20053. 任命通知由校党委提议,大学行政管理委员会于日任命方剑明教授为教务处长。notice ofappoinmentdean of studies.may 20, 2005president’soffice系阅览室通知从日起,我系阅览室开放时间规定如下:上午7:30—11:40下午1:30—20:30谨请注意。the departmentreading room noticereaders arerequested to note that from march 1, 2005 the department reading room will be openduring the following hours:
7:30—11:40 a.m1:30—8:30 p.mreading roomofficeforeignlanguages department二.广播通知(broadcast announcement)广播通知常被用于报告或传递临时性的或特别紧急的消息。5. 机场通知印度航空公司遗憾地告知大家,他们到罗马和孟买的ai 142航班由于技术上的原因,现推迟起飞。本航班将于当地时间22:45起飞。air india regretto announce the delay in the departure of their flight number ai 142 to rome and bombay.due to technical reasons,this flight is now expected to depart at 22:45 hours local time.6. 天气预报,,and now here’sthe latest weather forecast. sunny and pleasant today, with a high of about 80.tomorrow, clear and continued sunny, with a high of about 85. chance of rain today,and tomorrow near zero.更名通告china textileuniversity1882 west yan’anroadshanghaip.r.chinaplease be advisedthat the name of east-china textile institute of science and technology will bechanged to china textile university from september 10, 2003. our telephone & faxnumbers remain unchanged.三.公告和公报(public announcement)公告proclamationmarch 25, 2005it is herebyproclaimed that professor li hua has been elected deputy to the 16th national people’s congress on march 20, 2005.shanghai guanghua university9. 讣 闻讣
闻莫尔斯.内德.尤曼斯先生,生于日,于日逝世。谨定于7月24日星期日下午三点,在纽约百老汇大街1235号举行祭礼。announcing thedeath ofmr mose nedyoumansborndiednovember fifth
july twenty-third1922
2004services at hislate residence1235 broadwaystreetnewyorksunday afternoon,july twenty-fourthat three o’clock四.启事启事(notice)是一种公告性应用文。10. 游客须知游
知根据日程安排,今日将乘车到蓝山游览。如不愿随身携带笨重物品,可存放在行李寄存处,过后再取。请将收据保存好,凭收据才可取回存放物品。旅游车将直放蓝山,中途请不要下车,除非驾驶员宣告停车,让乘客上厕所或买饮料、食品。notice to touristsaccording to theschedule, the touring party will visit the blue mountains today. if you don’t wantto carry heavy baggage around with you, you can leave it in the left baggage officeand pick it up later. please keep the receipt so that you can claim your baggage.the sightseeing bus is non-stop. don’t get off during the journey unless the driversays that there is a stop for toilets or food and drinks.丢失挂件启事12月17日丢失一心形挂件。发现者可得报酬200元。现已21日了,还未找到,失主很伤心。电981735。lost pendantheart shaped,lost 17.12. reward $200neg. 21st present. owner distressed. 981735.遗 失 启 事丢失皮夹一只,黑色,内有身份证和支票。凡有人拾到请打手机与失主联系,将有重金酬谢。手机号码: lost
wallet, black, containing identity card and check.handsome reward for the finder. cellphone: 招
领雌性短毛犬,大约十八个月大,有斑纹和白色斑点,它戴一只装有饰钉的项圈,当时在宽滩水域被发现。请电(015) 145132。foundfemalebull-terrier, approx. 18 mths old with brindle and while markings. she is wearinga studded collar and was located in broadbeach waters area. please ph. (015) 145132.寻人启事一名五岁男孩,身穿红色毛衣,脚穿布鞋,说话湖北口音。星期六早上突然失踪,至今未见回家。见到此童者,请告知我们,电话号码为。面谢。child missinga 5-year-old boy,in red sweater and cotton shoes, speaking with hubei accent, turned up missingsaturday morning, has not returned home ever since. please let us know if anyone shouldhappen to see the child. our phone number is .we will thank thefinder in person.遗失声明兹遗失中国工商银行支票一张,号码0402754,日期日,金额人民币32500元,现已停止支付,特此声明作废。中国酿酒厂lostchina brewery16. 影讯影
讯《与狼共舞》将于4月12日星期四7时在大礼堂上映。票价每张两元,可到大礼堂售票处购买。电影放映组。4月9日film news“dances withwolves”, a feature film will be shown in the auditorium at seven thursday 12, april.admission by tickets, 2 yuan each, obtainable to the booking-office of the auditorium.april 9the filmprojection group17. 桥牌比赛桥牌决赛人文学院对医学院日晚7时爱丁堡大学学生俱乐部bridgetournament(final)humanity schoolvs. medical school7:00 p.m. may 10,2005students’ clubedinburgh1.服务与品行证明一证 明 信兹证明张华先生曾在本公司担任文书主管三年,工作干练,责任心强,上下关系融洽。半年前因健康原因辞职休养,深为惋惜。to whom it mayconcern,wan dongming(manager)2. 服务与品行证明二先生们:我谨证明大卫·布朗先生在本公司担任推销员4年。其间,勤勉努力并在履行自己的职责方面显示出他的才能和智慧,获得同事和上司的敬重。大卫·布朗离职,系出于自愿。贝尔公司经理。亨利· 迈克gentlemen:i beg to certifythat mr. david brown has been a salesman in this firm for four years and has showndiligence and ability in the discharge of his duties. he has gained the esteem ofhis colleagues and superiors alike.he left us of hisown accord.very truly,3.身份证明兹证明威廉·罗纳德·汉森先生,美国籍,男性,35岁,是中国农业大学计算机系的交流教授。他持有美国护照并已向广州市人民政府公安局红旗区警署登记了暂住证。 中国农业大学。外事办公室identitycertificateforeign affairs officeagricultural university4. 结业证书学员李伟(男),自日至日在本校学习计算机文字处理课程,现已达到各项要求。特发此证书。教育学院院长。刘华(签字)日liu hua(signature)the principalcollege ofeducationmay 15, 2005全国大学英语教师培训证书________ 老师中国外语教材与教法研究中心二oo四年七月it is hereby tocertify that__________attended thenational college english teacher training courses and workshops jointly organizedby china foreign language textbooks and teaching methodology research center andshanghai foreign language education press.china foreignlanguage textbooks and teachingmethodologyresearch centershanghai foreignlanguage education pressstamp6.毕业文凭李冰,男,生于日,浙江人,在2000年至2004年期间修完物理系所有规定课程,成绩合格,特于日向其颁发毕业证书。张力(签字)。 华东师范大学校长证书登记第042030号graduation certificatezhang li(signature)presidentuniversityregistration no.042030shanghai gm篇三:英语应用文写作大全一、英语书信正文格式范例:下面是一般事务书信的一个例子:中华人民共和国江苏省无锡市红旗广场江苏师范学院美国纽约 10022第三号大街866号麦克米兰国际公司,英语语言服务公司先生:据悉贵公司新近出版了一套英语语言丛书----针对母语为非英语的学生所编写的英语口语练习丛书,即英语900句。我们非常希望能得到一本样本。如能寄给我们一本,并能附上价目表,我们将不胜感激。江苏师范学院英语系主任
x日英语信件的起首与结尾常用参考用语:开头用语(openingexpressions)1. i feel veryworried as i have not heard from you
for a long time.好久没有你的消息了,我很着急2. it is my honorto receive your kind letter.
收到你的来信,我很荣幸。3. i have thepleasure to inform you that . . .
我很高兴地通知您······4. your letterwas duly arrived.
我如期收到了你的来信。结尾语(endexpressions)1. with kindregards to you and your family.
向你以及你的家人致意/问好much for your kind favor.
非常感谢你的帮忙。4. your suport issincerely valuued.
您的支持十分宝贵。5. lookingforward to your promt reply.
期待你早日回复、回信。二、电子邮件(e-mail)电子邮件(electronic mail)具有传统邮件所无法比拟的优势,它传递速度快,成本低,传送的信息内容丰富,形式多样。除此之外,它还可以加入各种音频和视频效果,使信件显得更加生动、有趣。电子邮件写作一般包括:发件人(fron)、收信人(to)、抄送(cc)、暗送(blind cc)、主题(subject)、和正文(text)等几个部分。其中,抄送(cc)是指在cc一栏中输入其他人的电子邮件地址就可以将一封同时发给多人。暗送(blind cc)是指各收件人无法看到同样的信件都给了何人,从而有效地保护了写信人的隐私。主题(subject)部分便于读信人即刻了解所收信件的内容。因此,主题部分要简介、明了。电子邮件的正文部分也是由称谓、正文和落款署名三个部分。正文部分一般使用非正式的文体,如果正文太长,则可以用附件的方式发送。发件人:william tang〈wtang @citiz.net〉收件人:bigguy@yahoo.ocm抄送:暗送:主题:小心亲爱的大个子:最近忙吗?我们好久不见了。身体多多保重,尤其是在sars期间。记住,sars的新定义是―微笑并保持微笑‖。不要被它吓到。afaik (as far as iknow)
据我说知asap (as soon aspossible)
尽快btw (by the way)
顺便问一下bfn (bye for now)
再见cu (see you )
再会cul (see youlatter)
下载档案faqfrequentasked question)
常见的问题fyi(for yourinformation)
供您参考ga(go ahead)
一直往前hth (hope thishelp)
希望这能帮上忙 imo (in my opinion)
依我看来iow (in otherword)
jam (just a moment)
等会儿o (ocer)
完毕otoh (on theother hand)
另一方面poc (piece ofcake )
小菜一碟pov (point ofview)
观点,看法tnx (thanks)
谢谢wrt (with regardsto )
关于。。。。。。英语信函中的一种形式是英语投诉信。此时要切记信件不能太长,要一言以蔽之。在此类信函中,要注意写明购物时间,阐明投诉原委,同时,要注意措辞恰当,做到有理有据。尊敬的先生:2005年春,我在jonesville的abc商店买了台jones打字机,是手提式特别型。才用了几天,打字机的空格键就断了。我们把机器送到本地的一家修理店,店员说是厂方出的毛病,叫我们拿回abc商店去。我们等了三个月,可他们却将其他的打字机上的空格键拆下来装在了我们的机器上。六个月后,现在空格键又断了。我们发现担保卡仍然有效,便写信给贵公司求助,我们下一步怎么做。这件事如获帮助,我将不胜感激。诚挚的詹姆斯·克里斯多福2006年 2 月 25日 范例:2尊敬的先生:今年三月间,我在jonesville的anderson百货公司购买这辆摩托车时,听说这车是市场上最新的,零件又容易买到。料你也见到了信内附的一个盒子,盒内是坏了的零件,一切麻烦都由它而起。我跟本市好几家修理店谈过,听到他们说:―公司并无替换零件‖,―这车不该在市场上卖‖,我真的很生气。我现在要求,或是把附来的坏零件换好,或是换一部新车给我。真诚的玛莉·琼斯·华纳2006年 5 月 15号 参考用语 (reference expressions)⒈ on ,, (date)i bought from,, (place ) an instant heater manufantured by your renownedconcern. ,,,,(日期)我在,,,,(某地)买了一台由贵厂生产的热水器。⒉ i was shockedto find the instant heater purchased on ... ( date) at ...(place )by us did not functionwell. 我们惊讶地发现,我们······(日期)在······(某地)购买的热水器不太好使用。⒊ yoursupermarket failed to deliver the furniture i ordered on may 5.五月五日我们定购的家具你们一直未送货。⒋ i am sorry topoint out the defect in the oven ...对不起,我得指出烤箱的毛病。⒍ the purpose ofthis letter is ask your permiddion to send you the bicycle for welding.我写信的目的是征求你的同意,我们想把自行车送回贵厂焊接。⒎ i willappreciate anything you can do to help us on this matter.这件事情如获得帮助,我将不胜感激。⒏ i am aware ofyour reputation for quality produ consequently i do not篇四:英语书面表达应用文书面表达(应用文)(115字,b)校园英文杂志newstandard的主编邀请你为该杂志写一篇评论。请你就以下写作要点用英文陈述你的观点。【写作要点】①从该杂志可以了解校园发生的大事,如校园音乐会、英语节、篮球赛②学生经常为该杂志写文章,提高了写作能力③学生最喜爱homework help栏目(column),能够帮助解决学习上的问题④我提两点建议:一是开设环境教育栏自,介绍环境保护方面的知识;二是,,,,,因为,,,,【写作要求】①词数90左右;②短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;⑧文中需包括所有写作要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当加入过渡语句,使短文通顺、连贯; ④文中不能出现考生真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】语言规范,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。new standard isvery popular among students. from this magazine students can,,,,i hope newstandard will be much more helpful to the students in the future!【参考范文】new standard isvery popular among students. from this magazine students can learn about the schoolevents, such as school concerts, the english festival and basketball matches. also,some students often write articles for it, and they have improved their writing. thestudents’ favourite column is homework help because it can help them work out problemson study.i hope newstandard will be much more helpful to the students in the future!(196,b)节约资源, 保护环境.,从我们身边的小事做起。假设你是一个注重“低碳”生活的中学生, 请以“my low-carbonlife” 为题写一篇英文演讲稿,简单谈谈“低碳生活”的重要性,以及你所倡导的“低碳生活”方式,例如:(1)每天步行上学;(2)离开教室时,关灯、风扇、电脑等;(3)不用水时, 记住关水龙头,循环使用水;(4)不使用塑料袋。注意:1. 词数80左右 (文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数)2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。it’s our duty toprotect the environment.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________lower carbon,happier life. let’s take actions.【参考范文】it’s our duty toprotect he environment.lower carbon,happier life. let’s take actions.(198,a)假如你是tommy,你的朋友jack给你来信,抱怨他的父母对他管得太严格了,请你结合自己家庭的情况,给他写一封回信,让jack明白每个家庭都有家规,家规其实是父母对子女的爱护。写作提示:1、 你家里有哪些家规(至少三点)。2、 你对这些家规的看法。3、 你对jack 的建议。要求:1. 必须包括提示内容,可以适当发挥;2. 词数:80左右(文章的开头已给出,不计入词数);3. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。dear jack,tommy【参考范文】dear jack,yours,tommy(155,a)最近你校进行了一次“说出你的烦恼” speak out your worries 的调查活动,请你用英语写一篇短文。要求:1、内容包括:调查结果(如图所示)、对老师和父母的建议。2、词数80左右。文中不得出现真实的校名、姓名。one possibleversion:speak out yourworriesour school hasmade a survey — dont keep your worries.here are the results.about fiftypercent of the students in our school are worried about their homework.they haveso much homework to do every day.and they feel stressed too much.about thirty percentof the篇五:英语应用文写作大全应用文写作之书信----劝诫/鼓励朋友或同学一.写作结构指导开头:称呼第一段:开门见山地说明写信的意图,即信的开头要交待的事由。第二段:交代信中所反映的主要问题的看法和建议,不同内容可以分段。第三段:表达美好祝愿,期待对方回信。结尾:结束语和署名二.常用句型i am writing toshare with you my opinion about it.it’s quitenatural/understandable for you to do,,, however,,,ufrom my point ofview, you should never go to extremes.i hope my advicecan be of some help to you.i wonder if youcan take my suggestions into consideration.i am lookingforward to your good news.三.优秀范文欣赏你的好友因家境一般买不起名牌而闷闷不乐。给12年六月八日june 8, 2012dear xu haiqing,you said in yourletter that many of your classmates were wearing fashionable clothes, butyou couldn’t afford to buy the best brands. so you felt very depressed. there aredifferent views on people’s wear. the following are my ideas about it.firstly, youshouldn’t put too much emphasis on physical appearance. you must alwaysa famous sayinggoes, ―frugality is the mother of virtue.‖ so, secondly, you must understandthat it is a finevirtue to learn live in frugality. since your family is not able to provide you withenough money to buy clothes of the best brands, it is all the more necessary for youto try every means to lighten the financial burden of your family. you will find thevirtue of frugality will benefit you a lot in your later life.i hope youunderstand what i mean. i am sure you will take a positive attitude towards lifeand will be happyagain when you read my letter.
(205 words)yours,huangping四.实战练习假设你是john,你的朋友angela在数学学习上遇到一些困难,上课听不懂,课后作业也不能独立完成,几次考试都不及格,她很苦恼,感到自卑,甚至想辍学。请你给她写封信,谈谈你的看法和建议。-------申请/ 自荐信一. 写作结构指导开头:称呼第一段:介绍自己,开门见山地说明写信的意图,即信的开头要交待的事由。第二段:阐明申请或自荐的原因、自己的优势或理由第三段:表达美好祝愿,期待对方回信。结尾:结束语和署名二. 常用句型i am extremelypleased to hear from you./ to see your advertisement for the position in ....i would like towrite a letter to tell you that...i am confidentthat i am suitable for the kind of the job you are advertising,,...i shall be muchobliged if you will offer me a precious opportunity to an interview.i will greatlyappreciate a response from you at your earliest conveniencei am lookingforward to your replies at your earliest convenience.best regards foryour health and success.三,高考作文点评假定你是李华,亚洲冬季运动会将在你居住的地方举办,现正在招募志愿者,你希望成为其中一员。请按要求用英文给组委会写一封信。内容应包括:1.个人情况:年龄,性别,学历2.个人条件:英语好,爱好体育,善于交际,乐于助人,熟悉本地情况3.承诺:提供最佳服务注意:1.词数100左右,开头语已为你写好2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯3.生词:申请—apply (v.),application(n.)志愿者—volunteerdear sir / madam:my name islihua .i would like to work as a volunteer for the winter asian games.思考:避免每句都用第一人称i开头;内容要点1.年龄、性别2.学历及英语水平3.爱好体育、熟悉本地4.善于交往、乐于助人5.承诺6.合适的结尾【同学范文1】第一档(很差)1-5分dear sir ormadam,my name is lihua.i would like to work as a volunteer for the winter asian games.i am an 18 girl.as a local people, i know the roads and buildings very clear. i like sports very much.by several years training, i am almost good at every sports.now i am a student.in school, my english is good, i am also a kind girl. when i know someone is indifficulty, i will give him or her to defeat it.best wishes foryou.点评:~~~【同学范文2】第二档(较差)5-10分dear sir ormadam,my name is lihua.i would like to work as a volunteer for the winter asian games.i hear that thegames will be held in this place where i lives. i hope to be a volunteer. becauseby this, i can lean about the world and take exercise. i can provide the best servicefor the games. i know the situation here. i believe i can do well.点评:要点安排混乱,部分要点理解错误;拼写、语法错误较多,部分句型结构有问题;【同学范文3】第三档(适当)11-15分dear sir ormadam,had a happy end.i apply for beinga volunteer, i hope you can allow me to be a volunteer. i will do well in it and itand try my best to work. thank you.点评:缺少部分要点,如爱好体育、熟悉本地、善于交往、乐于助人等;承诺部分比较精彩。【同学范文4】第四档(好)16-20分dear sir ormadam,my name islihua,i would like to work as a volunteer for the winter acian games.i am awarm-hearted boy of 17, who is still studying in middle school. i want to be a memberof them.please accept myapplication for being a volunteer, and i have been ready to make contribution to thegames.点评:能通过使用多变的句式和高级的词组增强文章表现力,英语功底比较扎实。
范文二:2009用英语怎么说2009:two thousand and nine示例用法:1.钢铁出口数据来源于2009年。Steel export data is for 2009.2.那是2009年的6月。That was in june 2009.3.在2009年艾哈迈迪内贾德也访问了巴西。 In 2009 mr ahmadinejad also visited brazil.4.2009年,吉尔吉斯斯坦的政治气候剧烈恶化。In 2009 the political climate in kyrgyzstan deteriorated drastically.5.卡尔扎伊2009年赢得第二个五年任期。President karzai won a second five-year term in 2009.
范文三:初学英语的人,常用expense来泛指一切“费用”。其实expense主要是“花费”“开支”的意思,如current expenses表示“日常开支”,selling expenses表示“销售费用”,travelling expenses表示“旅费”等。在现实生活中,各种“费用”是有不同的表达方式的。1. admission(n.)指入场费。例如:Admission to lecture is $2.这场演讲入场费是2美元。2. charge(n.)指费用、价钱。常用复数,主要用于一次性劳务收取的费用,如服务费、行李超重费、住宿费等。例如:What are the charges in the hotel?这家旅馆的收费是多少?3. cost(n.)意为“成本”“价格” 。常常用来表示对已取得的货物或劳务所支付的费用。例如:The cost of seeing a movie is seven dollars.看一场电影要花7美元。4. postage(n.)指邮费。例如:How much postage do I need to send this package?寄这个包裹我需付多少钱?5. fare(n.)指旅客乘公共汽车、出租车、火车、轮船、飞机等所支付的费用。例如:All fares, please.(公共汽车售票员用语)请买票。6. fee(n.)指医生、律师或其它专门职业的佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等。例如:My lawyer’s hourly fee is 130 dollars.我律师的佣金是每小时130美元。7. rent(n. )指土地、建筑物、房屋、机器等定期的租费。例如:The student owed three months’ rent for my house.那学生欠我三个月的房租。8. tip(n.)指小费。例如:I gave my barber a fat tip.我给了理发师优厚的小费。9. toll(n.)指道路、桥梁、港口、市场的捐税、通行费及电话费等。例如:This month I had to pay 200 yuan toll call.这个月我要缴200元的长途电话费。10. tuition(n.)指学费。例如:John took out a loan to pay his tuition.约翰贷款交学费。
范文四:现在我们都习惯用特定的词汇去形容一代人,如“80后”“90后”等等,现在也开始了“00后”。如果用90's generation来表达“90后”不太合适也不够地道,因为“generation”太官方了,那么要如何才是更加地道的表达方式呢?今天我们就一起来学习下吧。知识点:1. 80's/ 90's baby :80/90后eg:
Wuyi is a 90's baby.武艺是一名90后。2. bashful adj. 害羞的,腼腆的eg: The bashful boy was nervous with strangers.那个害羞的小男孩遇到陌生人就紧张。3. modest adj. 谦虚的;端庄的;适度的eg: Really great men are essentially modest.真正的伟人大都很谦虚。modest about 对……不夸耀的modest in 在……方面谦虚的,在……方面不过分的更多英语学习方法:必克英语
范文五:12用英语怎么说英语:twelve ; dozen ; [建] lauronitrile ; [电影]Twelve网络释义:1. twelve2. Rename (Ren)3. dodici4. Yellow Submarine双语例句twelve; dozen;十二 的相关例句1. Judas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.犹大是耶稣十二门徒之一.来自《简明英汉词典》2. He has a very adult manner although he's only 12.虽然他只有十二岁,他举止却很象大人.来自《现代英汉综合大词典》3. The flood came in a wall of water twelve feet high.洪水以十二英尺高的水壁涌来.来自《现代英汉综合大词典》4. Ten out of the set of twelve were hatched.一窝十二个蛋孵出了十个.来自《现代英汉综合大词典》5. Three times four is [ are ] twelve.三乘四 等于 十二.来自《简明英汉词典》6. Twelve British servicemen were killed yesterday.昨天十二名英国军人被杀.来自《简明英汉词典》7. London is made up of 32 boroughs.伦敦由三十二个行政区组成.来自《简明英汉词典》8. The group leader supervises a dozen workers.组长管十二个工人.来自《简明英汉词典》9. Please turn to page twelve.请翻到十二页.来自《现代英汉综合大词典》10. Six into twelve goes twice.六除十二得二.
范文六:家居用品 用英语怎么说Contract programmes 订做家具Cot 童床(婴儿床)Couch 长沙发椅Cupboard 橱柜Cupboard wall unit for flat 套房衣柜
Curtain 窗帘,挂帘Customized furniture 订做家具Double-bed 双人床Double function sofa-bed 双人沙发床
Double sided mirror 双面镜Draughtsman chair 吧椅Drawer 抽屉Dressing table 梳妆台Easy chair 轻便椅End table 茶几Entrance hall furniture 门厅家具
Exterior door户外门Filing cabinet 文件柜Fireplace壁炉Fitment 固定家具Fitting 家居用品Flower stand 花架Folding chair 折叠椅Folding furniture 折叠家具Folk furniture 民间家具Junior desk chair 学生书桌椅Kitchen block /kitchen rock 厨房地砖
Kitchen cabinet 餐具柜Kitchen chair, stool and bench 厨房椅、圆凳及条椅Kitchen fitment 厨房固定家具Kitchen table 厨房餐桌Kitchen unit 厨房成套家具Mirror for chest of drawers 多屉柜梳妆镜
Multi-purpose sofa 多用沙发Multi-purpose table 多用桌Nest 茶几Occasional furniture 配套家具,休闲家具
Occasional table 休闲桌Office furniture 办公家具Office seating 办公座椅Office table 办公桌Partition wall 隔断School table 课桌screen 屏风Seat 座椅secretaire 写字桌(尤指有抽屉及分类格者) Secretarial chair 秘书椅sectional sofa 拼合沙发semi-CKD 半拆装家具separate wine cabinet 独立厨柜
serving table 送餐桌 chaise longue 长靠椅shelving combination 组合架shoe rack 鞋架side table 小桌sideboard 餐具柜simmous bed 席梦思床single bed 单人床slat stool 板条凳sleeper sofa 可睡沙发sofa 沙发sofa bed 沙发床sofa table 沙发桌soft chair 软椅 steel cot 钢丝床;弹簧床
spring-seat chair 弹簧座椅square stool 方凳square table 方桌steel chair 扶手椅steel desk 钢制写字台steel safe 保险柜step stool 梯凳stool 凳子;搁脚凳storage for umbrellas 伞架straight back chair 直背椅 safe 保险箱studio couch 单人沙发床 trunk 衣箱;小型旅行箱
swivel armchair 帆布折叠躺椅
swivel-top stool 转动凳
范文八:实用:办理出院手续时用英语怎么说?病人:下午好!我来办理出院手续。P: Good afternoon! I've come to go through the discharge formalities.
职员:你康复了,祝贺你!你的出院证呢?C: You recovered, congratulations! Would you please show me your discharge certificate病人:给你。P: Here you are.职员:这是住院部开的帐单,总共690元。C: This is your bill from the Admission Office. 690 yuan in all.病人:这是所有的单据。我总共要付多少钱?P: And here's all my paper work. How much will I have to pay altogether职员:请等一下,我来算一下。住院费是890元,药费456元。好,一共1346元。你可以付现金,也可以用卡。C: Just a moment, please, I'll work it out. 890 yuan for hospitalization expenses and 456 yuan for medicine fee. Well, that comes 1346 yuanaltogether.You can either pay in cash or by cards.病人:我给现金。给你1400元。P: I'll pay in cash. Here’s 1400 yuan.职员:这是找给你的零钱,54元。C: Here's your change,54 yuan.病人:你能给我详细的清单吗?P: Can you show me the details of the accounts职员:可以,但你得等到明天上午。C: Yes, but you will have to come tomorrow morning.病人:发票呢?P: My receipt职员:马上就给你。C: I'll give it to you right away.病人:谢谢!明天见!P: Thank you! See you tommorow.职员:再见!C: Bye!Useful Expressions1.I've come to go through the discharge formalities.我来办理出院手续。2.You've recovered, congratulations! Would you please show me your discharge certificate你康复了,祝贺你!你的出院证呢?3.This is your bill from the Admission Office. 690 yuan in all.这是住院部开的帐单,总共690元。4.And here's all my paper work. How much will I have to pay altogether
这是所有的单据。我总共要付多少钱?5.Just a moment, please, I'll work it out.请等一下,我来算一下。6. 890 yuan for hospitalization expenses and 456 yuan for medicine fee. Well, that comes to 1346 yuan altogether.住院费是890元,药费456元。好,一共1346元。7.You can either pay in cash or by cards.你可以付现金,也可以用卡。8. Can you show me the details of the accounts你能给我详细的清单吗?You can go to complete the discharging formalities tomorrow.你明天可以去办理出院手续了。You hve not settled the accounts yet. You still have a payment of $1000 to make.
你还没有结帐。你还欠1000美元。Return the utensil, please.把病房用具还回来。Is this the place I come to pay这是付款处吗?Oh, I'm sorry I don’t have so much money with me.哦,对不起,我没带那么多的钱。
Jessica: Hi, Qiong Yan! I heard there was a riot in your office...
QY: Riot? 哈哈,没那么严重,其实就是我们这些小白领一块儿找经理谈判,要求涨工Jessica: And did you get the raise?QY: Yes! I didn't expect management to give in,不过我们的谈判代表是一个特别能说会道的人,我估计,经理是被他侃晕啦! 哈哈! 对了,在美语中要怎么形容一个人能说会道呢?Jessica: You can say someone has a silver tongue, or someone is silver-tongued. It means a person can clearly and effectively express himself and convince other people.QY: I see. So, thanks to my silver-tongued co-worker, we got the raise!Jessica: Congratulations!QY: 其实,仔细想想,这次也不全是因为这个同事能说会道。经理以前老说大家工作努力,应该涨工资,可都是光说不练! 所以他这次也自觉理亏!Jessica: So he'd been paying lip service to you!QY: Pay lip service? Lip 不是嘴唇么?我知道了,pay lip service 就是用空话安抚别人,对么?Jessica: That's right. Managers at your company must have said how much they appreciated all your hard work, but if they're really impressed by what you've done, they should have given you a raise already! Their insincere appreciation is lip service.QY: 没错! 以前经理还老说公司财政紧张,所以大家都应该支持公司,暂时不要涨工资,可我听说,他自己的工资涨得可带劲了!Jessica: Ah! This is a textbook example ofQY: 真气人,If they talk the talk, they should walk the walk! 怎么能搞双重标准呢?Jessica: Well, I'm just happy you guys got what you wanted. You should be proud of yourselves!QY: 今天我们学了,形容一个人能说会道,用说空话是说一套,做一套是talk the talk, but not walk the walk.
范文十:文/英语老师刘江华今天讲一个我们生活经常用到的词“胡说八道”这句话的由来还是有历史根源的,胡,中国古代对西、北部少数民族的称呼,亦指胡僧。 后来'胡人来说八道经'就指人没根据的瞎吹乱侃。人们常把不负责任地乱说一气,称之为胡说八道。通过汉语我们理解是什么意思,那用英语怎么解释?胡说八道用英语可以说 Stuff and nonsensestuff 美 [st?f] 材料 东西nonsense 美 ['nɑns?ns] 胡说 废话stuff and nonsense 的同义词就是talk nonsensetalk nonsense 意思就是:胡言乱语举个例子:He had nothing to do except talk nonsense.除了胡说八道,他没别的事干。当然我们说Fuck you 除了你是混蛋的意思也有胡说八道的意思。所以讲胡说八道有三个词组可以说,1,stuff and nonsense 2, talk nonsense 3,fuck you欢迎转载和分享要听语音讲解关注微信平台江华教你说英语微信订阅号:practiceEnglish (长按微信号可复制关注)语音讲解发音口语,每日一篇英语美文朗读本文为头条号作者原创。未经授权,不得转载。


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