we are 英雄联盟youaretryingg to find the way to out when someone cried 为什么要去掉 这句话

Many of us spend a great deal of time and energy trying to prove that we are right and others are wrong. Many people believe that it’s their job to
36 others how their positions, statements and points of view are
and that in doing so, the person they are correcting is going to somehow
it, or at least learn something. Wrong! Think about it. Have you ever been
by someone and said to him, “Thank you so much for showing me that I’m wrong and you’re right.” Or has anyone you know ever
you when you corrected him, or made yourself “right” at his 41
? Of course not. The truth is, all of us
42 to be corrected. We all want our position to be
and understood by others. Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest
of the human heart. And those who learn to
are the most loved and respected. Those who are in the
of correcting others are often hated and
47 .A wonderful way of becoming more peaceful and loving is to practice
others the joy of being right--- give them the glory.
49 correcting. When someone says, “I really feel it’s important to…” rather than
and saying, “No, it’s more important to…” , simply let it go and allow his statement to
51 . The people in your life will become less defensive and more
52 . They will appreciate you more than you could ever have
possible. You’ll discover the joy of joining in and seeing other people’s
, which is far more rewarding than a battle of egos(自我意识). Starting today, and let others be “
” most of the time.【小题1】) j& T) h* e6 E# i$ G6 X0 V A.classify* M* O6 C- A8 N% g+ G) J B.show$ R, J, `2 Y- M C.advise# N. J& b9 I3 \: ^$ c9 h D.persuade6 Y) T6 Z4 S. h* B + Z7 G& d+ f% A2 F0 D( M1 Z 【小题2】/ G$ e) W3 X$ B) F8 Y4 S* X A.unbelievable 3 S
Y6 D# a7 M, L8 V
] B.imperfect* f
D$ M& e5 ]" \8 d C.incorrect1 O
S/ a" h$ G( P4 C: Z D.unimportant1 @* C# g* O' Z6 C * W; S* ^! ?4 U. C/ P" ` 【小题3】9 W9 U; I2 Y% ?" i A.promote2 A$ e7 ?$ ]! b$ d2 \8 ^1 F" R7 @ B.appreciate
U* F# U+ T; M7 C C.consider" g- I) X' _) F0 O1 O# D D.understand' _6 S8 F& J9 b . ?+ M. ?! R# G$ T4 K1 ?# L 【小题4】# S+ g% L- Q. ^( _ A.corrected+ I3 D. h* W- P B.fooled# g* X. F3 X( I C.helped* V: E# _( `$ a* H7 ?; T- c D.taught2 @. g& Y# Y+ H$ `9 T/ J5 ]% X 8 P/ h5 f# W# G6 G' h( T
U 【小题5】% j# M& M3 @7 j( D9 D, E A.awarded 6 P6 I: F& G5 X/ b" W) c B.accepted7 L2 ?6 Y6 ^6 ?/ a2 e: ? C.cared! A* X+ W4 ]: H& f: J( c D.thanked2 ^. Q, f. P* W& ^ 5 R! D. E5 F/ W0 F
G3 I1 ? 【小题6】0 V, [2 a0 Q3 D& O& I+ a A.effort / K4 Z- S5 _$ D) F" j% e% P# I B.price # M. Q' @. I# N2 R C.expense. A9 D* j2 f0 i/ T D.power5 j4 R& W- f" X7 _' \ 6 Q0 ^; d( Y9 E2 Y& L9 \3 B" T 【小题7】# `0 V$ h. R8 @7 @6 @: M. ^/ c A.afford
a/ Z B.hate# h0 J" c6 L: b4 A; i' \+ N C.like3 U# F! j' ^/ U3 d4 C D.prefer# c( @; M4 F- i6 S$ e 7 D5 e2 C' L' N 【小题8】/ M4 `% a, F( g& V) \: @7 Z A.respected* d" W4 [& b( h( @% D3 g- j- g B.received) U; L! U& ^8 V- Y7 h C.admired: \+ D3 g* X- `0 X0 M D. [# c0 c5 j! h+ `( ` ) g8 i) f! @" Y7 R- G4 Y. J# N 【小题9】2 S" N8 Y! d* F7 \6 H2 D- L8 f A.advantages
G- @5 F% E# \, @ B.appetites9 ?3 W$ T0 g! [ C.shortcomings( ?5 a0 ?* f# R+ E3 T9 E D.desires
Q1 L0 C7 F# K, @ / g& D8 h. D+ b# e" N; P- E 【小题10】9 _# j) E- j* A7 ^4 \ A.adjust) S; a6 `/ ?% G B.benefit- @# ?0 e/ j3 `6 T9 K C.listen$ ^( C% E; i4 O7 e0 \4 a' F D.praise! H) Z* c* g! `: T1 L 5 R6 G6 F2 a1 I$ g! V8 A+ L" c 【小题11】$ W$ c' Q7 \3 Y' ]* ] A.form8 \0 F* N( H5 f7 L) _ B.habit! V9 M0 R. \# V) H C. i6 X& i5 X, X% L% j3 S D.position, ]# Z6 c! C( j8 M5 U) P# c 3 V0 i: d2 ?! H! [ 【小题12】+ Q& X8 ?# g/ N8 Q* Q. O1 Z7 [ A.avoided- h# L2 c% V8 h2 Y# S5 a6 j B.left7 [8 c. Y1 e8 g C.punished+ i1 Q! R$ F. g" g2 ?% b4 ` D.scolded9 `/ ^: P/ Q: G" T
E0 Z2 E 0 N' a: P# M9 i% ?/ D( V 【小题13】" O; Q8 `! _' A! L A.lending4 L$ b2 M( @. B6 i
K B.owing+ e0 g+ X- Y, K: S2 @( B C.promising ! V3 i* L5 G& A" E# j" h D.allowing& i% i# _. \4 D. N9 i
i 4 d1 O' C' F7 F5 d% N4 d 【小题14】- e3 Y' ?8 j% G0 M( ] A.Consider$ Z" f5 F
C B.Practice1 R% O+ T6 b9 [
A7 T3 ? C.Stop8 C. ?; [! X$ H D.Continue* W9 S% c# i" [# S' S& C ! a- R% L4 D# c 【小题15】1 F- E+ M% a9 I3 c1 S A.working out- B: F$ I2 K8 M/ K% `/ Q B.jumping in & J
j6 i. ]- B3 ]7 T$ @' J C. Y
O9 B: j4 M) i D.putting off( @( A$ A" H& Q: C/ X " S- a4 W$ \- X( N 【小题16】* \4 R( _0 R" _3 A4 Q A.stand3 [( Z* Y
e$ \7 f/ Y8 W B.last& Z2 `
L. d6 G: P: S C.harm* T. ]& a9 d' W$ V D.work- f$ `+ Q) F6 Q " B! ?+ T' `% B" ^ 【小题17】' F- N( [& H% @9 X A.careful+ K4 S' P5 H% b2 @+ P B.helpful! g3 R! f2 P+ d6 j$ F C.popular& N4 Y* `% c, Q: j D.loving1 T% V" Y+ ?4 f% P0 H ! T* a& T( G# f 【小题18】/ L: G7 G' E( U
@0 i4 O& R A.ordered* D1 f6 Q9 O& S; d0 f! h. E& G B.led4 [. E( F3 e/ V C.dreamed/ E3 U( g+ D+ Z D.demanded5 i0 h* f
B( O % Y0 `, j) N+ S 【小题19】0 D# \6 b- C; L A.worries, g- b, Y) d7 d( O5 h2 I B.happiness! V( Z. H7 g
Y7 S6 F C.sufferings! M2 ^, b$ L" U
F D.success7 K8 S* C/ E0 P: R& I / d9 h0 Z- D1 Y( b9 _/ M 【小题20】8 Z& M; E- \# X, c& K1 e7 ^! Y A.right2 d8 h. b5 `# ], Y B.satisfied
E4 E2 Y7 `4 f9 \- J( @8 g C.proud& ?
]/ A" K0 W% G5 G9 P D.excited6 Y. F* X$ K3 F: C( P + F$ Q+ ^" f$ @5 _3 d
跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:Many of us spend a great deal of time and energy trying to prove that we are right and others are wrong. Many people believe that it’s their job to
36 others how their positions, statements and points of view are
and that in doing so, the person they are correcting is going to somehow
it, or at least learn something. Wrong! Think about it. Have you ever been
by someone and said to him, “Thank you so much for showing me that I’m wrong and you’re right.” Or has anyone you know ever
you when you corrected him, or made yourself “right” at his 41
? Of course not. The truth is, all of us
42 to be corrected. We all want our position to be
and understood by others. Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest
of the human heart. And those who learn to
are the most loved and respected. Those who are in the
of correcting others are often hated and
47 .A wonderful way of becoming more peaceful and loving is to practice
others the joy of being right--- give them the glory.
49 correcting. When someone says, “I really feel it’s important to…” rather than
and saying, “No, it’s more important to…” , simply let it go and allow his statement to
51 . The people in your life will become less defensive and more
52 . They will appreciate you more than you could ever have
possible. You’ll discover the joy of joining in and seeing other people’s
, which is far more rewarding than a battle of egos(自我意识). Starting today, and let others be “
” most of the time.【小题1】) j& T) h* e6 E# i$ G6 X0 V A.classify* M* O6 C- A8 N% g+ G) J B.show$ R, J, `2 Y- M C.advise# N. J& b9 I3 \: ^$ c9 h D.persuade6 Y) T6 Z4 S. h* B + Z7 G& d+ f% A2 F0 D( M1 Z 【小题2】/ G$ e) W3 X$ B) F8 Y4 S* X A.unbelievable 3 S
Y6 D# a7 M, L8 V
] B.imperfect* f
D$ M& e5 ]" \8 d C.incorrect1 O
S/ a" h$ G( P4 C: Z D.unimportant1 @* C# g* O' Z6 C * W; S* ^! ?4 U. C/ P" ` 【小题3】9 W9 U; I2 Y% ?" i A.promote2 A$ e7 ?$ ]! b$ d2 \8 ^1 F" R7 @ B.appreciate
U* F# U+ T; M7 C C.consider" g- I) X' _) F0 O1 O# D D.understand' _6 S8 F& J9 b . ?+ M. ?! R# G$ T4 K1 ?# L 【小题4】# S+ g% L- Q. ^( _ A.corrected+ I3 D. h* W- P B.fooled# g* X. F3 X( I C.helped* V: E# _( `$ a* H7 ?; T- c D.taught2 @. g& Y# Y+ H$ `9 T/ J5 ]% X 8 P/ h5 f# W# G6 G' h( T
U 【小题5】% j# M& M3 @7 j( D9 D, E A.awarded 6 P6 I: F& G5 X/ b" W) c B.accepted7 L2 ?6 Y6 ^6 ?/ a2 e: ? C.cared! A* X+ W4 ]: H& f: J( c D.thanked2 ^. Q, f. P* W& ^ 5 R! D. E5 F/ W0 F
G3 I1 ? 【小题6】0 V, [2 a0 Q3 D& O& I+ a A.effort / K4 Z- S5 _$ D) F" j% e% P# I B.price # M. Q' @. I# N2 R C.expense. A9 D* j2 f0 i/ T D.power5 j4 R& W- f" X7 _' \ 6 Q0 ^; d( Y9 E2 Y& L9 \3 B" T 【小题7】# `0 V$ h. R8 @7 @6 @: M. ^/ c A.afford
a/ Z B.hate# h0 J" c6 L: b4 A; i' \+ N C.like3 U# F! j' ^/ U3 d4 C D.prefer# c( @; M4 F- i6 S$ e 7 D5 e2 C' L' N 【小题8】/ M4 `% a, F( g& V) \: @7 Z A.respected* d" W4 [& b( h( @% D3 g- j- g B.received) U; L! U& ^8 V- Y7 h C.admired: \+ D3 g* X- `0 X0 M D. [# c0 c5 j! h+ `( ` ) g8 i) f! @" Y7 R- G4 Y. J# N 【小题9】2 S" N8 Y! d* F7 \6 H2 D- L8 f A.advantages
G- @5 F% E# \, @ B.appetites9 ?3 W$ T0 g! [ C.shortcomings( ?5 a0 ?* f# R+ E3 T9 E D.desires
Q1 L0 C7 F# K, @ / g& D8 h. D+ b# e" N; P- E 【小题10】9 _# j) E- j* A7 ^4 \ A.adjust) S; a6 `/ ?% G B.benefit- @# ?0 e/ j3 `6 T9 K C.listen$ ^( C% E; i4 O7 e0 \4 a' F D.praise! H) Z* c* g! `: T1 L 5 R6 G6 F2 a1 I$ g! V8 A+ L" c 【小题11】$ W$ c' Q7 \3 Y' ]* ] A.form8 \0 F* N( H5 f7 L) _ B.habit! V9 M0 R. \# V) H C. i6 X& i5 X, X% L% j3 S D.position, ]# Z6 c! C( j8 M5 U) P# c 3 V0 i: d2 ?! H! [ 【小题12】+ Q& X8 ?# g/ N8 Q* Q. O1 Z7 [ A.avoided- h# L2 c% V8 h2 Y# S5 a6 j B.left7 [8 c. Y1 e8 g C.punished+ i1 Q! R$ F. g" g2 ?% b4 ` D.scolded9 `/ ^: P/ Q: G" T
E0 Z2 E 0 N' a: P# M9 i% ?/ D( V 【小题13】" O; Q8 `! _' A! L A.lending4 L$ b2 M( @. B6 i
K B.owing+ e0 g+ X- Y, K: S2 @( B C.promising ! V3 i* L5 G& A" E# j" h D.allowing& i% i# _. \4 D. N9 i
i 4 d1 O' C' F7 F5 d% N4 d 【小题14】- e3 Y' ?8 j% G0 M( ] A.Consider$ Z" f5 F
C B.Practice1 R% O+ T6 b9 [
A7 T3 ? C.Stop8 C. ?; [! X$ H D.Continue* W9 S% c# i" [# S' S& C ! a- R% L4 D# c 【小题15】1 F- E+ M% a9 I3 c1 S A.working out- B: F$ I2 K8 M/ K% `/ Q B.jumping in & J
j6 i. ]- B3 ]7 T$ @' J C. Y
O9 B: j4 M) i D.putting off( @( A$ A" H& Q: C/ X " S- a4 W$ \- X( N 【小题16】* \4 R( _0 R" _3 A4 Q A.stand3 [( Z* Y
e$ \7 f/ Y8 W B.last& Z2 `
L. d6 G: P: S C.harm* T. ]& a9 d' W$ V D.work- f$ `+ Q) F6 Q " B! ?+ T' `% B" ^ 【小题17】' F- N( [& H% @9 X A.careful+ K4 S' P5 H% b2 @+ P B.helpful! g3 R! f2 P+ d6 j$ F C.popular& N4 Y* `% c, Q: j D.loving1 T% V" Y+ ?4 f% P0 H ! T* a& T( G# f 【小题18】/ L: G7 G' E( U
@0 i4 O& R A.ordered* D1 f6 Q9 O& S; d0 f! h. E& G B.led4 [. E( F3 e/ V C.dreamed/ E3 U( g+ D+ Z D.demanded5 i0 h* f
B( O % Y0 `, j) N+ S 【小题19】0 D# \6 b- C; L A.worries, g- b, Y) d7 d( O5 h2 I B.happiness! V( Z. H7 g
Y7 S6 F C.sufferings! M2 ^, b$ L" U
F D.success7 K8 S* C/ E0 P: R& I / d9 h0 Z- D1 Y( b9 _/ M 【小题20】8 Z& M; E- \# X, c& K1 e7 ^! Y A.right2 d8 h. b5 `# ], Y B.satisfied
E4 E2 Y7 `4 f9 \- J( @8 g C.proud& ?
]/ A" K0 W% G5 G9 P D.excited6 Y. F* X$ K3 F: C( P + F$ Q+ ^" f$ @5 _3 d Many of us spend a great deal of time and energy trying to prove that we are right and others are wrong. Many people believe that it’s their job to
36 others how their positions, statements and points of view are
and that in doing so, the person they are correcting is going to somehow
it, or at least learn something. Wrong! Think about it. Have you ever been
by someone and said to him, “Thank you so much for showing me that I’m wrong and you’re right.” Or has anyone you know ever
you when you corrected him, or made yourself “right” at his 41
? Of course not. The truth is, all of us
42 to be corrected. We all want our position to be
and understood by others. Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest
of the human heart. And those who learn to
are the most loved and respected. Those who are in the
of correcting others are often hated and
47 .A wonderful way of becoming more peaceful and loving is to practice
others the joy of being right--- give them the glory.
49 correcting. When someone says, “I really feel it’s important to…” rather than
and saying, “No, it’s more important to…” , simply let it go and allow his statement to
51 . The people in your life will become less defensive and more
52 . They will appreciate you more than you could ever have
possible. You’ll discover the joy of joining in and seeing other people’s
, which is far more rewarding than a battle of egos(自我意识). Starting today, and let others be “
” most of the time.【小题1】) j& T) h* e6 E# i$ G6 X0 V A.classify* M* O6 C- A8 N% g+ G) J B.show$ R, J, `2 Y- M C.advise# N. J& b9 I3 \: ^$ c9 h D.persuade6 Y) T6 Z4 S. h* B + Z7 G& d+ f% A2 F0 D( M1 Z 【小题2】/ G$ e) W3 X$ B) F8 Y4 S* X A.unbelievable 3 S
Y6 D# a7 M, L8 V
] B.imperfect* f
D$ M& e5 ]" \8 d C.incorrect1 O
S/ a" h$ G( P4 C: Z D.unimportant1 @* C# g* O' Z6 C * W; S* ^! ?4 U. C/ P" ` 【小题3】9 W9 U; I2 Y% ?" i A.promote2 A$ e7 ?$ ]! b$ d2 \8 ^1 F" R7 @ B.appreciate
U* F# U+ T; M7 C C.consider" g- I) X' _) F0 O1 O# D D.understand' _6 S8 F& J9 b . ?+ M. ?! R# G$ T4 K1 ?# L 【小题4】# S+ g% L- Q. ^( _ A.corrected+ I3 D. h* W- P B.fooled# g* X. F3 X( I C.helped* V: E# _( `$ a* H7 ?; T- c D.taught2 @. g& Y# Y+ H$ `9 T/ J5 ]% X 8 P/ h5 f# W# G6 G' h( T
U 【小题5】% j# M& M3 @7 j( D9 D, E A.awarded 6 P6 I: F& G5 X/ b" W) c B.accepted7 L2 ?6 Y6 ^6 ?/ a2 e: ? C.cared! A* X+ W4 ]: H& f: J( c D.thanked2 ^. Q, f. P* W& ^ 5 R! D. E5 F/ W0 F
G3 I1 ? 【小题6】0 V, [2 a0 Q3 D& O& I+ a A.effort / K4 Z- S5 _$ D) F" j% e% P# I B.price # M. Q' @. I# N2 R C.expense. A9 D* j2 f0 i/ T D.power5 j4 R& W- f" X7 _' \ 6 Q0 ^; d( Y9 E2 Y& L9 \3 B" T 【小题7】# `0 V$ h. R8 @7 @6 @: M. ^/ c A.afford
a/ Z B.hate# h0 J" c6 L: b4 A; i' \+ N C.like3 U# F! j' ^/ U3 d4 C D.prefer# c( @; M4 F- i6 S$ e 7 D5 e2 C' L' N 【小题8】/ M4 `% a, F( g& V) \: @7 Z A.respected* d" W4 [& b( h( @% D3 g- j- g B.received) U; L! U& ^8 V- Y7 h C.admired: \+ D3 g* X- `0 X0 M D.realized; [# c0 c5 j! h+ `( ` ) g8 i) f! @" Y7 R- G4 Y. J# N 【小题9】2 S" N8 Y! d* F7 \6 H2 D- L8 f A.advantages
G- @5 F% E# \, @ B.appetites9 ?3 W$ T0 g! [ C.shortcomings( ?5 a0 ?* f# R+ E3 T9 E D.desires
Q1 L0 C7 F# K, @ / g& D8 h. D+ b# e" N; P- E 【小题10】9 _# j) E- j* A7 ^4 \ A.adjust) S; a6 `/ ?% G B.benefit- @# ?0 e/ j3 `6 T9 K C.listen$ ^( C% E; i4 O7 e0 \4 a' F D.praise! H) Z* c* g! `: T1 L 5 R6 G6 F2 a1 I$ g! V8 A+ L" c 【小题11】$ W$ c' Q7 \3 Y' ]* ] A.form8 \0 F* N( H5 f7 L) _ B.habit! V9 M0 R. \# V) H C.purpose; i6 X& i5 X, X% L% j3 S D.position, ]# Z6 c! C( j8 M5 U) P# c 3 V0 i: d2 ?! H! [ 【小题12】+ Q& X8 ?# g/ N8 Q* Q. O1 Z7 [ A.avoided- h# L2 c% V8 h2 Y# S5 a6 j B.left7 [8 c. Y1 e8 g C.punished+ i1 Q! R$ F. g" g2 ?% b4 ` D.scolded9 `/ ^: P/ Q: G" T
E0 Z2 E 0 N' a: P# M9 i% ?/ D( V 【小题13】" O; Q8 `! _' A! L A.lending4 L$ b2 M( @. B6 i
K B.owing+ e0 g+ X- Y, K: S2 @( B C.promising ! V3 i* L5 G& A" E# j" h D.allowing& i% i# _. \4 D. N9 i
i 4 d1 O' C' F7 F5 d% N4 d 【小题14】- e3 Y' ?8 j% G0 M( ] A.Consider$ Z" f5 F
C B.Practice1 R% O+ T6 b9 [
A7 T3 ? C.Stop8 C. ?; [! X$ H D.Continue* W9 S% c# i" [# S' S& C ! a- R% L4 D# c 【小题15】1 F- E+ M% a9 I3 c1 S A.working out- B: F$ I2 K8 M/ K% `/ Q B.jumping in & J
j6 i. ]- B3 ]7 T$ @' J C.turning up; Y
O9 B: j4 M) i D.putting off( @( A$ A" H& Q: C/ X " S- a4 W$ \- X( N 【小题16】* \4 R( _0 R" _3 A4 Q A.stand3 [( Z* Y
e$ \7 f/ Y8 W B.last& Z2 `
L. d6 G: P: S C.harm* T. ]& a9 d' W$ V D.work- f$ `+ Q) F6 Q " B! ?+ T' `% B" ^ 【小题17】' F- N( [& H% @9 X A.careful+ K4 S' P5 H% b2 @+ P B.helpful! g3 R! f2 P+ d6 j$ F C.popular& N4 Y* `% c, Q: j D.loving1 T% V" Y+ ?4 f% P0 H ! T* a& T( G# f 【小题18】/ L: G7 G' E( U
@0 i4 O& R A.ordered* D1 f6 Q9 O& S; d0 f! h. E& G B.led4 [. E( F3 e/ V C.dreamed/ E3 U( g+ D+ Z D.demanded5 i0 h* f
B( O % Y0 `, j) N+ S 【小题19】0 D# \6 b- C; L A.worries, g- b, Y) d7 d( O5 h2 I B.happiness! V( Z. H7 g
Y7 S6 F C.sufferings! M2 ^, b$ L" U
F D.success7 K8 S* C/ E0 P: R& I / d9 h0 Z- D1 Y( b9 _/ M 【小题20】8 Z& M; E- \# X, c& K1 e7 ^! Y A.right2 d8 h. b5 `# ], Y B.satisfied
E4 E2 Y7 `4 f9 \- J( @8 g C.proud& ?
]/ A" K0 W% G5 G9 P D.excited6 Y. F* X$ K3 F: C( P + F$ Q+ ^" f$ @5 _3 d 科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】B【小题2】C【小题3】B【小题4】A【小题5】D【小题6】C【小题7】B【小题8】A【小题9】D【小题10】C【小题11】B【小题12】A【小题13】D【小题14】C【小题15】B【小题16】A【小题17】D【小题18】C【小题19】B【小题20】A解析试题分析:本文讲述了在我们的人生中,我们要学会宽容别人,学会谅解别人不要总是纠正,学会倾听,才能得到别人的爱戴。【小题1】 B
showsb.sth.“给某人展示……”。此处指有些人总是指出别人的立场、观点等是错误的。show后跟的是how引导的宾语从句。干扰性比较大的是teach,teach。b.ste教(会)某人什么,但后面一般不跟从句。【小题2】C 由下文“纠iE"别人可知。文章的第一段用以提出问题,有些人老是指出别人的观点、立场等“不对”,因此选incorrect,相当于wrong。其他选项“不重要的”、“不可信的”、“不完美的”都与前后文出现的“纠正"别人在表达的逻辑上不一致。【小题3】B
appreciate此处意为“感激”。有些人在指出别人 错误的同时,期望别人会“感激”他们。首先refuses!拒绝”在此与作者所表达的意义相反,consider“考虑”,understand“理解”都没有把握好上下文的联系和提示。上文已经提到thank一词。【小题4】A 此处作者以反问的形式指出:你在“纠正’’别人的时候,别人感激过你吗?correct此处用作动词,意为“纠正”。fooled"欺骗”,helped"帮助”,与“感激’’在逻辑上矛盾;taught"教学”,意义不通。 【小题5】D 此处整句都是作者的反问,言外之义:你在纠正别人的时候,别人并没有“感激”你,而是怨恨你、对你敬而远之。rewarded"报答”,cared"在乎”,accepted"接受”,意义上似乎都沾点边,但都脱离了上下文的逻辑和提示。【小题6】 C
atone'sexpense意为“以牺牲……为代价”。此处有踩着别人的肩膀往上爬之意。英语中。none's side是“站在某人一边”;prtce指的是“价格”;cost指的是做什么事情的“成本”。【小题7】B 此处作者指出实际的情况:我们都“不喜欢、痛恨”被别人“纠正”,hate to be done"痛恨、不喜欢被……”。like“喜欢”,prefer"更喜欢”偏离了此处的意义;afford to do意为“有钱干……”。【小题8】A 由后面的understood可知,我们都希望自己的立场得到别人的“尊重”和理解。admired"崇拜”在语意上意味太强;receive"收到(具体的东西)”,realized"实现”不符合表达的需要。【小题9】 D 指我们内心的“欲望”。shortcomings"缺点”,advantages"优点”,从意思上很容易排除;wishes干扰性较大,意思是“理想”,语意太强,而且与后面的 of the human heart不搭配。【小题10】C 学会“倾听”别人的观点,才能得到别人的爱戴和尊敬。从不要老去纠正别人,而应该学会“倾听”这一角度,就能排除其他三个选项。【小题11】B
beinthehabit of相当于have the habit of【小题12】 A 由前面的“怨恨”可知,老是纠正别人会引起别人的“憎恨”和“回避”。left"留下”,不符合此处表达的意义;punished"惩罚”和scolded"批评”表达上太绝对。【小题13】 D
allowsb.sth.“允许某人拥有……”。1et没有此搭配;lendsb.sth.意为“借给某人某物”;owesb.sth.意为“欠某人什么”。【小题14】C 作者建议:“别再老是‘纠正’别人”,故用stopdoine"停止干……”。其他三个选项在搭配上都成立,但把握住作者的建议便可排除它们。【小题15】B
jumpin相当于breakin"插话、打断别人”。理解了此处的意思,便可排除其他选项,break out当战争、火灾、争吵等“爆发”讲;break up当物体或关系“破裂”讲;breakoff当“挣脱”或“打断(锁链等)”讲。【小题16】 A
stand意为“站得住脚、能成立”讲。last"持续”,work用作不及物动词,意为“起作用”,都脱离了作者表达的意图。【小题17】D loving“友爱的”。helpful"有帮助的”,careful“细心的”,popular"流行的、受欢迎的”,此处应考虑与前面less defensive"减少敌意”在表达的逻辑上要一致。【小题18】 C
dream"梦想”。此处作者表达的意思是:一旦你停止纠正别人,别人就会对你非常感激,超出你的期望。 此处应从“超出期望”这一角度去理解。asked和demanded意思都是“要求”,wanted“想”语意太弱。【小题19】 B 目睹别人因为正确而获得的“幸福”。sufferings“磨难”,worries"担心的事”,success"成功”,都偏离了文章的意义。【小题20】 A 由全文可知,这是作者议论的中心:让别人“对”吧。考点:考查人生哲理类完型填空点评:本文讲述了在我们的人生中,我们要学会宽容别人,学会谅解别人不要总是纠正,学会倾听,才能得到别人的爱戴。本文主要是测试学生综合运用语言的能力,即从语篇的角度综合测试阅读理解能力、词汇的掌握和对英语习惯用语的熟悉程度、以及语法规则的灵活运用。考生做题时必须时刻从上下文考虑,不应该只看到所添的词在短语或句子内是否可行。因此,在做题时最好将全文通读一下,了解了全文的意思以后再作答。知识点:&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up(分开) with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jim, as a friend, really feel good about it?” “And was Paul friendly just because I had a car?” When we look back, these thoughts can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it is too late. Why do we go wrong with our friends, or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meanings. And if we do not really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. When someone tells you, “You’re a lucky dog!” Is he really on your side? If he says, “You’re a lucky guy!” That is being friendly. But “a lucky dog”? There is a bit of envy (嫉妒) in those words. What he may be saying is that he does not think you deserve (应得) your luck. “Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for” is another phrase(短语) that says one thing and means another. It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem. But this phrase contains the thought that your problem is not at all important. How can you tell the real meaning behind someone’s words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Is what he says shown by the tone of voice? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save your another mistake. 【小题1】When the writer thinks of some of the things that happened between him and his friends, he .A.feels happy, thinking how nice his friends are to himB.feels he might not have understood his friend’s true feelingsC.thinks it a mistake to have broken up with his girl friendD.is sorry that his friends let him down【小题2】When the writer talks about the saying, “You’re a lucky dog!”, he is saying that .A.the speaker is just friendlyB.this sentence suggests the same as “You’re a lucky guy!”C.the word “dog” should not be used to apply to(运用到) people.D.sometimes the words show that the speaker is a bit envious.【小题3】This passage tries to tell you how to . A.avoid mistakes about money and friendsB.get an idea of friendly peopleC.avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell youD.keep people friendly without trusting them【小题4】The writer suggests that should be trusted. A.everybody B.nobody C.all the people D.not all the people - 跟谁学
跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up(分开) with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jim, as a friend, really feel good about it?” “And was Paul friendly just because I had a car?” When we look back, these thoughts can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it is too late. Why do we go wrong with our friends, or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meanings. And if we do not really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. When someone tells you, “You’re a lucky dog!” Is he really on your side? If he says, “You’re a lucky guy!” That is being friendly. But “a lucky dog”? There is a bit of envy (嫉妒) in those words. What he may be saying is that he does not think you deserve (应得) your luck. “Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for” is another phrase(短语) that says one thing and means another. It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem. But this phrase contains the thought that your problem is not at all important. How can you tell the real meaning behind someone’s words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Is what he says shown by the tone of voice? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save your another mistake. 【小题1】When the writer thinks of some of the things that happened between him and his friends, he .A.feels happy, thinking how nice his friends are to himB.feels he might not have understood his friend’s true feelingsC.thinks it a mistake to have broken up with his girl friendD.is sorry that his friends let him down【小题2】When the writer talks about the saying, “You’re a lucky dog!”, he is saying that .A.the speaker is just friendlyB.this sentence suggests the same as “You’re a lucky guy!”C.the word “dog” should not be used to apply to(运用到) people.D.sometimes the words show that the speaker is a bit envious.【小题3】This passage tries to tell you how to . A.avoid mistakes about money and friendsB.get an idea of friendly peopleC.avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell youD.keep people friendly without trusting them【小题4】The writer suggests that should be trusted. A.everybody B.nobody C.all the people D.not all the peopleWe can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up(分开) with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jim, as a friend, really feel good about it?” “And was Paul friendly just because I had a car?” When we look back, these thoughts can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it is too late. Why do we go wrong with our friends, or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meanings. And if we do not really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. When someone tells you, “You’re a lucky dog!” Is he really on your side? If he says, “You’re a lucky guy!” That is being friendly. But “a lucky dog”? There is a bit of envy (嫉妒) in those words. What he may be saying is that he does not think you deserve (应得) your luck. “Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for” is another phrase(短语) that says one thing and means another. It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem. But this phrase contains the thought that your problem is not at all important. How can you tell the real meaning behind someone’s words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Is what he says shown by the tone of voice? &The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save your another mistake. 【小题1】When the writer thinks of some of the things that happened between him and his friends, he &&&&&&&&&.A.feels happy, thinking how nice his friends are to himB.feels he might not have understood his friend’s true feelingsC.thinks it a mistake to have broken up with his girl friendD.is sorry that his friends let him down【小题2】When the writer talks about the saying, “You’re a lucky dog!”, he is saying that &&&&&&&&&.A.the speaker is just friendlyB.this sentence suggests the same as “You’re a lucky guy!”C.the word “dog” should not be used to apply to(运用到) people.D.sometimes the words show that the speaker is a bit envious.【小题3】This passage tries to tell you how to &&&&&&&&&. A.avoid mistakes about money and friendsB.get an idea of friendly peopleC.avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell youD.keep people friendly without trusting them【小题4】The writer suggests that &&&&&&&&&&should be trusted. A.everybody B.nobody C.all the people D.not all the people科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】B【小题2】D【小题3】C【小题4】D解析试题分析:本文叙述了我们可能会在任何时候犯错误。我们有一些关于钱的错误。但是大多数都是关于人与人的误解。有时朋友表达的意思并非是他表面上的意思,而是隐藏在背后的意思。【小题1】细节理解题。根据Did Jerry really care when I broke up(分开) with Helen? When we look back, these thoughts can make us feel bad.他感觉他的朋友不理解他, 故选B。【小题2】细节理解题。根据"You're a lucky dog"不就用来指人了吗?所以,这是个明显错误的答案。&这道题也有很多同学选择B:这句谚语的意思是你是个幸运的家伙。但是第二段特别比较了”you’re a lucky dog “和”You’re a lucky guy”这两句话的区别。后者是衷心祝福,友好的,而前者There's a bit of envy in those words(有一点嫉妒的意味),所以不能选择B。故选D。【小题3】主旨大意题。根据我们通过略读找到的位于段落开头的三个段落主题句,可以发现答案是C。 【小题4】细节理解题。根据并非每一人都应该相信,故选D。考点:人生百味类短文阅读。点评:主旨大意题要识别和理解主题句,可迅速准确地抓住短文的中心思想,从而把握住全篇的主要内容。在确定文章的主旨思想时,选项的内容既不能太具体也不能太笼统。知识点:&&&&&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题


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