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A mass spectral study of selected polymer supports and transition metal-supported reagents - ScienceDirect
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JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page., 27 October 1981, Pages 371-383Department of Chemisty, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2001 South AfricaShow moreAbstractA series of functionalized polymers which are commonly used to support transition metal catalysts have been analysed by mass spectrometry. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses of brominated, phosphinated and CH2Cl functionalized polystyrene (cross-linked with 2% divinylbenzene) have been achieved. Preliminary data on the mass spectra of transition metals supported on the functionalized plymers (eg. RuCl2(PPh3)3, η5-C5H5Fe(CO)2H and [η5-C5H5Fe(CO)2]2) have as yet revealed to fragments which can be associated with the transition metal.Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution.ororRecommended articlesCiting articles (0)HelloTrade Will Help
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No. 728 Xiaoyitang Industrial Park, Yitang Town, Lanshan District Linyi, Shandong-276 000, China
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Get QuotesYes! I am interestedFOB Price : Get Price This kind of catalyst is used for formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, glyoxal, butyraldehyde, Ethylene oxide industries etc. In order to provide customers the best products, our company independently researched and developed the latest production line in 2008. After more than a year of production, no matter from the fiber shape of sponge silver to the appearance crystallization silver, or from the specific surface area, brightness and gloss, the quality of our products has a qualitative leap, especially the main content of silver raised above 99.998%. As a result, our customers benefit more from our high quality products. Features: high purity, good surface luster, large specific surface area, good gas permeability, excellent thermal stability, high reaction yield, high output, low consumption of electricity, high poison resistance, and so on.Catalysts
Get QuotesYes! I am interestedFOB Price : Get Price Products features:
&high purity &good surface lustre &large specific surface area &good gas permeability &excellent thermal stability &high reaction
yield &high output of formaldehyde/glyoxal/acetaldehyde/butyraldehyde &low consumption of electricity &high posion resistance &it never affected Whether to stop production or start producing &sevice life is over 3-5 months.( requirments: fomaldhyde material, water, air, and system should be clean and reach our standards.) &effectively reducing comsumption of methyl alcohol
This kind of catalystis is used for formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, glyoxal, butyraldehyde production and so on.
In order to provide customers the best products, our company independently researched and developed the latest production line in 2008. After more than a year of production, no matter from the fibre shape of sponge silver to the appearance crystallization silver, or from the specific surface area, brightness and gloss, the quality of our products has a qualitative leap, especially the main content of silver raised above 99.995%. As a result, our customers benefit more from our high quality products.Catalysts
Get QuotesYes! I am interestedFOB Price : Get Price Products features: &high purity &good surface lustre &large specific surface area &good gas permeability &excellent thermal stability &high reaction yield &high output of formaldehyde/glyoxal/acetaldehyde/butyraldehyde &low consumption of electricity &high posion resistance &it never affected Whether to stop production or start producing &sevice life is over 3-5 months.( requirments: fomaldhyde material, water, air, and system should be clean and reach our standards.) &effectively reducing comsumption of methyl alcohol This kind of catalystis is used for formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, glyoxal, butyraldehyde production and so on. In order to provide customers the best products, our company independently researched and developed the latest production line in 2008. After more than a year of production, no matter from the fibre shape of sponge silver to the appearance crystallization silver, or from the specific surface area, brightness and gloss, the quality of our products has a qualitative leap, especially the main content of silver raised above 99.995%. As a result, our customers benefit more from our high quality products.
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A class of non-precious metal composite catalys…
简介:本文档为《A class of non-precious metal composite catalysts -Naturepdf》,可适用于基础科学领域,主题内容包含AclassofnonpreciousmetalcompositecatalystsforfuelcellsRajeshBashyamPiotrZe符等。
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A class of non-precious metal composite catalysts -Nature.pdf
A class of non-precious metal c…
简介:本文档为《A class of non-precious metal composite catalysts -Naturepdf》,可适用于基础科学领域,主题内容包含AclassofnonpreciousmetalcompositecatalystsforfuelcellsRajeshBashyamPiotrZe符等。
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