more 国际私塾 iwonderfull要不要加than

More than用法集萃
作者:河南省项城三高:郝新颖&&时间: 10:59:14&&来源:&&人气:
  more than 这两个词可分可合,还可与不同的词性搭配,因此,意义也各不相同,现将各种情形分类总结如下,以供大家参考。  一、&more than :  1、&more than+名词:“不仅仅;超过”  Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。  Bamboo is used for more than building. 竹子不仅仅用于建筑。  I had had so little experience. I myself was hardly more than a child. 我几乎没有什么经验,因为我自己也差不多还是个孩子。  More than any other form of literature, poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar. 诗歌胜过任何其它的文学形式,它灵活运用声音、词汇和语法。  I love China more than other countries. 我爱中国胜过别的国家。  It hurts the hater more than the hated. 这种做法对痛恨者的伤害比被痛恨者还要厉害。  More cigarettes are smoked in China than anywhere else. 中国比任何别的地方抽烟都多。  2、&more than+数词:“超过”  Altogether there are more than 500 different kinds of bamboo. 总共有五百余种竹子。  The Great Wall is actually more than 6,000 kilometers long, 6---7meters high and 4---5meters wide. 长城实际上有六千多公里长,六、七米高, 四、五米宽。  It was almost on top of me before I realize what was happening, and as it swung around it didn’t miss running over me by more than an inch. 我尚未意识到发生了什么情况,它(拖拉机)几乎已经在我上方了。它来回晃动的时候,再有一寸就轧着了我。  I must have been around four years old when I first entered Mr. Wigden’s candy shop, but the smell of that wonderful world of penny treasures still comes back to me clearly more than a half-century later. 我第一次走进威格登先生的糖果店时,大概只有四岁。可是,半个世纪过去了,那些一便士就能买得到的珍品所散发出的迷人芳香,至今仍可让我回味。  The population of Beijing has more than doubled in the past five years. 在过去的五年里,北京的人口增长了一倍多。  3、&more than+形容词:“很,非常”  If you tell your father what you’ve done, he’ll be more than a little angry. 假如你把你做的事情告诉你父亲,他不只是生气而已。  We were more than happy to hear of your escape. 听说你逃了出来,我们分外的高兴。  He was more than upset by the accident. 这次意外让他惊心之极。  The money is more than enough for his marriage. 这些钱用于他的婚事绰绰有余。  In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments. 做科学实验时,要分外小心。  4、&more than+动词:  They more than respect him. They all envy him. 他们不只是佩服他,还都很羡慕他。  5、&more than+代词:“胜过”  Really, it was love of children more than anything else that made him want a pack of his own.真的,是由于爱孩子而不是别的什么,才使得他想要一群自己的孩子。  6、&more than+句子:“超过……的程度”  A feather falls slower than a stone only because the air holds the feather back more than it does the stone. 羽毛比石头落得慢,只是因为空气对羽毛的阻力大于石头。  I love you more than I can say. 爱你在心口难开。  He had a wife named Polly Ann whom he loved more than words could tell. 他有个妻子叫玻莉•安,他对她的爱不是笔墨所能形容的。&   His words were almost more than I can bear. 他的话几乎让我受不了。  The cold was more than the children could bear. 天冷得孩子们受不了。  Always independent, Mary used her earnings from baby-sitting and clerking in a pharmacy to pay for drugs---but never more than she could afford. 一直独立的玛丽用自己看护婴儿和在药房上班挣的钱买毒品——可是从未花超过。  The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect. 结果天气很好,远远出乎我们的预料。  二、&more---than--- :肯定more后面的,否定than后面的:  1、&more+名词+than+名词:  Hawks eat more field mice than chickens. 鹰吃的田鼠比吃的小鸡多。  The book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar. 这与其说是一本语法书,倒不如说是一本词典。  In her eyes, Peter was more of a businessman than his elder brother. 在她看来,皮特比他哥哥更像一个生意人。  More people in the USA can buy a gun and more people die by the gun than any other country in the world. 美国比其它国家买枪的人多,被枪打死的人也多。  All of us apparently had taken more notice of them than we had let on. 很明显,我们对她们更留意了,可是没太怎么表现出来。  It was the other you, who had far more sense than expected. 那是另一个你,比预料的要有头脑得多。  These cow bugs drink much more sap than they can use. 这些蚁牛喝的树液自身吸收不完。  There were a lot more people in the room than I had expected. 房间里的人比我预料的要多得多。  2、&more+形容词+than+形容词:  The child was more frightened than hurt. 这个孩子的伤倒不算什么,只是受惊不小。  ----Anne acts quite unfriendly. ——安妮表现得挺不友好的。  ----I think she’s more shy than unfriendly ——我想她不是不友好,而是更害羞。  He’s more mad than stupid. 与其说他笨,不如说他疯。  He thought the Prime Minister a wise honest man who was more fit for his office than anyone else. 他认为丞相是个聪明、诚实的人,比任何别的人都称职。  Generally speaking, boys are more interested in such activities than girls. 一般说来,这样的活动男孩子比女孩子更感兴趣。  Perhaps even more distressing than the news was the calm, level tone of the child’s voice. 这孩子的声调镇静、平淡,也许再没有什么能比用这种声调叙述更令人感到痛苦不堪。  3、&more+动词+than+动词:  I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type. 我知道,那里不只是一位妇女在学打字,而且还有着比这更重要的意义。  Our pulses raced more at the thought of holding a bat handle than a girl’s hand. 一想到要握球棒,我们的脉搏比想到要握女孩子的手跳得还要快。  4、&more+介词短语+than+介词短语:  Many years ago there lived an Emperor, who cared more for fine new clothes than for anything else. 许多年前有个皇帝,他喜欢好的新衣服胜过任何别的东西。  He’s more like a spear than anything else. 他更像一只长矛,别的什么都不像。  三、&no more than+名词、动词、数词、句子等:意为:只不过;和……一样:  The officials could see no more than the Emperor, but they all shouted, “ Beautiful! Excellent! Magnificent!” 那些官员和皇帝一样什么也没看见,但是,他们都大叫道: “漂亮!优秀!华丽!”  His whole school education added up to no more than one year. 他整个的学校教育加起来不过一年。  At five past four I found most of them waiting for me at the door, a good 20 children, but making no more noise than if they were being kept in after school. 四点五分时,我看到大多数孩子已经在校门口等着我,足有二十个。大家都默不做声,就像放学后仍被留下来一样。  It was clear that Dad could do no more than he was doing already. 很显然,父亲已经尽其所能。  Even if they got another farm, Fortunato could do no more than support his family on it. 即使福图内托能够再租到一块地,也只能养家糊口而已。  四、&not more than+名词、数词、代词、动词等:意为:仅仅,只有,不超过:  There on some hay on the ground lay a peasant boy of not more than seventeen. 地面干草上躺着一个不到十七岁的农家孩子。  五、&not+谓语+more than+---:不超过  This car can’t do more than 80mph. 这辆车时速超不过八十英里。  I realized they now expected everything from me, though I didn’t know much more than they.我知道他们现在一切都指望我了,尽管我也同样地不知所措。  六、&谓语+not more +---+than+---:不超过  He is not more a good student than I am. 他不是个比我好的学生。  七、&谓语+more+---+than+---:胜过  I had found more in this experience than I had received all the peptalks and patriotic speeches I had ever heard. 这次经历的收获比我听过的所有鼓励的话和爱国演说都要多。推荐的铃声
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初三英语语法求救...1.It was far more wonderful than I expected.2.A:How many times have you been to France?B:Only once,I went there three years ago.3.The hunter showed up,carrying a gun in his hand.4.A:How soon will your father be back?B:In two days,I think.麻烦各位帮忙写一下关于以上句子的句型或知识点...thx。
第一个句子的主要语法点就是than 引导的比较状语从句,常与比较级连用例句中 than i expected 为比较状语从句.far在例句中为程度副词,修饰 more wonderful第二个句子的语法点就是表示次数的词组与完成时态的连用如 i have been to France three times.针对 three提问就变成了How many times have you been to France?至于后面那个句子为什么是一般过去时看 three years ago这个时间状语就知道了.第三个句子的语法点就是现在分词作状语伴随状语,这个猎人出现了,手里拿着一把枪.分词作伴随状语的句子可以用and 把主句和状语连接起来,中间加上分词的逻辑主语The hunter showed up,carrying a gun in his hand=The hunter showed up and (he )carried a gun in his hand.这个是判断分词作伴随状语的好办法.第四个句子为How soon 引导的特殊疑问句的回答,how soon 解释为多块,回答为in 或者 within 、after+表示时间段的名词(如,in、within、after three hours)直接回答Soon(快了)也可以希望能帮到您
2.考查了现在完成时和一般过去时的灵活使用和区别,曾经做过某事多少次也就是说次数“once,twice,three times..."常与现在完成时连用;而时间名词+ago常与一般过去时连用3.考查了现在分词做伴随状语即carrying a gun in his hand做伴随状语=with a gun in his hand=...
第一句没什么句型,只是形容词的比较级构成的句子。第二句句型how many times……?你做了某事有多少次?第三句是伴随状语,伴随状语的逻辑主语一般情况下必须是全句的主语(the hunter),伴随状语(carrying)与谓语动词(show)所表示的动作或状态是同时发生的。第四句how soon……?做某事要多久?...
扫描下载二维码Antigone Numberless Are The World s Wonders But None More Wonderful Than Man Free Essays
As stated by Sophocles in Antigone, &Numberless are the world's wonders, but none
More... wonderful than man& (Ode 1 1-2). Landscapes like the grand canyon, the wide expanse of oceans, weather, tall mountains are all magnificent features, but none as great as Man.
Man is the only thing in this world, that has free will to think about anything or do anything whenever they want to. If one wants to dance, he or she is free to do so, if one wants to sing he or she can do so. Man can also feel emotions such...
Ancient World Wonders
The Ancient Seven Wonders of the World reflected the ability of the men to... change the nature in order to build wonderful and beautiful structures which amaze and inspire people. It is believed that these constructions of classical antiquity were constructed since 2700 B.C. but, unfortunately, only one of the wonders mentioned by Herodotus has survived until today: The Pyramids of Giza. However, the Ancient Seven Wonders list included: The Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging Gardens...
A Gender Bias Approach to Antigone
Just as one stone removed can break a bridge, one flaw can bring a man to ruins. The flaw... of one man cannot bring down an entire kingdom, but rather one outlook of the king can lead to the demise of the whole. In Sophocles' epic tragedy, Antigone, a strong gender bias is present throughout the tragedy, and is partially responsible for the downfall of the king.
To Sophocles the king is not always representative of the people, but acts on his own personal desires...
Sara Ortiz
Honors English 10th
29 October 2013
Antigone Essay: Ode to Man
Since the beginning man... has always been an admirable creation that dominates and controlled almost all of the earth. Man is exalted everywhere because of his capacity to guide entire cities and to follow the rules of the gods to bring honor to him and his city. But fate plays a misfortunate trick on man: death. The only thing that is a man cannot control is death, because, although men are great, death can...
The seven wonders of the World
There are many wonderful places in the world, all of them worth... seeing. Some are natural, like de great Mount Everest, and some are manmade, like de Eiffel Tower.
These many places have been classified for years in many categories, the most beautiful ones, the tallest, the largest, the smallest, etc. But there is one list that has prevailed through the years. This classifies the most outstanding and worth seeing places in the world: The Seven Wonders of the World...
Antigone– The Characterization
Sophocles’ tragic drama, Antigone, presents to the reader a full range of... characters: static and dynamic, they are portrayed mostly through the showing technique.
In “Sophocles’ Praise of Man and the Conflicts of the Antigone,” Charles Paul Segal takes the stand that there are two protagonists in the drama (which conflicts with this reader’s interpretation):
This is not to say that there are not conceptual issues...
Various lists of the Wonders of the World have been compiled from... antiquity to the present day, to catalogue the world's most spectacular natural wonders and manmade structures.The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is the first known list of the most remarkable creations of classical antiquity, and was based on guide-books popular among Hellenic sight-seers and only includes works located around the Mediterranean rim. The number seven was chosen because the Greeks believed...
Oedipus Vs. Antigone In the Eyes of the Gods
Creon (to Oedipus)
“For you submission is a torment – you do not hide it.
And when you force... your way against the world
You crush us all beneath you. Such natures
Find their own company most terrible to bear.
It is their punishment.” (Sophocles from Oedipus the King, pg 210)
Sophocles may not have included the Greek gods as corporeal characters in his plays Oedipus and Antigone, but their divine influence on the titular characters plays a...
follow whether good or bad are can only be blamed on us. Sophocles’s Antigone portrays human emotions and consequences that... follow two distinct choices. We can broaden the spectrum by saying that Creon represents public policy and Antigone represents individual conscience. According to E.S. Shuckburgh we must examine which is more important “state law or divine conscience”.
(Shuckburgh xviii)
Antigone is a story about two people who choose to make choices that each are passionate...
In Antigone, by Sophocles, two sisters, Ismene and Antigone, have two different views on what it means to be human. Ismene... understand “being human” or “life” in a biological sense. She believes in continuing, by being a female, in continuing the family bloodline. Antigone however, understands “being human” in a sense of family honor and reputation. Both are important, but neither is right nor wrong. Creon, the ruler, has his own views on how to rule the city. He believes that he is in charge and...
Antigone and Ismene are were given the same opportunity for redemption.
If this play is looked at from a contextual point a view, we could say... that the respect for the Gods and afterlife was the number one priority.
During the first scene of the play Antigone, we see the character differences of Antigone and Ismene as they take different stances on what to do about polyneceis.
Antigone and Ismene have different motivations for their actions in life, which come from their value of human life...
for attention, whether it be negative or positive attention.
This notion of constantly trying to demonstrate excessive pride is consistently demonstrated in... the play Antigone written by Sophocles.
Throughout the play, the character Antigone constantly challenges the audience with her overconfident actions that may cause them to wonder if her actions are only to gain attention and seem suicidal or if her excessive pride is just a tragic flaw she must demonstrate in order to resolve an even larger conflict...
What a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue, and clouds of white,
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And... I think to myself
What a wonderful world.
The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky,
Are also on the faces of people going by.
I see friends shaking hands, sayin', &How do you do?&
They're really sayin', &I love you.&
I hear babies cryin'. I watch them grow.
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
There are Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
However,... the list we have today was not established until the end of The Middle Ages.
This list includes:
the Great Pyramid, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Diana at Ephesus, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Pharos of Alexandria.
There have been several different lists over the years that have included different wonders.
The Great...
Jevon Mitchell
13 March 2014
Antigone Character Analysis
Loyalty and determination are two great... characteristics to have as a person, but they are not so great when they blind you from exactly what you are doing. This is the tragic flaw of the tragic hero Antigone. Antigone is the protagonist of Antigone a tragic play written by Sophocles, one of the great ancient Greek playwrights. In Antigone written by Sophocles, Antigone’s uncompromising pride, loyalty, and determination...
Antigone by Sophocles is an interesting play that I enjoyed reading. It was something different for me since I don’t ever read plays. After... reading the play I thought this story would fit under a feminist approach, until I fully began to understand and analyze each character of the play. In this paper I will discuss how the major events of Antigone can be analyzed through the psychological approach point of view. I as well read each critic about Antigone and found some similarity and dissimilarity...
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
While the ancient world left little written record, the evidence that we do... have depicts it as far more advanced and culturally rich than many would expect. From the Phoenicians in Mesopotamia to the Mayans in Central America, technological advancements and complex theories drove the ancient civilizations ahead. Great thinkers from that period like Socrates left huge marks on the literary world. Great scientists like Copernicus developed theories that provided...
How can these two plays have so much in common? The plays Antigone and Hippolytus share numerous... similarities, such as the environment of the characters, how the characters act and make bad choices and how in the end of the plays the
tragic heroes end up dying or suffering for the mistakes they do. The characters make similar choices and mistakes. These two plays talk about gods and how men that do not obey the god?s orders are punished. These two plays have similar tragic...
As my mind wonders and contemplates on how to officially end my academic journey, I came across this quote that best summarizes an overwhelming... experience that I’ve just gone through. This annotation task, although strenous and time consuming, has become an opened door of opportunity for me to start my quest with the wonderful world of children’s literature. I am still astounded by after effect of the books I read. Reflecting on what C.S. Lewis wrote in his dedication for the book The Lion, The Witch...
The Wonder Years
Her mission is to bring love, peace, and sexual equality to a world torn by the hatred of men. The heroine... Princess Diana of Themyscira, more famously known as Wonder Woman, has gone through various reimagining and different retellings in both media and comic books. But all of these have the same basic origin. She was born and lived the majority of her life on the isolated paradise island of Themyscira, an island inhabited entirely of Amazonian women. Everything changed one day...
KC Brunell
World Literature
Passage Analysis
The passage I chose to analyze was part of the conversion between Creon and... Antigone after Antigone was caught in her attempt to bury her brother Polynices.
Creon said to Antigone:
“Believe me, the stiffest stubborn wills
the toughest iron,
tempered strong in the white-hot-fire,
you’ll see it crack and shatter first of all.
And I’ve know spirited horses you can break
With a light bit – proud rebellious...
Seven Wonders of the World, works of art and architecture regarded by ancient Greek and Roman observers as the most extraordinary... structures of antiquity. The listing of ancient wonders probably began in ancient Greece in around the 2nd century BC, but the Seven Wonders that were most commonly referred to were listed some time after that.
All built in the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East area, some time from around 2600 BC up to about AD 476, the Wonders are: (1) The Pyramids of Egypt, at...
Various Wonders of the World lists have been compiled over the ages in order to catalogue the most spectacular natural... and man-made constructions. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is the first known list of remarkable man-made creations of classical antiquity, and was based on guide-books popular among Hellenic sight-seers and only includes works located around the Mediterranean rim. Later lists include those for the Medieval World, the Modern World, the Natural World and others. The...
those few that could challenge their power and create chaos. Both Antigone of Sophocles and Socrates of Plato are examples of threat to the... socio-political order or their respective societies.
Antigone is a woman in the context of fifth-century Athens, Greece who challenges the socio-political orders of the city in name of a blood relationship, which through her eyes is sacred in the name of the gods. The divine law says that all man should be buried following the proper rites. In the ancient Greek...
Antigone Essay
In society, being self-centered about ideas frequently affects peoples’ judgement. Sophocles raises this issue in his... play Antigone. He believes that listening to the wise benefits your judgement, but the result of refusing to listen leads to tragic outcomes. Sophocles uses Ate to develop the characters’ inability to take in others’ perspective.
Sophocles first addresses the tragic results of not listening through Antigone’s refusal to take advice. In Sophocles’s...
Man fears Time, yet Time fears the PyramidsThe Great Pyramid of Giza lies next to Cairo.
It is today in greater Cairo.
According to the... wonders of the ancient world, the pyramid of Khufu is the only pyramid included in the list of the wonders. The other two of the pyramids of Giza are excluded from the list. This is the only monument of the seven wonders to survive till today in perfect condition and managing mere escapes from fires, earthquakes and other common disasters that hold a threat to...
There's More to Life Than Being Happy
&It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts... happiness.&
In September 1942, Viktor Frankl, a prominent Jewish psychiatrist and neurologist in Vienna, was arrested and transported to a Nazi concentration camp with his wife and parents. Three years later, when his camp was liberated, most of his family, including his pregnant wife, had perished -- but he, prisoner number 119104, had lived. In his bestselling 1946 book, Man's...
Antigone Essay
Throughout history, cultures from around the world has set hat standards for... women to abide to. Up until the twentieth century, women were viewed as second class citizens by society and had less freedom and rights than their male counterparts as compare today in the modern world where women can be more involve in society. Although women still face discrimination such as the glass ceiling in the business corporate world, the quality of life of the western...
English 11th
December 9, 2014
An Ideal Man
Life is not about gaining possessions, a good reputation or social life. There is much... more to life than what meets the eye. Nothing in life will ever satisfy our human greed or desire, for the heart of man is constantly changing. Material things such as possessions, a good reputation, etc. may satisfy our desire, but only for a certain time because as soon as our heart changes we will want more and more and never be fully satisfied. We all want material...
Centuries ago one man dreamed, designed and constructed a breathtaking monument and then, it went on to become a wonder. Egyptian... people building the pyramid, would have never imagined that their work will one day be studied and listed in the wonders of the world. Wonders that people will keep wondering about. Funny? May be, but it is a fact. It is tough to imagine how people with minimum tools and equipments could build a pyramid of such a size or a complete village at the height of 8000 ft. Yes...
Sophocles Play Antigone:
All the way through this play Antigone is solely being devoted to her family. Antigone... is eager to go above and beyond her limits for her family. Antigone is a vital character in this play. Antigone is a very brave, passionate, and willing character that is not enthusiastic about her brother being defiled even if it means her own life. Creon is a character that he knows all commandments and is influenced that he must abide it. Creon then has compassion for Antigone and attempts...
Social Justice 62
19 March 2010
The True Tragic Hero of Antigone
The debate over who is the hero of Sophocles’ tragedy... Antigone, has raged on for decades. It is quite difficult to see who the true hero is in the play, for both Antigone and Creon have many heroic traits. This decision that the reader has to make is Sophocles’ dramatic issue in the play. The dramatic issue of the play comes to life when the conflict is introduced. Antigone wishes to bury the dead body of her criminal brother and...
Simran Malek
It's everywhere. You can't escape it. It's sprawled... across flashy billboards with alluring models. It's plastered throughout all kinds of magazines and books. Celebrities ooze with it. And's it's all too it overpowers their very being like too much axe in the gym change room. It's the pressure of beauty. Good morning/afternoon students, teachers, judges and fellow competitors. Today I'm going to talk to you...
English 111
Antigone Paper
Antigone: Individual vs. State
The conflict between individual conscious and state law... is something mankind has endured since the beginning of history. There have been many individuals that have stood by their beliefs and conscious against government law despite the repercussions. This conflict is one of the main struggles in Antigone, the Greek tragedy written by Sophocles. At the center of this tragedy is the battle between an individual’s moral duty and...
History 10th Grade
Week 5 Day 3
September 4, 2013
Topic: Was Antigone a tragedy?
In the late 440’s B.C. the... philosopher Sophocles wrote the tragic drama, Antigone. The play begins with the lead, Antigone distraught because the ruler, Creon, declared that all who fought the war against him and died did not deserve a proper ceremonial burial. Antigone’s brother fought against Creon and died. She decided she would bury her brother because an unburied soul would wearily wander earth...
'In Year of Wonders it is the female characters who are the real heroes. The male characters are negative and destructive.' Discuss....
Geraldine Brooks' work of historical fiction, Year of Wonders, concentrates on emotional and physical conflict and the innate response of the villagers of Eyam at a time of crisis. The novel reflects on Anna Frith, an &ordinary& resident of the village, highlighting her profound mental and emotional development as the events unfold. With the guidance of Elinor Mompellion...
What’s more scary than the truth?
Shutter Island, produced in 2010 and directed by Martin Scorsese, is a psychological thriller... film that portrays psychological treatments in the 1950’s. Martin Scorsese’s alteration of the Dennis Lehane novel, Shutter Island, is in fact a horror movie, but it will not come across as your average present-day horror film. Typically directors take ghosts, monsters, vampires, or possessed people and develop a film to scare its viewers, and it more than likely always...
Review of Four of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World
There have been many lists assembled from ancient times to... present day noting the spectacular natural wonders and manmade structures in the World.
The first known list of remarkable structures is referred to as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Ancient Greek and Roman scholars wrote about these wonders of architecture beauty.
Located around the Mediterranean and Middle East, the seven wonders were:
Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging...
15 Oct 2009
Sample Essay: 7 Wonders of the Ancient World
The seven wonders of the ancient... world is a list of very important buildings a great Greek historian called Herodotus wrote, over two thousand years ago. They are seven because he only wrote about the greatest structures he knew, he did not know much Asia and the Americas.
People have always felt the need to create lists.
Lists are accounts of vital places, places, people or events.
About two thousand five hundred years...
conflict with some overpowering force or society, to downfall or destruction
* All violence to occur off stage and messenger tell you of what has... occurred
* Process of a tragic hero
* A tragic hero is a man of Nobel stature. He is not an ordinary man, but a man with outstanding quality and greatness about him. His own destruction is for a greater cause of principle
* Downfall due to pride-Hubris
* Faced with doom from the beginning
* Discovers his fate from...
Analysis of The Wonders of the Invisible World
In this primary document, Cotton Mather, a Puritan theologian, writes about... his fears of losing the entire country to the devil and his minions as the Christian religion, in his mind, is being slowly eradicated from the entire country due to witchcraft.
In 1693 Cotton Mather wrote a literary piece called The Wonders of the Invisible World a year after questionable events in defense of the persecutions of those accused and convicted in Salem for...
Medea and Antigone are two stories of passion drove women. Together the women of these stories break the law of man and go... against the laws of gods both characters are controlled by their emotion. Medea and Antigone are both strong, sometimes- manipulative, Medea more than Antigone. The th in my mind, are women, passion, and spiritual beliefs. They also are drove by the actions of men in their lives. Both are very morally different and their actions are on completely different...
The Themes of Antigone
Antigone is credited as one of the best works of Sophocles, ranked by most modern critics above Oedipus... the King. There are many aspects of Antigone that make it the play critics love to decipher and rave about. &Antigone must be received as the canon of ancient tragedy: no tragedy of antiquity that we possess approaches it in pure idealism, or in harmony of artistic development& hails critic Berhardy (Theatre History). He goes on to rave &It is the first poem produced by...
The women in the Year of Wonders are stronger than the men. Do you agree?
In the novel Year of Wonders by... Geraldine Brooks the internal strength of the women outweighed the strength of the men.
It was evident that through the harsh treatment of women at the time they were able to deal with the loss and suffering of the Plague better than the men. Anna Frith a young widow gains her strength through the terrible events in her life and survives the plague because of her determination and will to live...
Antigone Tragic Hero? By Matthew Scully
Does Antigone earn the title of tragic hero in Sophocles’ play Antigone?... In most Greek tragedies ,the title of the play is the name of the tragic hero. I strongly believe that Antigone is the tragic hero of the play because she has a tragic flaw, the play focuses on mostly her actions, and her story best describes what a Greek tragedy is.
The play, Antigone takes place in the Greek city of Argive. It is the story of a queen-to-be, Antigone,
and her losing...
My eighth wonder of the world - Internet
Internet is one of the most expanding things in the present. And after the other seven... worlds wonders it's my eighth wonder.
Why? Today it is the fastest way of sending and receiving a lot of information. For example you can buy much things - from computers, cars, books ... to simple pizza. You can also communicate with your friends and family from all parts of the world. It isn't a problem to know the latest news about your American cousin. E-mail provides...
How be more confident as a man
Ryan Bornack
Becoming a man is the only thing asked of you when you... are born. When you come into the world, you’re not afraid. You’re not worried about being judged, or dealing with responsibilities. You’re not worried about how things work out, or how you get through the day. You’re only worried about what’s in front of your face, and how you take it in. Eventually, you grow older and make decisions based on what you have taken in. These decisions grow...
Section I: Essay Questions:
A.1) Prompt: How are Antigone, Ismene and Eurydice portrayed in the play? How is this similar or different from... how they are observed by the minor characters?
Although ancient Greece was a male-dominate society, Sophocles' work Antigone, portrays women as being strong and capable of making wise decisions. In this tragedy, Sophocles uses three main characters who are women to represent different models of female behavior. Traditionally women are characterized as weak...
“In a Mans World”
#In John Steinbeck’s, Chrysanthemums, he generalizes the spirit of a woman and
delivers to the audience... her thoughts and underlying emotions of being a woman in a “man’s world.” The chrysanthemums reflects Elisa’s character and her dreams of being free to grow, make decisions, free to travel, make her own money and most of all the desire to be attractive.
Elisa feels closed in and secluded from the rest of the world, just as Steinbeck describes the atmosphere at the introduction...
arising again. A great example of this comes from the play Antigone by Sophocles and the film Whale Rider by Niki Caro. In both the film and... the play, a woman of royal decent is going against a leader for what she feels is right. Although Antigone dies in the end of Antigone, Pai from Whale Rider convinces the leader and lives a happy life. Pai and Antigone were very similar characters because of the problems they faced. First, Pai and Antigone were both women who stood up to a male-led society. Second...
want and are willing to fight even fate to reach what they had intended . I have chosen to compare two powerful and leading ladies Rosalind from “as you like... it “ and
Antigone from Sophocles’ “Antigone“ . there is the feminist who seeks privilege
and the feminist who seeks opportunity ,she who wants a bigger share for women , more wealth ,power or liberty (Parsons 52) which in the case of our heroines it is the matter of power and liberty .These women not only influence there own destiny and future...
English 101-A51
15 February 2011
More Human than Human
Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds over the... past twenty years.
What was once considered science fiction is now yesterday’s headlines.
In just a hundred and fifty years we have gone from the first combustion-powered motor vehicle to space exploration and now we are managing our lives from handheld mobile devices.
So let’s face it, technology evolves at a faster rate than humans.
In fact it moves at such a rapid pace...
New Seven Wonders of the World
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the New 7 Wonders... Foundation list. For other uses, see Wonders of the World .
New Seven Wonders of the World was a project that attempted to update the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World concept with a modern list of wonders. A popularity poll was led by Canadian-Swiss Bernard Weber[1] and organized by the Swiss-based, government-controlled New7Wonders Foundation,[2] with winners announced on July 7, 2007...
learning about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
In 2007, the New7Wonders Foundation organized a poll of modern... wonders and 1 million votes were cast.
The following 7 were the winners:
1. Chichen Itza (Yucatán, Mexico)
2. Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
3. Colosseum (Rome, Italy)
4. Great Wall of China (China)
5. Machu Picchu (Cuzco, Perú)
6. Petra (Jordan)
7. Taj Mahal (Agra, India)
You are to choose one of the New 7 Wonders of the world and write a five paragraph...
Jean Anouilh
Jean Anouilh’s Antigone... was remade with the similar political undertones seen in the original version.
There are two sources for the play Antigone; the antiquity 5th century story from the Greek play, one part of Sophocles' trilogy about Oedipus, and the second source comes from the more modern political scene during the Nazi invasion of France.
Anouilh mixes both of these sources into a timeless...
Antigone, by Sophocles, is a play with
themes. So,
I will be talking about , what some critics have said about the themes, state laws... versus
Individual rights, Morals, stubborness and Love.
Antigone and her values line up with the first entity in each pair, while Creon and his values line up with the second. Ismene chooses to do nothing under the threat of the law whereas Antigone chooses to act despite the possible penalties. Antigone and Creon are both championing what is right...
Antigone as a Feminist Icon
Male authority is a dominant theme in Sophocles’ “Antigone.”
Men occupied the land, ruled the... towns and assigned the women duties to perform.
Antigone, however, believed that she was just as strong as the men who ruled society during that time, which led to her downfall.
The goal of the feminist movement has generally been to seek equality between the sexes.
Through the women’s movement, women have won the right to vote, and can now compete for traditionally male...
IB English I
May 17, 2005
World Literature Paper I
A Character Comparison: Nora Vs. Antigone
In the novels A Doll's House... and Antigone, Ibsen and Sophocles respectively create two lead female characters, Nora and Antigone, who confront society's expectations of women in fundamentally different ways. Nora goes against the grain of middle class society by first forging her father's signature and then deceiving her husband, Torvald, throu Antigone, on the other hand, openly...
7 Wonders Of The World
The Taj Mahal
For centuries, the Taj Mahal has inspired poets, painters and musicians who have tried... to capture its elusive magic in words, colours and music. The Taj Mahal is indeed a flawless architectural creation.The links listed here take one to sites that are related to the Taj Mahal – like we have a site on the construction of this beautiful monument of love, a site which has photographs of the Taj Mahal, a site giving you information about the Mughal Dynasty and...
question in the play &Antigone& by Sophocles' is the value of human law vs. divine law. In this tragic play a newly appointed king Creon... declares to his people that treason was committed during battle, and one of the two brothers (Polyneices) killed shall not be buried according to the Gods, but instead &He shall be left unburied for all to watch the corpse mutilated and eaten by carrion-birds and by dogs& (Sophocles, 1900.). This dilemma is felt by many, especially Antigone (sister of the deceased)...
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