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垄断的经济学再思考 【精品推荐】
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3秒自动关闭窗口Weierstrass Institute
for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
- Mathematical Solutions for Complex Problems -Mathematical Solutions for Complex Problems -from an Institute of the Leibniz Association
The project-oriented research at the Weierstrass Institute is characterized by combining the mathematical disciplines
of analysis, stochastics and numerics. This combination has great potential for solving complex applied problems. The
institute aids in solving current societal challenges, such as the reliable extraction of information from large datasets
or the suitable consideration of uncertainties in describing processes.
The institute dedicates itself to fundamental mathematical research as well as the development of algorithms and scientific
software. During the problem-solving process, mathematical models of physical and technological systems are designed that
properly capture observed phenomena, thereby providing access to highly developed mathematical analysis. At WIAS the phases
of the solving process are repeated and coordinated until an optimal solution is found.
Service to the Community
Mathematical Core Areas
The WIAS is organised in
specializing in different mathematical techniques and methods. Additional
are created as the need arises. The core areas of mathematical research are the analysis and numerics of
partial differential equations, and stochastics.
Main Application Areas
Research at WIAS focuses on the following application areas
Cooperation and Consulting
Modern applied mathematical methods are a fundamental resource and driving force for technological and economic development
around the world.
The rapid development of computer technology and mathematically based numerical methods are making it possible
to numerically simulate ever more complex engineering, medical, economic and environmental problems.
At the WIAS excellent fundamental research is combined with years of experience in cooperating successfully with partners in the
widest possible mix of application fields. The institute is therefore a recognized expert in the solution of complex economic,
scientific, and technical problems by means of mathematical modeling and numerical simulation.
Conferment of the audit berufundfamilie certificate at festive event in BerlinAgain, the WIAS has been awarded the audit berufundfamilie certificate for its family-friendly personnel policy.
WIAS part of new DFG Collaborative Research CentreDFG funds Collaborative Research Centre 1294 "Data Assimilation - The Seamless Integration of Data and Models"
Upcoming Event
Wednesday, 09.08. (WIAS-ESH)
Berliner Oberseminar &Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen& (Langenbach-Seminar)Prof. Dr. D. Chae, Chung-Ang University, Korea:On the blow-up problem for the incompressible Euler equation
Member of Leibniz Association
Part of Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
Seat of the Secretariat of the International Mathematical Union
Seat of the office of the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung
Certified by audit berufundfamilie
Weierstra&-Institut f&r angewandte Analysis und Stochastik
Mohrenstr. 39 & 10117 Berlin
Tel 030 20372-0ZIB | Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)


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