SAILON的翻译是:什么游子吟的意思 翻译

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中文翻译短语和例子on pain of death 冒生命危险。 on a bender 〔美俚〕喝醉;痛饮。 on a bust [jag] 〔美俚〕酩酊大醉。 on ice 1. 准成功的;准赢的。 2. 在狱中。 on one's high horse 〔美俚〕傲慢的,架子十足的;生气的,愤慨的;冷淡的。 on schedule 按时,准时。 on the air 1. (正在)广播。 2. 〔美俚〕瞎谈着;哭着;闹着 〔cf. air〕。 on the beach 〔美俚〕失业的 〔cf. beach〕。 on the beam 航行正确的;运行正常的;〔美俚〕对,不错。 on the big green carpet 〔美俚〕(囚犯)被狱官传问。 on the blink 〔美俚〕 1. 破了,坏了,有毛病,情况不好的。 2. 喝醉的。 on the bones of his back 穷到分文没有。 on the book 〔美国〕预定好的,预约好的。 on the boost 〔美俚〕冒充顾客行窃。 on the button 〔美俚〕 1. 准确,确切;准时,按时。 2. 击中下颌。 on the crack 〔美俚〕干强盗勾当。 on the cuff 〔美俚〕赊欠。 on the cushions 〔美俚〕生活舒服,养尊处优。 on the dodge 〔美国〕逃过法网,逃亡。 on the dogs 〔军俚〕在休假。 on the Erie 〔美俚〕耸着耳朵;警惕着。 on the fence 〔美俚〕骑墙派的;迟疑不决的;守中立的。 on the fire 〔美国〕准备[计划]中(=〔英国〕on the stocks);变更中。 on the floor 〔美议会〕在发言中。 on the fly 〔美俚〕逃亡中。 on the I. C. 〔美国〕警惕着;当心。 on the in 〔美国〕受欢迎,名气好。 on-the-spot meetings 现场会议。 on the wagon 戒酒。 on time 〔美国〕按时,及时 (arrive at a meeting on time 及时到会)。 on top of the heap [world] 〔美国〕大大成功;名声赫赫的;一切顺利的。adv.1.〔接触、覆盖〕上去;开(opp. off)。 turn on the light [radio, water, gas] 开电灯[收音机、自来水、煤气]。 put [have] one's coat on 穿[穿着]上衣。 On with your hat! 把帽子戴上!2.〔动作的方向、时间的持续〕向前;向着;进行着,继续着。短语和例子move on 继续前进。 farther on 再向前。 later on 后来。 It is getting on for 3 o'clock. 快三点钟,将近三点钟。adj.〔多用作表语〕1.在进行;在发生;在活动。 The debate is on. 辩论正在进行。 The new play is on. 新戏正在上演。 The radio is on (the air). 无线电正在广播。 He is on as Hamlet. 他扮演哈姆雷特。 It was well on in the night. 已经夜深了。 Breakfast is on from 8 to 10. 早餐是8点到10点。 There's nothing on. 没有什么事。 What's on? (发生)什么事? 上演什么节目?2.开着,通着,点着 (opp. off)。 Is the water on or off 水开着还是关着? Gas is on. 煤气开着。3.〔美俚〕熟悉;深知 (to)。 I am on to your little game. 我知道你搞的什么鬼。4.有点醉意。短语和例子I am a bit on. 我有点醉意了。 and so on 等等。 be on it 〔美口〕准备就绪;决定动手。 be well on 进行得宜,进行顺利;有赌赢希望。 just on 差不多。 neither off nor on 优柔寡断的,没有决断力的;未决定的;三心两意的;没有关系的 (to)。 off and on =on and off 断断续续,不规则地。 on and on 继续,不停地,不断地。 on with 穿上;戴上;开始;继续。n.【板球】(打球人的)左边 (opp. off)。ON, O.N.=Old Norse 古斯堪的纳维亚语,古挪威语。&&&&在(特殊)场合&&&&om hari&&&&凭(…的)冲动&&&&om shanti&&&&一方面…,另一方面…&&&&om shanti&&&&一方面…,另一方面…&&&&少突胶质细胞培养基&&&&平均,按平均数计算&&&&联合机械制造厂
例句与用法What dress shall i put on for the party ?我穿什么衣服去参加聚会呢?The accident left a scar on her leg .那次事故后她的腿上留下了伤疤。It has no discernible effect on spondylitis .这对脊椎炎无明显影响。We will play a trick on the old abbot .我们要跟老修道院长开个玩笑。There are three exposures left on this film .这个胶卷剩下三张没拍。What is the speed limit on the motorway ?高速公路的速度限制是多少?Our new manager is very easy to get on with .我们的新经理非常随和。You speak of living on the lid of a volcano .你谈到在火山口上生活。His principles sit loosely on him .他的那些原则对他没有多少约束力。He stayed on at university to do research .他留在大学里做研究工作。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释in oper "left the oven on"; "the switch is in the on position"(of events)
"the picnic is on, rain or shine"; "we have nothing on for Friday night"w "we drove along admiring the view"; "the horse trotted along at a steady pace"; "the circus traveled on to the next city"; "move along"; "march on"同义词:, , indicates continuity or persiste "his spirit lives on"; "shall I read on?"in a state required for something to func "turn the lights on"; "get a load on"w "we drove along admiring the view"; "the horse trotted along at a steady pace"; "the circus traveled on to the next city"; "move along"; "march on"同义词:, , indicates continuity or persiste "his spirit lives on"; "shall I read on?"in a state required for something to func "turn the lights on"; "get a load on"
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The theoretical equation system of structural analysis on solar sail is given in this paper.
He did not lose a man through the ordeal, astonishingly, and went on to sail in another expedition, the Quest expedtition, before dying of a massive heart attack on board, aged 47.
Glorying in the moment, climbers stand tall on Great Sail Peak's summit.
I do remember walking on the college grounds and watching sail boats in the distance on the blue waters of Lake Michigan.
VOA: special.
He'd learned to sail when he was young, but on the river.
To reach the city, Farragut had to sail his ships past two Confederate forts on the Mississippi River.
VOA: special.
The Vanderbilts actually had booked passage from Europe on that doomed ship in 1912, but decided to sail earlier on the Olympic, a sister ship.
Small businesses will also face challenges associated with Obamacare, which now will sail on unchallenged.
Cumbria's adopted warship has set sail on her final voyage before she is de-commissioned later this year.
- 来自原声例句
You blow is on a raft and sail the Atlantic.
My time was my own after the afternoon board, Saturdays, and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the bay.
You blow is on a raft and sail the Atlantic.
你的机会是用一艘筏子在大西洋上航行。 (——求指点,译者。)
It seemed to sail on waves of air, just like a sailboat on ocean waves.
VOA: special.
Next they hop on a traditional junk for a sail across Halong Bay, whose waters teem with prawns, oysters, squid and snapper that are staples of the local cuisine.
On Monday, the British military said the HMS Dauntless, a destroyer, will set sail Wednesday on a "routine deployment" to the South Atlantic, where it will relieve another ship in the region after months of preparation.
This April, Summit Series will pack 1, 000 people on a cruise ship and sail from Florida to an undisclosed island for a 3 day weekend.
- 来自原声例句
sail on by
构筑和谐网络社会 ... Sail on silver girl 扬帆前进吧!女孩
Sail on by 向前航行吧
Your time has come to shine 这是你应发光茫的时候了
梦的音乐 - 股民闲聊_爱股人_股民第一交流社区 ... Sail on silver girl
启航吧“silver girl 号” Sail on by
向前进 Your time has come to shine
你的时代即将来临 ...
... Sail on silver girl 扬帆,姑娘 Sail on by 扬帆吧 Your time has come to shine 你闪光的时候已到 ...
40年的经典《Bridge Over Troubl... ... Sail on silvergirl 扬帆启航吧,我的银发姑娘 Sail on by 扬帆启航吧 Your time has come to shine 你正值青春年少 ...
Sail on, silver girl, sail on by.
航行, 银色女孩, 风帆。
We went for a sail on the lake by moonlight.
Sail on lilver girl, sail on by, Your time has come to shine.
Nor did he seem to care that by putting on the extra sail, he was beating some of his own best customers.
Scott's Terra Nova, which he had bought from a Liverpool ship owner, was cheered on by thousands when it set sail from the Welsh capital early on the afternoon of 15 June, 1910.
But maisu also referred to easy, communal sharing of something good: like the knowledge of how to sail for weeks out on the Pacific, without maps, going by the stars.
- 来自原声例句


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