
Ruby社区几乎每个星期都会有新的框架出现,但是这些框架里面,&并没有得到足够的关注。它应该被关注。同时,为了全面利用Rack, 在下一个&&稳定版本2.2 之后会有一个更好的公共接口。
&最初的灵感来自于Python的&& ,并且由于它的简单性和准确性,很快在Ruby社区成为了一个实际的web应用/服务器接口。你可能想看看来自于Rack之父-&的。
Rack是什么 ?
严格的讲,为了写一个Rack ready application你不需要这个rack gem。这样做仅仅是为了规范:
Rack gem 是一个公共类和辅助类的集合,它可以使每一个Rack app开发者更轻松。它包括了基本的request, response, cookies 以及sessions的实现. 还有相当多有用的中间件。总之,安装rack gem,你只需要这样:
$ sudo gem install rack
Rack 是一个支持你自己Ruby框架的框架.
Rack 提供一个不同web服务器和你的框架/应用之间的接口。使它可以更容易的让你的框架/应用对任意支持Rack的web服务器兼容& Phusion Passenger, Litespeed, Mongrel, Thin, Ebb, Webrick 仅举几例.
Rack消减你的成本.你可以免费的得到request, response, cookies, params 以及sessions .
中间件 ! 想一想Rails的 before_filter/after_filter 可以在支持Rack的不同框架重复使用。例如,在你的Rails应用,Sinatra应用和你自定制的Rack应用里都可以使用同一个Anti-spamming rack中间件。
require 'rubygems'require 'rack'class HelloWorld
def call(env)
[200, {"Content-Type" =& "text/html"}, "Hello Rack!"]
endendRack::Handler::Mongrel.run HelloWorld.new, :Port =& 9292
The&HelloWorld&object遵循了rack规范& :
call()&方法返回一个数组,包含这三个值 [http_status_code, response_headers_hash, body]
这就够了! 运行脚本,然后浏览器里输入, 你就会看到这个耀眼的 &Hello Rack!& 信息。
等等,既然是一个响应call()的ruby过程,为什么不用一个proc来代替呢? 那么,没有理由不这么做:
require 'rubygemsrequire 'rack'Rack::Handler::Mongrel.run proc {|env| [200, {"Content-Type" =& "text/html"}, "Hello Rack!"]}, :Port =& 9292
另一种常见的模式是用method(:something), 这会返回一个&&对象:
require 'rubygems'require 'rack'def application(env)
[200, {"Content-Type" =& "text/html"}, "Hello Rack!"]endRack::Handler::Mongrel.run method(:application), :Port =& 9292
带走你巨慢的&Hello World&表演吧,你不可能再写个比这更快的"Hello World" ruby 应用了。
Rack it up&
如我之前所说,rack gem为rack app开发者带来一大堆有用的东西。&rackup&就是其中之一.在前一个例子里,我直接用了mongrel处理器Rack::Handler::Mongrel&,甚至还有硬编码的端口号。用rackup,这些事情都变得可配置。! 但是用rackup,你需要用一个rackup配置文件来支持它。对于上一个例子,配置文件有点像:
# config.rurun Proc.new {|env| [200, {"Content-Type" =& "text/html"}, "Hello Rack!"]}
$ rackup config.ru
$ rackup --help
阅读(...) 评论()rack是什么意思_rack在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
rack是什么意思 rack在线翻译 rack什么意思 rack的意思 rack的翻译 rack的解释 rack的发音 rack的同义词 rack的反义词 rack的例句 rack的相关词组
rack英 [raek] 美 [raek] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:rack 基本解释911查询·英语单词名词支架; 行李架; 刑架; (羊、猪等带前肋的)颈脊及物动词使痛苦,使焦虑; 剥削,榨取; 用刑拘折磨rack 相关词组rack1. rack one&#39;s brains : 绞尽脑汁;手机查看rack的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 rack 即可rack 相关例句及物动词1. He was racked by doubts.&&&&疑虑折磨着他。2. &#x64;&#x61;&#x6E;&#x63;&#x69;&#x2E;&#x39;&#x31;&#x31;&#x63;&#x68;&#x61;&#x2E;&#x63;&#x6F;&#x6D;2. Racking his brains, he couldn't think of a single example.&&&&他绞尽脑汁却连一个例子都想不出来。名词1. He lay there groaning like a prisoner stretched out on the rack.&&&&他躺在那里呻吟,就像一个囚犯被绑在肢刑架上。2. The house went to rack and ruin.&&&&房子毁坏了。3. The racks were crowded with new clothes.&&&&架子上挂满了新衣服。rack 情景对话购买服装A:Hello, can I help you?&&&&&&您好,我能帮忙吗?B:Well, I&#39;m looking for some winter clothes for my wife.&&&&&&我要买一些冬天的衣服作为礼物送给我妻子。A:Oh, it is the high time for your purchasing in our clothes shop. We are now having a pre-season sale on all our winter apparel.&&&&&&现在正是您在本店购物的好时间,我们的冬季衣服正在做换季前打折。B:Really? What&#39;s that?&&&&&&真的么?A:Everything for winter is 20% off.&&&&&&是的,所有的冬季服装打八折。B:I think my wife may favor the sweater in the shopwindow. And would you like to aid me to look for any skirts going with this sweater?&&&&&&我想我妻子一定会喜欢陈列窗摆设的那件毛衣。你能帮我选件与它相配的下装吗?A:Sure. We have both skirts and trousers that would go well with the sweater. Look to this section.&&&&&&当然。我们有裙子和长裤都可以配那件毛衣。看看这边。B:I especially like this flowery skirt. My wife must be very elegant in them.&&&&&&我特别喜欢这件花裙。我妻子穿上这套衣服一定显得很端庄。A:You have a good taste. It is very much in style this year.&&&&&&您好眼力。这是今年很流行的样式。B:But I don&#39;t think the green one fits her complexion. Do you have any of those skirts in light color or tan?&&&&&&但我认为这种绿色的衣服不适合她的肤色。你们有没有浅色或棕褐色的?A:Look on the rack to your right.&&&&&&看看你右边的架子。B:Oh yes. I&#39;ll take this one. Can I pay with a traveler&#39;s check?&&&&&&有,我就买这件了。我能用旅行支票付款吗?A:It&#39;s OK.&&&&&&可以。rack 网络解释1. 1. 机架:欢迎各厂商及经销商来电咨询. 专业,专注,专心为你服务,为你创造无限价值. A液晶显示器(LCD)厂家专用仪器设备-----产地:台湾B液晶显示器(LCD)厂家专用仪器设备-----产地:台湾2.机架(Rack)整合固定用套件2. 齿条:最近,Golestanian与其在伊朗IASBS的研究伙伴提出一种非接触式的齿条(rack)及齿轮(pinion)组合,该组合包含表面具有皱纹的平板(齿条)及圆柱(齿轮),两者的齿都希望位在对方的前面,以使位能降至最低,系统便是藉此运行,3. rack在线翻译3. 支架:刮片部(130下方引导法兰(120),其中,上方引导法兰安装在腔体(140)上端,使燃料棒进入污垢样品取样腔(100)内部;刮片部位于腔体(140)中部,采集污垢;下方引导法兰安装在腔体(140)下端,向燃料储藏槽支架(rack)移出燃料棒.4. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D4. 机柜:报废的印表机. 不用的电脑零件与周边. 报废的各种大型或小型的电脑. 各式零件,机柜(Rack),库存新品.各大厂牌伺服器及工作站 各式大量的电子废料、电脑IC废料、主机板、过期存货 陈先生现场报价 < 2 小时前rack 双语例句1. Anonymous depressed before work, after the lectures covered the tired, after work and the hawkers have to bargain stop to the podium, he will lose these mundane world distractions, only the cadence of the time, rack their brains to speak, and only correct answer to intense The argument, in order to liven up the smile that only teachers spoke proudly Department of narcissism, and only when the students heard the emotional secretly applauded.&&&&上班前无名的郁闷,讲课后满身的疲惫,下班后也要和小贩们讨价还价,一站到讲台上,这些凡尘杂念便化为乌有,只有抑扬顿挫的读,挖空心思的讲,只有为了正确答案激烈的争论,为了活跃气氛会心的微笑,只有教师讲到得意处的自我陶醉,只有学生听到动情时的暗自叫好。2. The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won, 14&&&&躲风暴避万险,航船捕获满载正返3. Interest rates can easily be as much as twenty five or even thirty per cent so you probably do not want to rack up too much debt on these cards.&&&&利率可轻易高达25,甚至百分之三十,让你大概不想煞了太多的债务,这些卡。4. 4. The basic panel sits on a rack and the saw is moved on a track along the panel.&&&&基准墙板放置在一个架子上,锯子在轨道上沿墙板移动。5. In chapter 2 of this dissertation, using meshing theory system, it systematically studies the basic rack, flank equation, fillet and the cutting, engagement requirements, crest tipping, calculation and measurement of tooth thickness, which provides detailed theoretical basis for designing and manufacturing hob for DIGLST and the basis for processing and checking the gear.&&&&本文第二章提出该齿轮的基准齿条和齿形参数,利用啮合原理系统地研究了齿面方程、齿轮传动正确啮合条件、齿顶变尖和齿根根切以及齿厚的计算与测量等,为设计齿轮、制造滚刀、加工检测等提供详细的理论依据。6. rack6. Thereinto Chapter 4 tells of the analyzing of IKEA logistics data, the analyzing of pallet loads of IKEA, and select two alternative feasible storage systems from the eight basic pallet rack systems.&&&&把宜家家居配送中心仓储方案设计的整个过程,结合宜家家居的一些分析数据,方案的选择分析,成本的计算,最终方案的选择等做了详细的分析,解释和论述。7. Most of hob design for non-involute gears are nowadays taken by approximation method. For example, the normal sectional profile of hob worm therad is usually regarded approximately as its basic rack profile. Recently, some new methods have been developed in this respect but, perhaps, they appear overelaborate since the principle of spacing engagement is based on. For this reason, the paper offers a new design procedure for hob worm based on the planar engagement principle with the intention of simplific...&&&&本文应用平面啮合原理精确设计各种非渐开线齿轮滚刀的基本蜗杆,提出并应用啮合线的投影原理从工件齿轮端截面的啮合线直接求得刀具蜗杆的端面齿形,而不必求出媒介齿条的齿形,方法很简单,还从啮合线的投影原理简明而形象地证明了一对螺旋齿轮直接啮合过程的啮合线是一条垂直于齿向的平面曲线。8. In a SUV, it is irritating to have to fold down the seats every time that you want to load up your bike, which is why you will want to check into a receiver car bike rack for your truck or SUV.&&&&在越野车,这是刺激了对折下来的席位每次要加载您的自行车,这就是为什麼你会要检查到一个接收车自行车机架的卡车或SUV的。9. Promote the use of human bodies saddletree mobile rack, easy feeling to promote uniformity without jitter and resistance, and finally fitted with cables and cable towline wear.&&&&用人力推动鞍架机构在机架上移动,感觉推动轻松无抖动且阻力均匀,最后装上电缆和穿电缆的拖链。10. 10. So by putting the incoming signal at around this reference, your rack equipment will work better as well.&&&&让你的信号接近这个电平,你的机架设备,调音台会工作的更好。11. The result indicate that the capability of the bath is very good in most aspects. This new citrate copper plating bath can plate directly on steel, copper, brass, zincated aluminum and most high quality properly prepared zinc diecastings in both rack and barrel installations.&&&&&&我们按照国家标准方法检验了这种新型柠檬酸盐镀液的性能,并对镀层质量也进行了严格检测,结果表明该工艺在各方面都性能优良。12. The new bath can plate directly on steel, copper, brass, zincated aluminum and most high quality properly prepared zinc diecastings in both rack and barrel installations. The copper deposit which plates must be fine grained, smooth, dense and ductile.&&&&&&该工艺要求能够在钢铁、铜、黄铜、锌合金以及铝合金上面能直接电镀而得到细致、均匀、韧性好、结合力强的铜镀层,而且镀液也必须能适合挂镀、滚镀等多种电镀方式的需要。13. &#x39;&#x31;&#x31;&#x67E5;&#x8BE2;&#xB7;&#x82F1;&#x8BED;&#x5355;&#x8BCD;13. The product has mainly: The electron product resembles: Mobile telephone box, MP3 MP4 competitive products package box etc.; Jewelry gift box: Box with brocade cover, box, glasses case spreading the box, jewel case, wrist watch box, putting on makeup etc.; Food resembles such as: Liquor box, health care articles, cake box, chocolate box, moon cake box etc.; The various stationery resembles: Notebook, photo album, document rack, pen container box, document fence, appliance box, toy gift box etc.; The product creates special field, the form is respectively different, the handicraft is dainty, model is exquisite, usage is reliable!&&&&&&产品主要有:电子产品类:手机盒、MP3 MP4精品包装盒等;首饰礼盒:锦盒、布盒、珠宝盒、手表盒、化妆盒、眼镜盒等;食品类如:酒盒、保健品、蛋糕盒、巧克力盒、月饼盒等;各种文具类:笔记本、相册、文件架、笔筒盒、文件栏、办公用品盒、玩具礼盒等;产品制造专业、形状各异、工艺讲究、造型精美、使用可靠!14. 14. Our rack rate is 600 Yuan.&&&&&&我们的市场价是600元。15. We got the package for less a night than the rack room rate.&&&&&&我们享受到了比其他更便宜的房租待遇。16. 16. Aim for a rack rate of about one hundred presses in a minute.&&&&&&目标是频率1分钟压100下。17. Becoming a member entitles you to discounts of 50% on the rack rate of member hotels.&&&&&&成为会员后,您以优惠50 %的机架率的会员酒店。18. I looked up and saw the clouds rack at an unusual rate.&&&&&&我抬头看到云朵在顺风飞驰。不适合19. Piping rack class parts is wide-ranging used in products design, such as forestry machinery and furniture design and so on.&&&&&&管状支架类零件在林业机械、家具等设计中得到广泛应用。20. Also, Tahoe's more slippery shape, thanks to improved aerodynamics, streamlined exterior mirrors and roof rack, and tighter body gap tolerances, makes Tahoe quieter as it slices through the air.&&&&&&此外,太浩湖的形状更光滑,改善空气动力学感谢,精简车外后视镜和车顶行李架,以及加强身体的差距公差,使浩安静,因为它通过空气片。rack 词典解释The spelling wrack is also used, mainly for meanings 2 and 3, and mainly in old-fashioned or American English. 亦拼作wrack,主要用于义项2和3,多见于过时英语或美国英语中。1. 挂物架;搁物架&&&&A rack is a frame or shelf, usually with bars or hooks, that is used for holding things or for hanging things on.&&&&e.g. My rucksack was too big for the luggage rack...&&&&&&&&&&&我的背包太大了,行李架上放不下。&&&&e.g. You have to fight to reach the racks of clothes but the bargains are amazing.&&&&&&&&&&&你得费力往前挤才能够到那一架架的衣服,但那些打折品的确超值。2. 折磨;使痛苦&&&&If someone is racked by something such as illness or anxiety, it causes them great suffering or pain.&&&&e.g. His already infirm body was racked by high fever...&&&&&&&&&&&他已经很虚弱的身体受着高烧的折磨。&&&&e.g. The country is now racked by three violent separatist movements.&&&&&&&&&&&这个国家目前正被3场激烈的分离主义运动所困扰。3. 绞尽脑汁;苦苦思索&&&&If you rack your brains, you try very hard to think of something.&&&&e.g. She began to rack her brains to remember what had happened at the nursing home.&&&&&&&&&&&她开始绞尽脑汁地回忆在疗养院发生的事。4. (身体或心理)受到折磨&&&&If you say that someone is on the rack, you mean that they are suffering either physically or mentally.&&&&e.g. Only a year ago, he was on the rack with a heroin addiction that began when he was 13.&&&&&&&&&&&就在一年前,他还被13岁时开始染上的海洛因毒瘾所折磨。5. 荒废;衰败&&&&If you say that a place is going to rack and ruin, you are emphasizing that it is slowly becoming less attractive or less pleasant because no-one is bothering to look after it.6. (衣服、商品等)现成的,成品的&&&&Off-the-rack clothes or goods are made in large numbers, rather than being made specially for a particular person.&&&&e.g. ...the same off-the-rack dress she's been wearing since the night before...&&&&&&&&&&&她从昨晚就一直穿着的同一件成品裙装&&&&e.g. For our clothes, we went to a shop on Hollywood Boulevard, and we just picked it all off the rack.&&&&&&&&&&&至于衣服,我们到好莱坞大道上的一家商店里,都是直接挑现成的买。in BRIT, use 英国英语用 off-the-peg相关词组:rack 单语例句1. As holidays approach, merchants rack their brains for promotional methods to attract business.2. There maybe an umbrella rack or even a coat rack, but shoes are kept in the bedroom closet.3. A commemorative wreath hangs from a rack above a heart traced in yellow flowers on the ground next to the high school.4. Place the dish on a rack and steam over gently simmering water for 10 minutes or until the prawns have turned pink and are cooked.5. Place the eggplant slices on a sheet pan or a cooling rack and sprinkle with salt.6. Stern said it was customary for referees to go through a rack of balls to select the best one before each game.7. Wire decking products are mainly used in industrial and other commercial storage rack systems.8. Wire decking reinforced with structural supports is designed generally for industrial and other commercial storage rack systems.9. Fields were devoid of tractors and there were plough horses with rack wagons instead.10. Your secret good deeds rack up double karma today, so get out there and make the world sweeter!rack 英英释义racknoun1. a rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately&&&&Synonym: 2. a form of torture in which pain is inflicted by stretching the body3. a support for displaying various articles&&&&e.g. the newspapers were arranged on a rack&&&&Synonym: 4. framework for holding objects5. an instrument of torture that stretches or disjoints or mutilates victims&&&&Synonym: 6. the destruction or collapse of something&&&&e.g. wrack and ruin&&&&Synonym: 7. rib section of a forequarter of veal or pork or especially lamb or muttonverb1. torture on the rack2. seize together, as of parallel ropes of a tackle in order to prevent running through the block3. work on a rack&&&&e.g. rack leather4. stretch to the limits&&&&e.g. rack one's brains5. torment emotionally or mentally&&&&Synonym: 6. draw off from the lees&&&&e.g. rack wine7. fly in high wind8. run before a gale&&&&Synonym: 9. go at a rack&&&&e.g. the horses single-footed&&&&Synonym: 10. obtain by coercion or intimidation&&&&e.g. They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss&&&&&&&&&&&They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him&&&&Synonym: 11. put on a rack and pinion&&&&&&e.g. rack a camerarack是什么意思,rack在线翻译,rack什么意思,rack的意思,rack的翻译,rack的解释,rack的发音,rack的同义词,rack的反义词,rack的例句,rack的相关词组,rack意思是什么,rack怎么翻译,单词rack是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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