
多得是什么意思 多得在线翻译 多得什么意思 多得的意思 多得的翻译 多得的解释 多得的发音 多得的同义词 多得的反义词 多得的例句
多得 基本解释多得网络网络网络多得 双语例句1. 仆人住在你所拣选的民中,这民多得不可胜数。&&&&And thy servant is in the midst of thy people2. 还有一个地方鱼多得很啊,可是在礁石中,我照来照去,照片里分辨不清鱼和礁石了,我还在海边看见了一条海鳗,但照相机照来照去,无法照出满意的效果。&&&&The onather place though the fishes were crawd but under the reefs, both fishes and reefs were mixed. I yet saw a sea eel but could not pictured it with nice effetion.3. 遗失的比保留下来的多得多,学究们总是哀叹天才们的著作,象索福柯勒斯的戏剧、萨福的其他诗歌和史诗遗失了,这一发现将重绘希腊和罗马黄金时代的文献地图。&&&&Scholars have always mourned the loss of works of genius - plays by Sophocles, Sappho`s other poems, epics. These discoveries promise to change the textual map of the golden ages of Greece and Rome.4. 一些单词专家估计英语中可能有一百万个单词,比法语、俄语和德语单词的总和还要多得多。&&&&Some word experts estimate that there may be as many as a million words in the English language. That`s far more than French, Russian, and German put together.5. 多得的翻译5. 在实践生产中,已经证实CTp生产流程的优点比我们期望的多得多。&&&&In practice, has confirmed that the advantages of the CTP production process than we expected.6. 风格现代而不失传统、古朴典雅更显雍荣华贵,是不可多得的纯天然环保室内装饰精品。&&&&Traditional yet modern style, more flavor ronghua Yong You, are a rare natural green interior decoration products.7. 软件介绍:Beyond Compare 是一款不可多得的专业级的文件夹和文件对比工具。&&&&Fixed one file viewer pane showing one less line of text than the other one.8. 他们在第三节和第四节一共比篮网多得了25分,这使得他们顺利的赢得了比赛的胜利。&&&&They had 25 more points in the 3rd and 4th quarter than the Nets which helped them cruise by in the win.9. 多得9. 不闭户一族:你也许怀疑他们的存在,尤其是在纽约这样的大城市,但世上确实有不锁门的人——人数还多得惊人。09年一项调查显示,1000户受调查的人家中居然只有少于一半的会锁门。&&&&The No Lock People: You may doubt their existence, particularly in big cities like New York, but people who do not lock the doors to their houses and apartments do exist — and in surprising numbers.10. 而且经常全身上下都流汗,汗多得靠近我的人就可以感觉到。&&&&Also because of getting sweat all over, as much as the people around me can feel it.11. 嗯,如果我朝活人开枪不就需要多得多的文书工作了&&&&&&Well, if I'd shot a live person, there's a lot more paperwork.12. 问:而你花在HP世界里的时间要比在它之外的时间多得多?&&&&&&And you spend much more time in the Harry Potter world than out of it...?13. 这是一个毫无希望的小镇,那儿出产的芥未多得车载斗量,大桶,小桶,罐子和精致的大口瓶里都盛着芥末。&&&&&&A hopeless, jerkwater town where mustard is turned out in carload lots, in vats and tuns and barrels and pots and cutelooking little jars.14. 这比上次战争中任何一方所用TNT炸药的总吨数还要多得多。&&&&&&This is far more than the total tonnage of TNT used by either side during the last war.15. 食堂的饭菜多得令人眼花缭乱,都不知道选什么好了。&&&&&&There are more dazzling meals in canteens, and I do not know what to elect.16. 适宜各种癌症患者食用;适宜各种关节炎之人食用;适宜急慢性肾炎水肿、癌性腹水、面浮肢肿之人食用;适宜脚气病浮肿者食用,因为薏仁含维生素B1的量比大米多得多;适宜各种疣赘及美白肌夫者食用,如青春痘、治疗褐斑、雀斑,使斑点消失并滋润肌夫(青年性扁平疣、寻常性赘疣、传染性软疣、青年粉刺疙瘩以及其他皮肤营养不良粗糙者);适宜肺痿、肺痈者食用;还能消除疲劳,因为它能利水渗湿、消除水肿,所以当你眼睛浮肿、疲劳、气虚、皮夫暗沉或是气色不好时,来一点薏仁,就可以迅速消除疲劳、恢复好气色呢!&&&&&&Suitable for various types of cancer in patie suitable for human consumption in a
suitable for acute and chronic nephritis edema, cancer, ascites, facial swelling of the limbs floati suitable for those who eat beriberi edema, because Adlay vitamin B1 in suitable for all kinds of warts, redundant and whitening muscle husband is eating, such as acne, treatment, brown spots, freckles, so that spots disappear and nourish muscle-fu (youth of flat wart, verruca vulgaris, infectious soft - warts, young people acne pimples and other skin and rough undernourished persons suitable Fei Wei, lung carb can eliminate fatigue, because it benefits the water Shenshi, eliminating swelling, so when you have eye swelling, fatigue, Qi, cutaneous dull or pale when he came to a little Adlay, you can quickly fatigue and restore a good complexion it!17. 然后回到拿盔甲的那个场景,走下面的路,可以得到红莲之锤,这个是打造最强盾牌的道具,现在先不用急着回村庄补给(尽量多打骷髅,可以多得点矿石很钱,好升级装备和买物品),继续往下走,来到存档处后,飞回村庄做补给吧,把能升级的全升级,能买的全买,然后就准备做最后的战斗了,准备好了,就可以到暗黑神殿的最深处了,首先打司教,用加速跑到他面前,先用剑打开结界,然后就是猛劈,完全的混战,打败后走到最中间的传送点到达最下面的封引之座,这里见到女主角被绑着,正想去帮忙,却被帅哥救了(可恶啊,那是我的MM啊,只有等打败BOSS在慢慢聊了),开始打最终BOSS了,打完后,帅哥自愿牺牲拯救世界(好伟大啊,555555),接着就是CG,大家慢慢品味吧&&&&&&Armor and then get back to that scene, take the following path can be Honglian the hammer, this is the best shield build props, and now do not rush back to the village to supply (as much as possible to fight skeletons, you can point the ore is more money, upgrade equipment and buy good items), continue to go down, came after the filing, do supply it to fly back to the village to be able to upgrade the entire upgrade, can buy the entire purchase, and then prepared to do the final battle, and ready to Well, the Dark will be the most depth of the Temple, first of all to fight the Education Secretary, he went to use to speed up before the first open end community with a sword, and then is猛劈, full scrimmage, after beating up the middle of your delivery point reach the bottom of the block letters cited here to see the heroine was tied, and now want to help, but to save handsome hateful, ah, that was my MM ah, only to defeat the BOSS in慢慢聊, etc.18. 现在我将由阿摩黎人手中,以我的刀剑弓矢夺得的那块山地赐给你,使你比众兄弟多得一分。&&&&&&I give thee a portion above thy brethren, which I took out of the hand of the Amorrhite a with my sword and bow.19. 是不可多得的技术开发,企业生产的技术汇编资料。&&&&&&Is the rare technology development, production compilation of the technical information.20. 20. 警方例行作出的东西最多得到他们自己的方式和他们弯曲的法律及何时适合他们。&&&&&&Police routinely make stuff up to get their own way and they bend the law as and when it suits them.多得是什么意思,多得在线翻译,多得什么意思,多得的意思,多得的翻译,多得的解释,多得的发音,多得的同义词,多得的反义词,多得的例句,多得的相关词组,多得意思是什么,多得怎么翻译,单词多得是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 尽孝是什么意思_尽孝在线翻译_尽孝什么意思_尽孝的意思_尽孝的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
尽孝是什么意思 尽孝在线翻译 尽孝什么意思 尽孝的意思 尽孝的翻译 尽孝的解释 尽孝的发音 尽孝的同义词 尽孝的反义词 尽孝的例句
尽孝 基本解释尽孝[jìn xiào]动尽孝 双语例句1. 尽孝的近义词1. 是否我们做子女的尽孝了呢?&&&&Whether or not we do a filial children do?2. 中国人的尽孝理念和落叶归根的思想,都是对这种精神的诠释。&&&&The spirit is also reflected in Chinese tradition thoughts-- filial piety and return to where you started.3. 至今天,在我的眼里,恐怕只有养育和尽孝才是这个世界之最美啊!&&&&In my eyes, only bringing up children and doing filial duties are the most beautiful things in the world!4. 我们应该对国家尽忠,对父母尽孝。&&&&Eg. We should be loyal to our country and parents.5. 尽孝的翻译5. 也无法在他身边尽孝了,不能将她跟她父亲分离,她不可以嫁人。&&&&She would not marry, even if she were asked by mr.6. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D6. 其间对未来成为吉祥兽的几次放弃,都因孔子的曲折人生,励志济世的故事所感动而留下来,比如:童年孔子一边放羊一边学习,性情淡泊,志向高远;他在母亲去世以后独自守墓三年,极尽孝道;为了理想甘愿做乘田小吏,或做四处奔波的相礼,受尽世间的屈辱……又如:在鲁国难以施展抱负,远赴齐国,却遭到小人迫害;返回鲁国后又看见士大夫腐败,国君架空;就连做了大司寇,想要清除叛乱隐患实施堕三都,也被士大夫们联手阻拦,最后不得不带着弟子们远离故土,周游列国&&&&Pixiu thought of giving up becoming lucky animal for several times, but finally he changed his mind because he was touched by the hard life and benevolent deeds of Confucius, For example, during his childhood, Confucius lived a simple life by studying while herding sheep but he after his mother passed away, Confucius kept the grave in mour to achieve his dream, Confucius was ready to work as a cattle keeper or educate people on etiquettes, suffering all k frustrated in the State of Lu, Confucius went to the State of Qi, but he was pe after returning to the State of Lu, he found that the monarch was a mere figurehead among corrupted scholar-bureaucrats.7. 在某种意义上说,这种尊祖尽孝的传统和普度众生的慈悲胸怀,同样是传统美德的一部分,也是值得我们珍惜的。&&&&In some sense, the customs of paying reverence and devotion to ancestors and the broad-mindedness of delivering the multitude of people from misery belong to part of traditional virtues, which deserve our observation.8. 8. 慈济志工示范如何孝顺妈妈,从穿鞋袜、按摩到搧风,善尽孝道从日常生活中的小事做起,孩子们也在这特别的母亲节活动中,回馈母亲小时的呵护。&&&&Tzu Chi volunteers demonstrate the
from putting on socks and shoes to massaging and fanning, these myriad daily tasks must not be overlooked.9. 9. 一个人要尽孝,首先要珍爱自己,健康活着,方能让父母怡养天年。&&&&Body in good health. Only by then can you make your parents live happily.10. 摘要 本研究以惧死因应论为架构,探讨孝道观念、孝行实践与子女尽孝感受对个体在因应死亡焦虑之防卫效应的调节作用。&&&&Terror management theory suggests that people cope with awareness of death by defending their cultural worldview and self-esteem.11. 11. 在中国的佛教信众看来,劝亲信佛、出家修道、慈悲为怀等都是在尽孝道。&&&&&&For a Chinese Buddhist, to persuade family members or relatives to convert to Buddhism, to be a monk, and to be kind are all forms of filial piety.12. 第一个是,由于收入的增长,他们尽孝道义务的边际成本也就同样提高。&&&&&&The first is that, as their income rises, the marginal cost of providing services goes up.13. 尽管人们相信忠孝难两全的说法,但事实上,一个真正为国、为人民的人就一定会尽孝。&&&&&&Although the people believed the loyal filial piety difficult to be satisfactory to both sides view, but in fact, truly for the country, certainly can be filial to the utmost for people's person.14. 14. 容孙女婿出去报仇尽孝。&&&&&&To let me leave to seek revenge.15. 15. 此种具有宗教意味的解读法认为,司马迁谨尊其先父“续吾祖”的遗志,将与父亲共同收集的史料编纂成书以尽孝道。&&&&&&By the religious reading, Sima Qian fulfilled some part of his filial obligations when he honored his father's dying wish to " continue our ancestors " by bringing together the tales they had gathered.16. 不能回故园为母亲尽孝,我在书房母亲的遗像前焚香默念。&&&&&&Incapable of return homeland to carry out piety, in room of study before mother's photo I incensed saying silently.17. 但在当今人口流动性很大的单户住户的社会下,对长者尽孝道不过是旧时代的残留物罢了。因而以前那种户口登记制似乎已经开始分崩瓦解了。&&&&&&But in a highly mobile society of single householders, where filial piety is a relic of the past, the koseki registry system seems to have broken down.18. 而徽州子弟在经商富裕之后也仍能对宗族和家乡大行义举,以尽孝道。&&&&&&Huizhou children in business after affluence also can still act on the clan and the home row, with filial piety.19. 19. 若父母亲憎恶我,还能尽孝,那才是真正贤德啊!&&&&&&If parents are hateful and cruel, then it's truly to be filial.20. 在以哭为喜,以哭定才德的心理下,哭也是出嫁女子对父母尽孝的一种表现。又必叫农夫来哭号,叫善唱哀歌的来哀哭。&&&&&&Regarding cry as happiness and judging the girls by crying, girls who is going to be married, respect their parents by crying. And they will call the farmer to mourning, And for wailing to those skilled in lamentation.尽孝是什么意思,尽孝在线翻译,尽孝什么意思,尽孝的意思,尽孝的翻译,尽孝的解释,尽孝的发音,尽孝的同义词,尽孝的反义词,尽孝的例句,尽孝的相关词组,尽孝意思是什么,尽孝怎么翻译,单词尽孝是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 aversive是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
"aversive conditioning"
用作形容词 (adj.)
Reward coding theories predict that dopamine neurons will be inhibited by or will not respond to aversive stimuli.
This uses electro-shock and behavior modification with an aversive conditioning of the old and a reward conditioning of the desired personality.
aversive&:&厌 ...


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