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I always thought it was a good thing to watch/read but then I decided to give it up for a few weeks and I haven't looked back. Most of what's on is fear based with the networks spin. It seems like stories are fashionable and the same issues/fears that have been reported on with such urgency suddenly don't get mention ever again. Many of the issues haven't gone away its just that they don't sell papers any more. I'd rather do good to my fellow man in my local area than worry about the more national/international issues that I can't do anything about. I'm actually wondering if there's a subreddit for this but no luck so far.
123 ()012 ()loading...NOT AGAIN!!! WE CAN'T DO THIS THREAD AGAIN SURELY!!!!
What items are overpriced?
747 points 4,149 comments submitted 1 year ago by marcryan to
What item is overpriced but everyone still buys it?
1,327 points 4,038 comments submitted 11 months ago by Le_Ku to
Reddit, what is something that is ridiculously overpriced that actually should be cheap?
817 points 3,943 comments submitted 1 year ago by Detoxer to
What is the most overpriced product?
558 points 2,204 comments submitted 7 months ago by Cun7Destr0yer to
What's the most overpriced thing you've ever bought?
17 points 89 comments submitted 1 year ago by JonisModin to
Note the difference between overpriced and expensive...
What's something that is commonly overpriced?
522 points 1,996 comments submitted 5 months ago by Yousuck1991 to
What is the most overpriced thing you have ever bought?
462 points 2,335 comments submitted 1 year ago by Cyrsal to
What is the most overpriced shit you can think of?
463 points 2,135 comments submitted 2 years ago by AnorexicWalrus15 to
What is something you find ridiculously overpriced?
12 points 89 comments submitted 3 years ago by channerbananer to
Also, something overpriced that has a cheaper, comparable alternative.
One of many for me is movies in theaters. Paying $10+ for admission to sit in a dirty uncomfortable seat just isn't generally worth it to me.
I also think weddings are way overpriced. The price for anything skyrockets when you say it is for a wedding, and I think it's ridiculous.
What about you reddit?
Reddit, what is ridiculously overpriced?
335 points 1,704 comments submitted 3 months ago by Greekmerm to
I'd split it between people who repost the same old askreddit questions over and over and those who don't
012 ()loading...I LOVE Christmas it's definitely my favourite time of the year and I feel I have to guard it by not being to over exposed to it.. With the commercialised aspect the advertisements address running from October to January! I refuse to listen to Christmas songs or put up the tree til December. It's still magical to me
Reddit... Damn
Same reason they wear a low cut top.. Because they want you to look at their eyes
I wish I was either!! At least that means someone reads it.. All my posted stay on 1
This would make a good novelty account.. Posts NSFW on innocuous posts man..
&when you were younger what was your favourite ice cream flavour? [NSFW]&
NSFWEarly on tell everyone you feel really ill but stay in anyway and do your job with a pained expression on your face. Then when you ever want to call in sick in future people will remember this and will be like &Derek must be REALLY sick&
A kindle! If I leave my kindle lying around I find I pick it up and read books.. If my phone or tablet is nearest I end up wasting time doing nothing in particular, our browsing reddit.. Guess which one won today eh?
Interesting!! I genuinely want this thread to blow up because I'm interested in other peoples techniques.. I'm no karma whore I couldn't care less. The sad thing is it won't and instead the usual batch of repeated questions &what's a phase that needs to go out of fashion& &what sort of people do you hate& will continue to feature
I like that... Hmmmm if you get good and perfect this can you reach some kind of stage where you genuinely believe you're not at work and are instead on holiday I wonder. I sound a bit like that guy in office space who wants the occupational hypnotherapist to make him feel like he just goes fishing all day instead of work
I have actually been thinking of doing that this very night
456 ()loading...Same here except for the during part
Especially if you're on a beach in Tunisia
Why would you want a reddit alternative when you have such a wide variety of questions on askreddit like this one that's never been asked before?
Gerrard's slip
Most probably aimed to get into Oxbridge but didn't so they have that chip on their shoulders
An app that combines slow WiFi and data signals into one superfast broadband speed signal. It would work by each one being assigned to obtain parts of a video/song/site then combining it together on your phone - rather like a torrent
helpapps & tools&3Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our  and . & 2017 reddit inc. All rights reserved.REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc.


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