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var sogou_ad_width=980;英语翻译_囧研究 用选狗的方式来择偶_沪江英语
囧研究 用选狗的方式来择偶
编辑点评:用挑狗的方式来选择自己的另一半!这个想法是不是很新鲜!安妮博士认为两者在选择上有很多相似之处,而且她还用自己的感情经历为例证明这种方法的可行性。所以以后找男朋友的话,先去买条狗哦! [1] 第 1 页 [2]
Do you always go for the wrong men, but have the most perfect pet? Then this relationship advice may be for you.你是不是一直选错男人却拥有着一只最完美的宠物?那么这个恋爱建议可能就是为你准备的。
A leading love expert has suggested there are parallels between picking the perfect partner and the way you choose your dog.一个前沿爱情专家表示,选择一个完美伴侣的方式和你选狗方式有很多相似之处。
Author and relationship coach Dr Annie Kaszina Ph.D - who is the first to admit she has her own
relationship history - discovered that by applying these principles she could finally make the right choices.作家兼恋爱教练安妮&卡斯楠博士是第一个承认自己有过糟糕爱情史的相关专家。她发现通过运用这些原则,她终于可以做出正确的选择了。
When Annie met Orlandino it was love at first sight: the big brown eyes, the
looks, the knack he had of making her laugh.安妮与奥兰蒂诺相遇的时候可谓是一见钟情:大大的棕色眼睛,魅力十足的长相,有让她呵呵大笑的本领。
But sadly, he wasn't a keeper. Beneath that charming exterior lay some
habits and a difficult and a very demanding personality. Orlandino was the dog from hell.但遗憾的是,他不值得她与之厮守。在他那迷人的外表下隐藏着一些令人讨厌的习惯和令人难以相处,很强势的性格。奥兰蒂诺就像一只地狱犬。
What Annie learned from that encounter set her on the path to becoming a women's relationship coach.安妮在那次恋爱经历中吸取的教训让她走上了成为一名女性恋爱专家的道路。
She learned her lesson, chose her second dog - and her current lovely partner - with a lot more care, and has since taught hundreds of women simple ways to spot the right man for them, using her pet as the .她吸取了教训,更加谨慎小心地给自己挑了第二只狗,也就是她现在的情人。从此以后她把自己的宠物作为范例,教给了几百位女性简单找到她们另一半的方法。
Now Annie shares ten of her tips with Femail readers, inspired by her new book, entitled Do You Choose Your Dog More Carefully Than Your Husband?, which comes out on Valentine's Day. 现在安妮把她在新书《你在选狗时比你在选丈夫时更仔细吗?》中所体会的10个小窍门分享给Femail栏目读者。这本书将在情人节发行。
1. Temperament is king性格是最重要的
Mean, moody, and magnificent may sound exciting& So, too, may the idea of taking on a challenge, or 'taming' someone 'wild'.吝啬,情绪化,气宇轩昂等性格特征可能听起来让人很兴奋。让人想要接受挑战,驯服&野兽&。
Unfortunately, they lead to har and hard work relationships lead to emotional exhaustion and breakdown.不幸的是,这会导致艰难的恋爱关系;艰难的恋爱关系会导致情感衰竭以及精神崩溃。
Better to look for someone sunny and .最好是找个阳光的,脾气好的。
Think about the way a date projects himself on first meeting and beyond. Why would pessimism or negativity be an ?想想看约会对象在第一次见面和之后的日子里举手投足的方式。一个悲观消极,充满负能量的人怎么会催发你的情欲呢?
2. Check the pedigree查一查家庭背景
Obviously, this is simpler with dogs than it is with people, and can't be settled on a first date. But then Rome wasn't built in a day, and nor should relationships be.通常而言,挑人不像挑狗那么简单,可以第一次见面就下决定。但是罗马不是一天建成的,恋爱关系也不是。
You can listen to the way they talk about parents, family members, and friends.你可以听听他们讨论父母,家庭成员,和朋友的方式。
If they come across as Billy-no-mates, there is cause for concern.如果他们恰巧没什么朋友,那你就要引起注意了。


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