了不起的盖茨比与挪威的森林 电影,毕业论文呢

《了不起的盖茨比》和《挪威的森林》的比较研究 - 乐百家论文查重
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The Comparative Study of the Great Gatsby and Norwegian Wood
弗朗西斯·司各特·基·菲茨杰拉德(Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald)是20世纪20年代美国文坛上最著名的编年史家和小说家,那个时代由他命名为“爵士乐时代”。他被冠以桂冠诗人、是“爵士乐时代”的代言人和“迷惘的一代”代表作家之一。他的作品向世人完整、准确地展现了一战后20年代的美国社会状况。很长一段时间,《了不起的盖茨比》被认为是“喧嚣的二十年代”的代表作。20世纪末,美国学术界权威从选出一百部最优秀的小说,第二名就是《了不起的盖茨比》,成为世界经典文学作品。事隔60年,1987年,一位名叫村上春树的日本作家发表的第五部长篇小说《挪威的森林》,在日本畅销四百万册,并在国内外广泛引起“村上现象”。这部小说又被称为“日本版的《了不起的盖茨比》”,受到全世界文学爱好者的广泛好评和比较。村上春树的写作风格大多类似于欧美作家,其叙述方式平淡,写作基调轻快,与同时期日本作家们相比,少了战后阴郁沉重的气息。村上春树被称作第一个纯正的“二战后时期作家”,并被誉为日本1980年代的文学旗手。如果一位读者喜欢村上春树那么他一定同时也深爱菲茨杰拉德。其行文风格存在的相似性正是读者们同时深爱他们的原因,本文意在通过对两部作品的比较,探究其相同之处与一定的差异性,加深对两位作者创作的了解,还能发现某些文学接受、文学消费以及跨文化交流中的通律,兴许能解答当代青年的价值观疑惑。
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, the most famous chronicler and novelist of1920s America, was known as the Poet Laureate and the representative figure of the $$Lost Generation$$ and $$Jazz Age$$, which named because of him. His works give us a complete and accurate scene of the social status in the1920s of American after World War I For a long time, The Great Gatsby is classified as $$a book about roaring Twenties$$(Brouccoli,1985:6). In the20th century, the academic authority of United States had chosen out one hundred best novels from hundreds novels in American Literature. The Great Gatsby was the second top of them, ranked in the contemporary classical masterpieces. There are also movies and games that had been adapted according to The Great Gatsby.60years later in1987, a Japanese writer named Haruki Murakami had released his fifth novel, Norwegian Wood, which has been sold four million copies and caused the $$Murakami phenomenon$$ in Japan. Norwegian Wood is also widely read and praised by the literature lovers from all around the world and is generally considered The Great Gatsby of Japan. The writing style of Haruki Murakami is deeply influenced by the European and American writers. Its writing tone is light and the narrative tone is bland. This is quite different from the contemporary post-war works in Japan that are gloomy and heavy. Haruki Murakami is called the first pure $$Post World War period writer$$, and the pioneer of Japanese literature of80s. It is amazing that these two writers in different period with different nationalities and life experiences could write something alike. In fact, they have something in common. The similarities and differences would be discussed in this thesis.Most Haruki Murakami fans are also fascinated by Fitzgerald. The similarities of their writing styles are the reason why people love them at the same time. This thesis means to study The Great Gatsby and Norwegian Wood through the theory of Comparative Study. The main content of this thesis is to compare these two writers and their works, and then find out the similarities and differences. By studying these two works together, it may give our young generation an answer of what social values should the young generation hold.
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