self revelation 翻译DEFENDER译成汉字是什么意思

Jiangsu, China
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE, ANSI
Connector: Wireless
Color: White
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE, ANSI
Connector: Wireless
Color: Yellow
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE, ANSI
Connector: Wireless
Color: Yellow
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE
Connector: POM Headband
Color: Red
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE, ANSI
Connector: Wireless
Color: Yellow
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE
Connector: ABS Headband
Color: Red
Type: Ear Protection
Material: ABS
Certification: CE, ISO, ANSI
Connector: Wireless
Color: Red
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE
Connector: Stainless Steel Band with PVC Padding
Color: Red
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE
Connector: Stainless Steel Band
Color: Red
Type: Ear Protection
Material: ABS
Certification: CE, ISO, ANSI
Connector: Wireless
Color: Green
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE
Connector: ABS Headband
Color: Green
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE
Connector: Stainless Steel
Color: Green
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE, ANSI
Connector: Wireless
Color: Black
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE
Connector: POM Headband
Color: Red
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE
Connector: Nylon Headband
Color: Yellow
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE, ANSI
Connector: Wireless
Color: Yellow
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE
Connector: Absheadband
Color: Black
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE
Connector: Stainless Steel Band with PVC Padding
Color: Green
Type: Ear Protection
Material: ABS
Certification: CE, ISO, ANSI
Connector: Wireless
Color: Yellow
Type: Earmuffs
Material: ABS
Certification: CE
Connector: Stainless Steel Band with PVC Padding
Color: Yellow
Material: Metal
Kind: Oil Ball Pen
Point Diameter: 0.7mm
Usage: Promotional Pen, Office & School Pen, Business Gift, Self Defence Pen
Disposable: Non-Disposable
Color: Blue/Black
Type: Auto Tow Hook
Bumper Position: Front Bumper
Material: Steel
Application: Lifting Accessories
Surface: HDG, Zinc Plated, Powder Platified
Technology: Forged
Type: Anti-Theft Alarm
Signal Transmission: Wireless Alarm
Working Mode: Passive
Certification: CE, RoHS
Application: Outdoor
Sensor Type: Electric Alarm
Type: Pintle Hook
Bumper Position: Front Bumper
Material: Steel
Surface: Color Painted
Color: Self-Color, Painted or Zinc Plated
Quality: High
Type: Car Tow Hook
Bumper Position: Front
Material: Steel
Sample Order: Yes
Application: Lifting and Connecting Accessories
Technology: Forged
Type: Car Tow Hook
Bumper Position: Front
Material: Steel
Color: Self-Color, Painted or Zinc Plated
Application: Lifting
Technology: Forged
Type: Auto Tow Hook
Bumper Position: Front Bumper
Material: Steel
Application: Auto Accessories
Surface: HDG, Zinc Plated, Powder Platified
Technology: Forged
Type: Auto Tow Hook
Bumper Position: Front Bumper
Material: Steel
Application: Tow Accessories
Surface: HDG, Chrome Plated, Powder Platified
Technology: Forged
Type: Auto Tow Hook
Bumper Position: Front Bumper
Material: Steel
Application: Tow Accessories
Surface: HDG, Chrome Plated, Powder Platified
Technology: Forged
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You have already submitted feedback. Thank you.Democrat Pubic Defender: Zimmerman Acted in Self-defense
Jay Gaskill is a licensed attorney who was the Public Defender of Alameda County in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Gaskill is also a registered Democrat who, despite his party ID, is my friend. LOLIt is therefore significant that, based on the trial testimonies thus far, Gaskill believes that George Zimmerman was acting in justified self-defense when he struggled with and then shot Trayvon Martin. Gaskill also believes that, given the facts, the prosecution should never filed and pursued a murder charge against Zimmerman. That the prosecution did do that suggests they’re acting from PC pressure, in a case that Obama, as the President of the United States, had unseemly and irresponsibly politicized with his incendiary remark: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”FOTM is grateful for Mr. Gaskill’s permission to republish his essay from his .~EowynZimmerman’s head wounds from his “encounter” with Martin.Legal commentary & OPINIONBy Jay B. Gaskill, Attorney at LawJune 28, 2013Trayvon Martin died in a struggle, not – as one breathless media-bot proclaimed just before trial – from being “gunned down.”The evidence now unambiguously shows that, at the time of the fatal shot, Mr. Z and Mr. Martin was on top of him, administering a first class beating.The following is a reasonably accurate summary of the general law as it applies to self-defense cases -“The circumstances under which he acted must have been such as to produce in the mind of a reasonable prudent person, similarly situated, the reasonable belief that the other person was then about to kill him or to do him serious bodily harm. In addition, the Defendant must have actually believed that he was in imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm and that deadly force must be used to repel it. If evidence of self-defense is present, the State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Defendant did not act in self-defense.”On the face of it – and from the prosecution’s case so far – it appears that Mr. Zimmerman has a strong self-defense case right out of the box.  Few prosecutors I know would – except in extremis and under relentless political pressure –file and pursue a murder charge in a case like Mr. Zimmerman’s.If the prosecution can salvage anything from this disaster it might be a manslaughter case based on the doctrine of “imperfect self-defense”, on the notion – so far unproven – that Mr. Zimmerman provoked the struggle and then acted with unnecessary and unreasonable force when he began to lose the fight.  This probably won’t work.  No evidence has surfaced that Zimmerman initiated the use of force and the legal test of his response to being pummeled is what a reasonable person would do if similarly situated. Were it my defense case, I would argue – and this can be done very persuasively – that Mr. Zimmerman faced a deadly threat because he was carrying a firearm against a crazed opponent who could not be counted on to use restraint if he (Martin) got control of it during the struggle.  When violently attacked, there is no duty to flee or to turn the other cheek.I know it is premature to comment, but as the facts have so far unfolded, it would appear to be a grave miscarriage of justice if Mr. Zimmerman were convicted of murder (absent some compelling new evidence, so far not even hinted at).  A manslaughter conviction would be more of a misfire, than a miscarriage, a repellant sop to those fevered souls who had hoped to turn this tragedy into some kind of racial cause-celeb.I am deeply sorry the Mr. Martin died and that Mr. Zimmerman must go through this nightmare parody of a political trial.Or so it seems from my remote viewing platform. JBG
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ensearchwebRaysun M-1 Multi-Saver Self-Defender
Raysun X-1
Raysun M-1
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Raysun H-168 &HID-2
Raysun WEP-21(A) / (B)
Raysun TH-22(A) / (B)
[AE]United Arab Emirates
[AG]Antigua and Barbuda
[AN]Netherlands Antilles
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[AX]?land Islands
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[SY]Syrian Arab Republic
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[TF]French Southern Territories
[TT]Trinidad and Tobago
[UM]United States Minor Outlying Islands
[US]United States
[VA]Holy See (Vatican City State)
[VC]Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
[VG]Virgin Islands, British
[VI]Virgin Islands, U.S.
[VN]Viet Nam
[WF]Wallis and Futuna
[ZA]South Africa
Multi-Saver Self-Defender
Non-weapon classification self-defender, small size, light weight, easy carry, support 7 various cartridges for multi-purpose application.
Unique 2-shot in one design, most advanced, effectively longer range non-lethal self-defender.
Built-in soft-light & laser aimer.
Power ON buzzer for safety alert.
Catalog Download
M-1supports the following cartridges
Rechargeable battery or CR-123A *1
125x55x30 mm
Approx.160g(without cartridge)
(1). Place any 2 cartridges at once for firing.\
(2). LED illuminating
(3). Laser aiming
(4). Warning beeper
Standard Package
M-1 main body x1
3 mode LED cartridge x1
Pepper bullet cartridge x 1
Pepper powder cartridge x 3
Belt carrying bag x1
Soft bag x1
User manual
Rechargeable battery *2 with Charger *1
Various cartridges


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