求一片关于产品介绍配乐英语俚语的演讲稿 以及配乐推荐

1. take a hint领会别人的暗示,理解
It didn&t take long to realize this girl could not take a hint of any kind.很快我就发现这女孩不怎么会看人眼色。
I was branded for life.我这辈子都要贴着这个标签(Bryce和Julie是一对)了。
Notes: take a hint表示读懂别人的暗示,心领神会,例:
I hope she could take a hint and leave me alone.我希望她能看懂我的暗示,让我自己待着。
Nobody wants to be branded as liars.没有人想被贴上骗子的标签。
2. hatch a plan制定计划
ask out约会
I hatched the plan. I asked out Sherry Stalls. Things were unfolding quite nicely.我做好了打算,要和雪莉约会。事情进展得很顺利。
Notes: hatch原意为孵化,为了更生动地表示制定计划,可以使用hatch a plan,有点长期筹谋,秘密筹划的意味;ask out字面意思为约某人出去,可表示约会;unfold与fold是反义,原意为展开,显露,在这里表示进展,呈现出一种怎样的状态。更多例句:
In order to solve this mechanical problem, they work hard and hatch a genius plan.为了解决这个机械问题,他们辛苦工作,制定出了这个天才计划。
He finally met a girl he wanted to ask out.他终于遇到一个他想约出去的女孩了。
She prefers to let life unflod with a clear focus.她更喜欢有目标的生活。
3. flip心动
have feelings for somebody对某人有意思
The first day I met Bryce , I flipped.和Bryce相遇的那一天,我心动了。
I mean, it was clear he had feelings for me, but he was just too shy to show them.我的意思是,他显然对我有感觉,只是太羞于表达出来。
Notes: flip的原意为用指轻弹,蹦跳,在这里为美式俚语,表示心动,因为什么而欣喜若狂;have feelings for somebody可以说是恋爱的第一个阶段,对某人有好感。例句如下:
I found I was starting to have feelings for him.我发现我渐渐开始对他有感觉了。
He flipped at the sight of her.看到她的瞬间,他心动了。
4. wind up最后得到,结束&&
Now Julie Baker did not wind up in the Mayfield Times for being an eighth-grade Einstein.朱莉&贝克最终可不是因为成了中学生爱因斯坦而登上梅菲尔德时报。
Notes: wind up在口语中表示以什么告终,例如:
She really wanted to wind up the meeting immediately.她真的想立刻结束会议。
5. duck躲避
All week I tried to approach her at school, She&d always find some way to duck me.这一周我在学校试图接近她,她总能想出办法避开我。
Notes: duck最不陌生的意义就是鸭子了,不曾想它还有个帅气的意义&&躲避。例句:
She ducked fast in the snow fight.她打雪仗时躲得很快。
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马蒂斯和永不满足的音乐 Matisse and the Music of Discontent By Andre Kostelanetz
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第41篇& Matisse and the Music of Discontent 马蒂斯和永不满足的音乐
By Andre Kostelanetz
On Easter Sunday, 1945, the last year of the war, my wife and I were in Marseilles. We had just arrived for four days& rest, after a tour of entertaining the troops in Burma. It was a wonderful morning, sparkling but not too warm. There were no tourists, of course, and we decided to drive along the Riviera to Vence and call on Matisse. We had never met the painter, but we knew well his son Pierre in New York.
We found Matisse living in a small house, with a magnificent, sweeping view beyond his vegetable garden. In one room, there was a cage with a lot of fluttering birds. The place was covered with paintings, most of them obviously new ones. I marveled at his production, and I asked him, &What is your inspiration?&
&I grow artichokes,& he said. His eyes smiled at my surprise and he went on to explain: &Every morning, I go into the garden and watch these plants. I see the play of light and shade on the leaves, and I discover new combinations of colors and fantastic patterns. I study them. They inspire me. Then I go back into the studio and paint.&
This struck me forcefully. Here was perhaps the world&s most celebrated living painter. He was approaching 80, and I would have thought that he had seen every combination of light and shade imaginable. Yet every day he got fresh inspiration from the sunl it seemed to charge the delicate dynamo of his genius with an effervescent energy almost inexhaustible.
I wondered what might have happened if Matisse had never taken that morning stroll in the garden. But such a withdrawal is not in his character. Sometimes a man builds a wall around himself, shutting out the light. Not Matisse. He goes out to meet the world, discovers it and seems to soak up the discoveries in his very pores.
In such a process, man inhales the chemicals of inspiration, so to speak. As a musician, inspiration is vital to me, but I find it hard to define what it is. It is more than just drinking in a view or being in love. It is, I think, a sense of discovery, a keen appetite for something new. There goes with it a certain amount of discipline, of control, coupled with a reluctance to accept a rigid, preconceived pattern. Someone has described this whole feeling as a divine discontent.
The source of this capacity for thrilling, explanatory wonder at life rests, I believe, above man himself in something supreme. I sense this in regarding nature, which stimulates me in all my creative work.
There are a host of things about the universe which I do not clearly understand, any more than I can understand, for example, the technicalities of the process by which we can be heard and seen in this new dimension, the miraculous television screen.
Such finite things as these inventions were inconceivable mysteries a few years ago. The reason for life may be obscure to me, but that is no cause to doubt that the reason is there. Like Matisse with his artichoke, I can regard the infinite number of lights and shades of a piece of music and know that this is true.


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