
英语单词词根问题cern cert作为词根是 搞清 区别的意思为什么discern是看出,识别出的意思&& 而不是辨别不出的?前面有dis为什么这里没有作为否定?
单词的结构总的来说是由规律可循,可是也有些词根有很多意思,比如,这个词 dis在这里不是前缀了 因为后部分不是一个完整的单词
洞悉是什么意思 洞悉在线翻译 洞悉什么意思 洞悉的意思 洞悉的翻译 洞悉的解释 洞悉的发音 洞悉的同义词 洞悉的反义词 洞悉的例句
洞悉 基本解释洞悉[dòng xī]词典:看出;理解,了解;识别,辨别。词典:了了;详悉;洞悉;详。词典understand thoroughly:洞达;洞彻;洞悉无遗;达。词典:刺破;刺穿,戳穿;洞察;深深打动。洞悉 汉英大词典洞悉[dòng xī] understand thoroughly洞悉 网络解释1. 1. piercen:4334piern. 码头 | 4335piercen. 皮尔斯; v. 刺穿,穿透,洞悉 | 4336piercinga. 刺骨的,刺穿的,讽刺的2. discern v:erudition n.博学,学识 | discern v.目睹,认识,洞悉,辨别 | discernment n.识别力,眼力,洞察力3. 3. behold detect know obsere perceie realize recognize see spot spy understand iew:420. Diphtheria ... | 421. Discern . 目睹, 认识, 洞悉, 辨别, 看清楚 behold detect know obsere perceie realize recognize see spot spy understand iew | 434. Dismay n. 沮丧, 惊慌 . 使沮丧, 使惊慌 alarm be...洞悉 双语例句1. 洞悉的解释1. 精神科检查:意识清,可引出幻听、被害、嫉妒、被控制和洞悉、妄想,情绪因上述症状而低落,情绪反应尚协调,自知力部分存在。&&&&Mental division checks: Dainty abdomen? but derivative phonism, be murdered, envious, controlled and understand thoroughly, covet, the mood is low because of afore-mentioned symptoms, mood reaction is still harmonious, exist from part telling force.2. 你一洞悉了世界的脉搏,是不是有种群雄逐鹿开创事业的冲动那。&&&&By default, MFC uses the resource handle of the main application to load the resource template.3. 用其编者的话来说,这次活动至少有两种意义:一、介绍西洋绘画知识,扩大眼光,使得认清自己,认清他人,洞悉利弊之所在,而知所取舍;二、比较中西艺术之质量,究其盛衰之所当然,而知所警励,努力以谋取我国艺术之复兴。&&&&The significance of the activity, according to the organizer, is first to introduce Western painting in order to know about ourselves and other nations so that wise choices can be made, and second, to make a comparative study of the quality of both Chinese and Western art in order to know the reasons of their rise and fall so that our national art can be revived.4. 但是洞悉情况的妈妈们说今年会好一些,所以这是时候把你的宿营传单找出来。&&&&But the mums in the know say that this year will be better, so it`s time to find your fly sheet.5. 你不会在我沉默、思考、一言不发的时候,洞悉到我内心的深处。&&&&You can't understand thoroughly at the time of I aming silent, considers, first speech not hair I endocentric and deep place.6. 你知道我有着洞悉一切事物的能力,我可以准确的判断一切事物。&&&&You know that I am CLAIRVOYANT and a Medium, and I see things precisely.7. 洞悉的近义词7. 更洞悉细致的解读表明,他还可以认识到,与众不同的标识连贯系统是蒂娜·巴尼和刘博智风格的重要组成。&&&&The critical elements here are the significant distinctions in the signage comprising one's visual vocabulary.8. 然而长短相形,虚实相乘,便如高僧大德洞悉世法空相,庖丁解牛可见坚骨韧筋之间回旋之处,一家有理想的企业,应该看到的是产品挤逼之下创新和艺术的虚空。&&&&Nevertheless, everything can pale by comparison, like the hierarch can discern the rules of the universe, and like Paoding butches the cattle, do this job with skill and ease.9. 你完全洞悉了我的恋父情结啊。&&&&You just cracked my whole Electra complex wide open.10. 自以为在爱情中扮足了伟大,却不知道,爱易脱口便易脱手,一次次的退让,已让他洞悉全部--言听计从,招之来挥之去,像极廉价雨伞,晴时扔到一边,阴时拿来蔽天,丢之不觉肉痛,有之不觉珍贵。&&&&I have always felt that the coverage accorded to the Dalai Lama in the Western media has been excessively favourable and uncritical, just as the media coverage in China of the Dalai Lama is appallingly biased but in the negative.11. 蔡志忠用简洁生动的文字,清新飘逸的画面,别致地诠释中华先贤的智慧和人生哲理,让人在轻松的阅读中品味高雅,在历史的轮回中洞悉未来。&&&&&&Tsai is a concise and lively writing, fresh and elegant picture, unique interpretation of the Chinese sages of wisdom and philosophy of life, people's reading in a relaxed and elegant taste, in the history of reincarnation insight into the future.12. 扇型的灯,风雅蕴藏翱翔于竹林山溪间,洞悉悠逸生活哲理。&&&&&&Five comforts of the bamboo forest: flying over rivers amongst the bamboo forest, with a true grasp of the philosophy of a leisurely life.13. 乔:保护本人最好的办法,就事洞悉什么时候会发生什么样的事情。&&&&&&Joe: The best way to defend yourself is to know when something's going to happen.14. 洞悉什么意思14. 这些儿童的接受能力较强,而且更容易洞悉及处理转变。&&&&&&They become more receptive and skilful in recognising and dealing with changes.15. 15. 对于周围的环境,动物比我们人类更能洞悉细微变化,这一点已被证实。&&&&&&It`s been well-documented that animals are better than we are at picking up little changes in the surrounding world.16. 地球已经洞悉,这名病人的业力是与亚特兰蒂斯时代在矿石金字塔中的燃烧所直接相关的,他在提升中严重融入了矿石晶格层以至于僵硬到无法弯腰。&&&&&&Earth has discerned that the karma for this patient was directly related to a combustion in Atlantis in the mineral pyramids, and that they were embodying mineral grid work in their ascension to such a degree that it created such inflexibility that they could no longer bend over.17. 我可能会拥有所有的知识,能够洞悉各种奥秘,我可能会拥有愚公移山般的信念。&&&&&&I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets.18. 有时,洞悉会像破罐力的水一样从他脑中涌出。&&&&&&He had moments in life where insights sprang from his mind like water from a broken dam.19. 19. 其他的重要因素还有:你能否凝聚全队,能否激励队友,能否大声指导后卫们,能否洞悉比赛的进展,最重要的是,你的对手是否对你有足够的敬畏。&&&&&&Other important factors included: Can you pool stage of the disease, can inspire teammates, fullback who can guide loudly. able to know the competition, the most important thing is that your opponent whether you have enough respect.20. 这些障碍也可以洞悉刻骨铭心的视觉的形式,但还是再给一个明确的表示傅里叶变换红外光谱分析的形式的乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂分子中包含的各种包装。&&&&&&These breakdowns can also be discerned visually in the form of hazing or recrystallisation, but the FTIR analysis gives a definitive representation of changes to the form of the inhibitor molecules contained within the various packages.洞悉是什么意思,洞悉在线翻译,洞悉什么意思,洞悉的意思,洞悉的翻译,洞悉的解释,洞悉的发音,洞悉的同义词,洞悉的反义词,洞悉的例句,洞悉的相关词组,洞悉意思是什么,洞悉怎么翻译,单词洞悉是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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