intenses dryness 汉语 intense什么意思思

英语 main pointSome desert animals can survive the intense summer heat and dryness because they have very unusual characteristics.The camel,for example,can stand an increase in the temperature of its blood of 9*C.In addition ,it can drink an enormous amount of water at one time,then store a sufficient amount in its red blood cells and other parts of its body to supply its needs for two weeks or more.The Kangaroo rat,on the other hand,obtains all the water it needs from water that it produces when breathing.However most animals need to maintain a fairly constant body temperature,and will die if it rises more than 5*C.Therefore,they need to find some way to avoid the intense radiations of the summer sun.Nor can many animals either store or produce water in their bodies ,as the camel and Kangaroo rat can.So they must find ways to reduce water loss form their bodies to a minimum.Because very few desert animals can survive the high radiation,the temperature,and the evaporation rate of a typical summer's day,most of them are nocturnal.Only after the sun has set does the desert come fully to life.The night is relatively cool,and the darkness provides protection,not only from the sun,but also from other animals and from the birds,So the coming of darkness is the signal for the large majority of animals and insects to continue their search for water and food,When morning comes,most of them seek shelter again: nearly all find somewhere shady where they can avoid the sun's radiation,if not its heat.要写main point 不知道该怎么写才好
The reason why some desert animals can survive the intense summer heat and dryness.
扫描下载二维码free from moistur not wet:
having or characterized by little or no rain:
the dry season.
characterized by absence, deficiency, or failure of natural or ordinary moisture.
not under, in, or on water:
It was good to be on dry land.
not now containing or yielding w depleted or empty of liquid:
The well is dry.
not yielding milk:
a dry cow.
free from tears:
drained or evaporated away:
a dry river.
He was so dry he could hardly speak.
causing thirst:
served or eaten without butter, jam, etc.:
dry toast.
(of cooked food) lacking enough moisture or juice to be satisfying or succulent.
(of bread and bakery products) stale.
of or relating to nonliquid substances or commodities:
dry provisions.
(of wines) not sweet.
made with dry vermouth:
a dry Manhattan.
made with relatively little dry vermouth:
a dry martini.
characterized by or favoring prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors for use in beverages:
a dry state.
(of British biscuits) not sweet.
dry facts.
a dry subject.
expressed in a straight-faced, matter-of-fact way:
dry humor.
a dry answer.
The greatest of artists have dry years.
(of lumber) fully seasoned.
Building Trades.
(of masonry construction) built without fresh mortar or cement.
(of a wall, ceiling, etc., in an interior) finished without the use of fresh plaster.
insufficiently glazed.
Art. hard and formal in outline, or lacking mellowness and warmth in color.
free from moisture:
to dry the dishes.
lose moisture.
a prohibitionist.
a dry place, area, or region.
to make or become completely dry.
to undergo or cause to undergo detoxification from consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol.
to make or become completely dry.
Informal. to stop talking.
(in acting) to forget one's lines or part.
not dry behind the ears,
Adult responsibilities were forced on him, although he was still not dry behind the ears.
before 900; Middle English drie, Old English dry? akin to Dutch droog, German
dryable, adjective
dryly, adverb
dryness, noun
overdry, adjective
overdryly, adverb
overdryness, noun
predry, verb (used with object), predried, predrying.
redry, verb, redried, redrying.
ultradry, adjective
underdry, verb (used with object), underdried, underdrying.
undry, adjective
undryable, adjective
20. tedious, barren, boring, tiresome, jejune. 29. dehydrate.
1. wet. 20. interesting.
1. Dry, arid both mean without moisture. Dry is the general word indicating absence of water or freedom from moisture:
dry clothes. Arid suggests great or intense dryness in a region or climate, especially such as results in bareness or in barrenness: arid tracts of desert. 28. See .
UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, (C) Random House, Inc. 2017.
Examples from the Web for
Contemporary Examples
Strong fennel and wormwood hit the back of my tongue along with a dryness from the barrel and hints of citrus from the chamomile.
March 9, 2014
Those are related: More cheese would have hidden the dryness.
September 7, 2009
Historical Examples
Neutralise hydrosulphocyanic acid with ammonia, and gently evaporate the solution to dryness, by the heat of a water bath.
Arnold Cooley
His heart began to pound, and he swallowed to relieve the dryness in his throat.
Edward Ormondroyd
Its very deep root enables it to seek moisture from perennial sources, and to thus withstand the dryness of our summers.
Mary Elizabeth Parsons
In thin boards all parts soon attain the same degree of dryness.
Joseph B. Wagner
Even at that time I had not yet conquered my aversion to the dryness of a life of study.
Robert Louis Stevenson
No wonder he was particular about the set of his flint, and the dryness of his powder.
Mayne Reid
The horses, owing to the dryness of the grass, drank a gre they are falling off very much.
John McDouall Stuart
“That is not what I asked you,” said Ida, with a trace of dryness.
Harold Bindloss
British Dictionary definitions for
adjective drier, driest, dryer, dryest
not damp or wet
having little or no rainfall
not in or under water: dry land
having the water drained away or evaporated: a dry river
not providing milk: a dry cow
(of the eyes) free from tears
(informal) thirsty
causing thirst: dry work
eaten without butter, jam, etc: dry toast
(of a wine, cider, etc) not sweet
(pathol) not accompanied by or producing a mucous or watery discharge: a dry cough
consisting of solid as opposed to liquid substances or commodities
plain: dry facts
lacking interest or stimulation: a dry book
lacki cold: a dry greeting
(of wit or humour) shrewd and keen in an impersonal, sarcastic, or laconic way
opposed to or prohibiting the sale of alcoholic liquor for human consumption: a dry area
(NZ) (of a ewe) without a lamb after the mating season
(electronics) (of a soldered electrical joint) imperfect because the solder has not adhered to the metal, thus reducing conductance
verb dries, drying, dried
when intr, often foll by off. to make or become dry or free from moisture
(transitive) to preserve (meat, vegetables, fruit, etc) by removing the moisture
noun (pl) drys, dries
(Brit, informal) a Conservative politician who is considered to be a hard-liner Compare
(sense 10)
(Austral, informal) the dry, the dry season
(US & Canadian) an informal word for
See also ,
dryable, adjectivedryness, noun
Old English dr? related to Old High German truckan, Old Norse draugr dry wood
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition (C) William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.
(C) HarperCollinsPublishers , , ,
Word Origin and History for
Old English dryge, from Proto-Germanic *draugiz (cf. Middle Low German dr?ge, Middle Dutch druge, Dutch droog, Old High German trucchon, German trocken, Old Norse draugr), from PIE *dreug-.
Meaning "barren" is mid-14c. Of humor or jests, early 15c. (implied in dryly); as "uninteresting, tedious" from 1620s. Of places prohibiting alcoholic drink, 1870 (but dry feast, one at which no liquor is served, is from late 15c.; colloquial dry (n.) "prohibitionist" is 1888, American English). Dry goods (1708) were those measured out in dry, not liquid, measure. Dry land (that not under the sea) is from early 13c. Dry run is from 1940s.
Old English drygan, related to
(adj.). Related: Dried; drying. Of the two agent noun spellings, drier is the older (1520s), while dryer (1874) was first used of machines. Dry out in the drug addiction sense is from 1967. Dry up "stop talking" is 1853.
Online Etymology Dictionary, (C) 2010 Douglas Harper
Slang definitions & phrases for
Not permitting the sale of alcoholic drink: North Carolina has dry counties
A person who favors the prohibition of alcoholic drink
The Dictionary of American Slang, Fourth Edition by Barbara Ann Kipfer, PhD. and Robert L. Chapman, Ph.D.Copyright (C) 2007 by HarperCollins Publishers.
Idioms and Phrases with
The American Heritage(R) Idioms DictionaryCopyright (C) , 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
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]hyperintense英语翻译成汉语: 高度强烈的,超强烈的
拾零是什么意思 拾零在线翻译 拾零什么意思 拾零的意思 拾零的翻译 拾零的解释 拾零的发音 拾零的同义词 拾零的反义词 拾零的例句
拾零 基本解释拾零[shí líng]词典:舷灯;拾零;侧灯;侧面射进来的光线( sidelight的名词复数 )。词典:拾零;花边新闻;(食物,消息的)精选,珍品( titbit的名词复数 )。词典:舷灯;侧灯;拾零;侧面射进来的光线。词典:拾零;简讯;简明新闻。拾零 汉英大词典拾零[shí líng](多用于标题) sidelights拾零 网络解释1. 拾零的反义词1. sidelight:拾来的孩儿foundling | 拾零sidelight | 拾落穗gleaning2. Weiji Asking for Punishment from Qi Huangong:玖玖. Qiuyou is Avid of a Big Bell | 拾零. Weiji Asking for Punishment from Qi Huangong | 壹壹. Qi Jiangong Releasing Power of Ruling His Country拾零 双语例句1. 领先在当今信息时代,网上和网可提供新闻稿,新闻拾零甚至可以捡起了全国新闻。&&&&To stay ahead in this information age, online and offline press releases can offer newsworthy titbits that could even be picked up by the national press.2. 你们学校会办了一份杂志,取名《拾零》。&&&&Nglish Sidelights is a magazine intended for students in our middle school to improve their oral and spoken expressions in English.3. 3. 他生于纽约州弗农山,1921年康奈尔大学毕业,曾先后但任《纽约人》和《哈珀斯》杂志的编辑、专栏作家和自由撰稿人。1941年与妻子合著《美国幽默拾零》。他的作品有《斯图亚特·利特尔》(1945)、《夏洛特的网》(1952)、《我罗盘上的方位》(1962)、《天鹅的喇叭》(1970)、《怀特书信集》(1976)、《怀特散文集》(1977)以及两本诗选。1960年曾获美国文学艺术协会金奖。怀特以文笔犀利,讽刺尖刻,思维独特,风格高雅而在美国文坛享有极高声誉。&&&&And whether it is a farmer arriving from Italy to set up a small grocery store in a slum, or a young girl arriving from a small town in Mississippi to escape the indignity of being observed by her neighbors, or a boy arriving from the Corn Belt with a manuscript in his suitcase and a pain in his heart, it makes no difference: each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company.4. 他生于纽约州弗农山,1921年康奈尔大学毕业,曾先后但任《纽约人》和《哈珀斯》杂志的编辑、专栏作家和自由撰稿人。1941年与妻子合著《美国幽默拾零》。他的作品有《斯图亚特·利特尔》(1945)、《夏洛特的网》(1952)、《我罗盘上的方位》(1962)、《天鹅的喇叭》(1970)、《怀特书信集》(1976)、《怀特散文集》(1977)以及两本诗选。1960年曾获美国文学艺术协会金奖。怀特以文笔犀利,讽刺尖刻,思维独特,风格高雅而在美国文坛享有极高声誉。&&&&And whether it is a farmer arriving from Italy to set up a small grocery store in a slum, or a young girl arriving from a small town in Mississippi to escape the indignity of being observed by her neighbors, or a boy arriving from the Corn Belt with a manuscript in his suitcase and a pain in his heart, it makes no difference: each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer5. 5. 埃尔文·布鲁克斯·怀特(Elwyn Brooks White,)是美国优秀散文作家。他生于纽约州弗农山,1921年康奈尔大学毕业,曾先后但任《纽约人》和《哈珀斯》杂志的编辑、专栏作家和自由撰稿人。1941年与妻子合著《美国幽默拾零》。他的作品有《斯图亚特·利特尔》(1945)、《夏洛特的网》(1952)、《我罗盘上的方位》(1962)、《天鹅的喇叭》(1970)、《怀特书信集》(1976)、《怀特散文集》(1977)以及两本诗选。1960年曾获美国文学艺术协会金奖。怀特以文笔犀利,讽刺尖刻,思维独特,风格高雅而在美国文坛享有极高声誉。&&&&And whether it is a farmer arriving from Italy to set up a small grocery store in a slum, or a young girl arriving from a small town in Mississippi to escape the indignity of being observed by her neighbors, or a boy arriving from the Corn Belt with a manu in his suitcase and a pain in his heart, it makes no difference: each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company.6. 本文向读者推荐詹子庆教授的新著《古史拾零》,对此书的内容和学术价值做了评介。&&&&This paper recommend professor ZhanZi-qing s new book " Ancient History Analects " toward the reader, and introduce the contents and academic value of this book.7. danci.911cha.com7. 消失模艺术铸造拾零与实践&&&&Oddness and Practice of Art Castings in Lost Foam Casting8. 湖北民间器乐曲的制曲思维&民器集成湖北卷编辑拾零论我国民间器乐曲中常用的旋律发展手法&&&&My Thoughts On The Instrumental Music Formed In Hubei Province In China A Probe on Common-used Melody Developing Skills of China Folk Instrument Music9. 9. 商务英语的词汇拾零与解析&&&&Analysis of vocabulary in Business English10. 培养创新思维须从娃娃抓起&小学低年级数学合作学习研究拾零&&&&Training New Thoughts from Children & about " the cooperative study " in maths in primary school11. 与世纪同步的新概念图书馆&福建医科大学图书馆工程设计拾零&&&&&&New Concept Library Go to the New Century12. 国外艺术铸造拾零&&&&&&Sidelights of Art Foundry Abroad13. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D13. 活塞式空压机减振拾零&&&&&&On vibration damping of piston type air compressor14. 定积分应用拾零&&&&&&Some applications of definite integral15. 15. 桩承台设计问题拾零&&&&&&Some Problems with Pile Cap Design16. 拾零的近义词16. 吉林方言数字头惯用语拾零饮食习惯对西北(新疆)燥证影响的研究&&&&&&Examples of Habitually Practiced Words in JiLin Province The Food is Habitually to the Northwest (Xinjiang) Dryness Influence17. 巧用翻译技巧,译出散文风格&冰心散文的英译技巧拾零&&&&&&Expressing the style of essays by using translating skills18. 18. 明清小说词语拾零&&&&&&Titbits of words and expressions in classical novels In the Ming and Qing Dynasties19. 现代维吾尔语方言词拾零&&&&&&Some Dialect Words in Uighur Language20. 20. 中小学校长时代个性化品质拾零&&&&&&Sidelights of Personal Qualities of Middle School Headmasters拾零是什么意思,拾零在线翻译,拾零什么意思,拾零的意思,拾零的翻译,拾零的解释,拾零的发音,拾零的同义词,拾零的反义词,拾零的例句,拾零的相关词组,拾零意思是什么,拾零怎么翻译,单词拾零是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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中文翻译n.〔美俚〕1.(剧团等的)新闻宣传员;广告代理人;(演员等的)宣传员(= press agent)。2.广告,宣传。vi.作(剧团等的)新闻宣传员等(for)。-ery 广告宣传;大肆宣传。n.= flak2.&&&&弗勒克氏体力测验&&&&弗勒克氏体力测验&&&&基-弗二氏结&&&&费雷克; 弗莱克; 萝贝塔佛蕾克; 罗贝塔佛蕾克&&&&安全瓶&&&&弗勒克氏体力测验&&&&基-弗二氏结, 窦房结; 基-弗结; 窦房结&&&&基-弗二氏结&&&&弗拉齐乌斯&&&&燥热痿&&&&四肢不用&&&&弗拉克; 弗莱克&&&&弗莱克斯纳&&&&弗勒克氏结&&&&弗拉赫斯兰登
例句与用法You did what every flack only dreams about doing你做了所有人做梦才做的事情My fellow flacks and spin doctors我的宣传大使和媒体顾问们I mean , being the youngest flack in the history of blah , blah , blah我是说,做有史以来最年轻的发言人I mean , being the youngest flack in the history of blah , blah , blah . .我是说,做有史以来最年轻的发言人… Enlarge to flack , teach , issue and try running quality system files质量体系文件大面积宣传培训发布试运行Once the cold water enters the flack , the vapor pressure falls quickly一旦冷水进入长颈瓶,水气压就迅速下降。 Don t catch chrome to the dome of this flack black . 45 calibre glock , gat , gun or pistol我的爱或酗? h但给你从来没有不够Caustic soda flacks苛性苏打碱水Travis van is a tech pr flack in silicon valley focusing on emerging technologiesTravis van是硅谷的一位专注于新技术的技术pr宣传者。 That ' s just it . i was the youngest flack ever put in charge of its entire division就是的.我是曼德尔科斯历史上最年轻的掌管整个部门的更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
英文解释artillery designed to shoot upward at airplanes同义词:, , , , , , inten "Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party"; "the government has come under attack"; "don''t give me any flak"同义词:, , , , a slick spokesperson who can turn any criticism to the advantage of their employer同义词:, , ,
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