pale catechu反义词是什么意思思及反义词

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中文翻译n.【药学】儿茶。 Acacia catechu【植物;植物学】儿茶。&&&&儿茶&&&&棕榈科植物槟榔; 槟榔&&&&黑儿茶&&&&儿茶黑&&&&儿茶粉&&&&儿茶红&&&&儿茶鞣酸&&&&儿茶红&&&&儿茶&&&&苍儿&&&&儿茶酊&&&&儿茶酊&&&&豆科植物儿茶&&&&儿茶鞣酸&&&&儿茶粉末&&&&儿茶单宁; 儿茶鞣质&&&&儿茶酚硼烷&&&&儿茶酚酶; 邻苯二酚酶&&&&儿茶酚胺放射性酶测定药盒&&&&儿茶酚胺类
例句与用法Results : borneolum yntheticum , catechu ould be identified by tlc结果:在tlc色谱中可检出冰片、儿茶的特征斑点。 Treatment of reflux esophagitis by combination therapy of capsule catechu compositae and cisapride复方儿茶胶囊联合西沙比利治疗反流性食管炎的疗效Results : aphthae compound film of acaciae catechu and indigo naturalis has a good effect on treating rats dental ulcer结果:儿茶、青黛口腔溃疡膜对实验性大鼠口腔溃疡疗效显著。 &&
英文解释East Indian spiny tree having twice-pinnate leaves and yellow flowers f source of black catechu同义词:, , extract of the heartwood of Acacia catechu used for dyeing and tanning and preservin formerly used medicinally同义词:,
百科解释Catechu ( or ) is an extract of Acacia used variously as a food additive, astringent, tannin, and dye. It is extracted from several species of Acacia, but especially Acacia catechu, by boiling the wood in water and evaporating the resulting brew.详细百科解释
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All rights reservedA Modern Herbal | Catechu, Black
Catechu, Black
(Acacia catechu)
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Catechu, Black
Botanical: Catechu nigrum, Acacia catechu (WILLD.)
Family: N.O. Leguminosae
---Habitat---Burma, India.
Pale Catechu is an extract made from the leaves and young shoots of Uncaria Gambier (Roxb.), a member of the order Rubiaceae, not an Acacia. It occurs in commerce in dark or pale-brown cubes with a dull, powdery fracture, or sometimes in lozenge form.
Black Catechu occurs in black, shining pieces or cakes.
Both substances are sold under the name of Catechu.
Both the dark and the pale Catechu are employed in medicine, the former is more astringent, the latter, being sweeter, is less disagreeable.
It depends almost entirely for its virtues upon the tannic acid it contains and is hence employed as an astringent to overcome relaxation of mucous membranes in general.
An infusion can be employed to stop nosebleeding, and is also employed as an injection for uterine haemorrhage, leucorrhoea and gonorrhoea.
Externally, it is applied in the form of powder, to boils, ulcers and cutaneous eruptions, and also used for the same purposes mixed with other ingredients, in an ointment.
A small piece, held in the mouth and allowed slowly to dissolve, is an excellent remedy in relaxation of the uvula and simple pharyngitis.
In powder, applied to spongy gums, it often proves of use and has been recommended as a dentifrice with powdered charcoal, myrrh, etc.
The pharmaceutical preparations are: Powdered Catechu, dose 5 to 15 Compound Powder of Catechu, B.P., dose 10 to 40 Tincture of Catechu, B.P., dose 1/2 to 1 Comp. Tincture, U.S.P., dose 1 drachm. Catechu Lozenges are also official preparations in both the British and United States Pharmacopoeias.
Like Acacia arabica, the wood-extract of this species has, however, a larger field in the tanning industry than in medicine. The Pale Catechu (Gambier Catechu) is largely used in the arts, for dyeing purposes, yielding a colour known as 'Cutch Brown.'
Cutch is subject to the most extensive adulteration, though this exists chiefly in the tanning grades. The chief adulterants are Than (an extract obtained by boiling the bark of Buceras oliverii), dried blood, ashes, sand, clay and starch, and their detection is provided for in the official tests.
Bear in mind "A Modern Herbal" was written with the conventional wisdom of the early 1900's. This should be taken into account as some of the information may now be considered inaccurate, or not in accordance with modern medicine.
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中文释义: 棕儿茶
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