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丹青 基本解释丹青[dān qīng ]词典:丹青。词典:绘画;油画;上色,着色;颜料,油漆。丹青 汉英大词典丹青[dān qīng][书]丹青 网络解释1. painting:写生:sketching painting | 丹青:painting | 油画:oil painting2. dqw.in:jxw.in 机械 | dqw.in 丹青 | mzw.in 蜜枣3. Ma Rong Cheng:魯衛 Lu Wei | 丹青 Ma Rong Cheng | 馬榮成 Ma Rong Cheng4. Dan Qing:陳宇慧 Chen Yu Hui | 丹青 Dan Qing | 馬榮成 Dan Qing丹青 双语例句1. 吴春萍1,易丹青1,陈敬超2,李荐1,王斌1,方西亚1&&&&WU Chun-ping1, 3, YI Dan-qing1, 3, CHEN Jing-chao2, LI Jian1, 3, WANG Bin1, 3, FANG Xi-ya1, 32. 随着牡丹在中国的繁衍,作为花鸟画的内容之一牡丹,愈来愈被丹青妙手所重视,明清时期画牡丹高手&&&&Large numbers of famous painters of the king flower peony sprang up at this time.3. 他被认为是继徐悲鸿、蒋兆和诸先辈之后,又一个以中西技法结合的丹青妙手。&&&&He is considered as another master-hand who integrates Chinese and Western techniques after Xu Beihong, Jiang Zhaohe and other precursors.4. 这样,国家可以把全国最优秀的丹青妙手汇聚起来。&&&&The academies gathered the most excellent painters in the country.5. 狄金森可以说是灵魂风景画的丹青妙手,但也不排斥政治性的重大题材。她在相对意义上的内向,不是自由的选择,而是她那基本上作为家庭妇女狭窄的生活圈子强加给她的无可奈何的限制。&&&&Her first collection of poetry was published in 1890 by personal acquaintances Thomas Wentworth Higginson and Mabel Loomis Todd, both of whom heavily edited the content.6. 罗炳芳教授1931年出生于山明水秀的福建连成,自幼酷爱丹青。1952年考进北京中央美术学院绘画系进修,半世纪以来,他进修、执教于天下美术院校的最高学府,受到当代丹青妙手吴作人、董希文、张廷罗工柳、艾中信众多名师的教诲和指点,沿着徐悲鸿院长的治学传统,严格的造型基本功训练,使尊师重道敬世界名人录业勤奋的罗炳芳学有所成。&&&&During the half century, he studied and taught in Tsinghua University Academy of Arts and Design.7. 在运河堤上的浓绿里潜行,立于河堤,漫看这千年文明的古城,勺湖、萧湖、月湖、文渠、镇淮楼、文通塔、青龙桥、白虎桥、东岳庙……这湖渠祠庙、塔楼古桥在丹青墨意中舒展开来;天德大钟钟声袅袅,勺湖草堂的书声鸟浯,钓鱼台边韩侯垂钩,少年枚皋倚马成文,巾帼英雄击鼓抗金,诗人赵嘏长笛倚楼…,一幕幕历史画卷都在这袅袅钟声里荡漾着,周恩来、吴承恩、韩信、关天培、梁红玉、刘鹗…一个个鲜活的形象微笑着走来,又微笑着远离,他们曾经感染了这片土地,这片土地至今也对他们有着深深的眷念。&&&&Standing on the embankment of the Ancient Canal, after walking in the thick greenness there, we have a random look of this civilized ancient city over a thousand year The Shaohu Lake, Xiaohu Lake, Yuehu lake, Cultural Canal, Zhenhuai Tower, Wentong Pagoda, Qinglong Bridge, Baihu Bridge and Dongyue Temple, these lakes, canals, temples, towers, pagodas and ancient bridges are unfolded on along red and green Chinese color painting The sound of the big bell in the Tiande Reign is lingering about The sounds of book reading and bird singing in Shaohu Academy are wafted to our ears by the breeze Lard Hanxin went fishing on the angling terrace Young Meigao completed his article quickly on the horse, heroine Liang Hongyu beat a drum to resist aggressors of the Jin Dynasty, Zhaogu, a famous poet, played the flute leaning on a tower Scene after scene of many historical painting scrolls are rippling in the lingering sound of the bell The lively images of Zhou Enlai, Wu cheng`en, Hanxin, Guan Tianpei, Liang Hongyu and Liu`e etc come to us, and leave far away with smiles They have affected thisl and, and this land has deep and tender thoughts for them8. 众多的海子和连接这些海子的瀑布群,动静结合,或平静如镜,或奔腾如马;或色如丹青,或如溪流,或如河泊,在野花绿树中,或明或暗,美轮美焕,神秘莫测,引人无限遐思。&&&&Beautiful scenery leads people into dreaming, by the many lakes and waterfalls, active and quiet, which can be quiet as mirror or activ Or in red and green, Or streams and lakes, wild flowers and green trees.9. 中国画在古代无确定名称,一般称之为丹青,主要指的是画在绢、宣纸、帛上并加以装裱的卷轴画。&&&&Ancient Chinese Painting in the name of a determined, commonly known as Dan, mainly referring to the painting in silk, rice paper, silk, and the Juanzhouhua be mounting.10. 贴福字、贴窗花,我们笑迎福禄寿星齐齐登门;贴年画、贴挂千,众人祈盼天官赐福五谷丰登。巧手丹青描绘了麒麟送子,万点轻雷点开了无数烟花。&&&&With the festive frenzy of Christmas now over for another year and the ink not yet dry on your New Year's resolutions, banish the winter blues and kick-start 2009 with Chinese New Year.11. 扇舞丹青》便是这些优秀剧目的代表作之一。&&&&&&Fan Dan is the outstanding representative of one of the repertoire.12. 对萧红最重要的代表作《呼兰河传》的文体定性后,从四个方面表述其作为诗化小说的特点,即:诗的纯净、诗的风情、诗的意境、诗的律动。童心美使作品充满了童真、童趣;地域性给作品敷上了特异的文化色彩;丹青妙笔绘出了北国风光;复唱、用韵等又奏出了咏叹调。&&&&&&This paper undertakes to interpret the poetic features of The Hulan River, Xiao Hong`s most representative novel, in four aspects: poetic purity, with childish vir poetic charming, featuring a regional poetic artistic conception, describ and poetic rhythm, forming an aria.13. 13. 他是有很多绘有稍微不同的丹青的页的书。&&&&&&Thellos is a number of pages with a slightly different drawing on each page.14. 14. 当她看见绘画在墙上的人──用丹青绘画的加色丁人像&&&&&&When she saw men drawn on the wall, the images of Chaldeans drawn with vermillion15. 我刚借了一本丹青书。&&&&&&I`ve just borrowed apicture-book.16. 我把这个简单的构思记下来,寄给远在国外的那位丹青能手,也许她肯再斟酌一番,为我画一幅儿吧。&&&&&&I made a note of this, meaning to pass on the suggestion to my artist friend abroad.17. 丹青什么意思17. 画素不离便当被抱怨为是丹青上的成分。&&&&&&Pixel is easy to be understood to be in the picture.18. 王和丹青。杨,以及上海财经大学的何贤杰共同完成的报告指出,投资者并不相信那些数字。&&&&&&It suggests investors have little faith in the numbers.19. 19. 我负丹青》一书中,吴冠中写道:又遇上好运气。&&&&&&Fortune or misfortune, both cannot be controlled by human.20. 王宏伟,易丹青,王斌,蔡金伶,钱锋,陈缇萦&&&&&&WANG Hong-wei, YI Dan-qing, WANG Bin, CAI Jin-ling, QIAN Feng, CHEN Ti-ying丹青是什么意思,丹青在线翻译,丹青什么意思,丹青的意思,丹青的翻译,丹青的解释,丹青的发音,丹青的同义词,丹青的反义词,丹青的例句,丹青的相关词组,丹青意思是什么,丹青怎么翻译,单词丹青是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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