
宾夕法尼亚大学 (宾大 ) 的面试官对本科生的面试做了相关的解答
宾夕法尼亚大学 (宾大 ) 的面试官对本科生的面试做了相关的解答
宾夕法尼亚大学 (宾大 ) 的面试官对本科生的面试做了相关的解答,供大家参考:&我不能算是一个真正意义上的&AO,我觉得把我称作是曾经参与到中国学生申请面试程序中的&UPenn&校友更贴切一些。当我对一位申请人进行面试的时候,我并不看重他所获得的奖项以及荣誉头衔。我希望找到一位从整体上能够配得上&UPenn&声望的人。当然,拥有出色的学术成绩是其中的一个因素,但并不是我所关心的。对我来说更重要的是他能让我看到促使他获到出色成就的动力是什么。我认识不少其它常青藤盟校的面试官,他们的立场和我差不多。其中有一些大学甚至根本不会让面试官看到申请者的简历和成绩单,因为他们不想让奖项和荣誉成为面试的主题。我们对潜在的素质更感兴趣。我面试过的学生里有一些人曾经在面试时带上了他们写的书以及录制的&CD。这些东西确实挺难得的,我也非常尊重他们在这些东西背后所付出的劳动,但是很遗憾,它们对于面试来说是&useless&的。我从没有看过他们的书,听过他们的音乐,一次都没有。我既没有时间,也没有兴趣。我从&UPenn&毕业到现在已经积累了几年的工作经验,因此,我愿意把大学申请的面试比作一次找工作的面试。过程中最重要的是你的故事。那些能够明确告诉我为什么他们喜欢&UPenn,而且还能举出几个实例的学生总是能够打动我。注意:这里头不包括只会告诉我&Penn&名气很大,或者沃顿历史很悠久的那些。打动我的学生一般都知道几个名牌大学之间在理念上的不同,并做出比较,然后告诉我为什么他觉得&Upenn&比其它名校更适合他;或者一个历史专业的学生能跟我聊起费城艺术博物馆和罗丹博物馆;或者一个工程专业的学生能告诉我他知道Penn&的工程专业虽然不是全美最好的,但它专注于学科间知识互换的特点却是其它高排名学校所有不具备的。其实说到底,面试官也是人。在一天连续面试了&N&个学生之后,我们不可能记得张三托福考了多少分,或者李四&SAT&有没有过&2300。而且这也不是&Penn&希望我们询问的内容&--&你们的分数都在&AO&的办公室里躺的好好的。我们能够回忆起来的是申请者通过肢体语言和他们的个性所给我们留下的印象,以及那些知道自己的追求是什么和为什么要追求它的人。后者尤其重要。关于面试的最后一个建议。面试前的准备固然重要,但面试官最恨的就是对面坐着一个背台词的学生(Zinch&注:VO&表示很赞同)。我们明白用外语进行面试是个比较困难的事情(我本人就用中文被面试过,真的很难。。。)。但相对于我们对一个知道自己要说什么只是需要适当组织一下语言的学生所付出的耐心与等待,那些对准备过的问题对答如流但碰上没准备过的问题就歇菜的学生所能期望的就只有&Instant Kill&了。Hope this helps.& As always good luck to all students and may you reach your dreams!&@黎谨慊&Sebastian:会不会对难度高地课程放低&GPA&要求?When looking at American students, many colleges will take note of the difficulty of the classes that students take.& For example a student that takes an upper level math class and makes a B will not necessarily be treated worse than a student who gets an A in an easier class.& Many American universities, however, do not always know which classes are harder in China.& This may be an opportunity for you to write a supplementary essay explaining why your grade in a particular class does not necessarily reflect your work or what you learned from it.&@黄嘉懿★Fay:想问一下申请&FA&会不会影响录取?还有学校是更看重&GPA&还是&SAT?Some schools admit international students on a need-blind basis while others clearly state that they offer no financial assistance.& This is a case-by-case basis that truly requires research on the part of the students.With respect to GPA and SAT, both are important.& But the key is to remember that you are more than a test score and aside from GPA and SAT, colleges are looking at your total application to determine what you will bring to their university.& Several students have a good GPA and a good SAT score but do not get into their top choice because they didn’t differentiate themselves with the rest of their application.&@韩金彤:请问宾大中意何种类型的学生?AP&的科目是多多益善吗?Most schools look at students that have pushed themselves to the limit.& To this extent, they like to see students taking as many AP or challenging courses at possible.& At the same time, schools also like students that follow their passion, so if a student has chosen not to take AP classes so they could pursue other dreams, that’s OK too.& The key is to make sure your application reflects the decisions you have made, why you have made them, and how those decisions reflect your goals and ambitions.&&@董一夫:跨专业申请的面试会提专业问题吗?&面试更注重那些素质?If it is a major with which I am familiar, I will ask a few questions.& Also I like to ask students questions about why they are interested in a particular subject to see if they are genuine or not.& Most of my questions are geared towards determining whether or not a given student is truly passionate about what they are studying.For me the most important factor during the interview process is determining whether or not someone will help the reputation of my alma mater.& I look for people that I feel will thrive and flourish at my former institution as well as become leaders in the world after they graduate.&@李子轩:申请本科也会要求面试吗?是学生代表还是招生官进行面试?录取后是否能够转学院?转专业时奖学金是否会被取消?Many schools try to interview as many applicants as possible.& UPENN, for example, makes a strong effort to interview every applicant from China but with the increasing number of applicants and the geographical scope, this is not always possible.Many of the interviews in China are conducted by alumni who volunteer their time to do so.& They do not get paid and they take time from their lives to help the school gain a better understanding of the applicants.& It is important to remember this when interviewing because the interviewer is NOT the person who will make the decision on whether or not you get in.& Sometimes students that are studying abroad in China will help with the interviews but this really depends on the school.Most schools allow you to transfer to another program once you are accepted although it may be difficult.& For example, it may be more difficult to transfer into Wharton once you are already at UPenn than it is to get accepted when you first apply.&&@朱雯婷:面试的人是否实现已经对所递交的材料十分了解所以无需重复已包含信息?面试时主要看中些什么?This is a great question!& Many schools are different.& Columbia does not give interviewers the students’ resumes or applications because they want the interview to focus on the qualitative aspects of a student’s personality.& They also ask interviewers not to look at those materials if a student brings them.& Other schools have different policies.Also each interviewer is different.& Some may like going through a student’s resume to get a feel for the candidate while others are interested in the picture that a student paints of themselves during the interview.&@心中那一抹纯真还在:&请问他们更注重的是学术类的实践活动还是社会类的实践活动?大一到大三每年的暑假工作经验对于申请来说有什么用处?&The most important piece of advice is to do the things that you like to do.& Of course many students take courses to improve their TOEFL and SAT, and I totally understand this.& But at the same time, just as important as a test score is pursuing the activities that you are interested in.& So my answer to this is that there isn’t a magic formula other than doing the things you love so that you can then show the AO through your application that you are passionate and dedicated individual.&
本人很想进这所学校,很喜欢,但是貌似他只给国际生一部分人的奖学金,所以想问下以前申请的同志们,这所大学的奖学金情况还有招生标准(view book看过了,就是不知道sat的分数要求等等)谢谢!大家也可谈些经验啊!
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[ 本帖最后由
16:54 编辑 ]
不算.....爆EC 爆登记照 爆全家福 才算....
申宾大的都是实力雄厚的1 O( L1 m- U9 v, l4 x
录的人也不多。LZ如果要奖的话。。/ p/ j% w* C7 R5 `
LZ获过全国的奖 国际的奖吗?
SAT每个学校都没有要求。6 t* y, D, [( z) Y3 X
市重点是个什么概念呢??, `$ F7 y9 T7 R" C4 X7 y
是高中的前几名,说明还是很有实力,要加油。。但貌似大家都是这样。。。而且是省里的牛校。。但是楼主是上海复旦附,北京四的就另当别论了,总之有理想总是好的,加油,祝IBT SAT顺利,宾大,SAT2200+ IBT105+吧,而且只是合格,绝不保证录取,关键可能是那个什么什么,自传第217页能不能写好。。。
还有最关键的,能不能自费。' Y0 W" D0 {* w3 u7 N% r) r+ f
8 s! v" O0 J$ u
俺学校有个2260.。。。。被录了,第二天写信又说录错了= =
  College: University of Pennsylvania
  If an undergraduate's time is spent eating, working, socializing, and sleeping, I expect that I'll spend large chunks of my time in the cafeteria, the libraries, and the dorms. My days will most definitely be hectic. As I run across the quad to my history class, I'll already be thinking of where I'll be heading after that.
  Sometimes I'll be running to a big round table in the Food Court. This table seems to be a magnet for my eclectic friends. One of the guys, a saxophonist with whom I play the oboe in an ensemble, is trying to get his own avant-garde band some places to play. Another student writes an editorial column for the Daily P he always seems to be searching for a hot topic with which he can stir up a ruckus. A French major who sits next to me in French class uses French verbs in conversation, causing some confusion for the rest of us. We tend to talk about everything from the Beastie Boys to the controversy over political correctness. We sit for hours sharing our mashed potatoes and discussing activities to collectively embark on for the weekend. I suggest some rock climbing in the Shawangunks of New York State or an art show in Philadelphia.
  After my extended repast, I'll be heading for a good place to study. When I have detailed notes to take on the reading for my Social History of China course, I know that the Quad will be way too busy and social for me to get any sizable amounts of work done. I'll have to slip away to the Furness Library. It is so quiet in there that you can hear the students breathing. In the other libraries there is too much commotion caused by people hustling around as they search for references. If I worked in the Van Pelt Library, I know I would speak to everyone who passed by my carrel. Given my extroverted nature, I am safer in a library like Furness.
  At the end of my day, I'll be heading for my dorm, where the door to my room is hardly ever closed. The people who live in my dorm are definitely an energetic group. Just like molecules being heated in a beaker, they can't sit still. They bounce all over the dorm's halls, in and out of my room, telling me random ridiculous things as they procrastinate about their work. My roommate and I seem to be from different planets. She grew up in Poland, Maine, the small town where my camp was, and I grew up in the big city of Manhattan. At first I'll think that all we have in common is our passion for chocolate. But after living with her for a few weeks, I'll know that we were destined to be together. She'll know when she comes back from a day that just didn't go right at all that I will be there for her to complain to, and I'll understand. She'll do likewise for me. We'll make each other chicken noodle soup and coffee to keep us going on long nights of work. I'll help her decide whether she has a thesis for her paper on Macbeth and then proofread it for her. She'll explain to me again why humans can 't digest cellulose--and then try to convince me that it's better to get up early and work rather than stay up late. We'll order some takeout from her favorite Cantonese restaurant. At 2 a.m., on full stomachs, we'll get some sleep before our 9:00 classes, when once again I'll be rushing across Locust Walk to get to my history class, thinking about where I'll be heading after that.
  The writer deals inventively with the difficult question "Why are you and this school a good match?" Instead of telling the admissions committee what they already know about the college's curriculum, athletic program, or academic reputation, she tells them what they do not know about: herself. She answers the question by imagining herself in a college routine. She then makes that routine specific to Penn through references to the school newspaper, campus buildings and walks, and a particular history course.
  What she reveals about herself along the way from cafeteria to library to dorm gives this well-structured essay its zest. The reader learns that she plays the oboe, is a rock climber, goes to art shows, studies history, is extroverted, loves chocolate, treasures her roommate, does not fully understand why humans cannot digest cellulose, and happily digests Chinese takeout at 2 A.M. She is confident enough to write in her own voice, using informal language in an informal essay ("chunks of time," "way too busy and social," "random ridiculous things"). Her lively sense of language comes through in sentences such as, "It is so quiet in [the Furness Library] that you can hear the students breathing," and in her comparison of her dorm neighbors to ''molecules being heated in a beaker."
  She is as specific about other details in the essay as she is about herself. The net effect of these well-chosen details--for instance, about her friends' varied interests or how she and her roommate cooperate in their work--suggests that the writer has long been attending the school to which she is applying. Such a commitment to a particular school will impress admissions officers.
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  截止申请:12月11日,网上通知录取结果并寄送录 取通知书;1月7日,是学生回复是否接受录取的最后日期。
  常规申请截止日期:1月1日,以邮戳为准;4月1日,通知 录取结果;5月1日,是学生 回复是否接受录取的最后日期。
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