set off 在合同的意思中文是什么意思

英 [set ?f]
美 [s?t ?f]
与 set off 相关的例句
1.强盗劫持了一套珠宝。The robbers carried off the set of jewelry.
2.炸弹被设定在三个小时内爆炸。The Bomb was set to go off in three hours.
3.他们出发寻找失踪的孩子。They set off in search of the lost child.
4.你还是马上动身的好。You had better set off at once.
5.我们开始了穿过沼泽地的又一个四小时的长途跋涉。We set off on another four - hour trek through the swamps.
1.强盗劫持了一套珠宝。The robbers carried off the set of jewelry.
2.炸弹被设定在三个小时内爆炸。The Bomb was set to go off in three hours.
3.他们出发寻找失踪的孩子。They set off in search of the lost child.
4.你还是马上动身的好。You had better set off at once.
5.我们开始了穿过沼泽地的又一个四小时的长途跋涉。We set off on another four - hour trek through the swamps.
6.他们对这个问题展开了辩论。They set off a debate about the problem.
7.我们策马快步出发。We set off at a trot.
8.于是我们就出发了。Upon that we set off.
1.cause to burst with a violent release of energy[同] ,,,
We exploded the nuclear bomb
2.make up for[同] ,,
His skills offset his opponent's superior strength
3.leave[同] ,,,,,,,
The family took off for Florida attention to, as if by means of contrast[同] ,
This dress accentuates your nice figure!I set off these words by brackets
5.put in motion or move to act[同] ,,,,,,,,
trigger a reactionactuate the circuits
1.cause to burst with a violent release of energy[同] ,,,
We exploded the nuclear bomb
2.make up for[同] ,,
His skills offset his opponent's superior strength
3.leave[同] ,,,,,,,
The family took off for Florida attention to, as if by means of contrast[同] ,
This dress accentuates your nice figure!I set off these words by brackets
5.put in motion or move to act[同] ,,,,,,,,
trigger a reactionactuate the circuits
6.provoke or stir up[同] ,,,
incite a riotset off great unrest among the people
7.set in motion or cause to begin
The guide set the tour off to a good start
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v. 出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开
set off 是“激起;引起”的意思
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沪江词库精选set off是什么意思、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义: 1.出发,启程2.使爆炸3.激起;引起4.(使)开始(做某事)5.通过对比使突出,衬托出6.抵消;用...抵消7.(用记号)分开8.拨出9.【印】(油墨未干的印张)染污次页(或次张)10.使(闹钟)响
He set off for Shanghai.
We set off at a canter
We set off at a canter.
Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling.
I packed my bags and set off towards my sea dream.
The party takes packed lunch when they set off on their walk in the mountain .
When he set off, the solo record stood at 93 days
She gave a hurried wave and set off across the grass.
It will pay in the long run if the setting off of firecrackers is effectively Banned in the cities.
set in motion or cause to begin
direct attention to, as if by means of contrast
make up for
provoke or stir up
put in motion or move to act
cause to burst with a violent release of energy
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set out中文是什么意思
中文翻译n.1.开始 (at the first set out 最初,起头)。2.出发;动身。3.准备;预备;布置。4.设备;装备。5.(餐具等的)一套。6.开饭;摆桌子。7.陈列。8.【印刷】排松〔使字母之间有空隙〕;排完(架上铅字)。&&&&vt. ( setting) 1.放;搁;贴;靠 ...&&&&adv. 1.〔位置及运动的方向〕向外,向外部;在外,在 ...&&&&办公椅五金配件; 外盖型套轮&&&&出发赴; 出发去&&&&出发进行比赛; 出发去做某事&&&&打算,着手; 打算,着手&&&&打算试图使尽力干&&&&急着要出发&&&&检测设备&&&&准备启程&&&&织针排列&&&&环游世界大赛车&&&&环游世界大赛车&&&&异域战将&&&&异域战将
例句与用法There are some artware set out in the room .房子里陈设着几件工艺品。They succeeded in what they set out to do .他们打算做的事已经做成了。We will need to set out chairs for the meeting .我们要为会议摆好椅子。He set out his objections to the scheme .他说他反对这项计划。It was judged better to set out at once .认为立刻出发比较好。Her work is always very well set out .她的工作总是很有条理。She set out the pieces on the chess-board .她把国际象棋的棋子摆在棋盘上了。They set out on the last stage of their journey .他们开始了旅行的最后一程。He bade his wife farewell and set out on his journey .他辞别了妻子便启程了。We shall set out immediately once the matter is settled .事谐之后,即可动身。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释take the first step or steps in ca "We began working at dawn"; "Who will start?"; "Get working as soon as the sun rises!"; "The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia"; "He began early in the day"; "Let''s get down to work now"同义词:, , , , , , , lay out orderly or logically in a lin "lay out the clothes"; "lay out the arguments"同义词:, , ,
"The family took off for Florida"同义词:, , , , , , ,
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set it off中文是什么意思
中文翻译辣姊妹&&&&vt. ( setting) 1.放;搁;贴;靠 ...&&&& it2 pron. (sing. Nom. ...&&&&adv. 1.〔运动〕向那边,隔开。 be off 走, ...&&&&抵消贸易; 排列不正; 偏置&&&&1.分;分割;划开;区划。 2.装饰;使更鲜明;衬托出;使显得更美丽;表扬。 ...&&&&开始旅程&&&&前往&&&&出发,启程&&&&夹角法&&&&防沾脏剂&&&&提出债权作为抵销&&&&提出抵销债权的主张&&&&待命出发&&&&载频偏置&&&&用作抵销的债权
例句与用法A cap is inserted into a "well" in the end of can of primer to set it off .雷管插入准备起爆的引爆器盒末端的“孔”中。That set it off for rap music开创了rap的先河The car alarm is so sensitive that the little rain sets it off(汽车报警器太敏感了,这么点的雨都让它失灵了。 ) Presenter james martin then said to him : " i think your foot set it off .主持人詹姆斯?马丁马上对他说: “我想是你的脚步震动让球掉了下来。 ” Set it off启动它! We began to do our own testing at home , slamming doors , holding him near the smoke detector and setting it off我们开始在家里自己来做测试,拍打房门,把他带到烟雾报警器旁边打开报警器。 The tribunal awarded the seller the full amount of its claim and set it off against part of the counterclaim filed by the buyer仲裁庭裁决如下:卖方应获得其全部所主张的金额,扣除买方在反诉中提出的抵消部分数额。 In the development of any language or language family , certain mutations inevitably occur that set it off from other languages or language families with which it shares a common origin在任何一种语言或语系发展的过程中,将不可避免地会发生某些变异,使其区别于其他从同一母语派生出来的语言或语系。 I saw it on the rick before you saw me - that tight pinafore - thing sets it off , and that wing - bonnet - you field - girls should never wear those bonnets if you wish to keep out of danger在你看见我以前,我已经看见你在麦垛上的影子了看见你身上穿着紧身围裙,戴着带耳朵的帽子如果你们希望免除危险,你们这些在地里干活的姑娘,就永远不要戴那种帽子。 ” &&
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