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创造 基本解释danci.911cha.com创造[chuàng zào]词典:产生;创造,创作;封爵,把…封为(贵族)。词典:产生;生产;制作;创作。词典:实现;使(船)掉转船头;造成,引起[导致](某事);创造。词典:硬币;金属钱币;[建筑]拐角,墙角石。词典:货币制度。创造 汉英大词典创造[chuàng zào] bring about:  例:创造奇迹     achi    创造社会财富    create t    创造新记录     c    创造环境艺术的艺术家        创造优异成绩    produ    创造有利条件    create f    创造战机    create oppo    是劳动创造了世界。    It is labour that creates the world.    他在他的小说中创造了很多令人难忘的人物。    He created many unforgettable characters in his novels.创造 双语例句1. 你必须承认自己是生活的创造者,没有人会来拯救你。&&&&Youmust accept that you're the creator of your life and that no one iscoming to rescue you.2. 所以老师在平时教学中不仅要鼓励学生多开口、勤开口,而且要尽力创设真实、宽松的语言情景,充分发挥学生的主体作用,多创造讲英语的机会,充分调动学生积极参与课堂活动,让学生乐学、善说英语。&&&&Therefore, teachers should not only encourage students speaking often, speaking voluntarily, but also try their best to design roleplays in realistic and relaxed linguistic background, and have students develop their motivation in speaking english. Opportunities of speaking English need to be created, to develop students'parcitipation and involvement in class activities, motivate their interest and desire in English, and encourage their persistence in learning.3. 教育的功能是开发人的创造力的潜在智能。&&&&The function of education is to develop a person`s potential intelligence for creation.4. 珊瑚虫的生态系统在凤凰群岛是巨大而完整无缺的,使它们创造一个海洋的避难所。&&&&A diver swims over a reef of table coral near Kanton Island in the Phoenix Islands, Kiribati.5. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D5. 圣索非亚大教堂的特别之处在于平面采用了希腊式十字架的造型,在空间上,则创造了巨型的圆顶,而且在室内没有用到柱子来支撑。&&&&St. Sofia's Cathedral in a special plane to cross the Greek-style, in terms of space, then create a giant dome, but not in the indoor pole used to support.6. 6. 不过,法国队的胜利并不完全归功于这位有点谢顶的球星,真正令法国创造历史的原因,来自于法国队里的一个习俗——后防中坚布兰科在每场比赛前,都会轻轻的吻一下门将巴特斯的光头。&&&&But their magnificent achievement wasn`t all down to the man wit it was another type of habit that made all the difference - defensive rock Laurent Blanc`s routine of planting a sloppy kiss on Fabien Barthez`s bald bonce before every game.7. 7. 混合了硫磺,一种有机蓝色染料和防腐剂,Hart创造了一种包含着复杂的泡泡和故障线路结构的结晶。&&&&Mixing sulfur, an organic blue dye, and an antiseptic, Hart created a crystal containing a complex structure of bubbles and fault lines.8. 平行六面体盒子,这两个突出的其形式是这样纯粹的创造豪宅简单。&&&&These two parallelepiped boxes stand out for the simplicity of their form which is so pure creating a luxurious residence.9. 营销是创造流行的流行的某一课题、录像、网站或写作。&&&&Buzz marketing is creating a'buzz'about a particular subject, video, website or writing.10. 创造在线翻译10. 由于消费者每天所接触的营销信息有3,000条之多,因此他鼓励企业家们探求以创造性的方法进行营销活动。&&&&Since consumers are exposed to up to 3, 000 marketing messages a day, he encouraged entrepreneurs to find creative ways to build marketing buzz.11. danci.911cha.com11. 正是这种富有创造力的生活,才给社区带来了健康和快乐,形成了和谐社会所依附的基石。&&&&&&ZC:It is the productive life which brings health and happiness to community, and lays the foundation of all that is harmonious society.12. 公司给我创造了良好的工作环境,使我工作起来犹如蛟龙得水。&&&&&&The company offers me a good working environment, which enables me to display my talent.13. 13. 阅读是一种创造性的活动,阅读的开展,离不开大脑的思维活动。&&&&&&Reading is one type of creative activity, which links the brain14. 关键时刻的建设阐述铜与锌涂层向上延伸创造雨水diverters ,护墙第闪烁,downspouts和转型件之间的倾斜和垂直墙壁。&&&&&&Critical junctures of the building are articulated with zinc coated copper that extend upward to create rain water diverters, parapet cap flashing, downspouts and transition pieces between canted and plumb walls.15. 成为临床生化诊断试剂的引领者是我们的目标,致力于为客户提供高品质的产品和服务,为客户和社会创造价值。&&&&&&Our goal is being the leader in the field of clinical and biochemical diagnostic.16. 成为临床生化诊断试剂的引领者是我们的目标,致力于为客户提供高品质的产品和服务,为客户和社会创造价值。&&&&&&Our goal is being the leader in the field of clinical biochemical diagnostic.17. 成为临床生化诊断试剂的引领者是我们的目标,致力于为客户提供高品质的产品和服务,为客户和社会创造价值。&&&&&&Our goal is being the leader in the field of clinical and biochemical diagnostic. We are devoted to providing high quality products and excellent services to the customers and create value.18. 18. 幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。&&&&&&Happiness does not mean having money, but lies in the passion of producing creativity and joyance of gaining achievement19. 19. 除了Ming以外,其他四个成员均毕业于HSNU,当他们四个人还在在大学的时候,就成立了吉他俱乐部,并且创造、演奏并享受着摇滚流行音乐。&&&&&&Except for Ming, the other four members graduated from HSNU; they enjoyed the guiter club of HSNU and have enjoyed, played, and created rock and pop music ever since.20. 他发明的东西当中有避雷针;他还创造了第一个木制火炉,从背后通出一根烟囱管子插到墙劈里去。&&&&&&First some of the things, Ben Franklin i nvent he created the first wood stove with a pipe out the back that extended through the wall.创造是什么意思,创造在线翻译,创造什么意思,创造的意思,创造的翻译,创造的解释,创造的发音,创造的同义词,创造的反义词,创造的例句,创造的相关词组,创造意思是什么,创造怎么翻译,单词创造是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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