
basketball football tennisball volleyball baseball 一时只想到这些
学习啦【英语口语】 编辑:焯杰
  英 [end] 美 [ɛnd]
  英 [ˈfiniʃ] 美 [ˈfɪnɪʃ]
  英 [ˈkləʊʒə] 美 [ˈkloʒɚ]
  比赛结束 E The game is over
  全部结束 All completed
  1. The agreement has raised hopes that the war may end soon.
  2. Rationing had put an end to a surfeit of biscuits long ago.
  3. The French government today called for an end to the violence.
  4. They are bound to take time to readjust after a holiday.
  5. The President is about to wind up his visit to Somalia.
  6. An end to the crisis seems a long way off.
  7. Producers decided to end her on-screen romance with Pierce Lawton.
  8. At Miss Garbo's request there was a crema-tion after a private ceremony.
  9. The King made major concessions to end the confrontation with his people.
  10. The clincher was City's second goal, scored minutes from the end.
  11. Drug experts say it could spell the end of the crack epidemic.
  12. The repairs to the Hafner machine were near to completion.
  13. Alain Prost finished third and virtually conceded the world championship.
  14. The end of an era presupposes the start of another.
  15. We all knew by then that the affair was practically over.
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落幕是什么意思 落幕在线翻译 落幕什么意思 落幕的意思 落幕的翻译 落幕的解释 落幕的发音 落幕的同义词 落幕的反义词 落幕的例句
落幕 基本解释落幕词典ring down the curtain:结束某事,落幕。落幕 网络解释1. Ending:13、追鼓 Oiuchidaiko | 14、花火 Fire Works | 15、落幕 Ending2. Curtain falls:11 沸腾 Bubblin | 12 落幕 Curtain falls | 13 不用勉强 Get down on it3. Splat:616.变幻人生OutOfTheFryingPan | 617.冷战TheColdWar | 618.落幕Splat4. 落幕4. The Curtain goes down:The curtain goes up-幕布升起 | The Curtain goes down-落幕 | Pointy-尖尖的落幕 双语例句1. 周四,北京2008奥运会圆满落幕4天后,在北京天坛,中国在盛大的仪式中又点燃了2008残奥会圣火。&&&&Four days after closing the 2008 Beijing Games in triumph, China lit the 2008 Paralympics torch amid pomp and ceremony at Beijing's Temple of Heaven Thursday.2. 落幕的意思2. 束手无策的刘翔,在巨大的田径比赛落幕之前,穿过惊讶的官员和志愿者,一脸痛苦和困顿地进入鸟巢体育场的地下通道。&&&&A bereft Liu, looking pained and shocked walked back into the undercroft of the Bird's Nest stadium passing astonished Chinese volunteers and officials before sinking to the ground in front of the giant athletics backdrop.3. 3. 路易威登的庆典活动将于本周五晚落幕,当晚将在一个金色帐篷中举行2500人宴会,由母公司路易威登轩尼诗集团董事长贝尔纳·阿尔诺主持。&&&&Louis Vuittons event will close on Friday night with a party for 2, 500 guests held in a golden tent and hosted by Bernard Arnault, chairman of parent company LVMH, or Mo? t Hennessy Louis Vuitton.4. 在这永不落幕的设计舞台上,走着自己的路。。。。。。&&&&The design satge that end never here up, walk own road......5. 路易威登的庆典活动将于本周五晚落幕,当晚将在一个金色帐篷中举行2500人宴会,由母公司路易威登轩尼诗集团董事长贝尔纳·阿尔诺主持。&&&&Louis Vuitton's event will close on Friday night with a party for 2, 500 guests held in a golden tent and hosted by Bernard Arnault, chairman of parent company LVMH, or Mo? t Hennessy Louis Vuitton.6. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD6. 这一小群菁英再次创造了奇迹,2000年他们一口气处理了八件购并案大大小小各项事宜、应付例行法令行政规范与税务申报(光是申报书就厚达4,896页)、让总计25,000名股东出席的股东会圆满落幕并正确无误地发出股东指定捐赠的支票给3,660家慈善机构,除此之外,对于一家集团营业额高达400亿美金、股东超过30万人的大公司,其日常行政事务有多少可想而知,说到这里,有这12.8人在身边感觉真好。&&&&This tiny band works miracles. In 2000 it handled all of the details connected with our eight acquisitions, processed extensive regulatory and tax filings (our tax return covers 4, 896 pages), smoothly produced an annual meeting to which 25, 000 tickets were issued, and accurately dispensed checks to 3, 660 charities designated by our shareholders. In addition, the group dealt with all the routine tasks served up by a company with a revenue run-rate of $40 billion and more than 300, 000 owners. And, to add to all of this, the other 12.8 are a delight to be around.7. 换言之,这宗接近一年的纷争将于落幕,那些已蚀到入肉的小鄙东,暂时不用担惊受怕血本无归。&&&&In other words, this case for nearly a year of disputes will be ended, and those who have loss to the meat into a small rustic East, temporarily without fear down the drain.8. 没有最后的落幕,没有&&&&There was no final scene, no frozen frame9. 《竹取物语》中五位公卿王侯的求婚难题谭,虽然占了整部作品半数以上的篇幅,但物语却没有因求婚失败而就此落幕,物语情节还继续朝更高潮的方向推展。&&&&The failed marriage proposals of the five princes in Taketorimonogatari take up half of the chapters in Take and while the five princes are rejected by Kaguyahime in their request for marriage, Take does not end here.10. 这一小群菁英再次创造了奇迹,2000年他们一口气处理了八件购并案大大小小各项事宜、应付例行法令行政规范与税务申报(光是申报书就厚达4,896页)、让总计25,000名股东出席的股东会圆满落幕并正确无误地发出股东指定捐赠的支票给3,660家慈善机构,除此之外,对於一家集团营业额高达400亿美金、股东超过30万人的大公司,其日常行政事务有多少可想而知,说到这里,有这12.8人在身边感觉真好。&&&&This tiny band works miracles. In 2000 it handled all of the detailsconnected with our eight acquisitions, processed extensive regulatory andtax filings (our tax return covers 4, 896 pages), smoothly produced an annualmeeting to which 25, 000 tickets were issued, and accurately dispensed checksto 3, 660 charities designated by our shareholders. In addition, the groupdealt with all the routine tasks served up by acompany with a revenue run-rate of $40 billion and more than 300, 000 owners. And, to add to all of this, the other 12.8 are a delight to be around.11. 秋天来了,我寻着秋的浪漫,来到小河边,洁白的长椅,潺潺的摇水声,厚重的落幕,都在秋水中一点点变得清雅、大度,我不想去叹惜它的别离,实因人生中有过太多的别离,秋的离去,或许正是我梦里最牵动的回忆吧!&&&&&&Autumn has come, I am Looking back on the romance of autumn came to a small river, white benches, murmur of the rolling sound of heavy curtain, are relaxed and in a little bit to become elegant, generous, I do not want it to go Tanxi Parting is indeed a result of man's life there have been too many parting, autumn's departure, which is perhaps the most affecting memories of my dream bar!12. 三月传统的游行上,一名身著吉普塞嘉年华装扮的女孩沿街漫舞,这场在南方港都利玛索举行的游行是为庆祝嘉年华的落幕。&&&&&&A girl in a gypsy carnival clothes dances through the street during a traditional parade in March.13. 我不知道外地的兄弟们目前是什么状况,奥运都落幕了,我却无路可退,你们有没有遇见过我类似的尴尬,上不去,下不来的感觉,你们都是怎么走过来的,还希望指点一二。&&&&&&I do not know nonlocal brother are what state at present, the Olympic Games rang down the curtain, I can be retreated without the road however, you had encountered my similar awkwardness, go up not to go, the feeling of refuse to come down, how do you walk over, still hope to show just a little.14. 对我来说,四季的奇瑰变幻犹如一出动人心弦的永不落幕的话剧,它的情节似水般徐徐从我指尖流过。&&&&&&Rug. To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.15. 对我来说,四季的奇瑰变幻犹如一出动人心弦的永不落幕的话剧,它的情节似水般徐徐从我指尖流过。&&&&&&To me the pageant of seasons is a thrill ing and unend ing drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.16. 落幕的意思16. SL再次感谢了所有人,演唱会正式完美落幕。&&&&&&SL thanked everyone one last time and the concert officially came to an end on a perfect note.17. 诚如宾州大的马札拉所说的,若不使用镇静剂,这种绝不可能圆满落幕的情势,「很有可能以更悲惨的结局收场」。&&&&&&As Penn State's Mazzara notes, without the use of calmatives, such no-win situations might very possibly lead to more tragic results.18. 生活无欲无求却面临生活困境的小人物,仍保有生存的尊严,但即使在一件事圆满落幕后,人生就是有接踵而至的烦恼。&&&&&&The undesirable common people facing the difficulty of life but still keep the dignity of living. Only even after one thing ends perfectly, life just gives you more troubles.19. 日,随着庆祝晚宴的举行,这次工作会议也圆满落幕,在此我们衷心祝福我们的好朋友,并期待明年的再次见面。&&&&&&The Conference ended with the 17/12/08 Gala Dinner reception and we bid fair well to our friends and looking forward to see them again next year.20. 2008《蓬莱大仙》全球巡演版的节目品质无庸置疑,不暗灯、不落幕,一气呵成进行演出的超高技术,正如我个人一向的信念坚持,不论在哪里,明华园绝对只提供不打折的高水准演出,好还要更好。&&&&&&The 2008 world tour version of The Immortal of Ponglai will demonstrate our commitment to bring only the best performance to the audience. The performance on stage will be accomplished at one go without dimming the lights or dropping the curtain in the process.落幕是什么意思,落幕在线翻译,落幕什么意思,落幕的意思,落幕的翻译,落幕的解释,落幕的发音,落幕的同义词,落幕的反义词,落幕的例句,落幕的相关词组,落幕意思是什么,落幕怎么翻译,单词落幕是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 散文吧网站海不择细流,故能成其大。山不拒细壤,方能就其高。结束的英文怎么说相关话题结束有很多种意思,不过我们在日常生活中常用为完毕,不再继续的意思,比如:会议结束;演讲结束等。那么你知道结束的英文怎么说吗?下面小编为大家带来结束的英文说法,欢迎大家学习。
英 [end] 美 [ɛnd]
英 [ˈfiniʃ] 美 [ˈfɪnɪʃ]
英 [ˈkləʊʒə] 美 [ˈkloʒɚ]
比赛结束 E The game is over
全部结束 All completed
1. The agreement has raised hopes that the war may end soon.
2. Rationing had put an end to a surfeit of biscuits long ago.
3. The French government today called for an end to the violence.
4. They are bound to take time to readjust after a holiday.
5. The President is about to wind up his visit to Somalia.
6. An end to the crisis seems a long way off.
7. Producers decided to end her on-screen romance with Pierce Lawton.
8. At Miss Garbo's request there was a crema-tion after a private ceremony.
9. The King made major concessions to end the confrontation with his people.
10. The clincher was City's second goal, scored minutes from the end.
11. Drug experts say it could spell the end of the crack epidemic.
12. The repairs to the Hafner machine were near to completion.
13. Alain Prost finished third and virtually conceded the world championship.
14. The end of an era presupposes the start of another.
15. We all knew by then that the affair was practically over.
问题补充:只要告诉我【娟】的英文单词?娟=Juan 英文Juan读成朱安 要是想起名字 就叫 Jue`s Club 很简单的简称 juan一般都是英文名字,不过


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