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Laura Bentley Gives Her Student Some Help - My First Sex Teacher - Naughty America |
Bill Bailey a football player at his school and failing Ms. Laura Bentley’s class. Ms. Laura Bentley regrets to inform Bill Bailey that she will have to report his coach that he his falling behind in class. Bill Bailey pleads for her not to do it and to find some other way to get this resolved so he can remain playing for the school. Ms. Laura Bentley’s has wanted her student for quite some time and as long as he bring his top notch performance in this subject, he won’t have to worry about his other grades.
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nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)The One Hour Project: Give Someone A Helping Hand - The Simple Dollar
It’s something so simple that so many of us overlook in our busy lives: stopping to help people out when they need a hand.
For the longest time, I would only stop and help out people if it was completely convenient for me – I didn’t really see the point of helping others out if it didn’t directly benefit me.
One day, though, that all changed.
I was sitting on a city bus riding to class (I was a college student at the time) and I saw a woman getting on the bus.
She didn’t have change for the fee and the driver asked her to get off the bus.
She got upset – she was in a work uniform on her way to a job – and something inside of me just clicked.
I saw myself in her shoes.
So I walked forward, deposited the change in the slot, and she was able to board the bus.
She sat down next to me and thanked me for paying, then told me a bit about her life.
She was married to an individual who was on active duty overseas (this was in the late 1990s – he was not in Iraq, I don’t believe) and trying to raise two children.
Her mother lived there, too, and watched the children while she worked, and she was trying very hard to get a promotion at her job.
As I watched her get off the bus and go to work, I realized that stepping forward and putting that change in the meter might have caused her to get to work on time – or even a bit early – and might have helped her get that promotion, improving the lives of those children.
Who knows what the domino effect from that might be.
Since then, I make a regular effort to help people out if I see an opportunity.
Although the time adds up over a long period, individual acts don’t take very long at all and they usually go a long way towards lifting someone’s day out of the doldrums.
The Rewards of Helping Others
1. You feel better about yourself for having done it
If I help someone get their cat out of a tree or return a shopping cart for an old lady, I feel better about myself.
It genuinely lifts my mood for some reason.
2. The “pay it forward” phenomenon
The person you did the favor for has a good chance of doing a similar favor for someone else.This “” phenomenon and it actually exists – I’ve witnessed it over and over again.
3. The small deed may pay off in some hugely unexpected way
Once, I spied an abandoned child in a department store.
He was crying.
I stopped for a moment and asked him who he was there with and when he saw her last, then I grabbed a worker at the store and asked if he could page the mother over the intercom.
He didn’t know her name, so we just used a description of the boy.
I then kneeled near the boy for a while and calmed him down by telling him his mother was coming for him – and sure enough, she arrived.
The mother had been quite upset as well.
I began to walk away and the mother handed me a gift card for the store, saying “Take it – and thank you so much!”
The gift card was for $100.
While you should never expect such things, they do occasionally happen.
Over the next week or so, keep your eyes open for people that might need a helping hand.
If you notice someone who is having a problem that you might be able to help with, from a cell phone call to pushing a cart or anything else, just step up and offer to do it.
Do it several times.
See how you feel inside after you do it, and then see if this little move didn’t just make the world a better place.
Along those same lines, if you’re ever in a situation where you need a hand, look around you and imagine if others had this same philosophy.
By doing your part to encourage a philosophy of offering a small social helping hand, you encourage others to do the same – and eventually that helping hand will come back around to you when you really need it.
Consider it a form of social insurance – by paying the premiums of helping others, sometimes you’ll collect some amazing dividends.
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While I still feel new to working my way out of debt and learning how to invest (my plan is to get out of debt then move the same monthly money to investing) I AM good at lending a helping hand.
I do this as often as I see a need.
One occasion is fresh on my mind, and yet it happened about 4 years ago.
I went to a grocery store & while approaching the front door, I saw a woman outside (with purchased groceries in her shopping cart) looking around.
I proceeded into the store and completed my shopping.
When I went outside I saw that she was still there just looking around.
I asked her if she was okay, and was there something I can do.
She said she was waiting for cab.
I knew how long I had been in the store (quite awhile) and asked her if she would like me to drive her home.
I was really concerned with a “bad person” approaching her and I knew I was safe for her.
She appreciated that I wanted to drive her home.
After I got her into my car, I did wonder if she knew where she lived and thank goodness she did!
As luck would have it, she didn’t live very far away.
I know you can’t trust everybody (meaning this instance could have been for me, too) but sometimes you just have to put yourself out there.
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