
整天是什么意思 整天在线翻译 整天什么意思 整天的意思 整天的翻译 整天的解释 整天的发音 整天的同义词 整天的反义词 整天的例句
整天 基本解释整天[zhěng tiān]词典:整天。词典:整天;一天到晚。词典:整天;一天到晚;终天;成日。词典:日日夜夜;白天黑夜;夜以继日地, 日夜;不舍昼夜。整天 汉英大词典整天[zhěng tiān] all day long:  例:他做了5整天活。    He worked for five whole days.整天 网络解释1. 1. all day:all day long 整天 | all day 整天 | all dressed up and nowhere to go 打扮整齐却无处可去2. the whole day:17. 文化俱乐部 culture club | 18. 整天 the whole day | 19. 过来 come over to3. all day long:agree with sb. 同意某人的意见 | all day long 整天 | all kinds of 各种各样的4. all day = all day long:a fine rain 一阵细雨 | 44. all day = all day long 整天 | all night = all night long整夜整天 双语例句1. 1. 记得,我正在想着没有比这更阴暗的时候,甚至在肉体上也感觉得到。倾盆大雨下了一整天,那是一场最寒冷、最阴郁甚至叫人可怕的大雨。&&&&Rain had been falling all day, and it had been a cold, gloomy, almost menacing rain, with, I remember, an unmistakable spite against mankind.2. 只有几头从村子里走失出来的山羊,整天在嚼食着疏落的青草,那孤独的水鹰,从斜欹在泥地上的一棵连根拔起的菩提树上张望着。&&&&Only some stray goats from the village browse the scanty grass all day, and the solitary water-hawk watches from an uprooted peepal aslant over the mud.3. 从六年级开始,我们就整天呆在一起四处剪集马的图片,贴在各自家里的墙上,幻想着长大、结婚后,拥有各自的马场,当然是挨在一起的,什么都不做,只是骑马,骑到我们心满意足为止。&&&&Since the sixth grade, we had spent hours and days cutting out horse pictures for our walls, fantasizing of being grow, married and owning horse ranches side by side and doing nothing but riding to our hearts'content.4. 那个家伙可是个老色迷,整天跟在女孩子的后面唯命是从。&&&&That guy is a fool of women, who's always at the back and call of girls.5. 那个家伙可是个老色迷,整天跟在女孩子的后面惟命是从。&&&&That guy is a fool for women, who's always at the beck and.6. 那个家伙可是个老色迷,整天跟在女孩子的后面唯命是从。&&&&A. That guy is a fool for women, who's always at the beck and call of girls.7. 整天笑眯眯的,他的理论是工人高兴就有工作热忱,所以他不介意你是站着做事还是坐着,我们的工作是包装,封蜡,然后入真空机抽取空气,打包,有时要做些入巧克力,糖果之类的活,比较轻松,不用大脑的活固然工钱上不了档次啦。&&&&Smiling all day, and his theory is pleased to have workers work ethic, so he does not mind doing things you are standing or sitting, our job is to packaging, sealing wax, and then into the vacuum extraction machine air, packaged, and sometimes to do into the chocolate, candy, such as live, more relaxed, do not have the brain of live on the wages of course you can not grade.8. 8. 我们很多人,但是,这并不意味着你必须访问的自动售货机整天。&&&&Many of us are, but that doesn't mean you have to visit the vending machine all day.9. 9. 我一整天都不能小便了,我只是想试着站到马桶上&&&&I haven't been able to pee all day, and I was simply trying to stand over the toilet10. 021 至於以色列人,他说:我整天伸手招呼那悖逆顶嘴的百姓。&&&&But to Israel he says, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.11. 11. 021 至於以色列人,他说:我整天伸手招呼那悖逆顶嘴的百姓。&&&&&&But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.12. 从某些角度看问题有可能要比你强点,因为我知道农民的疾苦,我知道农民要什么,想什么,要干些什么,不像某些人拿个书本子整天报怨这个报怨那个,有本事你来体验一回(可惜没这个机会吧,聪明人往往要做傻事,聪明过头的人,往往是得不到重用的人)。&&&&&&To look at problem is possible than your vigorous point from some angles, because I know peasants` sufferings, I know what peasants want, what is thought of, what should be done, compared with some people it take all day pay an old sore there aren`t this pieces of books the sons, have you come not experiencing every one of skill(the regrettable to the chance, wise man do foolish thing often, clever excessive person is people that is put in an position often).13. 整天的意思13. 我整天做梦的时候你打电话说你有同感。&&&&&&I spend all day dreaming of the moment you would call to say you feel the same way.14. 14. 那是一个大晴天,一整天都很热。&&&&&&It was sunny and hot all day.15. 抢个好位置,就这样而已,如果你必须等一整天的话,最好坐在凉荫的地方!&&&&&&Better seat. That's all. Well, if you have to waitall day, you might as well sit in the cool shade, ah?16. 这位经理整天忙得昏头昏脑。&&&&&&The manager busied himself all day and got addlebrained.17. 我只想整天和他厮守在一起。&&&&&&I just wanna be with him all the time.18. 你就会呆在那里吸一整天的血!&&&&&&All you do is sit around and suck blood all day!19. 我整天向悖逆的民族,即随自己的思念走邪辟路的人,伸出我的手。&&&&&&I have stretched out my hands all the day to a rebellious people, Who walk in evil paths and follow their own thoughts20. 20. 我整天向悖逆的民族,即随自己的思念走邪辟路的人,伸出我的手。&&&&&&I have spread forth my hands all the day to an unbelieving people, who walk in a way that is not good after their own thoughts.整天是什么意思,整天在线翻译,整天什么意思,整天的意思,整天的翻译,整天的解释,整天的发音,整天的同义词,整天的反义词,整天的例句,整天的相关词组,整天意思是什么,整天怎么翻译,单词整天是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 整可以组什么词
整齐 整个 整天 整体 整治 整洁 整顿 整理
成语:好整以暇 化整为零 重整旗鼓 整装待发 化零为整 整襟危坐 整躬率物 整旧如新 整年累月 山复整妆 整军经武 整军饬武 攒零合整 整顿干坤 整纷剔蠹 整整截截 整甲缮兵 整冠纳履 整衣敛容 整旅厉卒 整本大套
整zhěng基本字义1. 有秩序,不乱:~齐。~洁。~然有序。2. 治理:~治。~改。~编。~饬(a.使有条理,整顿;b.整齐,有条理)。~装待发。3. 修理,修饰:~形。~旧如新。4. 完全无缺,没有零头:~体。完~。5. 使人吃苦头:~人。6. 搞,弄:咋~的?详细字义〈形〉1. (会意兼形声。...
词语:整齐 整个
整顿 整理 整顿 整合 整装 整修成语:好整以暇 化整为零 重整旗鼓 整装待发 化零为整 整襟危坐 整躬率物 整旧如新 整年累月 山复整妆 整军经武 整军饬武 攒零合整 整顿干坤 整纷剔蠹 整整截截 整甲缮兵 整冠纳履 整衣敛容 整旅厉卒 整本大套...


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