
这是个机器人猖狂的时代,请输一下验证码,证明咱是正常人~目前.许多中学生不重视课外阅读.请你根据下表内容写一篇短文.对这一现状进行分析并提出建议.不重视课外阅读的原因作业太多没有读书习惯时间花在电视或网络上课外阅读的好处更多地了解世界学会如何思考生活更加丰富多彩对学校或同学的建议--要求:1.文章条理清楚.语句连贯.必须包含以上要点.可适当发挥.但不要逐字翻译.2.词数90左右3.不得出现真实 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
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目前,许多中学生不重视课外阅读。请你根据下表内容写一篇短文,对这一现状进行分析并提出建议。不重视课外阅读的原因作业太多没有读书习惯(habit)时间花在电视或网络上课外阅读的好处更多地了解世界学会如何思考生活更加丰富多彩对学校或同学的建议……(至少两点)要求:1.文章条理清楚,语句连贯,必须包含以上要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐字翻译。2.词数90左右(给出部分不计入总词数)3.不得出现真实的校名和人名。优点、好处;advantage (s)At present only a few students do some reading after class. Here are several reasons.        
At present only a few students do some reading after class. Here are several reasons.First of all, quite a lot of students are burdened with too much homework. Still others haven’t formed a habit of reading. They would rather spend their spare time on TV or on the Internet.However, reading has many benefits. Through reading we can learn more about the world. Besides, it can help us think better. Last but not least, reading can make our life more colourful.Here are my suggestions. For one thing, teachers are supposed to limit the amount of our homework so that we can have more time to read. For another, it’s a good idea to form reading clubs and learn from each other.【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇利用图表的给材料作文。要求介绍中学生不重视课外阅读的原因,介绍阅读的好处及自己对同学们的建议。【亮点说明】这篇短文不仅注意避免句式重复而且使用了大量的的短语,可见该生英语功底扎实。.如First of all,would rather However, Besides, it can help us think better Here are my suggestions.等.使文章的表达更丰富,更有逻辑性,更富有条理。考点:表格作文。 
Jim has many hobbies, ________ swimming, hiking and playing badminton.A. for example B. such for C. such as D. as a result of 
It seems to be strange to you there is a blind spot(盲点)on the eyes,Here is an interesting experiment(实验)that can make something disappear,when one eye is open.Make a card about the size of a postcard and write two English letters L and R on it,L on the left and R on the right.First,hold the card about 80 cm away and you see both the letters.Then close your right eye and look at the letter R only with your left eye.And now,as you move the card slowly towards you,you’ll find the letter L disappearing.But if you move the card nearer to your face,the letter will be seen again.Now do the same experiment with your left eye closed,you’ll find the letter R disappearing.Why does the letter disappear? It is because there is a blind spot on the eye.When the image(影像)of the letter falls on the blind spot,it won’t be seen.That is why either of the lettersdisappears.1.The writer of the passage thinks that __________ there is a blind spot on the eye.A.few people know B.no one knowsC.only you know
D.all the people know2.You fail to see the letter L in the experiment because __________.A.your eyes are poor B.its image falls on the blind spotC.your left eye is not open D.you move it close to your eye3.In which order(顺序)should you do the experiment?①Hold the card
② Move the card nearer③ Close your right eye ④ write two English letter ⑤ Look at the letter R ⑥ Make a cardA.④⑥①②③⑤ B.①③⑥④⑤②C.⑥①④③②⑤ D.⑥④①③⑤②4..The passage mainly(主要)tells us_________.A.how to find the blind spot B.an interesting experimentC.where the blind spot isD.there is a blind spot on the eyes. 
___________exciting experience we had in Hong Kong Disneyland !.A.What an B.What C.How D.How an 
—What a surprise! Harry used to get nervous because he couldn’t organize his ideas well _________ to express _________ clearly.—Great, havent’t you heard, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Let’s give him a big hand.A. him B. himselfC. himD. himself 
我们的环境变得越来越糟糕,该是我们行动起来保护环境的时候了。你校报刊本期的英语专栏让大家来谈谈如何保护环境(How to go green),请你根据下面表格罗列的几个方面写一篇英语小短文来参加讨论。How to go greenTo save water1.2.To save water1.2.To reduce pollution1.2.More tips for a green lifestyle1.2.How to go greenOur environment    
There are no more birds flying around the lake. But I still think of them from time to time. Here the underlined part means    .A. sometimes
B. at all timesC. always D. usually 
the club in 2010. He
the club for over 3 years.A. has been a member of B. has joinedC. has joined
D. has been in 
Jack is _________boy of the twins.A. the tallest B. tall C. the taller D. as tall 
1. 作业太多2. 没有读书习惯3. 时间花在电脑或网络上
1. 更多地了解世界2. 学会如何思考3. 生活更加丰富多彩
注意:1. 词数: 100个左右(开头已给出的内容不记入总词数); 2. 内容必须包括上表中的要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐字翻译; 3. 条理清楚、语句连贯; 4.文中不得出现真实人名。At present only a few students do some reading after class. Here are several reasons. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
At present only a few students do some reading after class. Here are several reasons. First of all, quite a lot of students are burdened with too much homework. Still others haven’t formed a habit of reading. They would rather spend their spare time on TV or on the Internet. However, reading has many benefits. Through reading we can learn more about the world. Besides, it can help us think better. Last but not least, reading can make our life more colourful. Here are my suggestions. For one thing, teachers are supposed to limit the amount of our homework so that we can have more time to read. For another, it’s a good idea to form reading clubs and learn from each other.
试题分析:此类文章属于议论文范畴,首先应该先对不重视阅读的三项原因进行讲解。在写的过程中注意用上起承转合的连词,在第一点和第二点之间需要加连词,如first of all,then,finally等使文章条理化清晰。接下来对阅读好处进行阐明,写的过程中运用平时熟悉的表达;最后提出自己的建议,提建议的句型我们学过很多,学生可以在写作前先将积累的句型在脑海中回顾一遍,以便写的过程中文思如泉涌。点评:议论文的写作是高中英语常考的题材,对此类文章学生应在平时积累开头、罗列观点及表达观点的句型短语。在考试时,将所积累的句型运用到自己的作文中。总结来说议论文的写法须注意以下几点:1. 议题的提出要开门见山,不要拖泥带水。 2. 议论时可以采用不同的方法。如:可以摆出正反两方面观点,进行对比;也可引经据典论证作者自己观点的正确性,从而使读者接受自己的观点;亦可提出一种错误的观点然后论证其错误,最终提出正确的观点。正文部分是写作的重点,论证方法可用归纳法、推理法、比较法等。 3. 在结论部分必须表明作者的观点,对讨论的问题做出总结。
Where did you________ ________?2、我每天跑步健身。
I run every day________ ________ ________.3、他们正在对这些学生进行调查。
They are________ ________ ________ ________the students now.4、我打算在法国待两三年,同时在那儿学习法语。
I am going to stay in France for two years________three, and study French there________
________ ________.5、他想周游全世界。
He wants to travel________ ________the world.6、他正在算一道数学题。
He________ ________ ________a math problem now.7、你想取出多少钱?
How much money would you like to________ ________?8、我表弟打算明年从大连搬到上海。
My cousin is going to________from Dalian________Shanghai next year. 9、请给我的玻璃杯里倒些水。
Please________ ________ ________ ________my glass.10、请把盐、一茶匙佐料和一些黄油混合起来。
________ ________,some salt,a teaspoon of relisli and some butter, please.
1. 阅读是学习英语的好方法.
Reading is a good way ______ ______ English.2. 记住离开房间时要关灯.
Please remember ______ _____ ______ the lights when you leave the room.3. 最近我几乎没有时间和朋友在网上聊天.
These days I hardly ______ _____ _____ _____ with my friends on the Internet.4. 图书馆对学生们来说是阅读的好地方.
Library is a good place for students ______ ______ books.5. 我的同学已经散发了许多宣传单号召人们为贫困地区的儿童筹款.
My classmates have handed out many leaflets _____ _____ people __
___ money for the children in
poor areas.
1. 很多学生宁愿独自承担烦恼也不愿与他人一起分担。 Many children _____ rather than share them with others.2. Tom聪明,他意识到在工作和玩之间达成平衡的重要性。It’s clever of Tom _____ a balance between work and play.3. 他说你的言论对青少年造成了不良效应。He said your words _____ teenagers.4. 在家,Tom经常与他的弟弟为看什么电视节目而争论。At home, Tom and his brother often _____. 5. 虽然他病得重,但是他仍然与疾病进行了顽强的斗争。Although he was badly ill, he still _____ his disease .6. 你的建议肯定有极大的价值并很值得采纳。Your advice must be of great _____.
京ICP证050421号&京ICP备号 &京公安备110-1081940& 网络视听许可证0110531号
1. 作业太多2. 没有读书习惯3. 时间花在电脑或网络上
1. 更多地了解世界2. 学会如何思考3. 生活更加丰富多彩
注意:1. 词数: 100个左右(开头已给出的内容不记入总词数); 2. 内容必须包括上表中的要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐字翻译; 3. 条理清楚、语句连贯; 4.文中不得出现真实人名。At present only a few students do some reading after class. Here are several reasons.&_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
At present only a few students do some reading after class. Here are several reasons. First of all, quite a lot of students are burdened with too much homework. Still others haven’t formed a habit of reading. They would rather spend their spare time on TV or on the Internet. However, reading has many benefits. Through reading we can learn more about the world. Besides, it can help us think better. Last but not least, reading can make our life more colourful. Here are my suggestions. For one thing, teachers are supposed to limit the amount of our homework so that we can have more time to read. For another, it’s a good idea to form reading clubs and learn from each other.


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