
  "I am always surprised how some interviewees tend to trail off towards the
end of an interview instead of finishing strong and leaving a lasting
impression," says Zachary Rose, CEO and founder of Green Education Services, a
green jobs training firm in New York City. Whether you're a senior preparing for
campus recruiting or a recent graduate still hunting for a job, here are the top
questions experts recommend asking at the end of a job interview to leave a
great final impression on hiring managers and establish yourself as a top
  "Is There Any Reason Why You Wouldn't Hire Me?"
  Kelsey Meyer, senior vice president of Digital Talent Agents in Columbia,
Mo., says, "A recent candidateasked, 'If you were to not offer the job to me,
what would be the reason?' This was extremely straightforward and a little
blunt, but it allowed me to communicate any hesitations I had about the
candidate before he left the interview, and he could address them right
  "This one question is something I would suggest every single candidate
ask," adds Meyer. It lets you know where you stand and if you need to clarify
anything for the interviewer. "If you have the guts to ask it, I don't think
you'll regret it," she says.
  Rachel Dotson, content manager , says, "All too often
you hear about candidates leaving an interview and thinking they aced it, only
to get a swift rejection email soon after. Take the time while you're
face-to-face to ask about and dispel any doubts that the hiring manager has."
Make sure a key asset of yours hasn't been overlooked.
  "As an Employee, How Could I Exceed Your Expectations?"
  Michael B. Junge, a staffing and recruiting industry leader with Irvine
Technology Corp. in Santa Ana, Calif., and author of "Purple Squirrel: Stand
Out, Land Interviews, and Master the Modern Job Market," says that one of his
favorite interview questions is when a candidate takes the lead and asks, "If I
were offered this position and joined your company, how would you measure my
success and what could I do to exceed your expectations?"
  "The question shows confidence without being overly brash, while also
demonstrating that you have an interest in delivering positive results," Junge
adds. What's more, the answer you receive can reveal what the interviewer hopes
to accomplish by making a new hire, and this information can help you determine
whether to accept the position if you get an offer.“
  "How Could I Help Your Company Meet Its Goals?"
  Dotson also suggests job candidates ask the interviewer, "How does this
position fit in with the short- and long-term goals of the company?" The
response to the short-term side of the question gives you further insight into
your potential role and helps you tailor the remainder of the discussion and
your interview follow-up, she says. "Second, by bringing up long-term goals, you
are telling the hiring manager that you're there for the long-run, not just
another new grad that is going to follow suit with her peers and job-hop every
six months," Dotson says.
  Junge also recommends that interviewees ask, "What challenges have other
new hires faced when starting in similar roles, and what could I do to put
myself in a better position to succeed?" He says few students or new grads will
ask this question because most haven't witnessed failure. To a hiring manager,
this question demonstrates maturity and awareness, and if you're hired, the
answers can help you avoid the pitfalls of being new.
  "What Excites You About Coming into Work?"
  Murshed Chowdhury, CEO of Infusive Solutions, a specialized staffing firm
in New York City, suggests that candidates ask the interviewer, "What excites
you about coming into work every day?"
  "This is a role reversal question that we often suggest candidates ask," he
says. People love the opportunity to talk about themselves, so this question
provides an excellent chance to learn about the hiring manager and find ways to
establish common ground. "This is also a great opportunity for the candidate to
determine whether he/she is excited by the same things that excite the hiring
manager to see if the culture is a good fit," Chowdhury adds.
  The Bottom Line
  Although it is important to provide a great first impression to a potential
employer, as well as acing the basics of a job interview, closing the interview
strong is just as important.
  "Prove to your interviewer that you want this position and you are in this
for the right reasons, not simply to fill your day with something to do," Rose
says. Ask these questions before you leave, and leave your potential new
employer with a great impression.
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  (1) 预测问题。这个环节不但能帮助你克服听力困难, 而且能缓解你在面试时候的紧张情绪。想象一下, 如果总是Pardon, Excuse me, 你怎么可能镇定自若?
  (2) 书写答案。英语8级的牛人也会在英文面试时出现逻辑不清的情况, 因为流利和井井有条绝对不是同义词。笔者的亲身体会是, 越是英语流利的牛人, 越容易在面试的时候废话连篇, 逻辑混乱。
  (3) 背诵答案。背诵三遍以内是结巴, 背诵十遍以内是流利的背诵, 而背诵二三十遍以上就不再是背诵, 而是滔滔不绝的自由表达!
  (4) 若有所思。面试的时候, 在流利做答之前, 别忘了做思索状, 再加上个well, let me see&&
  衡量一个回答是否精彩, 只有一个标准: 这个回答中, 体现了申请人的什么特征?这些特征是优点还是缺点?如果是优点, 是否刚好适合所申请职位的优点?
  一、 Personal Information 关于个人信息的问题
  1. What&s the meaning of your English name? 你的英文名字有什么含义么?
  问题分析: 有些申请人的英文名字不合常规, 比如叫King, 或者Sushi, 或者Monk等等。面试官询问这些申请人名字的含义, 主要有几个目的: 第一, 缓解面试的紧张气氛; 第二, 面试官也有一点点好奇心; 第三, 给申请人一个展示自己独特个性的机会, 因为敢于给自己起独特名字的人往往具有很独特的个性, 这些人希望引起别人的注意。
  普通回答: Actually, Sushi is my nickname. My friends gave me this name because I like to eat the Japanese food sushi.
  点评: 这个回答体现出你是个什么样的人呢?在中国吃寿司价格不菲, 如果吃寿司吃到了朋友给你起了&寿司&这个外号的地步, 这个申请人一定不会是囊中羞涩的人。同志们想一下, 我们在面试的时候, 是把自己伪装成&艰苦朴素&, 还是&锦衣玉食&呢?即使现如今寿司已经跌价到人尽可食的地步, 你这个回答也只是在告诉面试官: 嘿, 我可是个好吃的人啊!比较一下以下的这个回答, 你就知道哪个更胜一筹了。
  回答示范1: As a matter of fact, Sushi is a nickname my friends gave me, because I like sushi and like to make sushi. I can make about ten different kinds of sushi! My friends say that my personality is a bit like sushi, simple but good, hehe.
  点评1: 与刚才的回答相比, 这个回答体现出你是个什么样的人呢?一个擅长制作寿司的女孩子一定是动手能力比较强的, 而且喜欢做一些琐碎小事的人。同时, 把寿司的优点引申成自己的个性优点: 简单而美好, 真是一个不错的比喻。
  回答示范2: The name King may sound a bit aggressive, I hope it won&t make you feel uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, I chose the name King simply because it sounds like my Chinese name Jing. But, there is also a hidden meaning in it, that is, I wish to conquer diseases like a King!
  点评2: 如果你给自己起了一个类似&国王&这样比较aggressive的名字, 就得想好怎么样解释才能让面试官知道你并不是一个过分aggressive的人。这个回答体现了该申请人热爱自己医生职业的特点。
  回答示范3: My given name in Chinese is Meng, so I chose Monk to be my English name. I admire the spirit of monks, you know, abstinence and tolerance.
  点评3: 回答得妙呀, 不仅仅真实, 而且展现了自己的独特个性, 告诉面试官自己身上有和尚般的优秀品质: 克制欲望、 容忍。面试官只要不想嫁给你, 就一定会喜欢这样的回答。
  2. What&s the meaning of your email address? 你的电子邮件地址有什么寓意么?
  问题分析: 当代青年男女个性张扬, 所以连email地址也颇为独特。令笔者或迷惑或微笑的email 地址有很多, 比如neverlazy, bighead, lazyfish, 52n52n, yulovehong等等。与上一个问题一样, 善于交流的面试官往往乐于给你一个机会展示自己的个性。
  较差回答: Lazyfish? Oh, I admire the goldfish for living an easy life. Compared to goldfish, human beings live a fast-paced life. So I chose this email address to make me feel a bit relaxed.
  点评: 个性倾向于过慵懒的生活, 唉!
  较差回答: 52n52n? oh, it means &I love you, I love you,& because 5 sounds like &I& in Chinese, and 2 for &love&, n for &you&. I registered this address to please my girlfriend, hehe.
  点评: 公开示爱?啧啧, 除了他的女朋友会觉得甜蜜蜜, 别的人一律会露出特虚伪的笑容或胃里泛酸。唉!
  回答示范: Neverlazy? Oh, I want to encourage myself never to be lazy! You know I am a hardworking person. So, it&s my slogan!
  点评: 在email地址中都要给自己励志的女子, 一定是个超级工作狂, 好呀! (这名女子如愿进入了宝洁公司的CBD部门。)
  3. Where are you from? Where is your hometown? 你是哪里人?家乡在什么地方?
  问题分析: 很多老外在中国工作居住多年, 甚至自诩为中国通, 他们可能会顺便问问你是哪里人, 拉近和你的距离。
  回答示范1: I was born and raised in the city of Wuhan. As far as I know, our company has a branch office near Hanzheng Street, and it&s quite a big office.
  点评1: 这个回答说出了该公司在武汉的地址, 展示了一下自己提前所做的功课。
  回答示范2: Well, my hometown is a small town which you probably have never heard of. The name of the town is Dehui, which means &good moral& in Chinese. The town is located in the middle of China&s Northeast. When you look at the map, it looks like the eye of the rooster. You know, China looks like a rooster on the map, and the Northeast region looks just like the head of the rooster. My hometown &Good Moral Town& is unknown to most people because it&s quite poor. The average income for a family is less than one thousand RMB per month.
<div class="ds-thread" data-thread-key="702957" data-title="外企面试最常见的36个英文问题(附答案)" data-image="">应届生英语面试常见问题
  What types of prospective job tasks do you enjoy the most?Which prospective job tasks do you least care to dot
  What is your greatest weaknesst
  What college subjects did you like best and leastt Whyt
  What is your class rank and your grade pointt Why are your grades so lowt
  What are your interes0824ts on outside workt What campus or community activities have you been involved int
  What adjectives would you use to describe yourselft
  How do you deal with someone in your group who isn&t pulling his or her weight or disagree with your goalst
  What position do you normally take on a teamt
  Tell me what you&re most proud of on your experiencest
  What is the worst mistake you&ve ever madet
  Q:How do you rateyourself as a professional?
  A:With my strong knowledge on computer,i am capable and competent.
  Q:What are your best professional skills?
  A:I think i am skilled in computer operation and maintenance.
  Q:What kind of people do you prefer to work with?
  A:I prefer to work with those who are will to work with other people.
  Q:What do you think you are worth to us?
  A:I feel i can make some positive contributions to you company in the
  Q:What make you think you would success in thisposition?
  A:With my graduate school training and my self-study.I am sure I will meet
  with success.
  Q:Do you work well under stress or pressure?
  A:I am young and have more energy,so i think i can handle it well.
  Q:Q:Howdo you normally handle criticism?
  A:when we cool off,we can discuss it later.
  Q:What do you find frustrating in a work situation?
  A:Sometimes,the narrow-minded people make me frustrated.
  Q:How do you handle your conflict with your colleaguesin your work?
  A:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized way in order
  to get my points across.
  Q:How do you handle your failure?
  A:None of us was born &perfect&.I will sure to be given a secondchance to
  correct my mistake.
  Q:What provide you with a sense of accomplishment?
  A:Doing my best job for your company.
  Q:What is the most important in your life right now?
  A:To get a job is most important to me right now.
  A:To pay back my parents for fostered me so long.
  Q:Could you project what you would like to be doingfive years from now?
  A:It would be too early for me to predict this.
  Q:Why do you think you might like to work for ourcompany?
  A:I think the prospect of the auto industry in China will be better and
  better in the future.Just like developed countys some years earlier.
  Q: You may ask questions about us, if you have any.
  A: Sure, What would my job entail?
  A: What university do you attend?
  B: I attend Zhongshan University.
  A: When will you graduate from theuniversity?
  B: I will graduate this coming July.
  A: Are you going to receive any degree?
  B: Yes, I will receive a degree of Bachelorof Business Adminstration.
  A: Please tell me about the courses you&#39;vecompleted at university.
  B: I&#39;ve completed Marketing Principles,Sales Management, Distribution Theory, Economics, Accounting, Statistics,Psychology, Business English and so on.
  A: What is your favorite course?
  B: My favorite course is Cost Accounting.
  A: What university do you attend?
  B: I attend Zhongshan University.
  A: When will you graduate from theuniversity?
  B: I will graduate this coming July.
  A: Are you going to receive any degree?
  B: Yes, I will receive a degree of Bachelorof Business Adminstration.
  A: Please tell me about the courses you&#39;vecompleted at university.
  B: I&#39;ve completed Marketing Principles,Sales Management, Distribution Theory, Economics, Accounting, Statistics,Psychology, Business English and so on.
  A: What is your favorite course?
  B: My favorite course is Cost Accounting.
  A: Are you a student leader at college?
  B: Yes. I&#39;ve served as the monitor of ourclass for two years.
  A: Have you got any honors or rewards inyour university days?
  B: Yes. I&#39;ve been on the honor roll forthree academic years.
  A: Have you been involved in anyextracurricular activities at college?
  B: Yes. I&#39;ve been on the college basketballteam.
  A: What sports do you usually take part inat college?
  B: I sometimes play table tennis andsometimes play basketball.
  A: Is there anything you regret not havingdone or would like to have done differently at college?
  B: I&#39;ve spent so much time on clubactivities during the four years. However, I&#39;ve never missed any of my classes.But I think my academic records would have been much better if I had put moretime and energy into studying, looking back on it.
  A: Is there any teacher who impresses youvery deeply during your student life?
  B: Yes. Our maths professor has left a deepimpression on me. In class, he is responsible in teaching and very strict withus students. But out of class, he treats us on his own sons and daughters. Weall like him very much.
  A: Why are you interested in working withthis company?
  B: I am interested in working with yourcompany because I know yours is one of the largest computer companies in ourcountry (porvince, city). My major in the university is computer programming,so I wish to have the opportunity to apply my knowledge here.
  A: Do you choose this company on account ofhigh pay (or remuneration)?
  B: No, not only for high pay (remuneration),but also for a good working environment. As far as I know, working in aSino-foreign joint venture calls for punctuality and responsibility. It is sucha working environment that I am looking for.
  A: Have you applied for a similiar post toany other company?
  B: Yes, I&#39;ve also applied to Global HuadaCompany Ltd. - a Sina-American joint venture, in case I may not be acceptedhere.
  A: What is the result of your application tothat company?
  B: They&#39;ve turned me down.
  A: What&#39;s the reason why you failed to getthe post?
  B: My domicile isn&#39;t in this city and theyneeded a local resident. That&#39;s the sole reason for my failure to get the post.
  A: If you are employed by both companies,whose offer will you accept?
  B: Needless to say, my first choice is yourcompany.
  About your plans forfuture work
  A: Tell me what you know about our company.
  B: All right. Your company is aSina-American joint venture. Your head office is in the U.S.A. There are a lotof subsidiary companies all over the world. You mainly make beauty productswhich sell well.
  A: Do you know who is the investor of thiscompany?
  B: I&#39;m sorry. I don&#39;t know.
  A: What section would you like to work in ifyou enter this company?
  B: If possible, I&#39;d like you to try me inthe export section.
  A: What are your plane for the future?
  B: I wish to move up to a higher positionwhen I get more experience.
  A: How long does it take to get here fromyour home?
  B: It takes me about 35 minutes by bike.
  A: That&#39;s quite a way. Areyou planning to find a boarding house nearly, or do you have relatives you canstay with?
  B: I&#39;m pretty strong. There is no problemfor me to be punctual for work though I have to travel that far.
  A; How long do you think that we can dependon your working here?
  B: If I enjoy the job and I feel I am makingprogress in the work, I would stay until I rearch the age limit.
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