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美国习惯用语 - Lesson 310 - buy a pig in a poke...
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我们今天要学的习惯用语都有buy这个词。我们要学的第一个习惯用语是: Buy a pig in a poke。Poke在这儿解释口袋。Buy a pig in a poke是个很古老的习惯用语,至少有五百年的历史了。它来自一个滑头的人耍弄别人的一个故事。这个人说他的口袋里有一头小肥猪要出卖,而买主居然笨得不看一眼就买下了,回到家打开袋子,才发现原来里面装的是只猫。他的盲目不仅让他白花钱,还使他不得不承担养猫的责任。像这种骗人上勾的买卖现在还有。比方说,不时有人会打电话来向你推销产品,甚至房地产。他会把你没亲眼目睹的东西说得天花乱坠。例如下面这个例子讲的是房地产经纪人推销在佛罗里达州的地产。
例句-1:My brother bought a pig in a poke. He bought some property in Florida over the phone. It was on the ocean - in fact at high tide it was six feet under water.
花钱买下这样一块时有时无的土地等于把钱往水里扔。问题出在他是通过电话买的根本没看过他买的地。所以buy a pig in a poke意思就是没有亲自过目就轻率地买下某些东西。
Buy a pig in a poke是轻率和盲目地购买商品的意思,有时候买来的东西一文不值。下面要学的习惯用语可有截然相反的意思。这个习惯用语是: buy for a song。Buy for a song可能来自街头卖唱的艺人。他们做的是无本买卖,唱歌来换取生活所需。如果唱一支歌就能得到报酬,也就是没化钱而买到了,言下之意是非常便宜。好,我们听一个例子来琢磨buy for a song含义是什么。他说的是买一辆91年出产的福特牌二手车的事儿。
例句-2:You have to be careful when you buy a used car. But I bought this 91Ford for a song, about half of what I expected to pay. And I've had good luck with it - it runs like a new car.
大家都听懂这段话了吧? 买旧车是得小心谨慎,但是他的运气真好;他买那辆91年福特牌汽车只化了预计中的一半钱,可车开起来就像新的一样。
从而可见buy something for a song含义是花的代价不大,而买到东西却很合算。
例句-3:He is always telling people how brave he was during the war, but I don't buy his story. I know h he spent the whole wartime working in an army base in US.
我们再学一个习惯用语: buy the farm。听了这个短语你也许以为它的意思是买农场,其实它和购置产业毫无关系。这个习惯用语起源于二次大战,当时许多年轻人都英年早逝,于是就有了buy the farm这个说法委婉地表示突如其来的不正常死亡。好,我们来听一个例子吧。
例句-4:Bill was the best pilot I knew when I was in the air force. But he bought the farm when his plane was hit two days before the end of the war.
这儿bought the farm意思是突如其来的不正常死亡。
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