one of do后面加动词原形可以加形容词原形吗,,,请说原因

服务不可用。RT  虽说经常接触英语,但是对语法似乎越来越没有概念了  最近翻译一点东西,遇到这个问题  relatively 后面是接形容词的比较级还是原型?  比如相对重要,是relatively important还是relatively more important?  上google搜了一下,两种说法都有,但是搜索出来的语法上说,relatively后面接形容词原型?  真的是有些糊涂了,哪位高手赐教一下?呵呵
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  relatively important
  relatively important跟一般的情况比    relatively more important when you hav a specific thing its being compared to....    lol i guess.... 感觉上的....
  也就是说  我比较XX,就是i am relatively XX  相对XX来说,我比较XX,就是i am relatively XXer than XX?  呵呵
  我比一般人XX,就是i am relatively XX  相对某人Z来说,我比较XX,就是i am relatively XXer than Z?    lz 偶很pf你了  
  唉. 反正问题解决 这贴可以水了.
(新疆大学语言学院, 新疆乌鲁木齐830046)
摘 要: 文章分析了少数民族学生学习汉语形容词重叠式过程中常出现的几种偏误类型, 并提出使学生更好地
关键词: 形容词重叠式; 偏误类型; 对策
中图分类号: G75     文献标识码: A      文章编号: X (2007)
中常常会产生一些偏误, 下面笔者将分析常出现的
几种偏误类型, 并针对此提出了让学生更好地掌握
1. 重叠形容词前加程度副词。
(1) 听到这个消息以后, 他很高兴。
听到这个消息以后, 他很高高兴兴。Ε
(2) 他这个人非常马虎。
(3) 她长得特别漂亮。
亮”, 为什么不能说“很高高兴兴”呢?这是因为, 形容
词重叠以后, 都有表示程度加深的意思, 也就是说已
经有了“很”的意思了, 它的前面就不能再加表示程
度的“很、非常、特别、十分”等词组了。因此, 下面这
大大方方  很大方   Ε 很大大方方
整整齐齐  特别整齐  Ε 特别整整齐齐
干干净净  非常干净  Ε 非常干干净净
热热闹闹  十分热闹  Ε 十分热热闹闹
2. AABB 式重叠与ABAB 式重叠混淆。
(1) 他们高高兴兴地走了。
(2) 快把这个好消息告诉他, 让他高兴高兴。
快把这个好消息告诉他, 让他高高兴兴。Ε
(3) 今天我们一定要痛痛快快地玩一天。
今天我们去玩一天儿, 痛快痛快。Ε
(4) 今天晚上小明过生日, 大家都要来, 一起热
今天晚上小明过生日, 大家都要来, 一起热
(5) 他们整天无忧无虑, 快快乐乐地生活着。
他们整天无忧无虑, 快乐快乐地生活着。Ε
汉语中双音节形容词的重叠一般都是AABB 式
的形式, 如:
高兴高高兴兴  大方大大方方
整齐整整齐齐  漂亮漂漂亮亮
但是也有少数形容词可以有ABAB 的重叠形
式, 当它用这种方式重叠的时候, 往往词性转变了,
是动词。所以ABAB 式重叠一般作谓语, 不能作状
语, 而AABB 式重叠通常作状语, 比如:“轻轻松松地
旅游, 让他轻松轻松。”
既有AABB 式又有ABAB 式重叠的词语还有以
高兴: 高高兴兴(形)  高兴高兴(动)
快乐: 快快乐乐(形)  快乐快乐(动)
热闹: 热热闹闹(形)  热闹热闹(动)
痛快: 痛痛快快(形)  痛快痛快(动)
轻松: 轻轻松松(形)  轻松轻松(动)
3. 重叠形容词前加“有点”。
( 1) 前段时间身体一直不好, 现在有点好好
(2) 这件衣服看上去有点新新的了。
(3) 艾力的汉语说得有点棒棒的了。
(4) 今天有点舒舒服服。
(5) 她有点高高兴兴。
AA 式重叠“好好的、棒棒的、新新的”和AABB
程度性, 这种程度性与“有点”的程度意义格格不入,
所以都不能受“有点”修饰。“有点”带有贬义色彩, 与
褒义的意义和程度性相抵触, 所以两者不能直接结
合。“有点”只能限定贬义词的AA 式和AABB 式。如
有点酸酸的 有点结结巴巴的
有点虚虚的 有点冷冷清清的
(一) 给学生讲清楚形容词重叠的类型。
1. AA ( 的) 式。单音节形容词重叠时为AA
长长的 细细的 淡淡的 白白的
红红的 小小的 黑黑的 厚厚的
2. ABB 式。如:
酸溜溜的 红扑扑的 黑黝黝的
懒洋洋的 冷清清的 慢腾腾的
不仅可以加强其原有的程度性和状态性, 而且获得
3. ABC 式。如:
酸不叽的  甜不叽的  冷不丁的
圆的乎的 美不滋的
这样的重叠形数量有限, 在北京口语中常见, 一
4. AXYZ 式。这种类型的重叠性即“形容词(A )
+ 附属成分(XYZ) ”, 主要有:
圆咕隆冬的 傻不愣登的 疯了呱叽的
灰了呱叽的 滑不叽溜的 酸不溜丢的
词通过添加后缀, 其状态性和程度性都得到加强, 具
有鲜明的描写性和高度的渲染性, 这种重叠形除广
泛用于口语外, 还可以用于书面语, 以及文学作品
中, 使用范围较广。
5. A 里AB 式。这种类型的重叠形有:
糊里糊涂的 马里马虎的 慌里慌张的
俗里俗气的 古里古怪的 毛里毛糙的
流里流气的 老里老气的 罗里罗嗦的
义词, 表示消极意义或不受欢迎的事情, 重叠后不仅
其状态性和描写性得到进一步加强, 其程度意义和
6. ABAB 式。双音节形容词“轻松”、“清静”、
“暖和”的ABAB 式分别为:
轻松轻松 清静清静 干净干净 舒服舒服
高兴高兴 老实老实 安静安静 热闹热闹
这种重叠形因为是整个词重叠, 意义和程度性
加强, 含有“尝试”的意味, 具有可挖性, 用法接近动
词, 用于动态描写, 表示说话人自己的意志和愿望,
觉的褒义形容词, 其意义是“觉得舒适自在, 不感到
有负担, 不紧张。”当表示自己或使别人要产生这种
感觉时, 就需要把该形容词重叠起来。“让我们轻松
轻松吧! ”就是希望自己进入这种舒适自在的境地。
通过重叠, 强化原有意义, 产生出显著的意志性和劝
诱性, 并蕴含一定的程度性。与此同时, 其原有的状
态性和描写性随之被削弱, 失去形容词应有的基本
特点, 临时产生动词性用法。这种重叠式不能作
7. AABB 式。双音节形容词AABB 式重叠是现
代汉语特有的语法现象之一, 构成AABB 式的既有
褒义词, 又有贬义词。这类形容词在句中既可以作状
语, 也可以作谓语。如:
(1) 高高兴兴地走了。
(2) 安安静静地睡着了。
(3) 凉凉快快地度过整个夏天。
(4) 明明白白地对我说..。
(5) 稳稳当当地站在屋子中央。
(6) 每个人都像要饭的, 浑身上下破破烂烂。
( ) 大厅里空空荡荡, 人都走了。(作谓语)
(8) 一家人平平安安。
8. BABA 式。构成BABA 式的主要是:
笔直笔直 冰凉冰凉 漆黑漆黑 雪白雪白
焦黄焦黄 乌黑乌黑 血红血红 通红通红
已含有极高的程度性, 不用借助其他修饰语就能表
示极端的状态和程度, 因而不再接受程度副词修饰。
(二) 给学生讲一讲形容词重叠的语义条件。
并非所有的形容词都能重叠, 所以教师在强调
形容词重叠时, 应当给学生讲一讲形容词的重叠的
1. 形容词意义中量的因素对重叠能力的影响。
较, 可以有程度上的变化, 一般可以重叠; 相反, 没有
高 长 短 厚 薄 大 小
浓 淡 深 浅 快 慢
干净 高兴 快乐 漂亮
清楚 舒服 犹豫
这些词表示的性质在程度上可以变化, 可以加
次 对 乏 够 广 渴 枯 偏
这些词表示的是所谓绝对的量, 其性质在程度
上无法变化。下面这些词也不能重叠, 不过是另一种
贵 贱 狂 强 弱 帅 昂贵
宝贵 出色 伟大 辽阔 旺盛
这些词表示的量已经达到极致, 无以复加, 无法
2. 形容词表示的性质如果有明显的可感知性
(可以看见、听见、触摸或可以作形象性的想象) , 这
样的形容词常常可以重叠, 或者重叠能力较强。
薄 扁 脆 方 滑 尖 辣 瘦 高兴
相反, 如果形容词表示的性质可感知性差, 其重
叠能力也弱, 甚至不能重叠。比如:
笨 差 灵 保险 薄弱
3. 词义褒贬对重叠能力的影响。词义褒贬对重
叠也有一定的制约作用。大致说来, 褒义词可以重
叠, 或重叠能力较强; 贬义词重叠能力较弱, 或者不
笨 毒 刁 蛮 粗野 狡猾 轻浮
丑 蠢 寒酸 懒惰 杂乱 糟糕
当然, 贬义词并非绝对不能重叠。朱德熙
(1956) 指出, 有些所谓坏字眼如: 坏、脏、臭有时也能
并不鲜见。只是贬义形容词的重叠能力相对较差, 重
另外, 教师除了给学生讲清楚形容词重叠的类
型、词义条件外, 还要让学生进行大量的练习, 让学
(责任编辑 程 苹)
参考答案:(1)改为“她很漂亮。 ”
,是成句的需要,要轻读。 (3)错误原因:受英语的结构影响“she is beautiful.”
(4)教学策略:教形容词时,强化“很+形容词”的结构。 (具体步骤及举例请自行设计)
参考答案: (1)改为: “我洗澡洗了半个小时。 ”或者“我洗了半个小时澡。 ” (2)理由:
间补语,必须放在词的中间,或者重复其中的第一个语素。 (3)错误原因:受翻译的影响,将其理解为一个普通动词。
(4)教学策略:将离合词的时候,一定要说明其特殊性,并采用上述两种方式,将其扩展,并进行大量的操练。(具体步骤及 举例请自行设计)
例如, “明天要是下雨,她们就不去公园。“这个电影不错,他又看了一遍。 ” ”
外国学生常说“发音和听力很有意思和比较容易”之类的句子,请分析产生这种偏误的原因并加以改正,再简要说明应采取的 教学对策。 偏误分析:
。 应改为“发音和听力很有意思,也比较容易” 。
常常听到有的留学生说这样的话: “下课以后,他马上走出去教室了。 ”请你分析一下产生这种偏误的原因,并加以改正,并简
要说明在教学中你采取的教学策略和方法。 偏误原因:复合趋向补语的处所宾语位置不对。 “下课以后,他马上走出去教室了。 ”这句话中,
“出去”是“走”的复合趋向补 语, “教室”是处所宾语,应该放在复合趋向补语的中间。正确的表达应该是:
“下课以后,他马上走出教室去了。 ”
来源:& 作者:
[字体:大 中 小]
[i] 《对外汉语教学研究会成立大会贺词》,载《对外汉语教学》1980年第1期。
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Q28: PP58.Diesel engines burn as much as 30% less fuel than gasoline engines of comparable size, as well as emitting far less carbon dioxide gas and far fewer of the other gasses that have been implicated in global warming.A. of comparable size, as well as emitting far less carbon dioxide gas and far fewer of the other gasses that haveB. of comparable size, as well as emit far less carbon dioxide gas and far fewer of the other gasses having C. of comparable size, and also they emit far fewer carbon dioxide and other gasses that have D. that have a comparable size, and also they emit far fewer of the other gasses having E. that have a comparable size, as well as emitting far fewer of the other gasses having B. as well as emit 习语使用错误,应为 emitting;我就想知道这里as well as emit怎么错误了,as well as后面的as作为连词,连接两个并列的动词,没错误吧。下面例子来自prep正确句子合集。刚看到一关于as well as讲解说: (1)如果as well as连接的是两个简单动词形式,它和第二个动词实际上起着插入语的作用,那么,第二个动词则是限定动词,即与主语保持人称和数的一致。 &(2)连接动词。as well as 后跟动词时,该动词通常用动名词的形式。 用这种说法,那么本题A,B关于as well as的用法就没什么错误了,后面接原形和动名词不都可以了么Gasoline marketing is undergoing major changes as stations often not only add convenience stores but also combine with major fast food chains to build complexes where customers can shop and eat as well as buy gasoline.
在线时间 小时
do a as well as do b的意思是干a和干b一样好,是as....as结构。 do a as well as doing b才是咱gmat考试里面考的表示并列的意思,干a的时候干b.把as well as当词组啦
在线时间 小时
do a as well as do b的意思是干a和干b一样好,是as....as结构。 do a as well as doing b才是咱gmat考试里面考的表示并列的意思,干a的时候干b.把as well as当词组啦-- by 会员 秋晨小仔 ( 18:15:33)
Gasoline marketing is undergoing major changes as stations often not only add convenience stores but also combine with major fast food chains to build complexes where customers can shop and eat as well as buy gasoline.这个句子是Prep里的正确句子。。。那是什么意思了额?can shop and eat as well as buy gasoline.这个句子改成can shop and eat as well as buying gasoline反而感觉有点别扭。。。
在线时间 小时
不对不对!我手机上没法编辑我再开一楼。。。emitting 是对前面的补充说明,和burn不是一个层次的。你给的第二个句子是三个动作的平行,两个句子强调的重心不太一样。。。一个强调burn,一个强调动作。。。对不。。。我是这么理解的,望狂拍
在线时间 小时
请注意你给的那个正确的例句,是两层平行结构1.1 shopeand1.2 eatas well as 2 buy gasoline其中1.1和1.2是内层平行,用and连接。而&buy gasoline&和1(整体)是外层平行,用as well as连接。类似的题目,你可以搜索径渭不凡的&as well as&的总结,当时我贴过一道tulipmania(忘了怎么拼的了,跟tulip有关的一个词)的题目。两层平行结构,同样是as well as连接外层的平行。于是你可以总结出as well as的正确用法。那这里B选项错误,就是因为如果是平行,就该用and,而不是用&as well as&.同时从正确答案A中也能看出, as well as可以接v-ing. 相当于as well as作为prep.不过这题Ron表示说很不可靠
Q28: PP58.Diesel engines burn as much as 30% less fuel than gasoline engines of comparable size, as well as emitting far less carbon dioxide gas and far fewer of the other gasses that have been implicated in global warming.A. of comparable size, as well as emitting far less carbon dioxide gas and far fewer of the other gasses that haveB. of comparable size, as well as emit far less carbon dioxide gas and far fewer of the other gasses having C. of comparable size, and also they emit far fewer carbon dioxide and other gasses that have D. that have a comparable size, and also they emit far fewer of the other gasses having E. that have a comparable size, as well as emitting far fewer of the other gasses having B. as well as emit 习语使用错误,应为 emitting;我就想知道这里as well as emit怎么错误了,as well as后面的as作为连词,连接两个并列的动词,没错误吧。下面例子来自prep正确句子合集。刚看到一关于as well as讲解说: (1)如果as well as连接的是两个简单动词形式,它和第二个动词实际上起着插入语的作用,那么,第二个动词则是限定动词,即与主语保持人称和数的一致。 &(2)连接动词。as well as 后跟动词时,该动词通常用动名词的形式。 用这种说法,那么本题A,B关于as well as的用法就没什么错误了,后面接原形和动名词不都可以了么Gasoline marketing is undergoing major changes as stations often not only add convenience stores but also combine with major fast food chains to build complexes where customers can shop and eat as well as buy gasoline.-- by 会员 单调唱 ( 15:55:55)
在线时间 小时
请注意你给的那个正确的例句,是两层平行结构1.1 shopeand1.2 eatas well as 2 buy gasoline其中1.1和1.2是内层平行,用and连接。而&buy gasoline&和1(整体)是外层平行,用as well as连接。类似的题目,你可以搜索径渭不凡的&as well as&的总结,当时我贴过一道tulipmania(忘了怎么拼的了,跟tulip有关的一个词)的题目。两层平行结构,同样是as well as连接外层的平行。于是你可以总结出as well as的正确用法。那这里B选项错误,就是因为如果是平行,就该用and,而不是用&as well as&.同时从正确答案A中也能看出, as well as可以接v-ing. 相当于as well as作为prep.不过这题Ron表示说很不可靠
尾随姐姐 这题正好我收录过。。一起放过来好了 希望没有侵犯饭饭版权瓦。。。记得LL的题ron给了个评价:ugliest。。T,TExamples of &tulipomania,& aterm coined from the tulip craze of the seventeenth-century in the Netherlands, include speculative bubbles inSouth Seas trading rights in the 1720s, Victorian real estate in the 1880s, theU.S.stock market in the 1920s, and the obsession forBeanie Babies in the 1990s.A. Examples of &tulipomania,& a term coined from the tulip craze ofthe seventeenth-century in the Netherlands, include speculative bubbles inSouth Seas trading rights in the 1720s, Victorian real estate in the 1880s, theU.S. stock market in the 1920s, andB. Examples of &tulipomania,& a term coined from theseventeenth-century tulip craze in the Netherlands, include speculative bubblesin South Seas trading rights in the 1720s, Victorian real estate in the 1880s,and the U.S. stock market in the 1920s, as well asC. Coined from the seventeenth-century tulip craze in the Netherlands, examplesof &tulipomania& include speculative bubbles in South Seas tradingrights in the 1720s, Victorian real estate in the 1880s, and the U.S. stockmarket in the 1920s, as well asD. Coined from the seventeenth-century tulip craze in the Netherlands,&tulipomania& includes examples such as speculative bubbles in SouthSeas trading rights in the 1720s, Victorian real estate in the 1880s, the U.S.stock market in the 1920s, andE. &Tulipomania,& coined from the seventeenth-century tulip craze inthe Netherlands, included speculative bubbles in South Seas trading rights inthe 1720s, Victorian real estate in the 1880s, the U.S. stock market in the1920s, and
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普通平行:名词动词形容词副词一切可平行之物1. & & The nineteenth-century chemist Humphry Davy presented theresults of his early experiments in his &Essay on Heat and Light,& a critique of allchemistry since Robert Boyle aswell as a visionof a new chemistry that Davy hoped to found.2. & & While all states face similar industrial waste problems,the predominant industries and the regulatory environment of each stateobviously determine thetypes and amounts of waste produced, as well as the cost of disposal. & 3. & & &Gasolinemarketing is undergoing major changes as stations often not only addconvenience stores but also combine with major fast-food chains to buildcomplexes where customerscan shop and eat aswell as buygasoline.4. & & Even though her career was cut short when she was in herprime and the fifteen recordings she made were disappointing artistically as well as technically, OliveFremstad () has never been entirely forgotten by opera aficionados.5. & & Ranked among great mathematical scientists such asArchimedes, Kepler, and Newton, Abu Ali al-Hasanibn al-Haytham, born in Iraqin 965 C.E., experimentedextensively with light and vision, laying the foundation for modern optics andfor the notion that science should be based on experiment as well as on philosophical arguments. 另起炉灶:典型结构【A of a, b, and c, as well as B】使得逻辑清晰结构明显6. & & Giuseppe Alessi, a world-class chef whose life has been asearch for the genuine and the delicious in Florentine cooking, is an accomplished scholar who unearths many of his recipes from medievaland Renaissance manuscripts, as well as apoet and a philosopher who draws his inspiration from the idyllicfrescoes of Etruscan tombs.7. & & Although Hans Christian Andersen wrote fairy tales that areamong the most frequently translatedworks in literary history, his plays,novels, poems, and travel books, as well as severalautobiographies, remain almost unknown outside his native Denmark.8. & & The ecosystems of barrier islands are extremely vulnerable--to natural processes such as shoreline recession, rising sealevels, and destructive hurricanes, as well as to the ever-increasing pressures of development.9. & & 【baby姐姐的例子】in South Seas trading rights in the 1720s,Victorian real estate in the 1880s, and the U.S. stock market in the 1920s, as wellas 副词作用修饰动词10. According to a study published in The New England Journal ofMedicine, aspirin preventsblood clots just aswell as a commonly used and more expensive blood-thinning drug does.Modifier→仅此一题 所以说是ugliest的题。。= =|||11. Diesel engines burn as much as 30 percent less fuel thangasoline engines of comparable size, as well as emitting far less carbon dioxide gas and far fewer ofthe other gases that have been implicated in global warming. 总结:1、 无绝对化平行 以逻辑居上 第二点使用方法最难 一定要从SC的逻辑入手来解题 看懂意思2、 As well as不是单纯的平行指代词 第11个句子应该牢记
在线时间 小时
wow that's awesome!! Thanks mm.
在线时间 小时
普通平行:名词动词形容词副词一切可平行之物1. & & The nineteenth-century chemist Humphry Davy presented theresults of his early experiments in his &Essay on Heat and Light,& a critique of allchemistry since Robert Boyle aswell as a visionof a new chemistry that Davy hoped to found.2. & & While all states face similar industrial waste problems,the predominant industries and the regulatory environment of each stateobviously determine thetypes and amounts of waste produced, as well as the cost of disposal. & 3. & & &Gasolinemarketing is undergoing major changes as stations often not only addconvenience stores but also combine with major fast-food chains to buildcomplexes where customerscan shop and eat aswell as buygasoline.4. & & Even though her career was cut short when she was in herprime and the fifteen recordings she made were disappointing artistically as well as technically, OliveFremstad () has never been entirely forgotten by opera aficionados.5. & & Ranked among great mathematical scientists such asArchimedes, Kepler, and Newton, Abu Ali al-Hasanibn al-Haytham, born in Iraqin 965 C.E., experimentedextensively with light and vision, laying the foundation for modern optics andfor the notion that science should be based on experiment as well as on philosophical arguments. 另起炉灶:典型结构【A of a, b, and c, as well as B】使得逻辑清晰结构明显6. & & Giuseppe Alessi, a world-class chef whose life has been asearch for the genuine and the delicious in Florentine cooking, is an accomplished scholar who unearths many of his recipes from medievaland Renaissance manuscripts, as well as apoet and a philosopher who draws his inspiration from the idyllicfrescoes of Etruscan tombs.7. & & Although Hans Christian Andersen wrote fairy tales that areamong the most frequently translatedworks in literary history, his plays,novels, poems, and travel books, as well as severalautobiographies, remain almost unknown outside his native Denmark.8. & & The ecosystems of barrier islands are extremely vulnerable--to natural processes such as shoreline recession, rising sealevels, and destructive hurricanes, as well as to the ever-increasing pressures of development.9. & & 【baby姐姐的例子】in South Seas trading rights in the 1720s,Victorian real estate in the 1880s, and the U.S. stock market in the 1920s, as wellas 副词作用修饰动词10. According to a study published in The New England Journal ofMedicine, aspirin preventsblood clots just aswell as a commonly used and more expensive blood-thinning drug does.Modifier→仅此一题 所以说是ugliest的题。。= =|||11. Diesel engines burn as much as 30 percent less fuel thangasoline engines of comparable size, as well as emitting far less carbon dioxide gas and far fewer ofthe other gases that have been implicated in global warming. 总结:1、 无绝对化平行 以逻辑居上 第二点使用方法最难 一定要从SC的逻辑入手来解题 看懂意思2、 As well as不是单纯的平行指代词 第11个句子应该牢记 -- by 会员 上邪 ( 21:19:21)
在线时间 小时
txs~!!both of u~!
wow that's awesome!! Thanks mm.-- by 会员 babybearmm ( 13:45:38)
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