
本年度最火爆爱情电影《50 shades of grey五十度灰》原声单曲,由Ellie Goulding主唱的Love Me Li…
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本年度最火爆爱情电影《50 shades of grey五十度灰》原声单…
就比如像周杰伦的安静和算什么男人,中文歌词和英文歌词很搭并且翻唱得也不错————————————看来你们还没明白,并不是只是单纯翻唱而且歌词在中英双版都同个意思,就比如,我说的周杰伦的安静和惟安娜的distance安静:只剩下钢琴陪我弹了一天睡着的大提琴 安静的旧旧的……distance:there is only a piano left and it talks with me the whole day. a sleeping cello is slient and a little old……就是像上面这样,歌词中英双版都非常贴合~
直接上词吧,英文版的《好久不见》,陈奕迅版本改编,作词罗艺恒英文词:I walk these streets, searching to findThe steps that we left behind.Your lonely eyes stare back at mineIn pictures from that time.I hold my heart, closing my eyesI see your smile, lies behindIn this place, you entered my lifeHow I wish, you were still mine.I know that if I see you againBeside that café we met.I'd forget about the past.Lose track of time, with youTalking bout our lives.To show you a whole new side of me.And see the changes we've made, can weBe more than we have been?Start our story again?All I can say, is tell you just one thing,好久不见原版歌词:我来到你的城市走过你来时的路想象着没我的日子你是怎样的孤独拿着你给的照片熟悉的那一条街只是没了你的画面我们回不到那天你会不会忽然的出现在街角的咖啡店我会带着笑脸挥手寒喧和你坐着聊聊天我多么想和你见一面看看你最近改变不再去说从前只是寒喧对你说一句只是说一句好久不见其中第二段“我多么想和你见一面”这一句,旋律和中文语气简直不能再一致,硬翻肯定别扭,答主听到这一句真的好担心~不过罗大神非常巧妙地把改成了,“to show you a new sight of me”,to轻起,高音放在new,好和谐有木有啊!!还有这首《童话》It's been so long.Since I've heard your voice,Reading me your favorite story.Your always on my mind.But I'm afraid, I've done you wrong.I made a mistake.You say with tears in your eyesThat fairytale is a lieHow could I be,The prince charming you needIf only you could see,when you told me you loved me,You woke my heart,Your love is changing me.Cas I will be, be the oneBe the angel that you love.With open armsI'll embrace you and keep you safe.You must believe you and meWill end up happilyIn our own, fairytale story.另外还有韩翻英的《耳鼻口》(原唱tae young)也非常和谐我听过很多中国人自己写的英文歌,韵律惨不忍睹,简直“不能嫌弃更多”,包括汪峰驾驭英文的水平也被知友喷过,可见不同跨语种翻唱时语调的重要性(张韶涵还不错,可能因为加拿大人的关系吧)举个反例吧,韩国组合beast的midnight里有一句“so sad tonight”是这样唱的:so sa d to night3 3 6 3 5 是的你没有看错,sad这个单音节词居然唱了两个音,答主也是so 塞的 tonight啊 〒_〒 不过韩国人英语发音普遍不怎么地,beast能让我们听出这是句英语就已经很不错了总之被罗艺恒的词惊艳到了一回,感谢网易补充:《多得是你不知道的事》,还是大罗版的,歌词也非常好Butterflies will spread their wingsFull of hope to flyThough the stars lay miles awayFull of fading lightAs I rise, you are falling beside meSo close now, I can hear you breatheSorry love, I lost you from my reach.The reasons why I left you, words unspokenI cannot let your tears fall, heart broken.The world around is breaking down, Your cries are calling, piercing through my mind.The reasons why I left you, building distanceThe sky above Is hiding all the answers.All the things, I wish I could have said蝴蝶眨几次眼睛 才学会飞行夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地我飞行 但你坠落之际很靠近 还听见呼吸对不起 我却没捉紧你你不知道我为什么离开你我坚持不能说放任你哭泣你的泪滴像倾盆大雨碎落满地 在心里清晰你不知道我为什么狠下心盘旋在你看不见那高空里多的是 你不知道的事多的是 你不知道的事
史上第一首由中文翻唱到英文的流行歌曲,《玫瑰玫瑰我愛你》,翻成Rose Rose I Love You,1952年在美國暢銷為榜首,紅到原作者陳歌辛必須表態說要捐出版稅(如果拿得到的話)來抗美援朝.。這故事很多人知道。比較少人提到的是,英文版的Rose Rose I Love You歌詞,是一首不折不扣的,東方主義(orientalism)的,描寫白種男人玩完東方酒女後就走掉,還故作多情的歌。背景還專門設在馬來亞,或許是殖民地的風情更勝於半殖民地,西方人在東南亞經營得比東亞更久,影響愈深,也就可以讓當地女性的形象更可欲?雖然,歌裡沒明寫女子的種族,它用"make way"諧音中文的玫瑰,所以那姑娘也可能是華人。但這不重要。重要的是,這完全是一條不負責任的意淫的爽歌,太爽了。如果當年有人拿這英文歌詞來說事,陳歌辛就要倒大楣了。Artist:Frankie Laine*Rose, Rose I love you with an aching heartWhat is your future now we have to partStanding on the jettyAs the steamer moves awayFlower of Malaya I can not stayMake way, oh make wayFor my eastern RoseMen crowd in dozens, ev'rywhere she goesIn her rick'shaw on the streetOr in the cabaretPlease make way for RoseYou can hear them say**All my life, I shall rememberOriental music and you in my armsPerfumed flowers in your tracesLotus scented breezes and swaying palmsRose, Rose I love youWith your almond eyesFragrant and slender'neath tropical skiesI must cross the seas againAnd never see you moreWay back to my home on a distant shore(Repeat **)Rose, Rose, I leave youMy ship is in the bayKiss me farewell now, there's nothing to sayEast is east and west is westOur worlds are far apartI must leave you now but I leave my heart(Repeat *)
说句心里话 (°_°)
Jason Chen - 学不会有一句翻译我觉得很不错。拼命着想的事,未必带来感动 或被感谢→Sometimes we can't help but hurt the ones we love by caring too much
中文勃大茎深 英文概括不来。。。
歌曲英文名,for one night
ni zai nan fang de yan yang li , da xue fen fei
wo zai bei fang de han ye li , si ji ru chun
ru guo tian hei zhi qian lai de ji , wo yao wang liao ni de yan jing
qiong ji yi sheng , zuo bu wan yi chang meng
ta bu zai he shui tan lun xiang feng de gu dao
yin wei xin li zao yi huang wu ren yan
ta de xin li zai zhuang bu xia yi ge jia
zuo yi ge zhi dui zi ji shuo huang de ya ba
ta shuo ni ren he wei ren chen dao de mei li
bu ji ta di yi ci yu jian ni
shi guang gou yan can chuan wu ke nai he
ru guo suo you tu di lian zai yi qi
zou shang yi sheng zhi wei yong bao ni
he zui liao ta de meng , wan an
ta ting jian you ren chang zhuo gu lao de ge
chang zhuo jin tian huan zai yuan fang fa sheng de
jiu zai ta yan jing li kan dao de gu dao
mei you bei shang dan ye mei you hua duo
ni zai nan fang de yan yang li
da xue fen fei
wo zai bei fang de han ye li
si ji ru chun
ru guo tian hei zhi qian lai de ji
wo yao wang liao ni de yan jing
qiong ji yi sheng , zuo bu wan yi chang meng
ni zai nan fang de yan yang li
da xue fen fei
wo zai bei fang de han ye li
si ji ru chun
ru guo tian hei zhi qian lai de ji
wo yao wang liao ni de yan jing
qiong ji yi sheng
zuo bu wan yi chang meng
da meng chu xing huang tang liao yi sheng
nan shan nan , bei qiu bei
nan shan you gu dui
nan feng nan
, bei hai bei
bei hai you mu bei
社交帐号登录请帮我把中文歌词翻译成英文歌词是:如果两个人的天堂象是温馨的墙囚 - 爱问知识人
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id: '2491531',
container: s,
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让真爱带我走 说分手
If the two people's paradise
Like a warm wall
Imprisoned your dream
Happiness is like a behind bars
Migratory birds lost the South
If you are longing for the sky
Want a pair of wings
Free to let you fly
You should not be accompanied by the fledgling Rose
Obey the time withers
If romance has become Qianban
I would like you choose to return to the lonely
If the chain has become Chanmian
Set aside promises
There is a love called free
To give up love Tianzhangdejiu
We Xiangshou if yo
If the two people's paradise
Like a warm wall
Imprisoned your dream
Happiness is like a behind bars
Migratory birds lost the South
If you are longing for the sky
Want a pair of wings
Free to let you fly
You should not be accompanied by the fledgling Rose
Obey the time withers
If romance has become Qianban
I would like you choose to return to the lonely
If the chain has become Chanmian
Set aside promises
There is a love called free
To give up love Tianzhangdejiu
We Xiangshou if you pay all
I love to go with
There is a love called free
Love for the end of Tianzhangdejiu
I leave if you have all the
I love to go with that breaking up
If the two people's paradise
Like a warm wall
Imprisoned your dream
Happiness is like a behind bars
Migratory birds lost the South
If you are longing for the sky
Want a pair of wings
Free to let you fly
You should not be accompanied by the fledgling Rose
Obey the time withers
If romance has become Qianban
I would like you choose to return to the lonely
If the chain has become Chanmian
Set aside promises
There is a love called free
To give up love Tianzhangdejiu
We Xiangshou if you pay all
I love to go with
There is a love called free
Love for the end of Tianzhangdejiu
I leave if you have all the
I love to go with
To you lose your
Henxin you play hurt
To your left you
Neverleaveallofthisworks敬告statementcopyrightprotection,theUnitedStateswithouttheBeijingMusicCultureCommunicationCo., thorizationshallnotbeused,LTD.Allrightsreserved!There is a love called free
To give up love Tianzhangdejiu
We Xiangshou if you pay all
I love to go with
There is a love called free
Love for the end of Tianzhangdejiu
I leave if you have all the
I love to go with that breaking up
译文:draw the distance between two people closer and closer
有一种爱叫做放手 ——阿木
喜欢:like,love,be fond of,enjoy,care for 不喜欢:dislike,hate,objection
大家还关注选择字号: 中
度娘:To my long hair and waist, young married me.&
谷歌:After I have long hair and waist, the boy marry me these days.&
2. 你若安好,便是晴天。&
度娘:You are my sunshine.【你是我的阳光】&
谷歌:If your well is sunny.【如果你的健康是阳光明媚】
度娘:Forgive my life bursting point lead a fast low.
谷歌:Forgive me laugh bohemian life low point.
3. xx惊艳了时光,xx温柔了岁月。&
度娘:xx amazing time, XX gentle years 【XX年XX温柔的美妙时光】&
谷歌 xx stunning time, xx gentle years【XX XX惊艳了时光,温柔了岁月】4.纹身、抽烟、喝酒、说脏话,但我知道我是好姑娘&
度娘:My tattoo, smoking, drinking, swearing, but I know I am a good girl&
谷歌 I have tattoos, smoking, drinking, swearing, but I know I am a good girl
度娘:Life is a broken winged angel XX.【人生将是断翅的天使XX】&
谷歌:xx is the last generation angel wings.【xx是最后一代天使的翅膀】&
┳_┳肯德基新奥尔良烤翅,现已加入豪华午餐- -
度娘:We are sugar sweet sorrow.【我们是糖,甜的悲伤】&
谷歌:We are sugar sweet to sad.【我们是糖甜到忧伤】&
大快给两受鼓掌好不好- -
度娘:With my life for your ten years of innocence.【我给你十年的无辜生命】&
谷歌:With my life in this decade innocence.【用我的生命在这十年清白】&
度娘:The captains of six meters.【六米长】&
谷歌:Length of one meter six soldiers【长度一米六的士兵】&
度娘:How to phrase into halibut death, not only Yuanyang Xian&
谷歌:He was resigned to die than the head, the duck does not only envy envy cents.&
这就是差距 ……
度娘:Bitch is hypocritical【婊 子是虚伪的】&
谷歌:Slut is hypocritical【贱人是虚伪的】&
度受比华妃娘娘还卖的一手好毒辣- -
度娘:I understand people, do not have to explain. I do not know them, explain why.【懂我的人,不必解释。我不知道他们,解释为什么。】
度娘:Last year I bought a table【去年我买了一张桌子】
谷歌:Last year I bought a table【去年我买了一张桌子】
度娘:Chopin again cow force, can't play my sorrow.
谷歌:Then Niubi Chopin, not bombs my sorrow.
度娘:I like good people【我喜欢善良的人】
谷歌:Like me are good【像我这样的好】
度娘:I love myself, without a rival.【我爱我自己,没有一个对手】
谷歌:I love myself, no rival【我爱我自己,没有对手】
度娘:The thunder can download the happiness?
谷歌:Thunder can download happy?
度娘:Cry me a river.【泪流成河】
谷歌:River of Sorrow.【悲伤逆流成河】
度娘:Remember the Daming Lake, Xia Yuhe?【还记得大明湖畔,夏雨荷吗】
谷歌:Remember the Daming Lake Summer load it?【记得大明湖夏季载重呢?】
22.你存在我深深的脑海里,我的梦里、 我的心里、 我的歌声里
度娘:You deep in my mind, my dream, my heart, my song.
谷歌:There you my deep mind, my dreams, my heart, my singing.
度娘:If love, please deep love【如果爱,请深爱】
谷歌:If you love, your love.【如果你的爱,你的爱】
度娘:Take my idiot fly with me.【把我的白痴跟我飞】
谷歌:Sucker me fly with me.【吸盘我跟我飞】
度娘:Read your long time than love.【读你的长时间比爱】
谷歌:Read you a long time than love.【阅读你很长的时间比爱】
26 度娘:I'm drowning sea you okay【我溺海你没事吧】&
谷歌:I was drowning deep you alright【我是溺水深,你还好吗】
度娘:I love you touched my own【我爱你,感动了我自己】&
谷歌:Originally, I love you impress is my own&
谷歌:Shallow, come【浅,来】
度娘:The old man does not cover【老人不盖】&
谷歌:Old people do not follow【老人们不遵守】
30. 芊芊白兔,东走西顾。衣不如新,人不如故
度娘:Qianqian rabbit, full of worries. As new clothes, not as sweet&
谷歌:Exuberant rabbits East to go West. Good as new clothes, so who better to&
度娘:I love you my hinder you.【我爱你,阻碍你】&
谷歌:Originally, I love you, you become my hinder【本来,我爱你,你成为我的阻碍】
度娘:Hello, old time【你好,老时间】&
谷歌:Hello, old time【你好,老时间】&
度娘:Listen to the voice of the sea cry【听海哭的声音】&
谷歌:Listen to the sound of the sea cry【听海哭的声音】&
34. 我在这儿等着你回来,等着你回来看那桃花开
度娘:I'm here wait for you, waiting for you to come back to see the peach blossoms 【我在这里等你,等你回来看桃花】&
谷歌:I am here waiting for you to come back, waiting for you to come back watch the peach blossoms 【我在这里等着你回来,等着你回来看桃花】
度娘:Sweet honey, you laugh sweet。【甜蜜蜜,你笑的甜蜜】&
谷歌:Sweet, sweet smile you【甜,甜美的笑容,你】
- -所以说学好英语的同时也要学好语文,小伙伴们不要学谷歌偏科
度娘:Say good happiness.【说好的幸福】&
谷歌:Promised Happiness【说好的幸福呢】&
度娘:Once upon a time, a man love you for a long time【从前,一个男人爱你很久】&
谷歌:Once upon a time, a man love you long time【曾几何时,有一个人爱你很久】
度娘:I love you wife and wife, Amitabha bless you【老婆老婆我爱你,阿弥陀佛保佑你】&
谷歌:Wife wife I love you, Buddha bless you【老婆老婆我爱你,菩萨保佑你】
度娘:There was a man, love my life.【有一个人,爱我的生活】&
谷歌:There was a man, love me as life【有一个人,爱我如生命】
40. 我会五毒不侵八风不动坐等我的爱人&
度娘:I will not wait for the wind does not move the invasion of my love&
谷歌:I will not invade eight top five wind does not move my lover wait&
41. 你背叛了天长地久,我逃离了来日方长&
度娘:You betrayed enduring as the universe, I escaped from the coming days would be long.【你背叛了天长地久,我逃离来日方长】&
谷歌:You betrayed forever, I fled to Japan, longer【你背叛了永远,我逃到来日方长】
42. 爱在有生之年心死之前&
度娘:Love in the rest of one's life before the death of the heart.&
谷歌:Love Before disheartened in their lifetime&
楼主的智商不够用- -据说还无法充值
43. 我曾经爱过的男孩,有世界上最英俊的侧脸&
度娘:The boy I once loved, has the world's most handsome face【我曾经爱过的男孩,拥有世界上最英俊的脸】&
谷歌:I've loved the boy, with the world's most handsome man in profile.&
- -世界上最英俊的男人?那不是二凡吗
度娘:Ruhuameijuan, youth passes as a fleeting wave.【如花美眷,似水流年】
谷歌:Flowery Meijuan, Homecoming.【如花美眷,似水流年】
度娘:Mermen weep their pearly tears down a moon-green sea, blue fields are breathing their jade to the sun. Such feeling cannot be recalled again, it seemed long lost even when it was felt then.
谷歌:Sea pearl moon tears, Lantian day Nuanyu raw tobacco. Remembrance into, but was already casting haze of confusion.
度娘:Those who have poured cold water over my people. I will burn into boiling water poured back.【那些泼冷水的人在我的。我会烧成开水倒回去】
谷歌:Those who have poured cold water over my people. I will go back and firing water pouring.【那些谁超过我的人泼了一盆冷水。我会回去和发射水浇筑】
度娘:This is a tragic world, is also a world of comedy.【这是一个悲剧的世界,也是世界的喜剧】
谷歌:It is a tragedy in the world, but also a world of comedy.【在世界上这是一个悲剧,也有喜剧的世界】
度娘:I and my friends all shocked.【我和我的朋友们都感到震惊】
谷歌:Me and my partner were stunned small.【我和我的伙伴都惊呆了小】
度娘:Always shallow edge, but the deep love.【向来缘浅,但深爱】
谷歌:Has always been shallow edge of nowhere Wife.【一直无处情深缘浅】
度娘:The world may be, not negative Buddha is not responsible for you,
谷歌:Andhra world endowment France, live Tathagata live Qing,
度娘:Not forever in the commotion, by the preference of all hold no fear.
谷歌:Not the always the commotion was favored both held no fear.
度娘:Waiting for the old is initially.【等待是一生最初的苍老】
谷歌:Waiting is the first old life.【等待是一生最初的苍老】
度娘:Lost you, how to win the world.【输了你,赢了世界又如何】
谷歌:Lose, you win the world and how.【输了,你赢了世界,以及如何】
度娘:I don't need never forever, because too far.【我不需要没有永远,因为太远了】
谷歌:I do not expect ever, because never too far away.【我不奢望永远,因为永远不会太遥远】
度娘:To take away all the junk.【把所有的垃圾】
谷歌:Be robbed of rubbish.【被抢劫的垃圾】
度娘:Get you to ruin, you regret the time lost.【把你毁了,你后悔失去的时间】
谷歌:When you get destroyed when you regret losing.【当你得到时,会毁坏遗憾落败】
度娘:Make time to talk, but I'm afraid.【让时间来说话,但我害怕】
谷歌:Allow time to speak, in fact, I'm afraid.【让时间来说话,其实,我怕】
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1、 《蓝莓之夜》 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经...
1、However long the night, the dawn will break. 不管黑夜有多长,天亮总会到来。 2...
长期记忆单词的方法 1.背句子或短语记单词 卡片上的例句或短语,都是常用的,经典的,...


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