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Bompas and Parr: Meet the dishy kitchen creatives and their lust-have confections | Daily Mail Online
Sweet-talking guys: Meet the dishy kitchen creatives and their lust-have confectionsBy
20:00 GMT, 20 November 2010
Jelly sculptures, crazy cupcakes and the sweetest of carbs – Esther Walker meets six men whose creative confections will melt your heartsJELLY GOOD FELLOWS
Sam Bompas (left) and Harry Parr: Their sheer mad-hatterness is winning in its own right. Their cave-like creation at
London Fashion Week, formed entirely of sugar, made you feel as tiny as a granulated grain
Sam Bompas and Harry Parr are the mad scientists of the confectionery world, creating crazy structures out of coloured and flavoured jelly and all sorts of other sweet things.
WHY WE LOVE THEM The sheer mad-hatterness of Old Etonian schoolfriends Bompas and Parr is winning in its own right.
And that’s before experiencing their amazing cave-like creation at London Fashion Week in September. Formed entirely of sugar, it made you feel as tiny as a granulated grain. Then there was their Artisanal Chewing Gum Factory at Whiteleys, West London, and the temporary Parliamentary Waffle House, which they set up for the election, selling waffles in the shape of the Houses of Parliament’s portcullis motif and featuring a ‘rubbish swingometer’, which let customers drop their discarded waffle boxes into one of three clear plastic bins labelled with the name of the three main parties. GENIUS MOMENT In June this year, Bompas and Parr created a banquet they called a Surreal Dinner for 120 people at Hoxton Hall in North London. Guests walked into a reception area where gin and tonic had been atomised, so they breathed in, rather than drank, their cocktails. MUST-TRY Bompas and Parr have two books out: Jelly with Bompas & Parr and Jellimongers: 150 Exquisite and Delicious Gelatin Dessert Ideas. Buy them more for the crazy pictures than the recipes. If you’re feeling really extravagant you can commission a bespoke jelly mould in the shape of anything you like – but prices start at ?800. Eek!WHERE TO FIND THEM On their website, Their next public show will be Taste o Rama at the Harley Gallery near Nottingham on 4 December, when guests will watch Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom while ‘enjoying key moments of the film’ with their mouths. Scary, seeing as the film features a lot of insects and some chilled monkey brains.THE COOKIE CREW
Patrick Cox (right) and Eric Lanlard: 'We want to be available to people who?ve been to dinner and skipped pudding but want a little something for the way home,' says Eric
Top shoemaker Patrick Cox and Eric Lanlard, an award-winning pastry chef, have opened a patisserie in Soho, London, called Cox Cookies & Cake, selling stylish cakes, chocolates and other treats. ‘People think shoes when they see my name,’ says Patrick, ‘but friends know I’m also all about cake.’ WHY WE LOVE THEM For their crazy Pop cupcake – a vanilla cupcake with an oozy blueberry filling, topped with vanilla icing and an edible picture of Marilyn Monroe perched on top. MUST-TRY Their triple Valhrona chocolate cupcake and their Red Skull cupcake, a chocolate cupcake with a strawberry filling decorated with a black jewelled skull. GENIUS MOMENT Their late opening hours. ‘We want to be available to people who’ve been to dinner and skipped pudding but want a little something for the way home,’ says Eric. ‘We were originally open until 11pm on Fridays, but we found that at that time, people are more in search of a kebab than a cupcake! So now we finish at 9pm.’ Which still leaves plenty of time to get your hands on a cake, after hours. WHERE TO FIND THEM Cox Cookies & Cake is at 13 Brewer Street, London W1, or online . Eric’s latest book Home Bake (?20, Mitchell Beazley)* is out now. THE FABULOUS BAKER BOY
'I don't understand why people will spend ?20 on some quality cheese and then eat it with supermarket bread - that just doesn't make any sense to me,' says Tom
Tom Herbert runs Hobbs House Bakery in the Cotswolds, which has been in his family for five generations. WHY WE LOVE THEM The 33-year-old
– currently on TV in the BBC1 series Turn Back Time – is bravely putting bread back in the spotlight, making speciality loaves for the likes of Elizabeth Hurley. Tom’s boy-band good looks help but, alas, he’s married with four children.
GENIUS MOMENT In June, Tom charmed the nation with his appearance as an expert on Mary Queen of Shops, being oh-so polite to the bad-tempered owner of failing bakery Maher & Sons. ‘She spent a day with us trying very hard to resist some good old Hobbs House inspiration,’ he says. MUST-TRY Tom sells a loaf of handmade bread called the Shepherd that costs a staggering ?21. It is a sourdough that takes two days to make, weighs 2kg and comes in a special presentation box. ‘I don’t understand why people will spend ?20 on some quality cheese and then eat it with supermarket bread – that just doesn’t make any sense to me,’ he says. WHERE TO FIND HIM There are four branches of Hobbs House Bakery in G you can find the addresses, stockists and shop online at CHOC CHAMP
William's chocolates have
Japanese-inspired flavourings, such as wasabi, the hot root
used to spice up sushi. It sounds crazy but it works
William Curley is a Scottish chocolatier who has trained under the likes of the mighty Raymond Blanc, Marco Pierre White and Pierre Koffman. He branched out on his own with his first shop in Richmond, Surrey, in 2004 and in 2009 opened another in London’s Belgravia. WHY WE LOVE THEM Simple – because he loves chocolate! His shops are beautifully decked out in Japanese-style decor, which is inspired by William’s Japanese wife Suzue, who is also an award-winning chocolatier. As well as selling hand-tied boxes of the most exotic chocolates and pastries you can think of (including macaroons without any artificial colouring), William’s Belgravia shop has a speciality breakfast bar, which serves french toast and traditional scotch pancakes. We heartily approve. GENIUS MOMENT At 27, William was the youngest ever chef patissier at the Savoy Hotel, heading up a team of 21 pastry chefs. He has also been given more awards than you can shake a swizzle stick at, including the Craft Guild Pastry Chef of the Year, and was named Best British Chocolatier in
and 2009. So you’re in safe hands. MUST-TRY William is crazy about Japan and a lot of his chocolates have Japanese-inspired flavourings, such as wasabi, the hot root usually used to spice up sushi. It sounds crazy but it works and is absolutely delicious. William’s bestseller is a rosemary and olive oil-flavoured chocolate, which is equally mind-blowing. Take a box to a dinner party for the ultimate chic gift. He also offers masterclasses in truffle-making and sea-salt-caramel-making and hosts wine and chocolate tasting events. WHERE TO FIND HIM You can find the addresses of William’s shops, get more information about his masterclasses and buy online at
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