what day is it.is.earth.day的英语翻译

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你可能喜欢英语翻译_百度知道英语 - 梵文 词典:day行?
April$4560$ Fools'
April Fools' Day
As stuffed as a whore on Father's Day
As stuffed as a whore on Fathers Day
Community of Christ
father's day
fathers day
Hundred Days
stuffed as a whore on Fathers Day
1. period betwee period of 24 hours
2. pertaining to the period between sunrise and sunset
3. orig. Sandra D born March 26, 1930, El Paso, Texas, United States U.S. jurist. After graduating first in her law school class at Stanford University (1950) she entered private practice in Arizona. She served as an assistant state attorney general (1965–69) before being elected in 1969 to the state senate, where she became the first woman in the United States to hold the position of majority leader (1972–74). After serving on the superior court of Maricopa county and the state court of appeals, she was nominated in 1981 by Pres. Ronald Reagan to the Supreme Court of the United States, becoming the first female justice in the court's history. Known for her dispassionate and meticulously researched opinions, she proved to be a moderate and pragmatic conservative who sometimes sided with the court's liberal minority on social issues (e.g., abortion rights).
4. Canada Day
5. June 23–26, 1848 In French history, a brief and bloody civil uprising in Paris in the early days of the Second Republic. The new government instituted numerous radical reforms, but the new assembly, composed mainly of moderate and conservative candidates, was determined to cut costs and end risky experiments such as public works programs to provide for the unemployed. Thousands of P suddenly cut off fr were joined by radical sympathizers and took to the streets in spontaneous protest. The assembly gave Gen. Louis-Eugène Cavaignac authority to suppress the uprising and he brought up artillery against the protesters' barricades. At least 1,500 rebels were killed, 12,000 were arrested and many were exiled to Algeria.
6. Time required for a celestial body to t especially, the period of the Earth's rotation. The sidereal day is the time required for the Earth to rotate once relative to the background of the stars (i.e., the time between two observed passages of a star over the same meridian of longitude). The apparent solar day is the time between two successive transits of the Sun over the same meridian. Because the orbital motion of the Earth makes the Sun seem to move slightly eastward each day relative to the stars, the solar day is about four minutes longer than the sidereal day. The mean solar day is the average value of the solar day, which changes slightly in length during the year as the Earth's speed in its orbit varies.
7. day lily
8. All Saints' Day
10. Memorial Day
11. Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre of
12. time required for a celestial body to t especially the period of the Earth's rotation. The sidereal day is the time required for the Earth to rotate once relative to the background of the starsi.e., the time between two observed passages of a star over the same meridian of longitude. The apparent solar day is the time between two successive transits of the Sun over the same meridian. Because the orbital motion of the Earth makes the Sun seem to move slightly eastward each day relative to the stars, the solar day is about four minutes longer t i.e., the mean solar day is 24 hours 3 minutes 56.555 seconds o more usually the sidereal day is expressed in terms of solar time, being 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds of mean solar time long. The mean solar day is the average value of the solar day, which changes slightly in length during the year as Earth's speed in its orbit varies. The solar day is the fundamental unit of time in both astronomical practice and civil life. It begins at midnight and runs through 24 hours, until the next midnight. A day is commonly divided into two sets of 12 hours for ordinary
those hours from midnight to noon are designated AM (ante meridiem, before noon) and those from noon to midnight are designated PM (post meridiem, after noon). In law the word day, unless qualified, means the 24 hours between midnight and midnight, rather than the daylight hours between sunrise and sunset.
13. dreamed about you
14. Islam Friday
15. airport Name: James M. Cox International A location: Dayton, Ohio, United S IATA Code: DAY; ICAO Code: KDAY
16. day on the first of April when friends and family play
April 1st marked typically by playing practical jokes
17. May 8th 1945, day of Allied victory in Europe when it defeated Nazi Germany
18. formerly Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S Faction of the religion founded by Joseph Smith in 1830, whose main body became the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormon church. The sect, originally known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, broke away in 1852, rejecting the leadership of Brigham Young in favour of Smith' it also rejected the practice of polygamy and the label Mormon. Its teachings are based on the Bible, the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, a book of revelations received by its prophets. In 2001 the church formally changed its name to Community of Christ. In the early 21st century it had about 250,000 members and was headquartered in Independence, Mo.
19. orig. Doris von K born April 3, 1924, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States U.S. singer and actress. She worked as a band vocalist in the 1940s and went on to great success as a solo recording artist. She made her film debut in 1948 and starred in musicals such as Calamity Jane (1953), Young at Heart (1955) and The Pajama Game (1957). Playing a sunny, wholesome girl-next-door type, she embodied the idealized American woman of the 1950s. She played dramatic roles in Love Me or Leave Me (1955) and The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) before starring in bedroom comedies such as Pillow Talk (1959) and That Touch of Mink (1962). She also hosted The Doris Day Show on television (1968–73).
20. born November 8, 1897, New York, New York, United States died November 29, 1980, New York C United States journalist and social reformer. While a scholarship student at the University of Illinois (1914–16), she read widely among socialist authors and soon joined the Socialist Party. In 1916 she returned to New York to work for the radical journals The Call and The Masses. With the birth of her daughter (1927), she broke her ties with radicalism and converted to Roman Catholicism. After writing for the liberal Catholic journal Commonweal, in 1933 she and Peter Maurin () cofounded The Catholic Worker, which expressed her view of &personalism.& She sought to aid the poor by establishing urban &hospitality houses& as part of the Catholic Worker movement. After Maurin's death, she continued to publish the paper and manage the hospitality houses. Although her outspoken pacifist views were criticized by Catholic conservatives, she influenced Catholic liberals such as Thomas Merton and Daniel and Philip Berrigan.
21. born Dec. 4, 1908, Owosso, Mich., United States died May 22, 1997, Syosset, New York United States biologist. He worked principally at the Carnegie Institution in Washington, D.C. He and Salvador Luria independently demonstrated the occurrence of spontaneous mutation in both bacteriophages and hosts. Later, Hershey and Max Delbrück independently discovered the occurrence of genetic recombination in phages. Delbrück incorrectly interpreted his results, but Hershey proved that the results he had obtained were recombinations by showing that the genetic processes in question correspond with the crossing-over of parts of similar chromosomes observed in cells of higher organisms. He showed that phage DNA is the main component entering the host cell during infection and that DNA, rather than protein, is the phage's genetic material. In 1969 he shared a Nobel Prize with Luria and Delbrück.
22. French Cent J (1815) In French history, the period between Napoleon's arrival in Paris after escaping from exile on Elba and the return of Louis XVIII to Paris. Napoleon landed on French soil on March 1 and reached Paris on March 20. Austria, Britain, Prussia and Russia swiftly concluded an alliance against Napoleon and forced a series of military engagements that led up to the Battle of Waterloo. On June 22 Napoleon abdicated a second time and was removed to St. H Louis returned to Paris on July 8.
23. 1917 Period in the Russian Revolution of 1917 during which Petrograd workers and soldiers staged armed demonstrations against the provisional government that resulted in a temporary decline of Bolshevik influence and in the formation of a new provisional government headed by Aleksandr Kerensky. To undermine Bolshevik popularity, the government produced evidence that Vladimir Ilich Lenin had ties with the German government. The public reacted against the Bolsheviks, Lenin fled to Finland and Leon Trotsky and other leaders were jailed. The reorganized government was overthrown by the Bolsheviks in October.
24. All Souls' Day
25. April Fools' Day
26. All Fools' Day
27. Dominion Day
28. Day Doris
29. Day Dorothy
30. Day Lewis Cecil
31. Groundhog Day
32. Hershey Alfred Day
33. Independence Day
34. John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
35. Judgment Day of
36. Labor Day
37. May Day
38. Decoration Day
39. Mother's Day and Father's Day
40. New Year's Day
41. O'Connor Sandra Day
42. Sandra Day
43. Six Day War
44. Thanksgiving Day
45. Valentine's Day
46. Veterans Day
47. Day of Atonement
48. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
49. Holocaust Remembrance days
50. Hundred Days
51. July Days
52. June Days
53. Seven Days' B
54. n a period of 24 hours, esp. from 12 o'clock one night to 12 o'clock the next night, or the part of this between the time when the sun rises and the time it goes down, or the part of this spent at work There are 365 days in a year and 366 in a leap year. It took us almost a day to get here - we left at midday on Thursday and arrived on Friday morning at eleven o'clock. Do not take more than ten tablets in any one day. I'm available every day this week. Today is Friday, so the day before yesterday was Wednesday and the day after tomorrow will be Sunday. He was last seen alive five days ago. They haven't been seen for days (= for several days) . I'll be seeing Pat in a few days/in a few days' time. How's your day been (= Has the day been pleasant for you) ? See study section: Calendar Day can be used to refer to the period in 24 hours when it is naturally light. In the northern hemisphere, the shortest day is just a few days before Christmas Day. It rained all day today and most of the evening yesterday. I'm such a slob - I've done nothing all day. During the summer we used to laze around in the sun all day long. I hate working nights, I'd much rather work days. A day can also be a usual period of working, esp when that is during the period when it is naturally light. Can I phone you on this number during the day? What's your normal working day like? I work a seven-hour day. We're having to work a six-day week to cope with demand. & Is Annie at work today?& & No, she's having a day off. & The bank is closed all day Wednesday this week. One day (= On a particular but not named day) a man came up to me and threatened to stab me if I didn't give him my briefcase. I'd love to go to China some/one day (= at a point in the future) . Tomorrow's a big day (= an important day) for her - she's getting married. Today's the big day (= Today is important because it is the day when) I find out whether I've got the new job. He's remembered as an important international statesman but few people know he began his days (= life) in a small country town. When you're a nurse, talking with the relatives of people who are ill is all in a day's work (= something that has to be done as part of your job or duty, even though it might be difficult, unpleasant or unusual) . (after verb) The baby's due any day now (= very soon, esp. within the next few days) . I prefer travelling by day (= when it is naturally light) rather than by night. The same problems keep coming up day after day (= repeatedly) . The noise is absolutely dreadful - you can hear the traffic day and night (= all the time) The latest opinion polls suggest that his days (as leader) are numbered (= he will not be leader for much longer) . The popularity of compact discs ensured that the days of vinyl records were numbered (= they would soon become rare) . He grew weaker day by day (= Every day he became weaker than he had been the day before) . I have to do the same boring jobs day in day out (= every day) . The symptoms of the disease change (from) day to day (= each day they are different) . Ever since he found out that he has cancer, he's been living a day-to-day (= without planning for the future) existence. (before noun) Your day-to-day (= ordinary and regular) responsibilities will include sorting the mail and making appointments. It's impossible to arrange anything with Carol - she never knows what she's doing from one day to the next (= in advance) . (US) Have a good/nice day means I hope (the rest of) your day will be pleasant. They used to be very popular, but now they have had their day (= they are no longer popular) . I can honestly say that in all my (born) days (= during the whole of my life) I've never seen anything so strange. Children take so much for granted nowadays - in my day (= at the time when I was young), a new bike was really special. In her day (= During her most successful period), she was the best sportswoman around, but now younger women have taken her place. You can't afford to run businesses inefficiently in this day and age (= at the present time) . In those days (= In the past) people used to write a lot more letters. If you make someone's day, you make them happy. Seeing Adrian again after such a long time really made my day. This really isn't my day (= I'm having an unpleasant day) my wallet was stolen this morning and now I've lost my car keys. You're going to get into serious trouble one of these days (= some time in the near future) . It's just been one of those days (= a day full of problems) . Things have changed a lot since my day (= since I was involved) we worked mainly on paper and few people had typewriters, let alone computers. & Mike says he's going to give up smoking. & & That'll be the day! (= I think that's extremely unlikely!) & Didn't I see you in the post office the other day (= a few days ago) ? How did people communicate in the days (= the period in history) before the telephone (had been invented) ? Vegetarianism is very popular these days (= now) . & I can remember when you could buy a cinema ticket and a big bag of popcorn and still have change from a pound. & & Ah, those were the days (= life was better then) . & She died ten years ago to the day (= exactly) . To this day (= Until now) nobody has discovered the real reason for the assassination. Day care is care or education provided during the day, esp. for young children or old people, which allows the people who usually take care of them to go to work or have a holiday. a day-care centre for the elderly Inadequate day-care facilities are preventing many people with young children from returning to work. A day nursery is a public centre for looking after young children, esp. while their parents are working. The Day of Atonement is Yom Kippur. The Day of Judgment is the Final/ Last Judgment. See Judgment Day. See at judge (D E C I D E) . The day of reckoning is a time when the effect of a past mistake is experienced or when a crime is punished. The day of reckoning has finally arrived for a man who murdered two children ten years ago. A (UK) day pupil/ day student (also day girl/boy) is a student who sleeps at home and studies at a school where some of the other students live. Compare boarder at board (S T A Y) . (UK) Day release is a way of organizing training so that people can study part-time instead of going to work and still be paid by their employers. My boss wants me to do a day-release course in computing. (UK) A day return is a ticket which can only be used for travelling to a place and back to where you started in a single day. Day returns are cheaper than ordinary returns. How much is a day return to London, please? A day school is a private school whose students return home in the evening. If you make a day trip to a place, you visit it and return home on the same day. Do you fancy coming on a day trip to London next Saturday? A few of the people on the beach were residents, most were on holiday, and some were day-trippers.
55. can't eat another thing
56. fairly common daytime (sometimes even nighttime) hello! good day!
我们发现以下 梵文 单词和翻译为"day":
这就是你怎么说"day"的 梵文。
at the beginning of the day
day + night
day after tomorrow
day and night
day before yesterday
on the day
Part of the day
Ruler of the Day
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