make for祝福短语r

make for是什么意思,make for怎么读,make for翻译为:走向; 前往;冲向;... - 听力课堂在线翻译make for基本解释走向; 前往;冲向;有利于网络释义1. 向...前进2. 有助于,有利于3. 走向,驶向,有助于4. 有助于5. 促进7. 倾向于make for的用法和例句That could make for a fractious party . 这将会导致一个乖张固执的政党。U. s. politics and volatile financial markets make for strange times for the yuan . 美国的政治局势和动荡的金融市场使人民币的日子有些不好过。The signs of restlessness among young chinese make for a less predictable political future . 中国年轻人群体的不安分迹象,使中国未来政治走向更加难以预测。The history of oil in sub-saharan africa does not make for happy reading . 撒哈拉以南非洲的石油历史读来并不让人愉快。Still
this episode might make for jolly cocktail-party banter next time he is in beijing . 不过,这段小插曲可能会成为下次他在北京愉快的鸡尾酒会上的笑料。Falling home prices make for a nation of savers
not shoppers . 不断下降的房价是为储蓄国家所设,而不是消费国。There is no point telling staff the client comes first and then rewarding them on the profit they make for the firm . 告诉员工客户至上,事实上却根据他们为公司创造的利润发给他们报酬,这样做是毫无意义的。What sacrifices did he make for you ? 他为子女做过哪些牺牲?It may make for tetchy government
but it could also moderate the extremes . 这可能导致多变的政府,但是可以使得极端分子们更温和一些。Quotes make for interesting reading . 报价作出有趣的读。make for相邻词汇
&&万​能​动​词​M​a​k​e​用​法​,​ ​及​实​例​详​解​.​ ​利​用​ ​w​o​r​d​ ​的​&​q​u​o​t​;​文​档​结​构​图​&​q​u​o​t​;​ ​查​看​,​ ​效​果​会​更​好​一​点​.​ ​我​把​短​语​按​字​每​顺​序​排​了​下​序​.
你可能喜欢Make for Microsoft Windows: NMake
Make for Windows: NMake
Make Perl modules |
If a Perl module is not available for the ActiveState version of Perl (ActivePerl), you might
be able to download it from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN), and try to build and
install it on Microsoft Windows.
A frequently asked question: "Where can I find make for Windows?". The answer
is: "Download and use NMake".
Downloading NMake
Since Microsoft Windows hasn't in it's default install a make program needed to build the
Perl modules, you have to download NMake 1.5 from the
Installing NMake
Run the downloaded executable to extract the files. Copy both the NMAKE.EXE and the NMAKE.ERR
file to your Perl bin directory, normally C:\Perl\bin. Make sure that you copy the NMAKE.ERR
file as well.
Example of an NMake session
Normally building Perl modules and installing them consist of the following steps:
make install
Just replace make with nmake, and in many cases this will result in a working
module (or modules) installed in the proper location(s).
Below follows an example of building the Net-Google Perl module, and installing it.
for more information.
perl Makefile.PL
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for Net::Google
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility
Version 1.50
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-94. All rights reserved.
cp lib/Net/Google/ blib\lib\Net\Google\
cp lib/Net/ blib\lib\Net\
cp lib/Net/Google/ blib\lib\Net\Google\
cp lib/Net/Google/ blib\lib\Net\Google\
cp lib/Net/Google/ blib\lib\Net\Google\
cp lib/Net/Google/Services/GoogleSearch.wsdl blib\lib\Net\Google
cp lib/Net/Google/ blib\lib\Net\Google\
cp lib/Net/Google/ blib\lib\Net\Google\
nmake test
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility
Version 1.50
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-94. All rights reserved.
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "tes
t_harness(0, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\000-key.t t\001-search.
t t\002-spelling.t t\003-cache.t t\000-key.........#
# The Google API web service requires that you provide create a
Google Account and obtain a license key
# This key is then passed with each request you make to the Goog
le servers.
# If you do not already have a Google Account, you can sign up f
or one here:
# Please enter your Google API key:
All tests successful.
Files=4, Tests=18, 103 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +
0.00 csys =
nmake install
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility
Version 1.50
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-94. All rights reserved.
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\Net\
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\Net\Google\
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\Net\Google\
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\Net\Google\
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\Net\Google\
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\Net\Google\
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\Net\Google\
Installing C:\Perl\site\lib\Net\Google\Services\GoogleSearch.wsd
Appending installation info to C:\Perl\lib/perllocal.pod
Related linksMake for - definition of make for by The Free Dictionary /make+for
make for Also found in: , , , , , .
made (mād), mak·ing, makes
To caus create:
making a commotion.2.
To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putti construct:
made a stone wall.3.
To form by assembling individuals or constituents: We made a temporary information center using savvy volunteers.4.
To change from one form or function to another: make clay into bricks.5. a.
To cause to be or become: mad a decision that made him happy.b.
To cause to assume a specified function or role:
made Austin his home.6. a.
To cause to act in a specified manner: Heat makes gases expand.b.
To compel: made him quit.7. a.
To form in the mind: make an estimate.b.
To compose: make verses.8. a.
T fix: make dinner.b.
To get ready or set in order for use: made the bed.c.
To gather and light the materials for (a fire).9. a.
To engage in: make war.b.
T perform:
make an incision.10.
To achieve, produce, or attain: made peace b didn't make the quota.11. a.
To in enact: make laws.b.
To draw up and execute in a suitable form: make a will.c.
To arrange or agree to: make a date.12. a.
T reach: made Seattle in two hours.b.
To reach in time: just made the plane.13. a.
To attain the rank or position of: made lieutenant.b.
To acquire a place in or on: ma made the newspapers.14. a.
To gain or earn, as by working: make money.b.
To behave so as to acquire: make friends.c.
To score or achieve, as in a sport: made a field goal.15. a.
To assure the success of: Favorable reviews can make a play.b.
To favor the development of: Practice makes a winning team.16.
To be suited for: Oak makes strong furniture.17.
To develop into: will make a fine doctor.18. a.
To draw a conclusion as to the significance or nature of: don't know what to make of the decision.b.
T estimate: I make the height 20 feet.c.
To consider as being: wasn't the problem some people made it.19. a.
To constitute: They make a great team.b.
To add up to: Two and two make four.c.
To amount to: makes no difference.20.
To cover (a distance): made 200 miles before sunset21.
To constitute the essence or nature of: Clothes make the man.22.
To cause to be especially enjoyable or rewarding: Your being along really made the outing.23.
To appear to begin (an action): She made to leave.24.
To persuade to have sexual intercourse.v.intr.1.
To act or behave in a specified manner:
make free.2.
To begin or appear to begin an action: made as if to shake my hand.3.
To cause something to be as specified:
make sure.4.
To proceed in a certain direction:
made after the thief.5.
T imitate. Used with like: made like a ballerina.6.
To undergo fabrication or manufacture: This wool makes up into a warm shawl.7.
To rise or accumulate: The tide is making.n.1. a.
The style or manner in which a thing is made: disliked the make of my coat.b.
A specific line of manufactured goods, identified by the manufacturer's name or the registered trademark: a famous make of shirt.c.
The origin of a product's manufacturing: a bicycle of a French make.2. a.
The physical or moral nature of a person: found out what make of man he was.b.
The physical nature or build of an animal or person: a horse of a beautiful make.3.
Identification of a person or thing, often from information in police records: Did you get a make on the thief?Phrasal Verbs:
make for1.
To have or produce (a particular effect or result): small details that make for comfort.2.
T further: makes for better communication. make off T run away. make out1.
To discern or see, especially with difficulty: I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain.2.
To understand: could not make out what she said.3.
T draw up: made out the invoices.4.
To fill in (a form, for example).5.
To represent as being: made me out to be a liar.6.
To try to establish or prove: He made out that he was innocent.7.
fare: made out well in business.8.
To have sexual intercourse. make over1.
T renovate.2.
To change or transfer the ownership of, usually by means of a legal document: made over the property to her son. make up1.
T construct or compose: make up a prescription.2.
T form: Ten years make up a decade.3.
To alter one's appearance for a role on the stage, as with a costume and cosmetics.4.
To apply cosmetics.5.
To devise as a
invent: made up an excuse.6.
To make good (a deficit or lack): made up the difference in the bill.7.
To compensate for: make up for lost time.8.
To resolve a quarrel: kissed and made up.9.
To make ingratiating or fawning overtures. Used with to: made up to his friend's boss.10.
To take (an examination or course) again or at a later time because of previous absence or failure.11.
To set in order: make up a room.12.
To select and arrange material for: made up the front page. make with Slang 1.
To bring into use: a flirt making with the eyes.2.
T produce: always making with the jokes.Idioms:
make a clean breast of To confess fully. make a face To distort the
grimace. make a go of To achieve success in: have made a go of the business. make away with1.
T steal.2.
To use up or consume.3.
To kill or destroy. make believe To pretend. make bold To venture: I will not make so bold as to criticize such a scholar. make book To accept bets on a race, game, or contest. make do To manage to get along with the means available: had to make do on less income. make ends meet To manage so that one's means are sufficient for one's needs. make eyes To ogle. make fun of T ridicule. make good1.
To carry out successfully: made good his escape.2.
To fulfill: made good her promise.3.
To m make up for: made good the loss.4.
To succeed: made good as a writer. make hay To turn to one's advantage: The candidate's opponents made hay of the scandal. make heads or tails of To understand: I couldn't make heads or tails of the report. make history To do something memorable or spectacular enough to influence the course of history: The first space flight made history. make it1.
T be successful: finally made it as an actor.2.
To have sexual intercourse. make light of To treat as unimportant: He made light of his illness. make light work of To do or accomplish easily. make love1.
To engage in amorous caressing.2.
To engage in sexual intercourse. make much of To treat as of great importance. make nice T make up. make no bones about To be forthri acknowledge freely: They make no bones about their dislike for each other. make off with To snatch or steal: made off with the profits. make (one's) day To give one great pleasure. make (one's) peace with To bri reconcile oneself to. make (one's) way1.
T advance.2.
To succeed, especially in making a living. make sail1.
To begin a voyage.2.
To set sail. make sense1.
To be coherent or intelligible: an explanation that made sense.2.
To be practical or advisable: It makes sense to go now. make something of To start a fight or quarrel over. make the grade To measure up to a given standard. make the most of To use to the greatest advantage. make the scene Slang 1.
To put in an appearance: made the scene at the party.2.
To participate in a specified activity: made the drug scene. make time1.
To travel speedily.2.
To travel at a specified rate: We made good time getting to town.3.
To make progress toward attracting someone: tried to make time with the new neighbor. make tracks Slang
To move or leave in a hurry. make up (one's) mind To decide
come to a definite decision or opinion. make waves Slang
To cause a disturbance or controversy. make way1.
To g move aside.2.
To make progress. on the make Slang 1.
Aggressively striving for financial or social improvement: a young executive on the make.2.
Eagerly seeking a sexual partner.[Middle English maken, from Old English macian; see
in .]mak′a·ble,
make′a·ble adj.make for
vb (intr, preposition) 1. to head towards, esp in haste2. to prepare to attack3. to help to bring about: your cooperation will make for the success of our project.
Switch to Verb1.make for - cause to happen or to oc "I cannot work a miracle"; "wreak havoc"; "bring comments"; "play a joke"; "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area", , , ,
- make or caus "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor",
often the one "The voting process doesn't work as well as people thought"; "How does your idea work in practice?"; "This method doesn't work"; "The breaks of my new car act quickly"; "The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water"
???????? ?????jít ksmě?ovatigyeksziktaka stefnuna áís? k-e do?ru gitmekmake (meik)
– past tense, past participle made (meid)
to create, form or produce. God made the E She makes He
to make a muddle/ to make lunch/ We made an arrangement/agreement/deal/bargain. maak
???????? ???????
(s)tvo? (u)dě sjednat
g?re , , , ,
???????, ????????
??????? ????, ?????
készít, csinál
gera, búa til ,
(pa)daryti, (su)kurti, (pa)ruo?ti, sudaryti
taisīt; radīt
membuat , , ,
(s)tvori?: (u)robi?; uzavrie?
g?ra, tillverka, skapa
робити; утворювати
?????? ????? ????
làm; t?o ra
制造,构成,制定 2.
to compel, force or cause (a person or thing to do something). T He made me laugh. laat
???????? ????????? ???????
bringen zu
f? til at , ,
(tegema) panema
????? ????
??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ????
primoravati, prisiljavati
láta gera, fá til a? gera
likt, piespiest
memaksa , f? til ? , , sk?oni? do
a face (s?), a determina ;
pripraviti koga do ?esa
f? (f?rm?) att, tvinga att
?????? , mecbur etmek
примушувати, спонукати
使...做...,迫使 3.
to cause to be. I You've made me very unhappy. maak
g?re , , ,
tehd? joksikin
???? ?? ????? ??????? ????
tesz vkit, vmit vmivé
vekja tilteknar tilfinningar hjá e-m, valda, orsaka
neden/sebep olmak
???? ????? ??? ????
làm nên 4.
to gain or earn. He makes $100 to make a profit. verdien
vydě dosáhnout
???? ?????
?????, ????? ????
keres (pénzt)
u?dirbti, gauti
memperoleh ,
zarabia?, uzyskiwa?
????? ?????
zarobi?; dosiahnu?
tj?na, g?ra [en vinst]
????? , k?r etmek
ki?m ???c 5.
(of numbers etc) to amount to. 2 and 2 make(s) 4. is
??????? ??????? ?????????
?init, dělat
vaere lig med , ισο?μαι με ,
olla yhteens?
??????? ?-
?????? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ???
kitesz (valamennyit)
gera, vera
(????) …? ??
būti, sudaryti
veidot, sastādīt
menjadi , , wynosi?
... etmek, ...-e e?it olmak
становити, складати
????? ????
to become, turn into, or be. He'll make an excellent teacher. uitmaak
b?t, stát se
blive til ,
(kellestki) tuleb
tulla, olla
???????? ??-
válik bel?le
ver?a, vera efni í ,
tapti, būti
a fi, a deveni ;
by?, sta? sa
ставати, робитися
??? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????
tr? thành 7.
to estimate as. I make the total 483. skat
ocenit (na)
umbes arvama
apskai?iuoti, nustatyti (dyd?)
lē uzskatīt
ocenia? jako
?????? ??? ???
a estima ,
oceni? (na)
f? till, uppskatta till
?????? ?????
??c l??ng 8.
to appoint, or choose, as. He was made manager. bevorder tot
????????? ???????
ser nomeado
vaelge som , ,
?????? ???
??????? ????, ?????
paskirti, i?rinkti
iecelt (amatā)
gj?re til, ,
ser nomeado
utn?mna (utse) till
???????? , tayin etmek
призначати, затверджувати
?????? ????? ?????
聘任,推选 9.
used with many nouns to give a similar meaning to that of the verb from which the noun is formed. He made several attempts (= attempted several times); They made a left turn (= turned left); He made (= offered) a suggestion/ Have you any comments to make? maak
????? ?? ????????? ????????
????? ????
????, ???????? ???????
(általában:) tesz
gera (. . .)
(make+??=??) …??
veikt, []darīt
mengajukan , komme med , ,
g?ra [en kommentar], komma [med ett f?rslag], l?gga [ett bud]
??????????????? ? ????????????????????????? ? , bulunmak
?з деякими ?менниками утворю? фразове д??слово, яке за значенням в?дпов?да? ?меннику
??? ????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??????
s? d?ng v?i danh t? và mang ngh?a nh? ??ng t? mà nó t?o thành
noun a (usually manufacturer's) brand. What make is your new car? maak, fabrikaat
?????? ???????
??????, ???
djelo, tvorevina
buatan, merek
mark?, fasonas, modelis
buatan , ,
марка; модель
??? ?? ?????
h?ng s?n xu?t
品牌,样式 'maker noun a person who makes. a tool- a dressmaker. maker
?????? ?????
aquele que faz
der Fabrikant
- -producent ,
???????, ????????
izra?iva?, stvoritelj
gamintojas, darytojas, dirb?jas
pembuat , –produsent
-makare, tillverkare
yapan kimse
той, хто робить щось
????? ???? ???
ng??i ch? t?o 'making noun the process of producing or forming something.
(also adjective) the road-making industry. maak
?????? ??????? ???????
v? v?robní
die F -herstellend
????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????????
gamyba, darymas
pembuatan ,
????? ?????? ?????
produtora de
(de) fabrica-?ie/(de) con--struc?ie
v? v?robn?
????? ???? ?? ???
quá trình làm ?make-be'lieve noun the act or art of pretending and imagining. a world of make- (also adjective) a make-believe world. o?verblindery
???????? ???????? ?????????
faz de conta
die H Schein-...
φαντασ?ε?, ψ?ματα, , ,
kujutlused, fantaasiad
?????? ????
teeskentely ; , ????? ????
uppger?, ímyndun ; di finzione
vaizduot?, ?sivaizdavimas, ?sivaizduojamas
izlik?anās; fantāzija
kepura-puraan ; , udawany
?????? ???
fante- imaginar ;
inbillning, l?tsas-
hay?l, yapmac?k ?ey
вигадка, фантаз?я
???? ??? ?????? ?? ????
假装(的) 'make-?over noun a (complete) change in a person's appearance made by cosmetic treatment, new hairstyle, new clothes etc.
groot verandering
??????? ???
p?edělání, změna (vzhledu)
die Rundum-erneuerung
ümber tegemine, muutmine
???? ?????
changement de look
??? ?? ????, ?????, ????????? ????????? ?? ???? ?? ???-??? ???? ??? ????
prera?evina, promjena
perubahan penampilan
i?vaizdos pakeitimas
ārējā tēla kardināla pārmai?a
mengubah luaran sama sekali
zmiana wygl?du
zmena, prerobenie (imid?u)
nova podoba
f?rvandling, ny stil
???????? ,
ц?лковита зм?на зовн?шност?
???? ?????
trang ?i?m 'makeshift adjective temporary and usually of poor quality. a makeshift garden shed. tydelike
????? ????????
der Notbehelf
midlertidig , ,
???????? ??????
ideiglenes (tákolmány)
aizstājējs, pagaidu līdzeklis
sementara , ,
provisorisk, tillf?llig
тимчасовий; саморобний
?????? ????
t?m th?i 'make-up noun1.
cosmetics applied to the face etc. She never wears any make-up. grimering
??????: ??????? ???????
das Make-up
veido kosmetika, grimas
dekoratīvā kosmētika
alat solek
декоративная косметика
kozmetické prostriedky, kozmetická úprava
li?ilo, ?minka
makeup, smink
грим; косметика
???? ?? ?????? ??????
trang ?i?m 2.
the set, or combination, of characteristics or ingredients that together form something, eg composition. Violence is just not part of his make-up. karaktereienskap
?????? ?????????????? ???? ?????????????
die Veranlagung
felépítés, ?sszeállítás
ger?; lunderni ;
charakteris, būdas, prigimtis
raksturs, iedaba
keperibadian ; karakter, vesen , ,
sammans?ttning, natur, l?ggning
склад; натура
?????? ???????
性格,成分 have the makings of to have the clear ability for becoming. Your son has the makings of an engineer. vermo?ns
?????? ?????? ??????????
ter as qualidades de
das Zeug haben zu
?χω τα φ?ντα να γ?νω
tener madera de
(millekski) eeldusi olema
??????? ???? ?? ???
??? ??? ??? ????????? ???????
???????? ??????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ????
potrebita svojstva
megvannak az adottságai
vera efni/efnivi?ur í
avere la stoffa di
...? ??? ??
tur?ti kokius ?gimtus gabumus
kebolehan menjadi
ha anlegg for/forutsetninger for
mie? zadatki na
? ?? ??? ? ???? ??????? ???
ter o estofo de
a avea stof? de
иметь задатки
biti ?lovek za
imati sposobnost
ha goda f?ruts?ttningar att bli
gerekli nitelikleri olmak
мати задатки, зд?бност?
?????? ??????
t? ch?t in the making being made or formed at this very moment. A revolution is in the making. besig om plaas te vind
?? ????????? ??????????
образуващ се
em forma??o
v utvá?ení, ve zrodu
im Entstehen
i sin vorden
στα σκαρι?
en formación
??????? ???
u stvaranju
készül?ben van
atsiradimo/formavimosi procese
tap?anas procesā
sedang dibuat
in voorbereiding , som tar form,
w trakcie/w fazie tworzenia
em forma??o
?n devenire, ?n formare
в процессе создания/развития
v nastajanju
u procesu nastajanja
i vardande
yap?lmakta, olmakta
у процес? становлення
?ang hình thành
在发展中,在制造中,在形成的 make a/one's bed to tidy and straighten the sheets, blankets etc on a bed after it has been used. The children make their own beds every morning. maak jou bed op
??????? ???????
оправям легло
fazer a cama
stlát postel
das/sein Bett machen
στρ?νω κρεβ?τι
hacer la cama
voodit üles tegema
???? ???? ???
pedata s?nky
faire le/son lit
???????? ??????
?????? ??? ????
membereskan tempat tidur
kloti lov?
[]klāt gultu
mengemas katil
?cieli? ?ó?ko
? ??? ??? ?????
fazer a cama
a-?i face patul
заправлять постель
spremiti krevet
b?dda s?ngen
yatak yapmak
заправляти л?жко
???? ?????
d?n d?p make believe to pretend (that). The children made believe they were animals. maak of, maak asof
?????????? ???????
преструвам (се)
fazer de conta
dělat, ?e , dass
lade som om
?????? ???
?????????? ??????
apsimesti, vaizduoti
berpura-pura ,
??? ??? ???
a se pre-face ,
hra? sa (na)
pretvarjati se
pretvarati se
...-imi? gibi g?rünmek, taslamak
робити вигляд, удавати
gi? v? make do (with with)
to use something as a poor-quality or temporary alternative to the real thing. There's no meat, so we'll have to make do with potatoes. oor die weg kom met
задоволявам (се)
spokojit se
sich aushelfen mit
klare sig med , τα βγ?ζω π?ρα
arreglárselas con
l?bi ajama
???? ?????
tulla toimeen
?????????? ??????????? ?????? ?????????
???? ??? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????? ????
beéri vmivel
menggunakan sebagai ganti
láta sér naegja ,
menggunakan sebagai ganti
zich behelpen
n?ye seg/klare seg med ,
a se mul?umi cu
uspokoji? sa
zadovoljiti se s ?im
zadovoljiti se
f? h?lla till godo med
обходитися тим, що ма?ш
以...代用,凑合着用,将就 make for to go towards. We're making for home. is op pad
???????? ?????
отправям се
smě?ovat, jít k
styre imod
τραβ? για, ορμ? εναντ?ον
dirigirse hacia
??????? ??????????-
?? ?? ????
vhová igyekszik
taka stefnuna á
eiti (ko) link
udawa? si? w kierunku
a se ?ndrepta spre
smerova?, ís? k
odpraviti se
uputiti se
ge sig av mot
...-e do?ru gitmek
прямувати до
??? ??? ????
?i make it to be successful. After twenty years, we've finally made it. sukses bereik
dokázat to
klare sig godt , llegar hasta arriba
toime tulema
sikerül, elér (pl. vonatot)
takast/ ná árangri ,
kam pasisekti, pavykti
gū izdoties
klare seg godt
добиться успеха
dokáza? to
ba?ar?l? olmak
досягти мети
?????? ????
thành c?ng make it up1.
to become friends again after a quarrel. It's time you two made it up (with each other). weer vriende maak
??????? ??????? ?????????
сдобрявам се
fazer as pazes
smí?it se
blive gode venner igen
?ra leppima
?????? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ????
pomiriti se
berbaik semula
fazer as pazes
zmieri? sa
pobotati se
pomiriti se
bli sams igen, f?rsonas
??? ?? ????
th?n thi?n 2.
to give compensation or make amends for something. I'm sorry – I'll make it up to you somehow. vergoed vir
реванширам се
es wieder gutmachen
????? ????
????? ????
od?tetiti, nadoknaditi
elintézi (a dolgot)
mengganti kerugian
baeta (upp)
mengganti kerugian
????? ????
oddol?iti se
покривати; компенсувати
???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ????
??n bù make (something) of (something) to understand (something) by or from (something). What do you make of all this? om iets van iets te verstaan
??????? ??
βγ?ζω συμπ?ρασμα, ,
v?lja lugema
olla jotain mielt? jstk
???? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?????
suprasti, galvoti
a ?n?elege
myslie? si
razlagati si
anse om ngt
anlam ??karmak,
??? ??? ?? ???? ??????
hi?u make out1.
to see, hear or understand. He could make out a ship in the distance. uitmaak, sien
????? ???????? ???????
?????, ????? ?? ?????
greina, eygja
atpa?inti, atskirti
atpazīt; tikt skaidrībā
urskilja, uppfatta, begripa
?????? , ,
??? ????? ????? ????
nh?n ra 2.
to make it seem that. He made out that he was earning a huge amount of money. dit laat lyk
??????? ?? ?????? ????? ????
преструвам се
fazer crer
f? til at se ud som om
φ?ρομαι σαν, περν? για, παρουσι?ζω σαν
n?gu tegema, teesklema
luoda kuva jstk
?????? ????
láta líta út sem
far credere
?sivaizduoti, stengtis sudaryti ?spūd?
radīt iespaidu
f? det til at, framstille som , stara? si? zrobi? wra?enie
fazer crer
a l?sa s? se ?n?eleag?, a pretinde
делать вид
u?initi da izgleda
l?ta p?skina
...mi? gibi g?stermek, ileri sürmek
робити вигляд, удавати
to write or fill in. The doctor made out a prescription. uitskryf
??????? ? ????????? ??????
napsat, vyhodit
v?lja kirjutama
???????, ???????
?????? ?? ????
skrifa, fylla út
???? ????? ?? ????
vi?t; ?i?n vào 4.
(slang) to kiss, to neck. They were making out in the back seat. vry
????????? ???????? ???????
целувам се
ter rela??es sexuais
muchlovat se
g? til den ,
darse el lote, pegarse el lote
?? ?? ??????
?????. ??? ????? ?? ????? ????
voditi ljubav
szerelmeskedik, smárol
maca? si?, dobiera? si? do kogo?
mojka? sa, oblizova? sa
me?kati se, ljubimkati
ljubiti se
??????; ?????????????
палко об?йматися
?????? ????
相互亲吻,亲吻抚摸 make over (American) to change something or turn it into something else. They made over t The plastic surgeon made her face over. verander, omskep
????? ????
muuttaa perusteellisesti
??????????, ????????
????????? ????
mengubah sama sekali ,
...? ?? ???
pakeisti, perdirbti
mengubah sama sekali
gj?re/bygge om
???? ?????
prerobi?, prestava?, renovova?
??????????? ,
??? ?? ????? ????
翻新,改造 make up1.
to invent. He made up the whole story. opmaak, uitdink
vymyslit si
v?lja m?tlema
????? ????
(??? ???) ????
a se ?mp?ca
vymyslie? si
izmisliti si
????? ?????
sáng tác 2.
to compose or be part(s) of. The group was made up of doctors and lawyers. bestaan uit
????????? ?????????? ??
skládat se
best? af , , ,
???? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ????
áll (vkikb?l)
terdiri dari
setja saman
veidot (no da?ām); veidoties
terdiri daripada
????? ????
a desp? a se revan?a
sklada? sa
???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????
bao g?m 3.
to complete. We need one more player – will you make up the number(s)? opmaak
????????? ???????
voll machen
fylla upp í
melengkapi ,
a completa
fylla ut, komplettera
??????????? (?????)
b? khuy?t 4.
to apply cosmetics to (the face). I don't like to see women making up (their faces) in public. grimering aansit
?????? ?????? ????????
гримирам се
sich schminken
sminke sig ,
????? ????
????? ?? ?????-????? ?????
far?a/mála (sig)
da?ytis, grimuotis
uzkrā grimēties
?????? ???
a (se) machia
накладывать косметику
ma?ova? sa
nali?iti se
?minkati se
l?gga makeup, sminka sig
makyaj yapmak
накладати косметику
???? ????? ?? ????? ????
trang ?i?m 5.
to become friends again (after a quarrel etc). They've finally made up (their disagreement). weer vriende maak
?????????? ??????? ??????
сдобрявам се
fazer as pazes
smí?it se
g?re det godt igen , , ξαναφιλι?νω
hacer las paces,
?ra leppima
????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?? ????
pomiriti se
(fare la pace)
baigti nesutarimus, susitaikyti
berbaik semula ,
??? ???????
fazer as pazes
a se ?mp?ca
zmieri? sa
pobotati se
pomiriti se
bli sams igen, f?rsonas
??????????????????????? (?????????)
??? ?? ????
gi?ng hòa make up for to supply a reward, substitute etc for disappointment, damage, loss (of money or time) etc. Next week we'll try to make up for lost time. daarvoor vergoed
реванширам се
nahradit , wiedergutmachen
????? ?????
??????????? ????, ????? ????
mengganti kerugian
baeta (upp), vinna upp
????, ????
atlyginti, kompensuoti
atlīdzināt; kompensēt
mengganti kerugian , , ,
a compensa ; наверстывать
kompensera, ta igen
tel?fi etmek
компенсувати; надолужувати
????? ????? ?? ????? ????
??n bù make up one's mind to make a decision. He finally made up his mind about the job. om 'n besluit te neem
????????? ????????
rozhodnout se
beslutte sig , tomar una decisión
otsust tegema
????? ?????
????? ????
odlu?iti se
elhatározza magát
ákve?a sig
apsispr?sti, pasiry?ti
membuat keputusan
????? ????
a se hot?r?
принимать решение
rozhodnú? sa
odlo?iti se
odlu?iti se
best?mma sig
зважитися, вир?шити
??? ????? ?? ??????
quy?t ??nh
决定,下决心 make up to to try to gain the favour or love of by flattery etc. She's always making up to the teacher by bringing him presents. guns probeer wen
??????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????????
подмазвам се
naklonit si
fedte sig ind ,
???? ???? ????
courtiser qqn
?????? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????
pribli?iti se, udvarati se
hízeleg vkinek
menjilat, mencari muka
smja?ra fyrir (e-m)
??? ??? ??
gerintis, pataikauti
pielabinā pieglaimoties
in de gunst proberen te komen bij ,
??? ???? ???? ???
a c?uta s? intre ?n gra?iile cuiva
sna?i? sa nakloni? si
prilizovati se
ulagivati se
fj?ska f?r
dalkavukluk etmek, g?züne girmeye ?al??mak
п?длизуватися; п?длещуватися
??? ?? ??????
g?y c?m tình made of
is used in speaking of the material from which an object is constructed etc: This table is made of wood/plastic/steel . made from
is used in speaking of the raw material from which something has been produced by a process of manufacture: Paper is made from wood/rags .
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Five dollars per day, in gold, it is believed, will be a fair calculation to make for all traveling expenses onshore and at the various points where passengers may wish to leave the steamer for days at a time. There was scarcely a thing needed in the business that Durham and Company did not make for themselves. I must show it to you, for you you must have come by the picturesque way along the valley bottom, a road which the people decided to make for themselves three years later, so as to connect the various farms that were made there at that time.
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