
The focus here is exclusively on term-based searches.
A following section in this article discusses four different kinds of term-based controlled vocabulary structures.
They use this type of indexing because term-based search algorithms are well established and relatively easy to understand and implement.
The proposed law aims to expand community-based services for those who want to receive long-term care at home.
VOA: special.
The scientists say that studies based on the new genome may help explain, in the short-term, why the organism has been so aggressive.
VOA: special.
Dr.Gerard Martin says the IMPACT registry for catheterization patients will help doctors to make decisions based on long-term evidence gathered from many hospitals.
VOA: standard.
And Swartz has engaged these big companies by offering its software, dubbed MetraNet, either through a perpetual or term-based license or as a managed service.
We heard many such stories of people arrested - kidnapped might be a better term - based on flimsy claims of a connection to the regime.
This last month provided an illustration: growth funds rose up our near-term performance-based ranks, but not all growth funds were leading.
- 来自原声例句
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副教授。3.7 北京科技大学,计算机科学与技术本科, 5.7 清华大学,计算机科学与技术硕士, 9.7 清华大学,计算机科学与技术博士 。
项目名称 项目来源 起止年月 角色 经费
面向新型网络应用模式的网络化操作系统 核高基
主研 1262万
基于云计算的海量数据挖掘关键技术研究 国家自然基金重点项目
参研 230万
基于分布式键值对网络存储的消息传递程序重播技术研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目
基于重复消息删除的消息传递程序记录重播技术研究 中国博士后基金委
完整数据驱动的MPI调试技术研究 国际合作/MSRA
先进的检查点技术及其在高性能计算中的应用 国际合作/Intel
集群计算机高可用系统研究 国际合作/Intel
主研 5万美元
机群系统功能软件 863
主研 250万
奖励、专利项目名称 奖励名称 等级 获奖时间 总排名/学生排名
高性能计算机性能测试技术 中国电子学会电子信息科技奖 一等奖
高性能计算机性能测试技术 教育部高校科研优秀成果科技进步奖 一等奖
检查点容错技术中文件状态一致性维护的实现方法 专利
一种面向移动设备的网络化个人数据管理方法 专利
一种操作系统网络安装的方法 专利
分布式文件系统及利用其存储数据和提供服务的方法 专利
基于MetaOS技术的操作系统安全性检查方法 专利
基于ServiceOS的多平台应用程序服务管理方法及系统 专利
论 文 名 称 刊 物 名 称
(影响因子,年份) 排名 发表
时间 检索情况(他引次数)
A Rate and Resource Detection Based Receive Buffer Adaptation Approach for High-speed Data Transportation 19th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (0 EI(光)
MPIWiz: Subgroup Reproducible Replay of MPI Applications 14th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (2.22, 09 EI(光),SCI(18)
CprFS: A User-level File System to Support Consistent File States for Checkpoint and Restart 22nd ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (1.36, 08 EI(光),ISTP
Fault Tolerance for Cluster-oriented MPI Parallel Applications Journal of Tsinghua University (06 EI(光)(1)
Thckpt: Transparent Checkpointing of UNIX Processes under IA64 Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (05 EI(光),ISTP(3)
A Checkpointing/Recovery System for MPI Applications on Cluster of IA-64 Computers 4th Workshop on Compile and Runtime Techniques for Parallel Computing (, 5 EI(光),ISTP(3)
Checkpointing of Parallel Applications through Differential Memory Functions Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology 1* 2005 EI(光)
2009 中国电子学会电子信息科技一等奖
2009 高校科研优秀成果科技进步一等奖
2009 清华大学计算机系优秀毕业生
2008 清华之友—中国惠普优秀学生奖学金
2008 “微软HPC学者项目学生及教师研究奖”竞赛学生奖
2008 清华大学计算机系学术新秀
2006 清华之友—中星微电子星光奖学金
2004 清华大学优秀研究生三等奖
2003 北京市高校优秀毕业生
2003 北京科技大学信息学院院长奖章
2002 建龙奖学金一等奖
2001 SONY 奖学金一等奖
2001 北京科技大学数学竞赛一等奖
2000 建龙奖学金特等奖


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