
动物生宝宝和人一样会有疼痛感么?_百度知道原文来自 Quora,已获得答主授权,内容仅代表答主观点。译文由晓然翻译组原创,转载前请与我们联系。译者:蝈蝈
校对:Jing, LisaDo animals or human beings feel pain after being beheaded?在被斩首时,人或者动物会感觉到疼痛吗?Adriana Heguy这是一个困扰了人们很长时间的问题,为什么人在被斩首后,头和身体还能够移动呢?。目前还不清楚在斩首后,大脑是如何在血压骤降,大量且突然的失血的情况下保持短暂运作。但有一些报道指出,被斩首的人确实可以在数秒内维持面部表情,或使表情有明显变化,甚至是抖动双唇。正如你们想的一样,这是一项不可能在人身上进行的试验。我也不清楚用动物来做这实验会让我们从中学到什么,但这样的实验真在老鼠身上做过。脑电图显示,在老鼠被斩首后的四秒内,老鼠大脑仍在维持着运作(如果四秒足够用来思考的话),这比大多数人预计的时间都要长。因此,在瞬间发生的意外中,我们能确定意外(比如车祸)真正发生之前我们经历了情绪变化。(译者注:EEG=Electroencephalography 脑电图记录)/39219-can-severed-head-live.html以上实验,还有种种其他实验——比如老鼠心脏停止跳动后,检测它的脑活动(这种情况下,大脑的意识可以持续30秒,有兴趣的话可以看我的回答:关于濒临死亡的体验的最新理论,都表明了在被斩首,心脏死亡或是窒息后,大脑活动仍然可以持续几秒。老鼠的试验甚至暗示了一种更高级的意识状态。当然,一个无头体(或切断的肢体)的面部表情或肌肉抽搐,可能只是由于简单的条件反射,而非有意识的行为。但有关于啮齿动物的实验似乎表明意识可能会维系几秒钟,而在这种情况下,痛苦,将死的意识也将持续。在某种程度上,感觉到死亡逼临的动物拥有一些对“最后的资源”——肾上腺素进行进化的机制,在特定情况下,这很有可能挽救它们的生命。给那些喜欢读有关断头,死刑的恐怖文章的人的彩蛋://some-experiments-with-severed-heads/别全当真,并祝福你有个好梦。点击这里直接查看「英文版」Adriana HeguyIt's a good question, that has fascinated many people for a long time, why is there still movement of the body and the head as well after a beheading? It's not clear how the brain would keep functioning for a few seconds since decapitation would lead to a massive drop in blood pressure from the drastic and sudden loss of blood. There are reports of severed human heads continuing to have an expression for a few seconds after decapitation, or even change expression after decapitation, or moving the lips. As you guys can imagine, one cannot carry out experiments of the sort in humans, and I'm also not sure what exactly we would gain from beheading lab animals, but this experiment was actually carried out in mice while an EEG was performed, and electrical activity that looked like consciousness continued to exist for 4 seconds,
longer period than one might think, given that it is possible to have thoughts in 4 seconds, and for those of us who have been involved in some type type of accident that takes a fraction of a second, we can attest the emotions that we had to experience before the actual car crash, for example. This experiment, and others carried out on rat's brains after their hearts had stopped (in this case the activity that seemed like consciousness lasted 30 seconds, see my answer to this question: ), suggest that it is possible for brain activity to continue for a few seconds (not minutes), after death by decapitation or after cardiac death or suffocation. The rat experiments even suggest a heightened state of consciousness. Of course, facial expressions or muscle twitches in the limbs of a headless body (or in severed limbs), can result from simple reflexes and do not necessarily indicate any consciousness.But the experiments with rodents seem to indicate that consciousness may persist for a few seconds, and in that case, suffering, and awareness of the impending death, may persist as well. In a way, it would make sense that an animal, sensing death, has some evolved mechanism for a &last resource& adrenaline rush that could perhaps save its life, depending on the circumstances. Bonus points to whoever feels like reading this article full of gruesome details of guillotine executions and severed heads: Take it with a grain of salt, and sweet dreams.近期热门晓然以至道我们是一群热衷于探索世界的人微博:晓然君请长按图片扫描下面的二维码关注
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Do animals or human beings feel pain after being beheaded?在被斩首时,人或者动物会感觉到疼痛吗?
Adriana Heguy
目前还不清楚在斩首后,大脑是如何在血压骤降,大量且突然的失血的情况下保持短暂运作。但有一些报道指出,被斩首的人确实可以在数秒内维持面部表情,或使表情有明显变化,甚至是抖动双唇。正如你们想的一样,这是一项不可能在人身上进行的试验。我也不清楚用动物来做这实验会让我们从中学到什么,但这样的实验真在老鼠身上做过。脑电图显示,在老鼠被斩首后的四秒内,老鼠大脑仍在维持着运作(如果四秒足够用来思考的话),这比大多数人预计的时间都要长。因此,在瞬间发生的意外中,我们能确定意外(比如车祸)真正发生之前我们经历了情绪变化。(译者注:EEG=Electroencephalography 脑电图记录)
Adriana Heguy
It's a good question, that has fascinated many people for a long time, why is there still movement of the body and the head as well after a beheading?
It's not clear how the brain would keep functioning for a few seconds since decapitation would lead to a massive drop in blood pressure from the drastic and sudden loss of blood. There are reports of severed human heads continuing to have an for a few seconds after decapitation, or even change after decapitation, or moving the lips. As you guys can imagine, one cannot carry out experiments of the sort in humans, and I'm also not sure what exactly we would gain from beheading lab animals, but this experiment was actually carried out in mice while an EEG was performed, and electrical activity that looked like consciousness continued to exist for 4 seconds, longer period than one might think, given that it is possible to have thoughts in 4 seconds, and for those of us who have been involved in some type type of accident that takes a fraction of a second, we can attest the emotions that we had to experience before the actual car crash, for example. This experiment, and others carried out on rat's brains after their hearts had stopped (in this case the activity that seemed like consciousness lasted 30 seconds, see my answer to this question: ), suggest that it is possible for brain activity to continue for a few seconds (not minutes), after death by decapitation or after cardiac death or suffocation. The rat experiments even suggest a heightened state of consciousness. Of course, facial s or muscle twitches in the limbs of a headless body (or in severed limbs), can result from simple reflexes and do not necessarily indicate any consciousness.But the experiments with rodents seem to indicate that consciousness may persist for a few seconds, and in that case, suffering, and awareness of the impending death, may persist as well. In a way, it would make sense that an animal, sensing death, has some evolved mechanism for a 'last resource' adrenaline rush that could perhaps save its life, depending on the circumstances. Bonus points to whoever feels like reading this article full of gruesome details of guillotine executions and severed heads: Take it with a grain of salt, and sweet dreams.


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