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WHat about meeting at the school gate?&改为同义句
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what's,the,weather,like,today教案 正文
篇一:What's the Weather Like Today 设计方案 《What's the Weather Like Today?》教学设计方案 南海实验小学 范巧凌 一、概述 《What's the Weather Like Today?》是剑桥少儿英语二级(上)册Unit 2的教学内容。通过本单元的学习,学生要学会各种类型天气的表达法以及初步了解一些关于天气的自然现象。在培养学生的听说能力和交际能力的教学理念指导下,根据教学任务,设计了情境创设、任务呈现、任务完成、拓展阅读等几个教学活动,让带着任务、带着问题在模拟的情境中自主、自然地运用语言,并根据自己的实际情况,拓展学习相关的故事,很好地发挥了不同学生的潜能,使每个学生都能不同程度地发展自己的能力。 二、教学目标分析 1.知识与技能 ? 能听、会说词New words: sunny, snowy, cloudy, rainy, hot, cold, wet, rainbow,high, above, play with, run away, laugh, sing, jump, shout, cry, have a good time,并理解词义。 ? 听、说并能理解、运用本课句子A: What's the weather like today? B: It's sunny. ? 能够完成以下任务:make a weather report, read some stories and make up a story according to the pictures. ? 提高在key points辅助下进行口语表达的能力。 2.过程与方法 ? 通过复习旧知识引出新知识,能够注意到知识的内在联系,初步掌握知识迁移的学习方法。 ? 通过自主听读环节,自主阅读英语儿歌和故事,体验自主学习的方法。 ? 通过自主说、两两对话等形式,提高口语交际能力和运用英语进行思维的能力,体验语言运用的过程与方法。 3.情感态度与价值观 ? 通过做天气预报员,提升口语表达的自信心。 ? 通过自主阅读网络资源,形成独立思考、自主学习的学习习惯。 ? 两两交流中初步形成合作意识和协作精神。 三、学习者特征分析 学生是小学四年级的跨越式实验班的学生,经过两年多的试验,他们对跨越式教学的模式比较熟悉,他们的听说能力也比较强;学生们始终对英语学习保持浓厚的兴趣,对于课堂教学的活动均能积极主动地参与;学生能根据自己的水平、兴趣、爱好选择适合自己的拓展阅读资料,发展自己的能力。 四、教学策略与设计 1.该课的主题是用英语进行天气预报,教师利用网络为学生提供了学习的情境,让学生在根据PPT上的key drills进行模拟的天气预报,充分为学生提供了用英语说话的机会,培养了学生的语言运用能力,增强了他们学习的信心。 2.根据主题内容,教师收集了相关的阅读材料让学生进行拓展阅读,让学生自主听、阅读和相互交流,进一步提高学生的听、说能力和用英语进行交际的能力。 五、教学环境及资源 1.Cambridge Young Learners English Book Two (I) Unit 2:What's the weather like today? 2.网页型教学课件。3.设施完备的网络教室。 六、教学过程 Step I:唱歌对话,引趣激情 1. Sing a song: How is the weather? 2.Free talk:weather lesson schedule how will you go home? What's the weather like next week? 设计目的: 在我国, 英语是作为外语(而非第二语言)来教授的,因此我们并不具备英语学习的宏观环境,只能依靠教师在自己的实际英语教学中,通过创设微观教学环境来促进学生语言交际能力的发展。我们的英语教学是以有限的课堂教学为主的,我们尽量在有限的空间内为学生创造学习外语的语言环境,因此在一开始上课的时候,我们便通过Sing a song(这首歌与本节课主题相关)和Free talk为学生创设学习英语的氛围,把学生带入奇妙的英语世界。 Step II:情境创设,自主学习 T: Do you know the weather next week? Ss: No. T: Little Tommy will tell you.(Show the cartoon and present the weather
report.) Present the task: Try to be a weather reporter. Task cycle: 1. Students enter CAI and listen to the model report. 2. Teacher makes a model to present how to be a weather report. 3. Students talk in pairs and make a weather report helped by some key drills on PPT. Post task: Ask one student to make a weather report. 设计目的: 英语新课程标准倡导用“任务型”教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力。在新授课部分,教师为学生设计了做“小小天气预报员”的任务,让学生在任务的驱动下,在教师的指导下,借助网络资源,通过自主学习、教师示范、同伴交流等,顺利地完成了任务,从而让学生体会到学习的成功感。 Step III:网络资源,故事阅读 T: What can you see in the sky when it's sunny/cloudy/rainy/snow…? Ss: The sun, cloudy, rain… T: Let's learn a story. 1. Students learn(出自: 在点网:what's,the,weather,like,today教案) the story by themselves. 2. Answer some questions about the story to help them to further understand the story. Are the sun and the clouds very good friends?( Who are good friends in our class?) Where do they live?(Where do you live? Where does your friend live?) Do they often play?( Do you often play?) Where do they often play?( Where do you play?) When the sun is playing with the clouds, how do they feel? When the sun is playing with the winds, what do they do? What do they sometimesdo? (When will you shout/cry/laugh…?) Do they have a good time? 3. Students retell the story in their own words in pairs. 设计目的: 四年级的学生喜新好奇,对于图文并茂的故事、儿歌尤其感兴趣。因此,让学生进入课件,自学课标要求学习的故事,并通过问题提示帮助学生理解故事,为他们扫除学习中的障碍。另外,在故事阅读的基础,还通过师生对话,联系学生的生活,让学习不仅仅局限于课本,而是回归生活,使书本语言成为生活语言,为培养学生用英语交际的能力进一步做好铺垫。 Step IV:拓展资源,自主阅读 Read other stories or make stories by themselves. 1. Students read or make the following stories by themselves. Snowman The storm The chicken feather duck The warm wind hat The changeable weather Some pictures for the students to make up stories. 2. Work in pairs to exchange what they have learned. 3. Ask some of the students to presents their stories. 设计目的: 学生在完成教学大纲的内容以后,根据自己的能力和兴趣选取相关的故事进行拓展阅读,让每个学生都能在不同程度上发展自己的能力,达到因材施的目的。学生在学完故事后还要进行两两交流,与同伴分享自己学习的知识,两人在说与听的过程中自然而然又提高了听和说的能力。 Step V:Sum up What kind of weather do you like best and why? 设计目的: 通过总结,既帮助学生总结他们学到的知识,也引导他们总结自己的学习方法,在以后的学习中扬长避短,学得更好。 七、教学评价 学生学习英语的兴趣、参与学习活动的积极性,是否具有良好的语音、语调基础,能否自己动手上网搜寻学习资源进行自主听、说,能否与同学合作学习。篇二:新五年级英语教案What's_the_weather_like_today 篇三:《 What's the Weather Like Today 》教学设计方案 当阅读完《 What's the Weather Like Today? 》这个教学方案后,我受益匪浅。我觉得这堂课的教案有许多优点: (1)课题概述上对教材版本、学科、年级、课时安排有清晰的说明;对学习内容和本节课的价值及重要性介绍清晰。 (2)教学目标体现知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三维目标。 (3)学习者特征分析,详细列出学生所具备的英语听说能力、学习英语的情感态度和学生学习能力等。 (4)教学策略内容和形式丰富、多样,通过用英语进行天气预报,创设学习情境;收集了相关的阅读材料让学生进行拓展阅读,让学生自主听、阅读和相互交流,进一步提高学生的听、说能力和用英语进行交际的能力。 (5)教学资源方面,的优势明显,提供了网页型课件,以及要求的运行环境网络教室等。 (6)教学评价:“学生学习英语的兴趣、参与学习活动的积极性,是否具有良好的语音、语调基础,能否自己动手上网搜寻学习资源进行自主听、说,能否与同学合作学习”体现形成性评价和过程性评价的观点。 同时存在不足: (1)教学资源上:能根据学生的特点、任务的特点,预设资源,缺乏相关资源和泛在资源。篇四:What's the weather like 英语教学活动设计 What’s the weather like today?
英语教师:王欣 设计思路: 1、 千变万化的天气现象是孩子们所喜爱的,它能够给孩子们带来神秘感,能 够激发出孩子们的热情,引发孩子们的兴趣,提高孩子对知识的求知欲,从而发展孩子们听、说等各种感官能力,因此本次活动主题的选择符合孩子们身心发展的规律。 2、 本次活动提倡学生参与、体验、亲身实践,独立思考、合作研究,用开放 式的英语教学活动培养学生的创新精神和英语语言运用能力。 3、 活动中运用多媒体等多种手段使知识进行逐层深入,由单词到句型,由句 型到口语表演,让孩子们在一种自然的环境中去体会,通过动手、动脑、动口,自然而然的学会运用,英语各项技能均有所提高。 4、 活动中教师作为主导,学生是主体,以知识为依托,倡导孩子们关注自然 与健康,突出快乐、轻松、学习的主题。 活动目标: 1、情感目标:培养并提高孩子对英语表达的兴趣。 2、能力目标:能够独立的进行英语思维,组织语言,并把所学知识运用于实际生活。 3、知识目标:掌握天气现象的英文单词,能够询问天气,并做简单的天气预报。 活动内容: 1、词汇部分:各种关于天气现象的单词 2、交际句型:What’s the weather like ――It’s 活动重点:交际句型的运用 活动难点:天气预报的播报环节 活动方法: 1、三段式法
4、游戏法活动准备: 1、多媒体设备、天气课件 2、关于天气现象的英语卡片 活动课时:1课时 活动班级:2班 活动时间:9年3月28日 18:30――19:10 活动过程: 一、 Warm up Step1:Greeting:Good evening,boys and girls! ――good evening,Miss Wang。 Step2:Free talk (Oral English) Some questions:e.g. What are you doing? What do you do everyday? What colour do you like? What’s your favourite animal? How does your mother go to work? Do you like English or Chinese? 设计意图:这是热身环节,以谈话这种自然交流的方式让孩子们走进英语课堂, 开始英语思维。 二、 Leading-in Look at this transparency of the weather report. Let them guess and talk about it. Teacher: What is it? Students:Weather report Teacher:What’s he doing? Students:He is reporting the weather. Teacher:What shall we learn?What’s the topic today? Students:Weather At last, let them know the content of this lesson. 设计意图:这是导入环节,教师通过多媒体设备放幻灯片――中央电视台的天气预报,让孩子们通过看和听生活中的实际场景,来了解天气现象,体会本次英语活动的内容与意义。 三、 Learn some new words. Step1: Know the transparency. Look at the words from every transparency and say them after the teacher 设计意图:认识天气现象的图片标识,并根据图片能够说出天气词汇,这是图片 与词汇配对的过程,使学生先对知识产生感官认识。 Step2: Learn the words. The teacher show the word cards(单词的音标卡片),the children should pay attention to pronunciation, and try their best to remember them as quickly as they can. 设计意图:教师出示单词的音标卡片,让孩子们在记住发音的同时又锻炼了音标 拼读,最重要的是此项环节促进了孩子们想要认识词汇的探索需求,他们自己会认音标,说单词,培养自主学习的精神。 Step3: Activities: 1、Do action and say words:One student uses the body language to show the words, the other students guess the words 2、What’s missing?:First, the teacher writes the words on the blackboard, let the students read. Second, let students close the eyes and guess― ―What’s missing? 3、Listen to the words and draw them:The teacher says the words one by one,the students draw the picture of the weather one by one. Then let them say what they draw. 设计意图:通过丰富多采的活动巩固词汇的学习,同时提高孩子们的学习兴趣。 让孩子们在玩儿中学,在学中玩儿。 Step4: Translate these words. 四、 Learn the sentences Step1: Say this sentence――It’s (划线替换练习) Step2: How to ask?――What’s the weather like today?教师问,学生用刚才所学的句子回答,并且在回答的同时让孩子们聆听老师是怎样问的,从而渐进性的学会问句。 Step3: children make a dialogue with their partners. Step4: Practice――What’s the weather like
(划线替换) 1、Translate the sentences 2、Ask and answer Step5: Look at the table on the transparency and make a dialogue 设计意图:学会并会运用日常交际语言。 五、 知识延伸部分: Let’s report the weather(小小天气预报员) Step1: The teacher report Step2: Who wants to be a reporter? 设计意图:在词汇与交际用语的练习中,孩子们已经掌握了所学内容,这个环节 是孩子们的表演环节,让他们体会生活,体会天气播报的感觉,最重要的是体会成功的快乐。 六、 Summary Step1:Review the words Step2:Say some sentences 七、 Homework 回家后为爸爸妈妈进行英语的天气预报,并观看cctv1、cctv4的天气预报。 活动小结: 活动中孩子们表现的积极、快乐、充满自信,孩子们在认知单词后,通过丰富多彩的课堂活动,他们已经能够流利的表达课堂中学习的交际用语。在延伸活动天气预报之后孩子们初步了解了英语用语在生活中的运用,这些锻炼了孩子们的表达力与表现力,同时,在播报的过程中,培养了孩子们的思维能力与语言的组织能力。在本次活动后,孩子们会更加关注天气现象,更加关注健康问题,更加勇于表达,乐于表达,善于探索。篇五:陕西教师招聘面试英语《Unit5 what’s the weather like today》教案 陕西教师招聘面试英语《Unit5 what’s the weather like today?》教案 1、Teaching aims Knowledge aim: Students will read、write and speak the new words about weather―sunny, windy, cloud, rainy, snowy, moon, star, weather reporter. Ability aim: Students can put the simple words into use flexibly. Emotional aim: Students should keep a good habit that they will pay attention to the weather conditions when they go outside. 2、Teaching key and difficult points Teaching key point: Students will read、write and speak the new words about weather―sunny, windy, cloud, rainy, snowy, moon, star, weather reporter. Teaching difficult point: Students can put the simple words into use flexible. 3、Teaching aids Teaching cards、objects、pictures、tape recorder、PPT and video 4、Teaching procedures Step1 Lead-in 1)Great to students My dear class, how are you today? 2) Sing a song Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. Little John wants to play. Rain, rain, go away. 3)Review Do you still remember what we have learned last class? Who can try? 4)Free talk What do you want to know if you are going to have a travel? Step2 Presentation (Part A let’s learn) 1)New words-sunny, windy, cloud, rainy, snowy, moon, stara、The teacher use the picture to help students learn the new words snowy, windy, cloudy, rainy and sunny by show word card. b、The teacher add the magic letter“y”, to review the word snowy, windy, cloudy, rainy and sunny . c、The teacher present the PPT, and guide students to learn the words star and moon. 2)Phrase-weather report The teacher plays the video about the weather forecast prepared, and guid students to learn phrase-weather report. 3)Activity a、The teacher play the tape recorder, and the students should imitate the tone of the new word in Part A let’s learn. b、The teacher should show the word cards, and students should read it as quickly as possible. Step3 Consolidation 1)Let’s do I say you do. When I say rainy, you should do action “cold”. Got it? 2)Let’s chant What’s weather like today? It’s hualalala rainy day. What’s weather like today? It’s huhuhuhu windy day. What’s weather like today? It’s honglonglonglong cloudy day. What’s weather like today? It’s shuashuashuashua sunny day. Step4 Summary and homework 1)Summary: Let’s read the new words on the blackboard. 2)Homework: search the weather conditions of Beijing、Guangzhou、Chengdu、Shanghai and Lanzhou in a week, and share it with us next class.5、Blackboard design 6、Teaching reflection 文章来源:陕西招生考试信息网
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