到底是until death do us part还是until death do usthings fall apartt

求助till death us do part和till death do us apart的区别_英语吧_百度贴吧
求助till death us do part和till death do us apart的区别收藏
应该没有用apart的貌似这个是个旧式的说法。Words&Random 网站给出的解释是:"In the marriage ceremony prescribed in that 1549 book, the marriage vow included the phrase: till death us departe. In those days the word depart (with or without the final e) meant 'to divide, separate'. (This was reflected in a Latin translation of the book in 1560, in which this clause was rendered as donec mors nos separavit--'until death has separated us'). ""The phrase till death us depart lasted through several versions of The Book of Common Prayer.
In the revision of 1662, however, depart suddenly became
do part. By then the original meaning of depart had largely been lost, and the simple word part conveyed the meaning of separation."换言之,不需要太去纠结这东西或是尝试用什么语法来解释……约定俗成的东西罢了
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或今天无意间看了看章子怡演的《最爱》预告片,英文名译作till death do us part?不是应该是do us apart 吗_百度知道


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